FF7 HD Remake


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
15's combat system wasn't that bad

No in and of itself it's kinda passable. But it completely changes the feeling of the game. You know how the hardcore Porsche fans really really hate it when a 911 comes out with something other than a hydraulic power steering because it doesn't feel like a porsche any more? Fucking with the combat system in 15 is basically the same thing...

The combat system is a massive part of what defines a Final Fantasy game. And for them to ditch that in favor of a generic hack 'n slash combat system more suitable in a dragon age game was an insane let down.

FF15 is a Porsche with electric power steering... It does the same job but at the same time it doesn't feel right..


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
The problem with the older systems is they feel dated and they're very limited to what they can do in battles with them, going by that model forever its just - stand in front of an enemy until its dead, its not very appealaing to new players - more combat oriented systems like 15 appeal to newer players and gives them much more freedom to make huge encounters or good boss battles.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Mile wide, inch deep :)

Lots of flashes and wooshes but very little in terms of tactical thought or knowledge of the combat system required.

Its not a dig at FF especially, its pretty much rampant in games now.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Some leaked info popped up about VII, sounds somewhat legit.

The world map will be similar to how FF12 worked but the zones in FFVII will be much bigger. The cities in FFVII will require a loading screen to enter but once you're inside the entire city will be available without the need of anymore loading screens

Tifa's boobs were made smaller

FFVII won't be out before 2019 and very little new info will be revealed until after Kingdom Hearts 3 is released.

The end of the first section for FFVII remake will be just after you fight Jenova Birth on the boat from Junon to Costa Del Sol.

Development was pushed back a few months because Square Enix fired one of the teams that were contracted to work on FFVII as they were doing a terrible job, the work the had done has to be looked over and completely changed.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
The more I hear about this the less interested I become. Jenova Birth on the way to Costa Del Sol? That's basically the very beginning of the game.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
The more I hear about this the less interested I become. Jenova Birth on the way to Costa Del Sol? That's basically the very beginning of the game.

Aye, depends how big the journey towards Jenova Birth is tho, it only took a few hours on FVII but in this it could take a few days of casual play.

I still have high hopes for it, Kitase said the staff that are working on the remake are all people that grew up playing the original and the fact they've already fired a team for doing shit work tells me they're not half arsing it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Wait, what? Is it a drip feed milkathon?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Wait, what? Is it a drip feed milkathon?

It's in 3 parts like the original..how much they'll charge for each part I have no idea - it needed to be split because of how big they're going to make it, although it won't have the same world map like the original, it will still have massive areas.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Sounds like this is basically

The same characters as FF7
Roughly the same storyline as FF7
Same place names as FF7
Possibly similar art style for locations? That have been completely changed around.
Released over 3 phases, I don't want to wait months between "sections" and I certainly don't want to pay to do that. The first was 3 parts based purely on disk size (CD, 750mb...or whatever) and wasn't sold separately.
New game in the crappy modern FF corridor style.

Big nope from me I am afraid, until proven otherwise. Just sounds like a cash in on a classic


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I believe you buy the game and you get the other parts for free as they come out (pretty sure that's how they're marketting it)

Also, it won't be a corridor game :p being like FF12 but massively bigger zones is not a corridor game, there were open areas in 12 but 12's were segmented loads due to hardware limitations, VII remake doesn't have those limitations so the zones will be bigger - as an example you can go into Midgar and the entire city of Midgar will be one seamless open world experience. I'm going to reserve my judgement until I know more, for now tho it sounds fine to me.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
On the subject of FF is the PS4 remake of FF12 any good? Reviews say it’s the best one after 7. Any thoughts from people on here who have played it?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
yep, its great.

I can only play games these days that are story driven and the story immerses you, like FF7, LOU and Horizon Zero. Given FF15s story was utterly laughable how would you rate 12s story?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I can only play games these days that are story driven and the story immerses you, like FF7, LOU and Horizon Zero. Given FF15s story was utterly laughable how would you rate 12s story?

It's a decent story, nothing on VII's level comparison wise but definitely up there in the top FF storylines.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
More details emerge

According to this report, Final Fantasy VII Remake is actually divided into two parts, with the first one ending where the original game’s first disc ended. The report also claims that a playable demo will be made available after the E3 next month.

-Game is in fact 2 parts. Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down into the water after her death and a fade to black.

-Materia is shown in ALMOST all weapons. They do not appear in accessories nor do accessories appear on your character model. Different weapons will however appear on your model for example Rune Blade will be on Cloud’s back if equipped and exploring.

-Different weapons have different triangle heavy hits (does not cost an ATB charge) Buster Sword has Punisher Rune Blade for for example has Cleave. You use these heavy hits after a string of regular hits. Regular hits are chip damage and the main damage will be from heavy combo finishers and the of course the massive LIMIT BREAKs.

-Using Magic will consume ATB along with MP. You get more bars as the game progresses.

-Summons will work for the most part as cut scenes like the original, they do not fight with you on the field. There is 1 new Summon Amarok and appears to be a wolf and causes darkness in addition to damage.

-Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some “zones.” There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world. Vehicles like the Tiny Bronco work almost exactly the same only being able to go in lighter water. There will be items available occasionally on the field. Chocobos will of course be obtainable after the farm.

-They have really made an effort to make each town feel lived in, and feel like there is a reason why each place is like the way it is. Each town is very unique from the last. Cosmo Canyon and its occasional dust storms are a stark contrast to the streets of Midgar. Upper Junon feels very much more like a military installation than Midgar as well.

-Sephiroth is very limited in what is shown of him until the Kalm flashback. Before this you only hear his voice or see glimpses of him during Clouds breakdowns.

-The HP shown during the state of play is not indicative of what their HP should/would be normally during those times. Simply for Dev showcasing.

-There will be demos on the game floor with PSN demo following shortly after for people at home directly after E3.(Playstation Plus required)

-Monster redesigns for a lot of the enemies but most will remain recognizable. Some do not make an appearance. For example there was no ghost enemies in the train yard.

-Shin-ra HQ wont have quite as many floors to explore but MORE to do on the floors you do go to so it still feels like your fighting through a lot to get to the top.

-The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit, her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western. Materia also shows up on her gloves.

-Cait Sith seems to be pronounced “Ket” Sith but has undergone no major design overhaul. His fighting style is more close up, and does have his BARS for a LIMIT BREAK.

-Golden Saucer will have some games that are not playable(yet) because they are essentially replaying a part of a later story mission. Some will be playable right when you arrive. They want it to feel more grand and provide a break from the main story beats while still eventually having to incorporate the story into it later.

-Red XIII has clones Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV you must fight before he joins your party in Shin-ra HQ

-Cid does not appear to be smoking but you see evidence that he does. He is clearly upset with Shera but toned down the aggressiveness as they felt it was unnecessary.

-Yuffie and Vincent are no longer optional. You can miss them up until a certain point where they then become mandatory to get. You automatically get Yuffie if you have not gotten her before Rocket Town for example.

-Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.

-Honey Bee in requires GIL to get into instead of a membership card.

-Squatting mini-game returns.

-As these are FULL games each will be in fact priced at 59.99 USD

-Signals have gone out to retailers to prepare for pre-orders.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
first half of 2020 for Remake apparently

"It doesn't look like Final Fantasy VII Remake will release for the PlayStation 4 this year, but that doesn't mean the long-awaited remake isn't drawing closer. According to a new report, the remake of the classic role-playing game will release in the first half of 2020. The report comes way of Kotaku's Jason Schreier, who has a reputation for not only having scoops, but accurate ones. In other words, his claims are usually very reliable. When asked by a fellow Twitter user about a handful of games and their release dates, the Kotaku reporter made the claim that Final Fantasy VII Remake will release in a very busy first half of 2020."


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
So they removed the implied gang bang from the Honey Bee Inn scene?! And Cid isn't the most hateful bastard toward Shera? Bet Tifa's boobs are smaller too, god damn feminazi SJW cucks ruining my games with their liberal agenda! :cautious:

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