FAO: people who cant spell. omgffs.



Worst was some n00b spamming /as a while back (long long time ago) that dagda was under attack. So one of the guys spam it in /c while we killing legion. Meanwhile as debate rages on is it real etc I ask on /as for verification to find its not under attack and the guy meant that crauchon was under attack...

Was a damn good thing no one suicided etc :p


Originally posted by StormriderX
Worst was some n00b spamming /as a while back (long long time ago) that dagda was under attack. So one of the guys spam it in /c while we killing legion. Meanwhile as debate rages on is it real etc I ask on /as for verification to find its not under attack and the guy meant that crauchon was under attack...

Was a damn good thing no one suicided etc :p



Dyslexia would mean inconsistent spelling.


Now, have a look at the list above. How many of those are part of the English language? I'll give you time to think ... Give up? None.
How many of those are on spanish, swedish, greek or whatever players' screens as anything other than the above every single day that they play the game. Again, some time, no conferring now ... Sorry, time's up, the answer is of course; None.

I could understand it if people had just started playing the game, but Jesus, by the time you get to 50 you'd think people would have bothered to look carefully at what they're reading or writing.

Do you think journalists are geeky? Do you think university lecturers are geeky for marking people down for spelling mistakes in papers? It's not being geeky at all; it's something people should have learned to do when they were about twelve. You won't find me running around in-game correcting people's spelling mistakes, THAT would be geeky, when you remember that it is a game.

And now, what post of mine would be complete without some form of flame. Learn to spell you fricken in-breds.


Re: Re: FAO: people who cant spell. omgffs.

Originally posted by tankster

omg.. this is like VELLY FUNNY IMO!!!!!!!!!

nerd. rofl says the RR10


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
You won't me running around in-game correcting people's spelling mistakes...

Someone needs to sack their proof reader. ;)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Do you think journalists are geeky? Do you think university lecturers are geeky for marking people down for spelling mistakes in papers? It's not being geeky at all

Are you playing this game professionally then?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
nerf the insert button :(

Too late - in the "one time" /gu /as /c world - you fucked up.

Oh the irony.


If this was in-game I would have corrected myself straight away. Are you trying to prove something? If so you're doing a particularly poor job of it.

And as far as doing things "professionally" goes - did you know that even language papers are marked by ordinary teachers for less than their (average) standard wages? Hardly professional, and yes, they will mark you down for not being able to spell too.

My point? Money has nothing to do with it. LEARN TO SPELL.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
If this was in-game I would have corrected myself straight away. Are you trying to prove something? If so you're doing a particularly poor job of it.

And as far as doing things "professionally" goes - did you know that even language papers are marked by ordinary teachers for less than their (average) standard wages? Hardly professional, and yes, they will mark you down for not being able to spell too.

My point? Money has nothing to do with it. LEARN TO SPELL.

This game is neither a professional media piece nor is it an examination of use of the English language.

I say it's you that is trying to prove something with your "hey look how great *I* am with the English language" post.

If you can't grasp what I am getting at and think it's a poor job, then you're not as bright as you like to think.

Who (apart from you) gives a crap if you say castle sausage?
I'll grant you that getting a keep name wrong Blendrake and Bledmeer seems to be too much for some) can be an important in-game mistake to make, but somethings are just too simple to even bother correcting.
If you had to correct the post for me to understand it I'd be insulted that you thought I was an idiot, and it's not even worth doing.
Since most people aren't so anal as to correct everything, mistakes stay.. big deal.

Repent Reloaded

I hate it when ppl do this.

'Hi, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah'

Regards, Glottis. <-- for example.

ffs, we know who's its from!!!!!!!

'Hi, yeah, u sux0r, die u gay homo! <-- Flame

Regards, Tilda. <-- Kind

the two dont mix in the same fookin post!


I can't find any particularly amusing pot/kettle pictures so I will just call WF a moron and be done with it.

You will all bow before my superior language skills. BOW!


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Permit me, Apathy. :)



In time-honoured tradition...the come-back!



Cap'n Sissyfoo


Quitcher belly achin', Wildfire. ~checks to make sure he made proper use of an apostrophe~


Wanna play a Thuerg?

Or maybe a Rouge?

How hard can it be?

I'm with WF on this one.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Maybe some people don't think that making typos in a *GAME* is a big deal. I have made a few typos in my lifetime and I always correct them but I don't bitch and whine at other people who either don't speak/write English as their primary language or those who don't feel that typos in a game are something to get completely neurotic about.

I loath l33t speak though and people who use that bastardised form of SMS english in group/alliance/guild chat. Totally gets on my fucking nerves.

j000 d000d

it's not about typos it's about people who say something wrong over and over again

Bleedmer Faste is the one i've seen most


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Learn to spell you fricken in-breds.

If you dont have Dyslexia, you cant understand it.
Im swede, my swedish is bad when i type and so is my english.
I can speak swedish well and englsih, but not type it so good.

Do you know how fun it was to learn to spell you own name for the first time when you are 10 years old ? When someone like you are tryong to help by saying how it is spelled you just make it hard for the person that has Dyslexia, cos you dont know how a person with Dyslexia feel. I cant spell those stupid names they have in daoc and prolly never will. Sometimes i even spell my own name wrong. Do you think i want that ? Dont you think i would like to be like everyone else, studdy at school and later on get a great job and earn good money ? yes i can do that, but as for me it would take 10 times longer then someone that has the luck to be without Dyslexia.

When ppl like you anoy ppl with how to spell things i feel when i was 10 years old and had all other kids picking on me cos i cant spell and had to go to special class for it.

I am what you ppl would call big and stoppid ( cos i cant spell well ), tell me how to spell in Rl and i give the person a nice beatup for free, and have done it some times too.

PPl like you wildfire makes me very angry, this aint school and never will be, let ppl be alone and take care of your own problem insteed of taking it out on ppl that already has a hard life.

you make me very sad RL :(

Ps: just this took me 20 mins to type, very fun.


I disliked the retardness over /as in 1 alb relic raid, a few kept saying that grallar was under attack and not mjollner, which left most of us hanging in svasud like idiots.
GRALLARHORN IS IN YGGDRA AND HAS THE POWER RELICS. MJOLLNER IS IN UPPLAND (you know the one which has the funny gothi types who port you to emain) AND HAS THE STR RELICS. ALBS CANT GO FOR THE POWER RELIC. keke?


- not every1 is English
- consistently, the worst offenders are infiltrators without a doubt
- ppl may have learning disabilities
- its easy to genuinely hit the wrong key
- a lot of school children play the game, and with so many typical Enlgish council-estate, Sun-reading, football-hooligan, ignorant, xenophobic, irresponsible, iconoclastic parents not placing too much emphasis about their children's education, its not the kids that are to blame. Its society.


Wildfire, maybe its time for you to move on:) this is a game and if you cant accept ppl makes some spelling mistakes then you really need to get a life.


I agree with you, Aucard and I think your English spelling is good imo. I didn't even know the word 'dyslexia' until now so I used 'Bad eyesight'. :rolleyes:


yess yess

But Minstrel !!! pls

*jumping up n down*

isnt the random wrong k or some hard abbreviation... thats right by me... But is totaly diff word ;P

pls not "mincer" *sigh* it turn me sad :( ...

*ever thought that ur name/nickname or ur slang term n abb in other language may signify somthing totatly different n maybe not rlly nice? ;P *


Oh come on.. cease your half-brained fascist ramblings wildfire.

The continual misuse of the language can get slightly irksome, but to come on here spouting your usual abrasive shite..

Unsurprising I suppose.

j000 d000d

It's not a misuse of language or not knowing proper english.

It's just people who don't take the time to read a NAME (note: NOT an english word)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Dyslexia would mean inconsistent spelling.


Now, have a look at the list above. How many of those are part of the English language? I'll give you time to think ... Give up? None.
How many of those are on spanish, swedish, greek or whatever players' screens as anything other than the above every single day that they play the game. Again, some time, no conferring now ... Sorry, time's up, the answer is of course; None.

I could understand it if people had just started playing the game, but Jesus, by the time you get to 50 you'd think people would have bothered to look carefully at what they're reading or writing.

Do you think journalists are geeky? Do you think university lecturers are geeky for marking people down for spelling mistakes in papers? It's not being geeky at all; it's something people should have learned to do when they were about twelve. You won't find me running around in-game correcting people's spelling mistakes, THAT would be geeky, when you remember that it is a game.

And now, what post of mine would be complete without some form of flame. Learn to spell you fricken in-breds.

You obviously have no idea what dyslexia is. Hang on il give you time to think !! Give up ? Well to enlighten you and your so huge brain dyslexia is a learning disability with trying to distinguish words and letters in written form eg reversing words, writing letters back to front, not being able to remember the sequence of letters in a word or sometimes reading from right to left. It doesnt matter one bit what language its written and they can see the same words day in and day out and be able to spell them verbally but still have problems writing/typing them. And before you flame me my daughter is dyslexic so i know all to well what it is.

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