ebenezer said:hihih.....you came in a lil late into the discussion
We were having a pretty peacefull discussion....and then you swoop in and drop this beautifull line
i know the thread was long...but sometimes its good to read it before replyin^^
toxii said:lets not hide bhind our fingers chimp, only reason you did that was cos you was sick and couldnt yell whines on vent xD
I'm hardly claiming that I invented the colour teal, as I was merely saying that that's the colour used in my guild group.Grimnna said:No problem at all that YOU think this. But don't whine if other people think different about it and do fight other realms, either if they are fighting other people or not. Is it really so hard to grasp that some people (me for instance) see every single member of an enemy realm as someone who has to be killed as soon as possible.
The only good enemy is a dead enemy, and if that is against your code of honour, good for you, but again if I see an enemy I will try and kill it now matter what I have to do for it.
Edit: If anyone ever sees a cute dorf wearing dark teal who is in a fight please help him, it's a fluffy healer that needs all the help he can get. (fyi been wearing teal since I discovered it years ago).
Because there's only a hand full of people enjoying clean fights?Grimnna said:Or you could go away with all the other add-haters and then "all of us minus you 10 whiners" will have more fun in the GAME (ffs)...
Aye.Haggus said:Straef is a noob ;/
The whine started by me getting frustrated over continually getting added on by so-called realm mates joining in for some so-called helping out, while trying not to ruin other people's fights myself.ebenezer said:im trying to understand what the whine started with in the first place
And have no trouble figuring out that its born from frustation from something that ur not entitled to have. The whiners remind me a little bit of the old football matches i used to have as younger....they were always the dude that never wanted to give anyone else the ball. The game had its simple rules...how many were supposed to be on the field etc..but they just decided that their fun was to net the ball, preferably without anyone else touching it. If someone else wanted that they were very sulkyAnd you could expect whine
And they also had the trait that they coudlnt criticise themself and see the whole picture. Sure when they were less skilled they played with everyone else...but when they were a fast striker all of a sudden the team feeling was gone.
Here it started with a click of people that fast got rr10 or so and needed no more support from others in realm to handle things themself. Their fun of the game was clearly only rvr now. And the most fun came from defeating similar ranks or same numbers. Somewhere along the lines when people started to leave daoc for other games..or got tired of it, some of those people stayed, and realized there was not enough action for them if rest of realm was gonna chip in on "their" bounty too. So hence the frustation started....and they couldnt keep it in so they started to tell other players how they felt about it
They are all addicts like rest of us..or like any sane person that not enjoy a game with its rules they would have left long ago. They know that nothing can be done about it....so their only way of tryin to get what they lost from game is to try and enforce it or try and persuade other people that their way of fun is actually the only way...if you dont agree your very disrespectfull and morally wronglittle did they realize that a large numbers of daoc didnt feel that way....cause they havent obtained their rank or have that opinion at all of the game. And here we are now....they will not leave, cause they are too adicted of the game to leave for something they would like better. So they take what they can of their fun...and get very bitter since they dont get their whole cookie by themself.
But its a little bit like John macenroes whines on the tennis field...its loud and offensive...but the judge wont change the rules anyhowstill he continues whining. Thats the nature of frustration.
Straef said:I guess football is an okay comparisson, as adding is like having some people throwing beercans at a teams keeper as to ruin their game, while having a laugh themselves..
Still, my rules > Mythic's rules :IFlimgoblin said:No, they're playing the game, you're the one trying to change it.
To keep with your somewhat odd example it's more like having a game of "throw the beercan at the bloke in goal" and some people keep shouting at you because for some odd reason they're trying to kick a football past him and get annoyed that he's not trying to save it.
ebenezer said:true streaf...hehe....you cant twist the comparison to the people not on field...cause after all we are all playing the same game...with set rules
but nice twist nonetheless![]()
Straef said:Still, my rules > Mythic's rules :I
But surely you agree that nobody gets bothered by not adding, while some may be bothered if you do? If someone does want your help, they can always pm or /yell, and then you can still help your fellow realm mate out ;pFlimgoblin said:You can't play on that triple word score, my rules say only 5 letter words with the vowel I contained within them may be used on the triple word score!!
Straef said:But surely you agree that nobody gets bothered by not adding, while some may be bothered if you do? If someone does want your help, they can always pm or /yell, and then you can still help your fellow realm mate out ;p
Straef said:But surely you agree that nobody gets bothered by not adding, while some may be bothered if you do? If someone does want your help, they can always pm or /yell, and then you can still help your fellow realm mate out ;p
But surely you agree that nobody gets bothered by not adding, while some may be bothered if you do? If someone does want your help, they can always pm or /yell, and then you can still help your fellow realm mate out ;p
Sharkith said:I actually read almost all of this thread and LOL @ Straef for coming close to the longest FAO thread in living memory.
It looks like this is a post cluster discussion - adding was kind of settled on Prydwen between the full groups and they reached a consensus to try and avoid it where possible. Mael ofc would always add when it suited them and occassionally things happened but as far I remember it most FG's had agreed pre cluster to avoid adding.
I just think this is possibly a clash of gaming cultures post cluster. As for adding personally if you can avoid it you should but only when the situation is clear. And thats where the problem is. It is simply a case of respecting each other and trying to be constructive and it is not about hig rr groups telling others what to do.
I agree to your first point, as I enjoy three-way fights aswell, tho you could rebuff/chill just as easily if you kill the enemy group yourselfGing said:Adding is fantasic for two reasons
1, If added on by the third realm it gives you a good excuse as to why you lost the fight, you ofc also have the oppotunity if played well to kill the adding grp/duo/solo/zerg and spam laugh at them.
2, If added on by your own realm your get to reboof/sit/chill and carry on roaming + you got the free rps!
Feel free to discuss my devils advocate position![]()
By that time the enemies will be dead, or at least a large amount of the rps will be taken away. Even so, simply by sending out a pet or casting a single mez/root/nuke the fight can be ruined, like when mezzing the support or so.Grimnna said:But surely you agree that nobody gets bothered by adding, while some may be bothered if you don't? If someone doesn't want your help, they can always pm or /yell, and then you can still stop helping your fellow realm mate out ;p
Well, I suppose that's one of the reasons I couldn't quite understand why some of you blatantly refuse not to add, even when asked or when not losing anything, which would be because I'm used (or used to be used to) to not getting added on, or not as badly as some Excal groups have been doing of late. Like Sharkith said, after having been up for three or four years, there were just some common 'rules' on Prydwen, even tho they obviously didn't apply to everyone, which were followed by an absolute majority of set groups on Prydwen. On Excalibur, however, there are obiously differences in these so-called 'unwritten rules' and playing styles and what not, which I hardly experienced myself before the clustering, as I simply never bothered getting a character into rvr on Excalebenezer said:sure respect is good
But unfortunatly at least on excalibur it is a case of some telling others what and how they should play. the majority on exc are not for 8vs 8 onlyand that shouldnt matter either...its a game...all pay for it with their own money...so bottom line is with how its designed and all...you do have a choise in the matter, and thats what important
Matriarch|Sneakers said:Well i read most posts in the thread and basically it comes down to two diff kind of ppl,
one who dont like adds and one who do like adds.
Best thing to do then is ofc if ppl stoped adding since adding is indeed activly choosed and if the adder don't want angry /send msgs and threats flames and so on then HE better stop adding. And for the people that claims DAoC is a 300 vs 300 open battlefield game i'd like to see a verified quote from the CO that states that.
Ineed DAoC is an RvR ( Realm VS Realm ) game, but that dosn't mean you have to act like idiots and ruin other peoples gaming experiance wich you defenatly are when ur adding on everything that moves. This is ofc ur right aswell since ur a paying customer, but don't expect the ppl affected by ur selfish actions to just sit there accepting it - they will be angry and they will make threads and they will curse at you.. and you got yourself to blame for that. YOU activly choose to add on that 8v8 or 1v1 fight NOONE made you. So to everyone whining about us anti adders whining, you can make it stop - just stop add on us and it will be a more friendly atmosphere.