FAO: people who cant spell. omgffs.



RP(G) > RvR?

If (Goa?) ever would launch a ‘role playing server’, then you would have valid line of argument. At the moment, ‘role playing’ is not enforced nor needed at the viable English servers.

Nevertheless, an in-game spell checker would be most welcome, or how should I put it…a user friendly chat window?


No Wildfire, i wont "stfu" you should do that.


What does the spelling matter if the intent is communicated?
Imo it's a problem with the way you let it affect you, not with others' spelling.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by kurik
not excaliber, excalibar but Excalibur

another perfect example, at least 40% of the players say excalibar or excaliber

it has nothing to do with dyslexia or how good you are at english


excalibar is codeword for people who use radar as its called that!


Originally posted by Urme the Legend
Then I'm sorry, but I didn't refered to people with Dyslexia. But maybe all who spell Midgard as Midguard got Dyslexia.. and Midguard was just an example amongst alot of words.

In danish it's spelled Midgård and Mjølner.

I know what WF means, but I can't get upset the way he is.

Anyway, working with children I know how hard it is for some people to memorize the way things are spelled. Names aren't any different than other words.
IMO the most important thing is that you understand what the person want to tell you.
We can't all be equal spellers, just like some people are bad at maths giving wrong numbers about enemies incoming.

Info is off course vital in this game and the more precise the info is
the better.

Sauvage !?!
Savage !?!
Sausage !?!
Who cares ?
We all write CS anyway.

Hope I did catch all the typos.

All I can say more is --> WF, live with it.


Sorry for my ignorrance, but why does it really matter?


Originally posted by Silenzio
u can play a Minstrel not a "mincer"

(mincer: that which grinds; meat grinder)

:( really hate that...

Sorry but I call Minstrels; mincers cause its another word for a gay. Because thats what they are, Gay.


Re: Re: FAO: people who cant spell. omgffs.

Originally posted by Hatt
1. dont --> should be don't
2. to look to see --> enough with to see
3. looooooooads --> loads
4. over and over and over and over ---> should be over, over, over and over
5. not --> first word in a sentence.. capital N plz.
6. (ok perhaps..... ---> where is the ) ???
7. grr. --> First (and last) word in a sentence capital G plz.
8. spec --> short for specialation (dunno about my own spelling here) add a dot after spec and it should be ok.
9. not --> first word in a sentence.. capital N plz.

OK i know im not that good at english myself so you dont have to tell me.. just showing you what you did wrong WF.

Have a nice day ;)

"to look to see" is correct in that sentence, if a little verbose.
"over and over and over and over" is also valid, it's done with many ands for emphasis, he's not making a list there.

As for the mincer thing, that doesn't really bother me, it's an intensional colloquialism for minstrel. What gets my goat is "minstral", FFS how much effort does it take to read the spelling of the class of the person you just clicked?!

j000 d000d

Re: Re: Re: FAO: people who cant spell. omgffs.

Originally posted by Danyan
What gets my goat is "minstral", FFS how much effort does it take to read the spelling of the class of the person you just clicked?!

That's exactly what Wildfire is trying to say.


As for the mincer thing, that doesn't really bother me, it's an intensional colloquialism for minstrel. What gets my goat is "minstral", FFS how much effort does it take to read the spelling of the class of the person you just clicked?!

@Danyan & Teador, readmy previous post, I have attempted to explain this.


who gives a shit? as long as ppl can understand eachother...

and i cant see why anyone would be upset about "mincer" or something like that... but then i have no idea what "mincer" means and i dont care cos names have very little meaning for me..


People who can't spell stuff right (or simply dont take the time to look to see how it's spelt right) piss me off. Or rather, they piss me off when I see looooooooads of people doing the same thing over and over and over and over...

1) Band of ILMENITE. not IIMENITE. Look what happens when I put a capital I and then a lower case L... Ilmenite. WOO! CONFUSING! <sigh> (ok perhaps not so confusing in this font, but we're talking basic rules of written language here. Things with titles have a capital letter and the rest is in lower case. grr.

2) Clerics can spec in rejuvenation, smite, and ENHANCEMENTS. not ENCHANTMENTS. There is a BIG difference.

There are others but I cant think of them right now.
Have a nice day.

Hypocrite. I Suggest you stop using popular online slang like "PWNED" yourself if you value the basic rules of your language so much.


:clap: Gawain has learned the word hypocrite everyone! Give him a big round of applause! The rest of the post (what little of it there is, like so many other facets of his existence) is a whacking-great dollop of ignorance-on-a-stick, but let's not detract - well done Gawain!

Hit ^_^

aslong ppl understand what your trying to say i cant seen the problem.


Haven't read the entire thread so i dont know if this has already been brought to your attention. People who say "Loose" instead of "Lose" omfg really pisses me off!


Originally posted by old.wildfireGawain has learned the word hypocrite everyone! Give him a big round of applause! The rest of the post (what little of it there is, like so many other facets of his existence) is a whacking-great dollop of ignorance-on-a-stick, but let's not detract - well done Gawain!

Actualy the word hypocrite is a latin derived word (hypocrita, hypocrita, hypocritae, hypocritae, hypocritam, hypocrita) and has been known to me for quite some time. I'ts just that I have had a chance to use it more since I had the displeasure of running into your sorry behind. Anyhow, I wasn't aware about the educational aspect you obviously ment to give to this post. Silly me just thought it was you lashing out at the non English people regarding their spelling because you obviously are superior to 99% of the community here and therefor shouldn't be annoyed or even be wasting your time hyperventilating over the mistakes of these "in-breds"
And now, what post of mine would be complete without some form of flame. Learn to spell you fricken in-breds.
To correct my error and to continue in the original spirit of its creator I shall add some personal and unmistakingly didactic material to contribute to your noble cause. So here it goes.

"Kus mijn reet"

Kus = Kiss
mijn = my
reet =nasty word for ass other options would be gat (hole), kont (ass but slightly more polite), achterste(bit of a euphemism as far as "ass" words go and it has more meanings then just ass but I thought I would translate in the context you would have the most use for it)

There, now you learned 3 dutch words along with a variety of meanings for the word "ass" wich should be a welcome addition to you already oh so colorful vocabulary. Above all, and before I forget, have a nice day.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Actualy the word hypocrite is a latin derived word (hypocrita, hypocrita, hypocritae, hypocritae, hypocritam, hypocrita) and has been known to me for quite some time. I'ts just that I have had a chance to use it more since I had the displeasure of running into your sorry behind. Anyhow, I wasn't aware about the educational aspect you obviously ment to give to this post. Silly me just thought it was you lashing out at the non English people regarding their spelling because you obviously are superior to 99% of the community here and therefor shouldn't be annoyed or even be wasting your time hyperventilating over the mistakes of these "in-breds"



Please close this tread.
It's is harrasing people!
To Wildfire: It is not polite to point out other people's mistakes.

By the way: English isn't my native language, Russian is.


lol at the spelling pedants. Other people have said it already but where is the problem with someone misspelling a word so long as you can still understand what they meant?
I mean, ffs, people spell my name wrong all the time (my rl name aswell as my ingame name). Doesn't bother me in the slightest, why get all worked up about someone misspelling some fictional keep/place in a game?


Wow, running out of things to whine about? This really is the lamest attempt at a real discussions I've seen in a long time. :(

It's really not important, wildfire is being a hopeless pedant and so anally retentive I fear we shall all be sucked into his capacious ring and there held till the universe ends in fire (or turns into a giant popsicle).

If petty stuff like this works you up I suggest some therapy ;)

Drink camomile tea, try leeches ffs anything but spewing pointless garbage!!!


I agree spelling mistakes like that are annoying, but what really pisses me off is how absolutely everyone says m8, u etc etc.

Like hey m8 how r u doing? A sentence like that will make me break my chair against the wall.


LOL (oops.. laughing out loud)

The most ridiculous thing about this thread is, that it´s 5 pages long. Wildfire doesn´t like people who can´t spell. Fine. Thanks for sharing. Now what? I mean...who cares? Who is Wildfire? Oh.. he´s 1337... I`m sorry "elite", that´s a reason.

I dont´give a flying f*ck about what Wildfire or anyone else likes or dislikes. It´s his decision and if he feels like posting his preferences and dislikes on BW, cool! Two thumbs up, well done mate. Hope it helps.

Next time Wildfire starts a thread with "I just farted" and it´s gonna be 10 pages long?


I blame the education system and the parents. Kids that were nudged into reading when they were young tend to be a little more conscientious about their spelling, and (just my opinion of the English school system here) schools should try and make sure their pupils can read and write english properly before attempting to teach them french, or whatever.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
LOL (oops.. laughing out loud)

The most ridiculous thing about this thread is, that it´s 5 pages long. Wildfire doesn´t like people who can´t spell. Fine. Thanks for sharing. Now what? I mean...who cares? Who is Wildfire? Oh.. he´s 1337... I`m sorry "elite", that´s a reason.

I dont´give a flying f*ck about what Wildfire or anyone else likes or dislikes. It´s his decision and if he feels like posting his preferences and dislikes on BW, cool! Two thumbs up, well done mate. Hope it helps.

Next time Wildfire starts a thread with "I just farted" and it´s gonna be 10 pages long?

I guess he just gets up peoples noses (so to speak)..

Thats what prompted me


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Dyslexia would mean inconsistent spelling.

I could understand it if people had just started playing the game, but Jesus, by the time you get to 50 you'd think people would have bothered to look carefully at what they're reading or writing.

Euh your opinion about dyslexia is pretty screwed up mate.

Dyslexia can mean consistent miss spelling/reading
Excaliber and Excalibur might look just the same to a person with a pretty bad form of dyslexia, even if they checked it letter by letter


Originally posted by Sibanac
Euh your opinion about dyslexia is pretty screwed up mate.

Dyslexia can mean consistent miss spelling/reading
Excaliber and Excalibur might look just the same to a person with a pretty bad form of dyslexia, even if they checked it letter by letter

in truth thos terms r the same... i dont like to read "excaliber"
but is true n correct english word straight from uk literature,

true too that in game thers only Excalibur...


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