Favorite movies... and what they might tell about us?


Uncle Sick(tm)

I can't help it /sniffle

I hate Elmo with a passion... he starts talking and I want to rip his voicebox out and dance on it...
Elmo does one of his famous "what animal am I?" charades and I grit my teeth...
oh... and I like Huxley. He is my hero. Hehe...

Well, little troll baby with 13 months loves Elmo (though I suspect she likes Huxley better, too...) . Guess I have to put up with the little creep :)

Anyone remember the little "Tickle Me-Elmo" that came out a couple of years? For X-Mas?
Sold out everywhere... people were in a Elmo craze (didn't wear their aluminum foil hats to protect them from the mind beams...)... got one after looking for ten (!) hours.... I hate Elmo.


Originally posted by sickofit...
Anyone remember the little "Tickle Me-Elmo" that came out a couple of years? For X-Mas?
Sold out everywhere... people were in a Elmo craze (didn't wear their aluminum foil hats to protect them from the mind beams...)... got one after looking for ten (!) hours.... I hate Elmo.

You need therapy, Troll, serious therapy ;)

Tell me - have you ever driven over 100 miles finding different Burger King stores? Bloody MiB promo neuraliser!

I hate marketing departments more than you hate Elmo.....

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus
I hate marketing departments more than you hate Elmo.....

T'is not possible, milord... my Elmo-hatred is all consuming.

... and I didn't get the blasted Tickle-critter for meself... my daughter wanted one :)

Tickling Elmo worked quite nicely actually... I tickled it for hours and hours in an attempt to humiliate Elmo by making him pee himself... It didn't work...


Weis & Hickman are certainly great authors. I love, love, love their books.

That 7 book serie was the best epic kind of story I've ever read. Kept me awake for nights. ;) Don't really remember/know the title anymore though (silly Dutch title, never bothered to look up the original English one
:rolleyes: ).

Alfred was the best. :)

Good for reminding me, might start reading them again.


Originally posted by sickofit...
(now WotC effectively killed the DL setting... 3rd Ed. Ninja-Monk-Fighter-Cleric Orcs didn't fit with the world, I guess...)

Apart from totally not agreeing with you on the Feist thing (I love the guy ;) ) I have to say you've got the nail right on the head there.
Since WoTC took over the TSR franchise they have totally and utterly f**ked up the distribution of the DragonLance/AD&D series in the UK.

I had (note the past tense there) Dragons of a Lost Star (War of Souls II) on order from Amazon.co.uk for weeks waiting for it to surface in paperback (I presume it was coming from the US where it was out in paperback) and guess what - frigging WoTC have now delayed indefinitely their UK publishing of this book in paperback.
I mean wtf is that all about??????!!!
They have book III (Dragons of a Vanished Moon) out in hardback so I presume they only want customers to buy these books now in hardback.

It is so irritating. I have every one of the DragonLance books right through from the first publication of Chronicles and to be now unable to keep up my collection because of these stupid tossers is beyond a joke.
Bring back TSR please.


Er, excuse me everybody.......

I don't know why you are all mentioning different films, because everyone KNOWS that the best film of all time is..

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!

Obvious, isn't it?

Those oompah loompahs rock! :D

Honestly, as if you'd forget.....

Ok, ok so Shawshank, Schindler (I cried for hours), and the rest were ok, I suppose

Uncle Sick(tm)

Willy Wonka... good god...
Never watched the movie, read the book when I was a kid... *sigh* good, old times.

But good Lunar.. I am sure you have surpassed the age of twenty already- and Willy Wonka is still your favorite? Tsktsk;)


TOP GUN - 80's cinema at its best

Followed by Bladerunner, Apocalypse Now, Black Hawk Down, Transformers(The Movie) + Titan AE.

You can't beat scenes like a helicopter attack to Wagner + the little dude in Titan AE screaming "WHOOSSS YA DADDYYYY!!!"


1. Potemkin
2. Mad Max
3. Matrix
4. Braveheart
5. Star Wars IV-VI


1. gladiator
2. the rock
4.the fifth element
5.starship troopers

my parents own a video store so i can watch as much movies as i want muhahahahhaha!!


Shawshank Redemption
Lord of the Rings
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Dao - The Blade (no, not the Blade vampire killer movie)
anything by Lars von Trier
Star Wars ep. 2
Star Wars ep. 5
Thin Red Line
Sixth Sense
Full Metal Jacket

Umm... some more but can't just remember them right now.


No one has said The Green Mile or Saving Private Ryan

<confused smiley goes here>

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