fao Straef


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Vonwar said:
To add, as some people call it in this game, has no meaning. The word i mean and the whole idea as to have "private" enemies in a public game like this.

We are 3 realms, we have each 2 enemy realms. If i fight and loose, and i see one or more realm mates just looking at the fight, i call them cowards, for not having helped "a brother in arms".

I dont know the situation here cause i was not present, but it is the obligation of all albs to help out their fellow men, same for hibs and for mids. Private fights 8 vs. 8 is for me an artificial idea in the game as it is, and if you wish to have fights like this, i think you should spam mythic to make a kind of Insta RvR zones for you, like we know it from catacombs.

It is an endless discussion on this board about adding or not adding. I belong to the players that do add if i see a fellow that is getting beaten up, cause if i do not add, he will loose, and so will my realm in the end.

Its a war out there, not a counterstrike one but 3 realms against eachother...

I wouldn't add on a 1 on 1 fight if the alb loses. I'd rather let the enemy gather his reward first, unless the alb is heavily outnumbered, only then I would interfere.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Good call Rampant...

Stressfull day at work and I shouldn't have vented here


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Baron said:
I didn't say you have no right to join the thread please read my comment
and i didn't FUCKING add on a fg fight you fucking mindless fucking stupid fucking moron
If i was that petty i would have got you a week holiday from FH,
posts like this and you have the gaul to insult my mental aptitude

edit: i didnt claim you did/didn't add on a fg fight, i was picking on the fact you claim to be helping someone when you are adding when i say your not, i used fg as a example

Either way im bored of this as its going nowhere

rampant said:
its all down to choice and how you want to play your game - sometimes i like to zerg, sometimes i like solo fights, sometimes i like FG fights, sometimes i like duo/trioing.

I have often said that we all play this game for fun -

If the FG's want to just fight other fg's because that is their fun, then they have to fight in hidden backwaters - out of the way of any other possible people coming to interrupt them. BUT we know this will NEVER happen - as then there wont be the low rr pickupgroups around for them to farm for their rp's - this making them better - but its all a cycle -

I will always attack ANY enemy i see - regardless of who they are or who they are fighting (execpt 1v1's in quiet spots - but a 1v1 in the middle of crim bowl isnt really a quiet spot!) (and except vodkafariy cos he's always nice to me :) )
Spot on, if they decide to fight in a mainstream route as its rather unrealistic not to have someone else run by
but i'd like to add i dont think many high rr grps mind fighting 2 fg behons, its when they have rr10's in the 2fg that people whine, for the most part anyway. After all it makes nice gank grp footage ^^


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Chronic if your are so bored can you please stop posting in it! Let other people have their discussion without you and baron flinging insults at one another!

take your argument to pm's



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
What I don't understand about this...

There are hib groups who prefer 8vs8 fights.
There are alb groups who prefer 8vs8 fights.
There are mid groups who prefer 8vs8 fights.

So, why do you see all those gank groups in the currently most populated and zergy area of the server? Mythic introduced Agramon just for these kind of people, loads of places to roam, no adds... your very own 8vs8 playground.

Instead you insist of fighting like... 100 yards away from the zerg and complain about adding? Why don't you just move to Agramon?

iRvR is nice for those lowRRs and newbie players, so they can finally climb up a bit in Realm Ranks too. Some of us don't want/can't put enough effort into running in a set 8vs8 group. So, why don't the Gank Group people just roam Agramon and let those zerging, adding noobs (like me :D ) have their zergfest in iRvR? :)

And to be honest, it doesn't seem as if Gank Groups are only playing for the challenge as some people usually claim, since I have yet to meet one that doesn't chase me forever just to instamezz/stun/debuff/nearsight/nukenuke me when I run solo on my sorc/reaver/cleric or any other char I have.

On a sidenote, about adding, I DO try to leave 1vs1 fights alone (unless the attacked alb is like.. a blue con unbuffed pally in epic armor on 10% HP being attacked by a RR11 stealther ;) ).

If I'd see loads of albs fighting loads of mids at the crim/crauch bridge I definitely won't count if there's only 8 of each before I join in, though.

Anyway, enjoy the views on RvR from a noob and feel free to flame me now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
So let me get this straight in my tired, fuzzy and stressed head.
I made a comment about someone apologizing to me for adding on me and I said they weren't adding they were helping.
And you used the example of me adding on a fg fight is not beneficial to anyone...
Cool so you're not accusing me of adding on fg fights
It's just that a lot of your posts have "you add on a fg fight" and that’s the bit that stuck in my head.
I apologize for the fucking moron thingy which is well out of character

I just wanted Straef and anyone else to be aware that we were fighting with the zerg which made it imposable to determine if there were any fg fights going on in the immediate area.

No hard feelings I hope


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Baron said:
Long post.
Well, that's all nice, and I don't mind helping other Albs when asked. The reason I posted what I posted was not for seeking attention or a pitiful attempt to give some guilds a bad name, but I simply did so because ingame named guilds wouldn't give me any reply other than 'Up yours/fuck you too/fuck off' and such, which hardly made me feel like they even read what I said.
If you actually think you're helping other Albs out by adding, unless they're outnumbered two-to-one, then you're wrong, with opted groups anyway. I'd rather lose a good fight than gain 50rps by zerging the enemy, so I'd appreciate it that whenever you or your guildies see my group fighting, whether we're winning or losing, you'd just let us be ;p
Some other people mentioned the game being a mmorpg and all of that, which is obviously true, and I'm quite aware of that, but not adding on someone isn't about the way the game is meant to be played, but it's about mutual respect. If you see a group fighting, and you know they won't appreciate you adding on them, whether to help them or not, by not adding on them you show them at least a little respect by letting them enjoy the game the way they like to, and at least in my case, and I'm fairly sure that's the way it goes in general, you'll have my gratitude in return for leaving me be.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
I dont usually add on fights, then again i dont heal any F%&^er that may need it, either way i still get a whine, FFS dont add, FFS heal me.

if anything with two legs with red above its head comes near me its unfortunate as i am going to smite it, dont blame me for adding the silly fucker just ran the wrong way.... :)



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
straef - can i suggest that make sure you fight in the middle of the ocean (well keep away from meglodon!) so you can get your favored gameplay - and not fight near areas that there are the lower players fighting.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
In conclution
The Crim/DC bridge area is, at present a zerg-fest.
Where me and the other little zergling can enjoy our style of play without affecting anyone elses fun and the fg v fg have the rest of NF to enjoy there's.
Cool I'm happy with that
Because, and lets be honest here we can't take our fight else where :)

oh and i never tell peeps to fuck off when they pm me asking not to add
I normally ignore them coz I'm too busy killing or dieing


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
You finished now?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Baron said:
How the hell am I suposed to know what groups are having a private party around Crim 4 atm buddy?
You can tell by the dark teal dyes ;p
ebenezer said:
actually i dont think many would bother for the 10 rps alone...at least i wouldnt:p But thanx chronic for explaining everyones reason for adding...cause you are also one of those players that is all knowing and dictates i suppose:)? it cant just be a million other reasons ....for you have just the typical thinking of the regular daoc player im sure:p And whats ur reason for adding( as we all stated in million posts all add)?
Well, enlighten us. What would be one of the other millions of reasons to add?
Is it because you want to help the other group, even tho they won't appreciate it, or because you're into roleplaying and, even tho you might ruin a good fight, that would be the just thing to do?
CuddleBunny! said:
Birdy, birdy in the sky, dropped a poo poo in my eye,
me don't care, me don't cry, me just happy cows don't fly
Once again you don't seem to care. Thanks for letting us know ;o
Ashala said:
ohhh mmmyyyy fffffuuucccckkkkiiiinnnngg GOD, maybe you should try and read WHY the last post was locked down, but you probably dont find it anywhere NEAR suspicious that 99% of all FAO posts get locked down

JUPITUS WHERE THE FECK IS YOUR BANSTICK!!!!!!! its just getting worse
Well, at least I get to hear his side of the story this way, and locking my thread while leaving other whine/gratz threads alone is pathetic anyway.
Vonwar said:
We are 3 realms, we have each 2 enemy realms. If i fight and loose, and i see one or more realm mates just looking at the fight, i call them cowards, for not having helped "a brother in arms".
If you'd run into the same 'brother in arms' and he'd be losing a fight, would you help him out, knowing that he would refuse your help when asked? By doing so, you might stick to the spirit of the game, and you might do what you think is best, but the person 'helped out' won't even appreciate it.
Baron said:
How does my sister cope with being an elementary school teacher...

I started this thread based on Straef complaining that a TIW/Synergy group was adding on his fights

Please go back to learning your sums buddy
Actually, that was only an example. I meant to moan about the two guilds in general, as this happens on a way too regular basis.
Kinag said:
I wouldn't add on a 1 on 1 fight if the alb loses. I'd rather let the enemy gather his reward first, unless the alb is heavily outnumbered, only then I would interfere.
Aye. I usually add on fights if they seem unfair to me, like 2-3 stealthers attacking some soloer, or (like we did to your group last night) having over a fg, or several fg's, fighting one fg.
rampant said:
Chronic if your are so bored can you please stop posting in it! Let other people have their discussion without you and baron flinging insults at one another!

take your argument to pm's

I actually enjoyed, and agreed to, his initial post, so he can carry on posting in my opinion ;p
rampant said:
straef - can i suggest that make sure you fight in the middle of the ocean (well keep away from meglodon!) so you can get your favored gameplay - and not fight near areas that there are the lower players fighting.
Because water fights work out brilliantly for tank groups, yes!
Really, where am I meant to fight then? I usually don't even fight near keeps. I don't whine when added on on a bridge, or when added on during a keep/tower fight, but I will whine when added on fighting near graveyards in the middle of nowhere, or when fighting in Agramon, or wherever.
I had several runs through Agramon monday and tuesday, to see if there were some decent enemies around, but there weren't. All the action was around Crimthain-Crauchon. So, if there isn't any action to be found apart from that area, should I just log, or arrange fights over irc? Logging won't get me anywhere and arranging fights isn't even allowed by the CoC, so I'd be pretty screwed then, wouldn't I?
I've fought everywhere, from Beno to Surs, from Bledmeer to Crimthain, just to try and get some decent fights, so it's not that I didn't try. I can imagine people adding when fighting next to a tower, but why would they do so when I'm quite a while away from any tower, fighting near a graveyard, without the enemies being of any risk to other albs?
Jupitus said:
You finished now?
It's just getting interesting :<


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Straef said:
It's just getting interesting :<

... then don't let it descend into add whine.....

Edit: ... and watch your fucking language please!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Jupitus said:
... then don't let it descend into add whine.....

Edit: ... and watch your fucking language please!
I didn't swear at all, did I? Anyway, I'll try watching my fucking language and I'll try not turning this oh-so-constructive thread into another fucking whine-thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005

I'm ashamed to have people like you play the same class as me

bcoz I like grouping with my buddies
or I like zergin
or bcoz I'm a much lower rr than you and I need support from my realm mates

please enlighten me...


Aug 23, 2005
Straef said:
fucking lots of fucking spam
what i ment is, "it could be worse so stfu"
oh, and.
Care. xD

jupitus might ban me for that last thingie :< he no love me anymore


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
what i ment is, "it could be worse so stfu"
oh, and.
Care. xD

jupitus might ban me for that last thingie :< he no love me anymore
Surprised? :p There hasn't exactly been a lot of variety in your posts lately, which means, you're getting boring ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Straef said:
Well, enlighten us. What would be one of the other millions of reasons to add?
Is it because you want to help the other group, even tho they won't appreciate it, or because you're into roleplaying and, even tho you might ruin a good fight, that would be the just thing to do?
It's just getting interesting :<

First of all you are prolly one of the people its very hard to explain anything at all that have about adding to do, since you seem to include in the catigory that i mentioned in my earlier posts, so answering would be pointless. But il give it a try:)
You seem to have found one other reason by urself(grats), and another good and valid reason would be: I dont know you at all...or those other whiners. Im playing with my friends exactly the way the game is designed...namely attack all in other realms...get rps..have fun...and dont want anyone besides the game designers to tell me how the game should be played. is that a valid reason for you:)? I dont see any reason i should respect ur view as long as it got something to do with trying to press other people into something they dont want...its that simple. Im not for adding...not for zerging....not for non adding. I just play the game with its rules... and have fun with my friends...without caring about what anyone else do as long as it does not include someone cursing at me or yelling at me for reasons they made up by themself. And whatever reasons other people have m8...is of no concern to you after all. Be merry and play the game like everyone else...or use the rules that are and make urself a own little daoc territory where you hurt no one else...and make beautifull solo and fg vs fg love there....
that would make all happy:p
over and out...


Baron said:
bcoz I like grouping with my buddies
or I like zergin
or bcoz I'm a much lower rr than you and I need support from my realm mates

please enlighten me...
Because you like zerging, basically.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
ebenezer said:
First of all you are prolly one of the people its very hard to explain anything at all that have about adding to do, since you seem to include in the catigory that i mentioned in my earlier posts, so answering would be pointless. But il give it a try:)
You seem to have found one other reason by urself(grats), and another good and valid reason would be: I dont know you at all...or those other whiners. Im playing with my friends exactly the way the game is designed...namely attack all in other realms...get rps..have fun...and dont want anyone besides the game designers to tell me how the game should be played. is that a valid reason for you:)? I dont see any reason i should respect ur view as long as it got something to do with trying to press other people into something they dont want...its that simple. Im not for adding...not for zerging....not for non adding. I just play the game with its rules... and have fun with my friends...without caring about what anyone else do as long as it does not include someone cursing at me or yelling at me for reasons they made up by themself. And whatever reasons other people have m8...is of no concern to you after all. Be merry and play the game like everyone else...or use the rules that are and make urself a own little daoc territory where you hurt no one else...and make beautifull solo and fg vs fg love there....
that would make all happy:p
over and out...
Yet you tell me how to play. In order to get clean fights, to actually see who has the better group, rather than just zerging along and outnumbering people, I'm supposed to adapt by moving somewhere else and accepting it when people attack my enemies. Yet I'm the one suppressing people's playstyle.
The majority of people whom I play with/against, as far as I know, do not enjoy being added on, so, unlike you, I expect people to dislike being added on rather than enjoy it. In case they did want help, they can pm me and ask me to help, while if you expect them to want help without actually knowing, it's already too late to turn back once you added on them.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Straef said:
Yet you tell me how to play. In order to get clean fights, to actually see who has the better group, rather than just zerging along and outnumbering people, I'm supposed to adapt by moving somewhere else and accepting it when people attack my enemies. Yet I'm the one suppressing people's playstyle.
The majority of people whom I play with/against, as far as I know, do not enjoy being added on, so, unlike you, I expect people to dislike being added on rather than enjoy it. In case they did want help, they can pm me and ask me to help, while if you expect them to want help without actually knowing, it's already too late to turn back once you added on them.

hehe..see...told you you wouldnt understand at all:p
I just say this. I never tell anyone how to play...you can like playing solo or zerg or whatever you wanna do. I will never bother you.....but you dont tell me how i should play. Cause its not ur place to do...its that simple:) I or anyone else in this game that get abused by the so called noble morally stronger non adders have ever said a sentence(at least not me) to those people...its them doing all the saying:p
So...i dont care about what you do:) you can form whatever you want. And while you choose to whine or solo or zerg or what ever you do...il play this game on the real rules that the designers made. not play puppet for guys that want their opinion to shine over all others..
And i gotta add one thing....a friend would never claim anything in a game from me, i find it very odd and would forwn upon any friend that suddenly told me...hey im claiming this alb.mid here...its mine and i would be angry if you kill it:p i dont know what kind of friends you have though...

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Funnily enough, these past few days have actually made finding solo fights, group fights, and zergs alot easier in my opinion. Personally I've had a few cracking duels in Hadrian's Wall on Sunday, and Bled area last night brought up quite a laugh for our non-stealther 4-man; (I nearly fell off my chair when we ran into the Mid war-galley at the drop-off :p ). I've looked in on Emain too, and guess what? It was zergy. Sometimes I get it wrong, but most people will take fun in whatever form it comes, to be honest, /release and rebuff is no hardship.

But I accept that some people are a little more... selective?... about how they and everyone else must play to have fun.

So being the helpful soul that I am, to aid the soloers and 8 vs 8 who object to their fights being attacked by other players of this fine game, these maps have been cobbled together. (Original maps underneath the colour coding are not mine, and if the original cartographer recognises them and objects, please let me know.)

Within them they contain locations where, with RvR in its current situation, they might and might not be able to have fight uninterrupted by 'adds'.

The suggested 'Bad Zones' are marked below. This is where, should you go looking for a fight, there is a possibility you might incur the wrath of 'The Zerg' and have said fight spoiled:


However, fear not, there are a few lesser known places which may be more productive, but at least the risk of hardship of some outsider spoiling your fights is significantly reduced.

If you are not sure how to get to any of these places coded in bright green, I suggest you contact your local Tower Lord, or ask a friendly boggart. I've found Agramon in particular is pleasant this time of year with its warm breeze and picturesque scenery:


By all means, still go into "The Bad Zone" expecting full group fights and duels if that's your cup of tea and you like to live life "on the edge". These maps are not meant to oppress your right to do that. You might just get a little less sympathy here on Freddyshouse is all.

Good luck and happy RvR, 8v8 or 1v1-ing (or 2v1ing if you are kinky and into that sort of thing) ;)


Aug 23, 2005
Straef said:
Surprised? :p There hasn't exactly been a lot of variety in your posts lately, which means, you're getting boring ;p
ooooooor, maybe the "fao m8er - addzergqq" threads is getting boring and has a lack of variety? :< i just have to much spare time on my hands! :E
imo jupitus needs to lighten up a bit :<


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Straef said:
Yet you tell me how to play. In order to get clean fights, to actually see who has the better group, rather than just zerging along and outnumbering people, I'm supposed to adapt by moving somewhere else and accepting it when people attack my enemies. Yet I'm the one suppressing people's playstyle.
The majority of people whom I play with/against, as far as I know, do not enjoy being added on, so, unlike you, I expect people to dislike being added on rather than enjoy it. In case they did want help, they can pm me and ask me to help, while if you expect them to want help without actually knowing, it's already too late to turn back once you added on them.

We've hit the nail on the head here we have a difference of opinion. Until they make 8v8 instances with a league table or something like that those in favour of non adding will always whine and dicatate and those who zerg and play how they like. This issue will never die. The whines will never go away. People will always zerg. If you want to make a difference then petition the makers to change the game.

What gets me is the hypocrisy of the fgs. The zergers arent hypocrites.


ITS OK for an opted grp to attack 20 brehons standing at a bridge looking at the sky

ITS OK for an opted grp to kill ANYTHING LESS than an 8 man grp (soloers, duoers you name it)

ITS NOT OK for said brehon or said soloer to interfere in a fg v fg fight at all


Petition the makers to transfer you characters to a server which only allows 8v8 fights in instancing and nothing else. A bit like a football league. Then you will be happy as you will always be challenged and can have your own league table and wank all day over who is the best.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
rampant said:
We've hit the nail on the head here we have a difference of opinion. Until they make 8v8 instances with a league table or something like that those in favour of non adding will always whine and dicatate and those who zerg and play how they like. This issue will never die. The whines will never go away. People will always zerg. If you want to make a difference then petition the makers to change the game.

What gets me is the hypocrisy of the fgs. The zergers arent hypocrites.


ITS OK for an opted grp to attack 20 brehons standing at a bridge looking at the sky

ITS OK for an opted grp to kill ANYTHING LESS than an 8 man grp (soloers, duoers you name it)

ITS NOT OK for said brehon or said soloer to interfere in a fg v fg fight at all


Petition the makers to transfer you characters to a server which only allows 8v8 fights in instancing and nothing else. A bit like a football league. Then you will be happy as you will always be challenged and can have your own league table and wank all day over who is the best.

hehe...very very well put:)
They all zerg and killed in a non fair fight. We all have. I didnt think it was anything to be ashamed of until the "do gooders" came and pointed it all out to us. We all know now:p And it feels expecially nice that the ones preaching it are mostly high rrs that all did same cause they couldnt kill anything higher themself when they were same rr. You have to search for a bigger hypocrosy tbh....so we shouldnt be suprised whats coming from those mouhths now. its all expected:)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
It's this topic again. Straef is a damn RP horny graveyard camper, don't let it get too much into you if you have the desire to have some of his RPs.

I can understand it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
graveyard camping?

oh you mean helping the grp you was playing with last night whenever you had 2+ fg adding ?

been called again rp whore myself, so dont mind, but you shouldnt talk about rp whoreness tbh xd


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
rampant said:
We've hit the nail on the head here we have a difference of opinion. Until they make 8v8 instances with a league table or something like that those in favour of non adding will always whine and dicatate and those who zerg and play how they like. This issue will never die. The whines will never go away. People will always zerg. If you want to make a difference then petition the makers to change the game.

What gets me is the hypocrisy of the fgs. The zergers arent hypocrites.


ITS OK for an opted grp to attack 20 brehons standing at a bridge looking at the sky

ITS OK for an opted grp to kill ANYTHING LESS than an 8 man grp (soloers, duoers you name it)

ITS NOT OK for said brehon or said soloer to interfere in a fg v fg fight at all


Petition the makers to transfer you characters to a server which only allows 8v8 fights in instancing and nothing else. A bit like a football league. Then you will be happy as you will always be challenged and can have your own league table and wank all day over who is the best.
You're comparing totally different things there. You're comparing a fg picking a fight with one on three odds, with some other people ruining a fg's fight.
It is generally not ok for fg's to kill soloers and such, and a lot of fg's don't kill them if it can be helped. If it were a typical thing for people to fight 2fg-2fg or 3fg-3fg it would be a bad thing to interrupt the brehon zerg, but it isn't a common thing. How often do you see large fights with fair numbers on both sides? Not very often. In a fg-fg fight, however, it's 8-8, which is fair, which would be ruined when added on.

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