FAO midgaard's PvE guilds


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Classified said:
My feelings exactly. I think not rezzing isnt in the Spirit of this game its a MMORPG. I still respect peoples right to make that decision and wouldn't flame anyone for not choosing to. As far as 1fg vs 1fg. RVR is random and if anyone pm's me complaining will get a short shrift. I will continue to play as I always have and thats join any fight I wish and encourage people to join any fight they see. Otherwise maybe random groups could kindly request that opted groups only attack other opted groups. YEAHH RIGHTT!

Agree 100% , was in a group with some self styled "rvr members" , they started the FFS routine complaining because we added onto a fight in progress. Not a prob , explained my view that midgard is at war with hibernia/albion and I will "add" onto every one of them I see and then said I would leave as our views conflicted, was happy to see I was then reinvited by the remaining 5 or so members who had a similar outlook. We then went on without complaint and were happy enough, killing some dieing some.

Im in a small guild and that will never change, started this game with frols and will probably finish when he does too. We have similar outlooks. I enjoy pve as much as rvr and dont let people who decide they are purely interested in one aspect of the game tell me how i should play because thats the way they do. In the same way I dont force or try to force my standards onto others either. Im just glad the people who I have met in this game on the whole are friendly nice people, and the ones who are not are usually out rvring so i dont have to put up with them. p

peace to all , play how you would like to play and dont force your ways onto others. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
if you spec him 50 parry and share rest between weapons ye.

well basicly if you wanna gimp spec yourself for RvR all classes are bad, thing with thanes is they dont have a good spec

both dark and supp sm's are good. although i Dont run caster groups in my guild atm, those are VERY viable and if some caster wanna do a good caster group they can become very succesfull with it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Well done moriath , from reading your handful of posts I think you speak for the majority of the players. Common sense , with well thought out responses intending to give no offense , nicely done.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
realmm8 dont call me a liar please there are worse liars in this realm we need to deal with 1st. :(

Originally posted by reebs:

"remeem is using panties!"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kherny said:
Well done moriath , from reading your handful of posts I think you speak for the majority of the players. Common sense , with well thought out responses intending to give no offense , nicely done.

Even the majority think what moriath thinks doesnt make it right or decides what and how the rest have to play.

We all pay to play this game and aslong people follow the coc is up to the player what to do.

If we are suppose to help each other it has to be both ways, the problem here is what we play the game for is very hard to do.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Just like to point out, that some of these RvR guilds sound like they're from a forgotten episode of Blackadder...

"Sir! Our allies! They're attacking our enemies"
Blackadder: "Why, the bastards... they're ours! Get your hands of them!"

<Finding Nemo Seagul Mode>
</Finding Nemo Seagul Mode>

The 3 realms are at war you know ;) Emain isn't a gentlemans club for opted RvR guilds


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
^^ :clap:

Maybe someone has a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a fox.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Baduska said:
blejs has a thane
i have a thane, got ubah equp AFS, 2 eyes of forn for him still he is poo, i'ts sad but it's a fact i have to accept. I wouldn't dare RvR with him cause i know that would why group looses. that's also why i've always been against full cave shamans etc. in other than keep situation it's a selfish spec etc.
i feel good if group does good thats all i need so bringing a thane group will do bad so i'll never do that.

that guy flamming makwaerk, get a grip, realise why he wont play with thanes, random groups dont have to be totally random still strive to do a good setup, just with random ppl instead of guild group.

and yes sucks having a thane, but dont be pissed at makwaerk, be pissed at mythic, makwaerk thinks for the good of the group, and unfortunately thanes aren't it, it's a sad fact and you have to come to terms with it. now if you are a casual player that only has 1 lvl 50 this really sucks. but not to do about it.

and just to make it clear a thane isn't just a bit worse, it's very much worse. my first char was a thane, so i know all about it, dont bring yourself any illusions to how good thanes are, they are simply the worst class in daoc.

/edit one last thing remember that unamed healer that left group cause the group invited a thane? that healer whats wrong with him leaving? yes he doesn't wanna play with thane, but he doens't stop the random group from playing with him, he justs waits cause to him it's a waste of time. the Thane gets to play everyone is happy. actually everyone is not happy cause everyone in the group would rather have had a healer than that thane, and especially an experienced RvR healer, so in that case you are just as biased vs thanes as the BO healer is, if you dont care about group setup you shouldn't care that the healer leaves

I rolled a Thane prolly the same day Blej and other old thanes did, I am well aware of how to play my class, both in PvE and in RvR. Your support of Makwaerks - do it my way or not at all attitude, is particularly indicative of the attitude of RvR guilds that has been discussed throughout this thread.

To be honest, the only way forward appears to be for all you 'holier than thou' types to get moving with DoL Server - get your own playground up, then you might actually be able to achieve what you want.




Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Moriath said:
and that blej is why im glad you left the game.

Instead of looking at things from an objective view you have a totally opt'd view point.

If the rest of a group have no problem with a char joining the group why should a healer who is the pivotal role in the group use his influence to dissued the majority because of his own short sighted views.

If you have a thane in a group he makes a good protector of support classes with guards and slam. They can also finish off fleeing mincers with bolts etc.

As stated it was a random group anyway with 1 healer so why not go have some fun kill a few things die a little.

Can you imagine how the person who's thane it was felt after they said yes and then because of one persons ignorance he cant join and has to hang around lfg again.

Just because a char doesn't do 300 hp dmg every 2 secs doesn't mean he cant help the group.

There are people at other side of the character not just unfeeling bots in a solo fps.

Take your time away from the game to go have some classes in compassion and re integrate yourself into society and you will see what i mean.

He gaved group a choice, either he goes or thane goes. The problem is?
And compare warrior with thane, thane got 1 thing that is better then warriors and that is their spells witch can help interupt.
Warriors got DET, cheap ras, pf if needed.
And blocks alot better also. And they also got higher ws witch affect the chance of landing slams and guards better to.
Sometimes i can have teh feeling invited some "randoms" and that is gimped but this is off hours stuff, if possible to fix other np at all.
I normally invite a gimped class and tell he can join intill someone else that do fit in the group better pops online. When u play a gimped class this is stuff u have to accept, i mean look you got a sb,hunter, and rm and shammy.
Shammy was lowest rr and wouldnt suprise me if most of em are running in epics and also got gimped ras/speccs.

You probally are one of the aka roleplayers we call em.
That is yelling lfg 5times etc and hope u get a group, what do i know.
Wouldnt suprise me at all. I am honest and do say wtf i mean.
So ofc you wanna get groups like this more often since u aint really wanted normally by the aka "leet" ppl that is rvers. True?

I doubt u have ever ran in 1fg opted and killed like 4fg? for example?
And play so damn fucking nice and the adrendalin pumps so high and u get such a kick and rush from it, cause u play with ppl that do great and know how to play. When u have done this u know the feeling, if u havent u will never know what i am talking about.

I remember 1 example with grivne when he played his healer in a opted group i think it was with me and others.
"omg this is how rvr is suppose to be" was something very similar to what he said.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Azorius said:
I rolled a Thane prolly the same day Blej and other old thanes did, I am well aware of how to play my class, both in PvE and in RvR. Your support of Makwaerks - do it my way or not at all attitude, is particularly indicative of the attitude of RvR guilds that has been discussed throughout this thread.

To be honest, the only way forward appears to be for all you 'holier than thou' types to get moving with DoL Server - get your own playground up, then you might actually be able to achieve what you want.



why play with a more gimp group then needed?
If he was only healer i think? And then a second healer is atleast needed majorly bad, we did normally 3healers in "opted setup".
Why is it bad that he want his groups and own best?
And wanna stand abit chance of another random group?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
blejs said:
why play with a more gimp group then needed?
If he was only healer i think? And then a second healer is atleast needed majorly bad, we did normally 3healers in "opted setup".
Why is it bad that he want his groups and own best?
And wanna stand abit chance of another random group?

For a chap who used to be a friendly guy, willing to help people out, you seemed to have turned extremely selfish Blej, it's probably a good idea you retired, a lot of people, myself included looked up to you as an example of how the game works, how people help each other, shame you've changed.

Enjoy your retirement.




Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Just close this thread .
We just leave midgaard as it is then, nothing then pointing fingers at us is done , U see us calling u names here, compare people to something ? or say U way of playing is selfish and not accepted ?

Accept our way of playing like we try to do with your way.

No way is the only way and people have to understand that people play for different reasons.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Would like to see more BO people on Relic Raids and Keep Takes then. You say you are a RvR Guild, and you would like to communicate more with the rest of us gimped Mids. Show me that you care about Mid then and then I'll settle on an opinion about your guild then. Been to quite a few RR now and never saw one BO present. Put your money where your mouth is otherwise get some more tissues whilst you are ****ing off to the Duskwave Stats.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Haars said:
Would like to see more BO people on Relic Raids and Keep Takes then. You say you are a RvR Guild, and you would like to communicate more with the rest of us gimped Mids. Show me that you care about Mid then and then I'll settle on an opinion about your guild then. Been to quite a few RR now and never saw one BO present. Put your money where your mouth is otherwise get some more tissues whilst you are ****ing off to the Duskwave Stats.
I think Blejs was wanking when he was remembering his rvr experiences tbh.

Ohhh opted ....oooh healer....ooh savage...oooh fully scd <dont think of a thane...dont think of a thane>
Ohhhh Ras...oooh ...ohhh...ahhhhhhhhh



Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Azorius said:
For a chap who used to be a friendly guy, willing to help people out, you seemed to have turned extremely selfish Blej, it's probably a good idea you retired, a lot of people, myself included looked up to you as an example of how the game works, how people help each other, shame you've changed.

Enjoy your retirement.



I was like this either loved or hated, cause of my opinions.
I like to play the game how i like it, shouldnt be wrong doing this at all.
And i have never had problem asking ppl if they need help etc at all either.
But u have to reliase what matters is how u like the game.
And should be able to play the game as how u want to.
I dont think its selfish at all wanting some special group setup.
Cause thats how i like it the most? And why should i be less happy and play more gimped setups? I dont see what those words are comming from at all tbh. I dont think i have changed that much at all tbh.
Just that i wanted to rvr at best way as possible, and not getting farmed and owned badly cause of ppl that cant play and wrong setups.
When i rvr what makes it fun is a: win. b: fun in groupchat. c: find enemies to fiiiiiight against.

Haars last RR i belive BO and mael or something was trieng to stop alb forces, so that might be why so might need to know more info just before u judge.

And fipe ofc fully sc is needed for opted rvr?
Just cause u dont care about stuff like that and might think u look nicely in the mirror looking at your epic armor and wank wank wank, i look so uber. Doesnt mean u are. When u run around with gimped stats


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Like I said before mate, I'm not judging. I'll form my own opinion when I see what is happening. One thing I can say BO is uber in RvR and nobody can argue with that, but maybe if you join in a bit more with your fellow Mids you will not get all the flames. You get what you give.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Let me tell you all a little story about Badomen and Bjel

It was a fine spring evening in Emain and the young Bonedancer Necromancer set out alone from MPK towards MMG, as he arrived he encountered a group of fellow midgards all from the mighty guild BadOmen. Glancing around Necromancer noticed a NightStalker hanging about in the shadows of the the battlements and he and a fellow solo mid pounced upon the Hib and slayed him for the glory of Midgard as any other mid would of done. Then the young Bonedancer received a personal message from the Mighty Badomens Guildmaster himself!!

Was it a message of congratulations of a job well done or something else?

lets have a look shall we.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
blejs said:
And fipe ofc fully sc is needed for opted rvr?
Just cause u dont care about stuff like that and might think u look nicely in the mirror looking at your epic armor and wank wank wank, i look so uber. Doesnt mean u are. When u run around with gimped stats
Is fipe me?

I think my really simple and quite rude little joke simply passed you by like a shadow in the night.

Oh well - I couldnt care less.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
NecromancerBane said:
Let me tell you all a little story about Badomen and Bjel


Just about sums it up. The kind of unexpected thing that happens and really puts you off your enjoyment of this game.

Same old same old.

Edit : So thats , dont add and dont kill anyone BO might know in the "rvr" zone then .

Ok 2 new rules to remember ....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
we join all relic raids we are invited to basicly, and maybe you dont see us cause we often run ahead and clear sauvage road cause that is what the raid leaders wants from us, cause thats what we do best


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
NecromancerBane said:
Let me tell you all a little story about Badomen and Bjel

It was a fine spring evening in Emain and the young Bonedancer Necromancer set out alone from MPK towards MMG, as he arrived he encountered a group of fellow midgards all from the mighty guild BadOmen. Glancing around Necromancer noticed a NightStalker hanging about in the shadows of the the battlements and he and a fellow solo mid pounced upon the Hib and slayed him for the glory of Midgard as any other mid would of done. Then the young Bonedancer received a personal message from the Mighty Badomens Guildmaster himself!!

Was it a message of congratulations of a job well done or something else?

lets have a look shall we.


ofc i think its seriously lame when "fun" stuff getting ruined like that?
Ofc i flip out on stuff like that when ppl like you that have problems getting RP the normally way see a free way of getting rp and doing shit like that.
Ofc its a hib and u suppose to kill etc, but still was lame and u should know this also, cause in that case like duells would never happend only to death witch isnt allowed at all ^^ We said dont kill and u just continued instaid of stopping and doing that showing no respect at all, why on earth should we show u respect? Funny how your alliance is worked atleast.
Those pve onces and unnessery message.
And fyi mskin = bard also, so instaid of telling stuff like.
I just killed a bard that was following a group around late on night this was also since bard was running solo i belive to ^^
And since he was with the middis i thought it was free rp, and they said dont kill but i still did, and doing this i pissed them off. But i dont understand why on earth i did that. And showing no respect what so ever to them.
Why do they hate me now? Seriously so fucking lame to tell not 100% of a story if u gonna post stuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Blejs, I didn´t know you ingame, tbh I´ve never even heard about you ingame while I played albion. I don´t know what kind of person you where/is, and frankly I don´t care.

You´ve chosen to leave the game, would you then mind NOT comming here cursing and swearing at people? I know you´re just "defending" yourself, but think about it, if you stopped swearing over every little negative thing said about you (or your guild while you where leading it) maybe people would start to talk less negative? for a bad circle to turn good it needs a turning point, and in this particular situation YOU are the only one that can create that point, either by starting to talk reasonable and use proper argumentation when discussing something, or fade into the shadows and leave the boards alone.

I did not know you while playing, I don´t know what you´ve done for Midgard in the past, but what you are doing NOW on these boards is NOT helping the realm.

Please spend some time considering what I have said.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
You want the truth?

YOU(well your ego) CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

tbh bjel your just digging an even bigger hole for yourself
i have every right in the world to kill an enemy realmer in a frontier zone unless of course its one of your m8's and that means i ignore the the point of the game and do as you say. You won't group with lowbies or non optimal people, you won't rez people who have actually helped your group out in RvR, You add whenever you feel like but get extremely abusive if someone dares to add into one of your fights.

Your ego is unbelieveable, your the biggest twat ive ever seen in a mmorpg and that includes playing EQ on yank servers for over 2 years. The game isn't played to your rules and what suits you even if you really deep down believe that it should be. Ive been told by BO members to "fuck off and stop leeching like a noob" when ive actually saved their group healer from being MA'ed in the past. I know i speak for most of midgard when i say fuck off to Hib/Excal and don't come back because Mid/Pry is 100 times more enjoyable without muppets like you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Lets just play as we all want aslong is not against coc set by Goa or mythic.
Nobody as the right to claim an enemy (mob) Is there to get killed.
Rez, participate in keep taking or defending , RR , rvr, cg , tg raids ,is all up to the individual player aslong he stayes within rules of COC.

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