Favorite movies... and what they might tell about us?



I have got to agree with talen_sun about mallrats, dogma jay & silent bob strike back etc, they r soo cool:clap:

i'm noticing that no real chick flicks r mentioned though, so being a girl who likes a little romance now and again i thought i'd offer some of my favourite girl films

Dirty Dancing
My girl 1 & 2
Sleepless in Seattle (although this gets boring after the first hundred viewings)

ok thats enough of that. Back to the testosterone laden action flicks. my favs r:

Lethal Weapon 4 (1-3 were good too)
The Bone Collector
and anything starring Wesley Snipes, Wil Smith or Densel Washington! :clap:


If you have not seen Training Day and like Denzel Washington... go rent it NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Great movie :)
Titanic is quit horrible :eek:


Originally posted by SFXman
Holy Grail was just superb :D


"Your farther was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberys"


"It's only a model"

< song >

"On second thoughts let's not go there it is a silly place"


Clasic lines from a clasic film

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Sionell
i'm noticing that no real chick flicks r mentioned though...
Um, Perfect World. Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood. CHICK FLICK! A definate for guys wanting to be the shoulder to cry on, but be warned, you may be looking for a shoulder yourself. ;)




I'm suprised noone else has mentioned it yet tbh...


Cyrano de Bergerac

or maybe
The Usual Suspects
(only coz I saw it before the hype - think I'd have enjoyed it less were I going to the film thinking "Who's Keyser Soze" rather than "Ooh cool film with guns n stuff that looks a bit like Shadowrun minus the magic")

Add in 'Memento' - that film is superb :)


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
Has anyone here seen Taxi 1 & 2 by Luc Besson?
Good if you like car chases, silly humour and don't mind it being French :)

Speaking of foreign language films - Run Lola Run is superb (again if you don't mind subtitles - tis a German film)

Madonion Slicer

Damn this could be a long list, and i know i will forget a classic.

Godfather 1&2
Terminator 2
Young Guns
Aliens 2
Warriors - Notice someone else put this and if you dont know it, i suggest you rent it and watch, excellent street gang movie.
Sixth Sense
Usual Suspects
Things to do in denver when you dead
Star Wars all of them
Fast and Furious - if not just for the cars and the women
Van Damme Films - i like his cheesey old ones like Kickboxer, Blood sport and Double Impact, no one can do a slow mo repeating flying round house like the Damme.
Jay and Slient Bob, funny as hell in anythig they do
Enemy At the gates - then play Medal of honour after
Blade 1 & 2
Lost Boys - Top Film and a pukker soundtrack to boot
Jim Carrie - cracks me up
Pulp Fiction
Resvoir Dogs
Dusk Til Dawn - Yep old Tarrintino indeed knows how to make a fuking hard movie
Hard Men

man i had better stop, all i can say is this is a hard to pin down, i love movies watch them all the time never have normal TV channels on, but they come to mind and if i sat here this list would get longer and longer.


The Full Monty
The Patrol Officer
Monty Python. Any of them.

And i thought unbreakable SUCKED!

There's just too many good movies, i can't decide!


Ok only posting this cause no one else has said them .. and i can't believe they have been missed out

The Crow - Brandon Lees last film is so Dark and the the storyline is classic

Apocalypse Now - An excellent film which runs on so many levels

Unbreakable - With Bruce Willis is also wayyyyyy cool.

Personally I liked the animated Lord of The Rings film as well .. except they never completed the book, It was really well done.

Any old WW2 film as they are always good for a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Being John Malkovich is also really cool because its just so damn wierd.

Speaking of wierd wasnt Twin Peaks just awesome

:D :D :D

Those probably just show that I have a screwed up mind heehee

Edit : Forgot the Perfect Storm which is just a really intense film


For a Guy Pierce movie I liked Memento big time, also LA Confidential was very good.

My favorite movie is Gladiator. Others I really like are Heat, The Messenger (Joan of Arc), Mission Impossible 2, Bad Boys, Rush Hour 2, ...


Originally posted by old.tRoG

And i thought unbreakable SUCKED!

it was really quite bad but in a good way...

cheesy fun :) :clap: :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus

I'm suprised noone else has mentioned it yet tbh...

Rainman.. yeah... uh-hmm... yeah, Rainman, yeah.

Should I explain that joke now?;)



there is NO other :)
alot of movies are cool/1337/hardcore (whutever) bot boondock saints rule them all, I am not able to explain why but that movie is THE best movie I have ever seen (all 10 times so far :))

Willem Dafoe as gay that is SO good :)

(love the comment to the bartender in the gay bar ;))

if you haven´t seen it pay a visit to your local flickpusher ;)


Dunno if this film has been mentioned yet (havent read whole thread, cant be bothered) but i have to say my favourite film is:

Independence Day

Why? It had great effects for when it came out (1994) and i just like combat aircraft for some reason. The only thing i dont like is that its so... erm... american. I mean the defeat of the aliens being on the 4th of july and b*llsh*t like the american flag being shown at every possible moment is really annoying.

Second place would be Lord of the Rings for me.


Will Smith is great in Independance day and Men in Black... can't wait for MiB 2 since the trailer is pretty freaking hilarious.


Two films I havent seen mentioned that I thought I'd mention.... just cos they are two of the greatest films ever!!!

Romeo Must Die
Pitch Black

Pitch Black starts slow, but kicks off in a big way!!... and Jet Li just kicks ass.... literally!!

Also, all the Kevin Smith films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma & Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back) rule as well as Star Wars, Blade, Spiderman and Lord of the Rings...


To add a bit of twist into the thread, Ill just add some of the biggest disappointments of reasonably new American movies here (surprisingly most of them sequels...):

Episode I, Attack of the Clones and Return of the Jedi (after Empire Strikes Back it was clear that Lucas should never, ever touch the director's seat again... and then, PTTTOOOUH!, he does and 'inserts' first the ewoks, then JarJarShit and... does such a marvelous job writing those 'magnificent' love scenes in AOTC...). What next.... can hardly wait.

Godfather 3 (not a bad movie, but why? well, better than most of the shit Coppola has done in the 90s... e.g. Jack or whatever and that even worse Robin Williams movie about the Jewish ghetto...).

Beverly Hills cops 2 and 3 (Eddie Murphy really went downhill after first Beverly Hills Cop...).

Lethal Weapons 3 and 4 (Please!).

Jaws 2,3.....

Mission Impossible 2 (+rest of John Woo's Hollywood productions, minus FaceOff).

Escape From LA (another great director down the drain... well, last reasonably Ok movie was probably Prince of Darkness, and he has done a LOT of shit before too)

Spielberg's Hook and Private Ryan (well, Normandy was VERY impressive, but generally a disappointing movie).

Coen brothers' Hudsucker Proxy (just didn't work for me).

Titanic. How can Cameron pull that kind of shit? Shitty script with shitty acting and not really spectacular effects either (which is probably a good thing though...). And the biggest pain is you couldn't escape Celine Dion anywhere after that movie.

Almost any American movie that was originally French, includes a LOT of movies: e.g. The Assassin, 3 Men and a baby, Just Visiting, 9 Months, +1000 others!

skerit XP

I never had something I liked more (I watch series more) Like my favourit series, buffy and charmed, I can't figure out wich is my favourite...

Good movies:

Independance day (watched it over and over and over again as a even-younger kid)

Star trek first contact (I love it when they go back in time, and with the borg and all, yay!)

Star wars episode 5 & 6 & 2 (I didn't tape episode 4! (dumbass) but I did tape 5 and 6 and watched it over and over again... and episode 2, well... gues!)

Harry potter :) (Don't laugh, it's really fascinating, if oyu get past the childish handle from book 1, 2 and 3)

Spice girls the movie (or how it was called, I loved that movie! still do! aaah, the days...)

Lord of the rings (Another great movie, still ahve to read 1450 pages from the book)

There are a lot of others that I just can't remember...

btw, the the first movie I ever saw in the theatre was free willy :)
Now I go to the movies a lot, I just can't remember them...


Pempula I agree about Titanic but enjoyed AotC... EP I sucked ass though...
skerit XP, Spice Girls the Movie... umm... seen it but, I think you watched some porno version or something for it to be good :)

skerit XP

I was 10 when it came out, everyone I knew was a spice girl fan (err, or at least listend to the music) and the movie just was always good :) I liked it :D



You all forgotten the last movie with Brandon Lee?

the best movie ever reached my eyes: The Crow.

it's intelectually beautiful. Unique roles, charismatic actors and brilliant music. Prolly the darkest movie ever made, yet the story sticks to its point, and the symbols in the movie is matching the story. :)

:m00: :sex: :m00:


Never really rated the crow, it was OK but nowhere near as good as everyone seemed to think it was.

I agree Harry Potter is an ace movie - a far better movie than the first LotR in my opinion (I love LotR books but I couldn't keep a straight face throught the Fellowship of the Ring movie)

The Hudsucker Proxy is cool (you know, for kids?).

A bit lighter than some of the Coen's later stuff (nowhere near as dark as Fargo, although "O brother, where art thou?" wasn't too dark)

Speaking of which 'The Big Lebowski' is a superb film.

El Duderinio


I know people will not like when I say this but:
I am not going to read children's books or watch children's movies such as Harry Potter. Please oh please leave it at that... I say it to people in RL too and it actually really is my opinion on the whole craze.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by SFXman
I know people will not like when I say this but:
I am not going to read children's books or watch children's movies such as Harry Potter. Please oh please leave it at that... I say it to people in RL too and it actually really is my opinion on the whole craze.

Uhm.. nobody told you to go watch it, MachoMan.

I know SFXMan will not like what I say now but (;)):
Wait until you have kids... you will be surprised what kind of movies you will watch all of a sudden ("Elmo" anyone??? Rarrgh).

And Harry Potter? That was a nicely done, little movie. I enjoyed it... though- what the fuck did Harry Potter do throughout the whole movie except being him and "looking cute" (-> that's what the Missus said..not I;))?
His friends had all the work if you ask me.

Oh- The Big Lebowski? On DVD, on my shelf, gonna watch it again tonight.
Fingoniel, you bad llama, LoTR was neat except for some major burps
- LIV TYLER (what the flying fuck does she do in the movie!?), the giant moth rescuing Gandalf..gawds did I laugh... and where was Waldo aka Tom Bombadil?
Otherwise the movie was fun and I can't wait to see part 2:)


Might have just missed it, but did noone mention A Clockwork Orange yet? :(

Still tops my list together with LotR, 2001: A Space Odyssee, Dogma, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club and some others that dont immediately pop into my mind now, but are probably already mentioned in all the other posts. :D

[EDIT] How can I possibly forget to mention Dr. Strangelove... :rolleyes: And the Monty Python movies... [/EDIT]


Glad to see SFXman has closed his mind on the subject already ;)

Harry Potter isn't a kids book... it's a fantasy novel that appeals to kids.

Read book 4 in the series - it's not for little babies anyway :) (it gets pretty dark for a 'kids book')

(but if it's not your bag it's not your bag baby, I'll not lose any sleep if you don't want to read it :))

OK it's not Bloodthirsty hack n slash sword n sorcery, but it's good stuff, well written.

There was me, that is Fingoniel, and my three droogs, that is Coren, sickofit and SFXman, and we sat in the Barrysworld forums trying to make up our rassodocks about what to do with the evening.

yay orange.

old.The McScrooges

Excaliber - for the scene through the blossoming orchard.
13th Warrior - for the choosing of the 13 scene.
Lock Stock & Snatch
Swordfish and Blade for the first twenty minutes then please turn them off....
Moulin Rouge.

And whats that say about me? I'm a chivalrous Northman, fallen angel gangster geezer who likes to can-can.
I think.

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