Favorite movies... and what they might tell about us?



Is fallen the one with Azazel? or am I thinking of something else...

if it was it was cool :) :clap: :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hmm... Fingoniel is right. It's pretty dark for supposed children-only books/movie.

Lets just look at the movie:
A wraith-like creature drinks a slain unicorn's blood?
3-headed dog from hell ('lo cerberus;))? Well, we may laugh about it- but sure as heck that thing would have scared me as a 7yr old ;)
Then the end "battle". Harry "dustifies" Professor Quirrel who has a face (that Voldemor guy- surprised I haven't seen any in-game yet;)) growing out of the back of his head....
I wouldn't call that a pure children's book, friends.

Now what did we read when we were kids (talking about the pre-80's people here;))
Pippi Longstocking etc. Astrid Lindgren would rotate in her grave knowing what kids read and watch nowadays..hehe

Definitely not solely a kids book- not my preferred read but "a movie for the whole family"

Hey, think about it SFX... girls will think you are a smart, sensitive guy if you say something like:
"'lo- gotta run and watch Harry Potter. Heard it was cute."



[Edit] And oh, Fingoniel- I like your little quote ;) Calling me a droog...tsktsk..


Only one

This is so easy to answer really.

5th Element, and a few reasons.

Directed by:Luc Besson

Music by: Eric Serra

The world.

The plot. (I mean, the good guys and the bad guy don't even meet in the movie! Ever! Not even a glimpse!)


Mangalore (The're just plain rude.)

Gary Oldman (Best badass ever)

Bruce Willis (Oh come on...best world saving role he ever had..and he had many :p )

Chris Tucker (And the funniest sidekick award goes to..)

And then...the main character reason...naturally....

Milla Jovovich (OH! Suit you sir!)

And there you go.


Originally posted by skerit XP
I never had something I liked more (I watch series more) Like my favourit series, buffy and charmed, I can't figure out wich is my favourite...

What is it about Buffy and whats his face, the bloke who got his own series?

Its the worst tongue-in-cheek, skewed vampire rubbish I've ever seen.

Some teenagers these days......:confused:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Lanceloc

What is it about Buffy and whats his face, the bloke who got his own series?

Its the worst tongue-in-cheek, skewed vampire rubbish I've ever seen.

Some teenagers these days......:confused:

Hehehe... just remembered that one LARP I went to years ago.
A couple of goth kids thought it would be cool to play vampires...
The same night a nice mob gathered in front of their big tent (torches and everything, hehe) and some nice PvP action took place...
The good, old times:)


Argghh what a question

In absolutely no order whatsoever...

The Fifth Element
Moulin Rouge
Gone With the Wind (yes I'm a sucker for that old overblown MGM style)
Star Wars (all of them)
Say Anything
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Field of Dreams
The Shawshank Redemption
Any 1950s musical, particularly Guys and Dolls, ShowBoat, Clamity Jane or Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (and I don't care!!!!)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Little Shop of Horrors
The Blues Brothers
Better Off Dead/One Crazy Summer
Grosse Point Blank (anyone getting the John Cusack theme yet?)
Men In Black
All the Disney films, specially Snow White
Bull Durham
The Princess Bride
Time Bandits
Lord of the Rings: TFotR
Excalibur (for the best retelling of the Arthurian legend and some top quality music)
The Untouchables
Grease (and its sad sequel Grease 2)
The Searchers (best John Wayne film ever)
White Heat (and all of James Cagney's other gangster films)
Singing In the Rain (and the rest of Gene Kelly's stuff)
Ziegfield Follies
That's Entertainment 1+2

Okay, I'll stop now ;)

Ooops I forgot Ladyhawke, all of John Hughes' 80s films including Pretty in Pink, St Elmo's Fire, The Breakfast Club, and Ode to Billy Joe.

Nala Lionne

Being John Malkovich and Airplane

2 great films and I don't think I saw them mentioned!

Oh, and American Beauty! Love it :clap:


Usual suspects
Godfather I, II, III
Duce Bigalow (best comedy ever =))
Rat Race (A MUST SEE movie great comedy)
Donnie Brasco
Heat (great action movie, don't like the ending though)
then we have the "irish" movies, Lock stock...
Trainspotting etc...
Shawshank Redemption
Scent of a woman (makes my neckhair to rise at the speach in the end of the movie)
Raging Bull
Deer hunter
The Rock
Indiana Jones movies
The Untouchables
A bride too far

and so many more...


I was 100% sure that my earlier post would raise some talk... some of my friends also hate it when I get on the subject but, hell, I have loads of friends who agree with me.
Originally posted by sickofit...
Lets just look at the movie:
A wraith-like creature drinks a slain unicorn's blood?
3-headed dog from hell ('lo cerberus;))? Well, we may laugh about it- but sure as heck that thing would have scared me as a 7yr old ;)
Then the end "battle". Harry "dustifies" Professor Quirrel who has a face (that Voldemor guy- surprised I haven't seen any in-game yet;)) growing out of the back of his head....
Kids are pretty used to things like wraiths and blood, even in kids movies.
That 3 headed thing looked almost cute if you ask me... saw a TRAILER because I went to watch some other movie at the time.
Dustifies a professor... well *poof*... must be very violent went a little kid does that to him and even some children's comedy movies has weird people/creatures which are most likely just as scary.
I admit that some like it but being such a fan of LotR I almost have this thing against anything like Harry Potter, which I would class as fairytales with 100% certainty.

/emote prays that people leave the subjec because he will not stop if it continues...

No use arguing about this with me, Harry Potter. Girls seeing me as intelligent? Hehe, won't get into that either but I doubt I need any more help in that field :cool:


How could I forget the movie, BANDITS !? Good Bruce film and I liked the story, superb... Swordfish, in a similar genre wasn't that bad at all either.
The Mist of Avalon is a nice drama movie that I enjoyed, maybe partly due to the fact that I play DAoC. :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by SFXman
Kids are pretty used to things like wraiths and blood, even in kids movies.
That 3 headed thing looked almost cute if you ask me... saw a TRAILER because I went to watch some other movie at the time.
Dustifies a professor... well *poof*... must be very violent went a little kid does that to him and even some children's comedy movies has weird people/creatures which are most likely just as scary.
I admit that some like it but being such a fan of LotR I almost have this thing against anything like Harry Potter, which I would class as fairytales with 100% certainty.

/emote prays that people leave the subjec because he will not stop if it continues...

No use arguing about this with me, Harry Potter. Girls seeing me as intelligent? Hehe, won't get into that either but I doubt I need any more help in that field :cool:

SFX, you schmuck... you didn't read my post properly or you didn't comprehend it.

I was talking about LITTLE kids. Of course, you didn't think anything of the 'creepy' things.
My kids didn't pee their pants when we went to see the movie but my point was (pay attention now;)):

Harry Potter can't be classified as a pure kids movie (like Elmo etc.). That was the whole point of my post.
Surely... kids nowadays subjected to more violence in media than the average kid that grew up in the 70'ies or early 80'ies...
But still- a kids movie shouldn't have children gasp in shock every ten minutes or so- agreed?
My daughter got really pissy at the unicorn scene (she happens to like horned equines for some weird reason.. her mothers' genes;)) - my point.
Kids entertainment should be harmless and funny.
So I say it again: Harry Potter is family entertainment- not a kids movie. A movie parents should watch together with their kids.

And what does LoTR have to do with Harry Potter?;)
It's a faery tale as well... or what would you call it?
Hansel and Gretel is fantasy
The pied piper... fantasy
Harry Potter... fantasy
even fucking Elmo is fantasy LOL... or where is Grouchland?

One cannot properly argue over matters of taste- but you cannot judge a movie without having seen it;)


LOtR is actually High Fantasy but nevermind me...i don't exist... :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

What is the difference between high fantasy and a faery tale?
Is it epic? Well, there are tons of epic faery tales...

It depends on how you define it (and as usual I will say: in my opinion ;))


True, true...i on the other hand define high fantasy as i see it. HArry potter is fantasy but it's not "overkill" fantasy like LOtR which, we all can agree, is the grandfather and uber munckin of all fantasy thingies out there. :D


Generally fairy tales are associated with children's movies, which I extremely doubt LotR is because no kid could even keep up with the book and I am sure the movie is on hell of a load more tense than Harry Potter.
Ok so maybe I read your post a bit hastily but still... I told you people not begin to debate about it because I will go oooon and ooooon and oooooonnnnnn...


Mmm... mumble... I suppose :)

I bet I will come up with loads more as hours pass by...


Oh yeah if you complain about movies you should have seen the White cat, black cat by Emil Kusturicha or something like that.
Will Smith and Chris Rock movies kickass though.
Saving Private Ryan was actually good, especially if you had installed mohaa at your pc :)


Originally posted by SFXman
Generally fairy tales are associated with children's movies, which I extremely doubt LotR is because no kid could even keep up with the book and I am sure the movie is on hell of a load more tense than Harry Potter.
Ok so maybe I read your post a bit hastily but still... I told you people not begin to debate about it because I will go oooon and ooooon and oooooonnnnnn...

I read LotR when I was about 10 - I haven't seen the film yet because I'm hanging on to my old imagined images of the different characters, but I guess I'll have to let that go some time :)


You might be some child-genious who knows... well one point was that a 10 year old who reads a 1000 pages must be bored and generally I doubt many 10 year olds read such a massive work of.. well... art.
But let go of those images, in my case they fit pretty damn well and was very pleased.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus
I read LotR when I was about 10 -

I blame the gym teachers. They made us feel outcast. :)

Actually- I can respect your point of view. The theatre in your head is better than anything on screen ...
I have been disappointed by a lot of books gone movie (except the 13th warrior actually. The book was written in such a weird, distanced way... movie is great).

Best example- The hunt for Red October. That movie... *shudder*
Sean, your arse ish moin for that crime...

Best fantasy movie, in my opinion- is Willow still :)
Oh- anyone ever seen "A boy and his dog"? You wouldn't believe sleaze ball Don Johnson could be a good actor in a sci-fi movie:)
One has to love the end of the movie... (sheesh... I slowly realize I have a theme going with cannibalism... watch out! ... grab the children and run for the hills...)


Originally posted by sickofit...

Best example- The hunt for Red October. That movie... *shudder*
Sean, your arse ish moin for that crime...

so true...:rolleyes:


Originally posted by sickofit...
I blame the gym teachers. They made us feel outcast. :)
Hehe, glad I never suffered... profile might bring some light on this. Although this came around after I moved back to Finland where both winter and summer sports were possible. I used to live in Ireland, it rains but.. maybe not enough (almost) for scuba-diving.

Uncle Sick(tm)

+++Breaking News+++
+++SFXMan's secret identity revealed!+++

Well... it seems SFXMan is actually ACTONMan(tm)...
He has been in Australia, Ireland, USA, the Moon... etc.

Besides speaking 42 languages (local dialects not included), he indulges into various ACTIONMan(tm) past times like extreme scooba diving, extreme BASEjumping (without a chute and head first), extreme skiing and extreme board spamming.

Currently - after having defeated Dr. X, he resides in his luxurious ACTIONMan(tm) retreat in Tampere/Finland pretending he is some kid on summer vacation. What a cunning disguise, ACTIONMan(tm)!!

Soon he will watch over our peaceful planet again.

Thank you, ACTIONMan(tm)!

....Mwhahaha... Dr. Troll strikes again.... :)


1. ALIENS!!!: best sci-fi made very well, with realistic future stuff. no laser pistols or crappy flying cars or anything. also hudson is the coolest character.

2.Starship troopers: greatest action with super good cheesyness in it. "im doing my part, ho ho ho :p"

3.Face Off: john woo, duel golden colts. nuff said


Originally posted by SFXman
You might be some child-genious who knows... well one point was that a 10 year old who reads a 1000 pages must be bored and generally I doubt many 10 year olds read such a massive work of.. well... art.
But let go of those images, in my case they fit pretty damn well and was very pleased.

I have to say that I did enjoy the film, cinematically. However...I am somewhat of an iconoclast when I get onto the subject of Lord of the Rings. :D

Personally, I cannot stand the books. The story and plot...hmm. Tolkein must have been on some excellent mushrooms or something to come up with most of it. It's more like reading a history manual than a novel! :sleeping:

I will grant that yes, he did define the genre as such, but I believe that there have been far, far superior authors to Mr. Tolkein since then, and that he is still talkeda about in many circles as the "only" fantasy writer worth reading...ludicrous. For example: Raymond E. Feist, Robert A. Salvatore, Weis & Hickman, Jeff Grubb to name but a few.

Anyway, that's my 2p worth.

:flame: on!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Breni

I have to say that I did enjoy the film, cinematically. However...I am somewhat of an iconoclast when I get onto the subject of Lord of the Rings. :D

Personally, I cannot stand the books. The story and plot...hmm. Tolkein must have been on some excellent mushrooms or something to come up with most of it. It's more like reading a history manual than a novel! :sleeping:

I will grant that yes, he did define the genre as such, but I believe that there have been far, far superior authors to Mr. Tolkein since then, and that he is still talkeda about in many circles as the "only" fantasy writer worth reading...ludicrous. For example: Raymond E. Feist, Robert A. Salvatore, Weis & Hickman, Jeff Grubb to name but a few.

Anyway, that's my 2p worth.

:flame: on!

Aaaaand here comes the flame:
Feist!? Are you kidding me? I honestly enjoyed the first three Riftwar books... but then good Raymond got his little Pug and pubescent Tomas, who had finally succeeded in jumping the elven queen, on a big old super powertrip.
Can't be arsed to find out what novel of the saga it was but he actually had to put Pug (superdupermegapowerful magician) and Tomas (littlepeasantboywhojumpselvenqueenandhasturnedintoapowerfulancientdragonlordschmuck) in a dimension trap to prevent them from saving the world on page 15... ack! His plots smell like my shepard's feet... (cornchip flavor if anyone was wondering;))

And if it wasn't bad enough ruining his actually well thought off world with characters far too powerful, he kept on writing, using his ruined setting... how many books are there meanwhile? Including the spin-off's... Too many- I am sure...

Perhaps I just don't like super duper heroes (like Elric...good god) but Feist is like Dean R. Koontz - he uses some bot copying and pasting random sentences, then sells it to a publisher.

Weis & Hickman are certainly great authors. I love, love, love their books. Played a P&P campaign for over three years... thus were the good times (now WotC effectively killed the DL setting... 3rd Ed. Ninja-Monk-Fighter-Cleric Orcs didn't fit with the world, I guess...)

And Tolkien... well, he was a pipe smoker- not bong;)
That's what I mentioned earlier... he described his world in every tiny detail.
For me- total immersion.
For others - boring

I had some weird tasting soup for supper... I apologize for my ranting and raving (not for saying bad things about Feist... he is a schmuck..;))


Originally posted by sickofit...
he described his world in every tiny detail.
For me- total immersion.
For others - boring
Hilarious post... but the above quoted lines, very well put. Describes it perfectly!


Originally posted by sickofit...

even fucking Elmo is fantasy LOL... or where is Grouchland?

Please don't even consider invading Elmo's little private places! :eek:

It may be your fantasy mate! But it's just plain sick :puke:

My favs are (no order)

Harry Potter (SFXMan, eat my shorts mate)
StarWars (all)
Gladiator ("On my signal, unleash hell!")
Elmo's World (Leave it Sickofit! ;) )
Shindlers List
Blues Brothers
Lock Stock

must be many, many more....

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