FAO Durgi


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Durgi said:
Ok lets get one thing perfectly clear, we lost some relic cheap frills.. considering the speed, discipline and success of ALL our recent relic raids, you really think we won't get them back?? Both Belorfyn and I have been commenting on a regular basis that previous relic status was boring, Relic are there for one purpose, to take and defend. Last night we took a relic on a well organised raid, getting a Relic force too Dun Dagda unseen, and enmass is possibly one of the hardest things to do Prime time, and given whats going on we're about the only realm capable of it. Midgards recent track record for a Raiding Realm, which is what we are, the majority of our realm partakes in Raiding, look at Belorfyn's never ending assaults on albions keeps for an example. Everytime he organises a trip abroad so to speak he gets loads of people show up, myself included. The emain grind is for only a small part of our realm, the bulk of midgard are raiders. Woo Hoo so we have to go and raid Albion again, take some keeps, farm some albs, and when we're ready, take the relics.

THREE successful relic raids back to back.. in the two years and a bit I've been on prydwen only ONE realm has achieved that... MIDGARD!!!!

You have the audacity to blame me for the loss of the Relics?? From the moment Hibs took Fens at 11pm gmt, I was in our frontier, following and watching their every move, calling mids to arms to try and stop them, for 3 hours I was in everyone of our keeps trying to defend it, Midgards defenders though few, were a shambles. A couple of them broke out into an arguement. 33 people sat in emain farming rp, whilst our keeps fail.. which about 30 of us, made a piss poor attempt to defend. Not a single midgardian guild owning a Keep, had taken the time upgrade their doors after a server reboot.. every keep had lvl1 doors??? of the 50-60 lvl 50 mids online we could only manage to get 20-30 of them, into our frontier, of which 50% of which didn't even know where our keeps were. The defense was a shambles plain and simple, I and a few dedicated mids tried to make the effort to retake keeps, but 12 people non opted vs lvl10 keeps, doesn't go far. 3 hours I spent trying to defend the relics, I called the relic raid, the moment hibs left Fens for Arvakr, I was there defending Grallar, whilst most mids were running round trying to find it. I was defending Blendrake solo for 10 minutes till mids finally found it... all be it in 1 group at a time, to face 30 high RR high ML hibs..

So don't you dare to accuse me of not defending my realm, I gave a damn sight more to protect them relics that you did Bashir. Lets see how you do at recovering them.


What he said.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Bashir time for you to do something for the realm to if not STFU!!!
You cant blame durgi that we have no relics now. Its up to every member in midgard to protect our relics and our keeps.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Durgi may gloat a bit or wind people up but he seems one of midgard's most honest hard working people wether you like him or not he does a lot for your realm.You guys will probably take them back fast to be honest anyway.

Shouldn't take things out on him though, it's really not easy doing the things he has done it seems.


Dec 23, 2003
bashir said:

Thank you for getting your ego in front of the realm (mid), because of Balthasar said you couldnt take it, we lost all our relics. And don't tell you couldnt anticipate this, because you have to be really stupid if you think albs or/and hibs wont attack our relic keeps without any uber guard defenses.

So before you raid, we got..

3 str relics
0 power relics
Uber guards

You do your ego raid (sorry, but thats what it is) and we get..
3 str relics
3 power relics
no uber guards

Albs / hibs take advantage of it , as can be expected, so we get..
0 str relics
0 power relics
uber guards

So in the end, in stead of winning anything, you lose our str relics, respect of some mids (for beeing selfish), and you win... respect of Balthasar. Was that worth it?

Thanks for deciding for the whole realm, I'm sure more mids feel like I do (at least 75% of whom I talked to).

I still have some respect for you, but you got a lot to make up mate. Its up to you to get your team of powerrelicraiders out again and get our str relics back.

(btw don't blame hibs / albs, we would do EXACTLY the same thing)

who are you to decide what relics we have ?

jesus leave durgi alone hes playing the game, whine at the other people on the raid, who are you to decide what relics we have.

You talk about the power relics like they are fucking worthless, your the selfish bitch who doesnt give a shit about power users, pull your head from out your ass


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Oh yeah and you ( Bashir ) didnt even have your facts straight.. We did at NO time have all the 3 power relics. Our own got home to Grallar safely and I believe the Alb one got netral for a little while but picked up by hibs. Thats still 2 power relics in HIB possetion. Makes this thread even more bad and ridicolous..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Firstly, it was just plain stupid of Mids to go for the relics and it was even more stupid of Durgi to make a post on FH gloating.

However, he seems to be one of the few that bothers to get off his ass and do something in Mid and for that I commend him. He shouldn't be subject to this abuse because of one mistake, it's not like relics are hard to get anymore anyway.

Oh and, as a side note... Cerbie, I'd be willing to wager that more Mids are on Social Security than Hibs, but let's not get into that. :p

We'd finished everything by 2am iirc, that's ample time to sleep and get up for work imo.

GL taking them back, have my Animist in Cain waiting for y'all! ;>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Hmm durgi's response may have been well recieved but looking through his post, there are references to the only 20-30 that showed up bein shite and not knowing where the keeps are etc etc, seems a litte unfair, these are the only people afterall that at 3 am were actually in the frontier trying to help.. give the little guy sum respect durgi they may not have had the skills to defend but they had the heart..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
The relic raid was impressive. Prime time. The real prime time and not prime time the hib way. Cheers to you Durgi.

It's not like we are the first realm to have lost relics due to crappy respons/low numbers online and I am fairly sure we aren't the last realm doing it either. The relic defense was crappy and we have to live with it. It is just to suck it up and start retaking what is ours.

As for the trolling hibs here.

Ovi1 said:
Any "Crossrealming" was done using emotes, and in game mechanics. Deal with it, as said by others, it's no different to real life alliances and betrayals.

I see hibs keep saying that. Trying to justify what you did, eh? The difference is that irl one would never sink so low to work together with the trash equal to what albs are ingame. =)

Dook said:
Firstly, it was just plain stupid of Mids to go for the relics and it was even more stupid of Durgi to make a post on FH gloating.

However, he seems to be one of the few that bothers to get off his ass and do something in Mid and for that I commend him. He shouldn't be subject to this abuse because of one mistake, it's not like relics are hard to get anymore anyway.

Oh and, as a side note... Cerbie, I'd be willing to wager that more Mids are on Social Security than Hibs, but let's not get into that. :p

We'd finished everything by 2am iirc, that's ample time to sleep and get up for work imo.

GL taking them back, have my Animist in Cain waiting for y'all! ;>

Oh yes actually playing this game as it is supposed to be and on top of that pissing your enemies off. Shame on you durgi! You should be in emain farming rp the whole day and when you finally have to go away from there you are so scared that you have to work with stinking albs. I understand you must be proud of yourself dook for fighting for such a just cause! =)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 31, 2003
Tuppe said:
only thing what make me wonder is how "proud" albs is now when they get middle week and 4am relics.
whit that pop advantage they got? can do it primetime easy, but no! only mids have had balls for that.


Havent botherd reading the whole tread, but just to enlighten the mids than doesnt already know.

The chain of events started when mids made theyr move on dagda until mid was withoute relics.. i heard it was 7 houers total. so it was not an alarm clock raid.. and did not mids get an advantage of the reset? if not, then to bad for mids not upgrading your keep dors, cant blame anyone but yourself for that part.

a poor number of mids defended, this is also a reason for the relics saying bye bye to midgard.

And the thing that happend, as i have heard it, was that hibs took back theyr power relic, then decided to trye the str keep for fun, as there were hardly any defenders around. when they succeded, they gave the one str relic they got to the albs at apk. why? becouse they think stratigicaly, and maybe for revenge to. Its hard to defend 6 relics, especialy as a small realm on this server, so they gave it to the albs. We albs are also a less treath for the hibs with str relics than mids are, becouse mids are a stronger realm, melee wise.

Then the albs though, why not raid the last 2 relics.. so they did.. with 2 groups..

So a combination of good working hibs, mids not coming to defend, mids not bothering to upgrade theyr keeps was the reason for you loosing the relics.

But you went straight back on to that horse.
When i got the call to come defend last night, i at first though "fecking mids, so close to lvl 10 on my cloak now!", but when i got into excalibur, i though "thank god mids did this, so sick of emain runing"

But anyways, this is not a "whine" tread at all, this is just to explain what happend. (what i heard on forums, and in game)

Good Luck taking them back, look forward to alot of nice firghts in HW and PM :clap:

Edit: and thanks durgi, for doing this! not becouse we got the relics, but becouse RvR was turning boring again! had loads of fun last night


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
I personally can't see what the problem is.

The aim of the game is to take keeps and relics isn't it? For the last 4-5 months the relic situation has been fairly static and its pretty clear that the server seemed to have settled for the status quo. Durgi (imo) should be thanked by everyone on prydwen along with every mid who took that power relic. It woke the hibs up. The post here wound the hibs up and now we have an excuse to do what we do best, raid.

Now when we take keeps we know that albs and hibs are going to come out and defend. Now the RVR is a bit more meaningful and we have nothing to lose.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I think this is great, hopefully this forces some real rvr instead of the mindless emain rvr :p

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I've considered the situation and to be honest, I think it's not really that bad. Prydwen's RvR situation just got a massive asskicking. From here on it is really up to us to decide where it goes.

We can sit passively and complain or point fingers, or try to regain that which we lost. It would be ideal if the server was healthy enough RvR-wise so relics change hands regularly. The situation of the last few months hasn't been healthy with Hibs having all power and Mid having all melee.. but the situation as it was before ToA wasn't good either - which is the way it is right now.

We have to look at this from a neutral point of view. The three realms are not equal. I'm not talking about classes here, but in pure rvr-relic-interested playerbase.. ToA has muddled up a lot of alliances and rvr-centered guilds. I'm not going to sink into the quagmire of saying who is 'better'.. That's for another thread. Time will tell, but I do hope that the situation will improve, because dead relic-rvr is no fun for anyone.

On a personal note: Curse you hibs and albs. I would have liked to keep the strength relics a few weeks longer as I level up my bow and vest. :) /fistshake


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
bashir said:
Thanks for deciding for the whole realm

Well, if Mids thought the relic raid was a stupid idea, they didnt have to help :p
So dont blame Durgi for this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
That's one of the most disgraceful posts I've ever seen Bash, and surprising coming from you. Someone always get's out of their box when we lose relics but we always get some back.

Good raid Durgi and Belorfyn.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
i want to thank durgi for organising the rr, i wasnt on it was out but i felt it was needed as rvr was geting boring.

i was however back at midnight and i logged to my rvr char and joined the defence, it was gone 4am (yeah i do have a job and i was back up at 8am to get to it) b4 i went to bed, durgi bravely attempted to defend the relics with a less than suitable force. from me arriving in upland and getting into the cg i never saw more than 4fg of mids, trying to defend and i was following the orders as seen in the cg this is why we lost relics.

i hope the hibs are proud giving albs the str relics ( they cant say they didnt i was dead in mjol as the single alb came up throught the 60+ hibs collecting albs str relic and leaving with it.) hmmmm and they say it wasnt organised.

hmmm well it seams as though mid will have to stand against both hibs and albs working together, were strong enough, go durgi lets have all 6 relics again.

go Midgard the only realm brave enough to hold all 6 relics

ps the hibs in mjol new alb was coming cause they had stopped casting the hundreds of shrooms that were in there ahh welll come 1.69 they wont be able to cast 100 at least


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 31, 2003
Astar said:
i want to thank durgi for organising the rr, i wasnt on it was out but i felt it was needed as rvr was geting boring.

i was however back at midnight and i logged to my rvr char and joined the defence, it was gone 4am (yeah i do have a job and i was back up at 8am to get to it) b4 i went to bed, durgi bravely attempted to defend the relics with a less than suitable force. from me arriving in upland and getting into the cg i never saw more than 4fg of mids, trying to defend and i was following the orders as seen in the cg this is why we lost relics.

i hope the hibs are proud giving albs the str relics ( they cant say they didnt i was dead in mjol as the single alb came up throught the 60+ hibs collecting albs str relic and leaving with it.) hmmmm and they say it wasnt organised.

hmmm well it seams as though mid will have to stand against both hibs and albs working together, were strong enough, go durgi lets have all 6 relics again.

go Midgard the only realm brave enough to hold all 6 relics

ps the hibs in mjol new alb was coming cause they had stopped casting the hundreds of shrooms that were in there ahh welll come 1.69 they wont be able to cast 100 at least

was not planed... as the alb got killed just a few feet oute of the keep..

It was handed to albs at apk later.. then albs came back for the other 2

and yeah, i think they should be proud.. if they hadnt taken the str relic, and given it to alb, the mindless emain zerging would have continued.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
mhael said:
Oh yes actually playing this game as it is supposed to be and on top of that pissing your enemies off. Shame on you durgi! You should be in emain farming rp the whole day and when you finally have to go away from there you are so scared that you have to work with stinking albs. I understand you must be proud of yourself dook for fighting for such a just cause! =)

You don't seem too bright so I'll say this (again) slowly for you...

Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

Got that? Good.

Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

I hope you got that.

Thanks. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Astar said:
i hope the hibs are proud giving albs the str relics ( they cant say they didnt i was dead in mjol as the single alb came up throught the 60+ hibs collecting albs str relic and leaving with it.) hmmmm and they say it wasnt organised.

So um, explain why we killed him? :m00:

go Midgard the only realm brave enough to hold all 6 relics

I believe you mispelt "brave". It's "S T U P I D". :>

ps the hibs in mjol new alb was coming cause they had stopped casting the hundreds of shrooms that were in there ahh welll come 1.69 they wont be able to cast 100 at least

Why bother casting shrooms when there's only 3/4 Mids trying to defend RK?

Strong deductive skills you have there!



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Dook said:
You don't seem too bright so I'll say this (again) slowly for you...

Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

Got that? Good.

Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

I hope you got that.

Thanks. :p

nope your so wrong, the end game is about taking and holding the relics thats all of the relics not just some. Its quite right that mid should try and take and hold all 6 relics.

And when we loose them (because loosing them is as inevitable as gatting them ) then we can go get them back again.

If everyone had your attitude then the relics would never move and the game would only be left with emain zerging .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I hereby appologise to Durgi and all the people I seem to have offended.

I was a bit hasty and rash in my posting and hope you won't hold it against me.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Dook said:
You don't seem too bright so I'll say this (again) slowly for you...

Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

Got that? Good.

Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

I hope you got that.

Thanks. :p

people play the game in different ways, so really really 'your understanding' of how the game should be played isnt worth a fuck to a lot of others.

some people enjoy the 'challenge' of having to get them back. not having them sit in a relic keep so the uber 8 man gank groups like ur guild can wtfpwn some randoms 5 seconds faster.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Dook said:
You don't seem too bright so I'll say this (again) slowly for you...

Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

Got that? Good.

Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

I hope you got that.

Thanks. :p

Not what he said .. the opposite infact .. if possible :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
bashir said:
I hereby appologise to Durgi and all the people I seem to have offended.

I was a bit hasty and rash in my posting and hope you won't hold it against me.




Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Astar said:
i hope the hibs are proud giving albs the str relics ( they cant say they didnt i was dead in mjol as the single alb came up throught the 60+ hibs collecting albs str relic and leaving with it.) hmmmm and they say it wasnt organised.

ps the hibs in mjol new alb was coming cause they had stopped casting the hundreds of shrooms that were in there ahh welll come 1.69 they wont be able to cast 100 at least

First were you really there? Cos we were 22 hibs and not 60+ t.t

Second we held the keep for a while then and guards with 0 keeps weren't much of a trouble so to reduce the lag I said to spam less and only highest lvl shrooms as we had it under control, and were considering leaving the RK already at the time the alb came. That then changed our plans a little as we figured we might as well leave mids with 0% bonus instead of 10% so the albs got their own relic also.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Astar said:
ps the hibs in mjol new alb was coming cause they had stopped casting the hundreds of shrooms that were in there ahh welll come 1.69 they wont be able to cast 100 at least

I had stopped shrooming with Furbina (big, pink shroom cultivator) as I was destroying the other inner door of the relic keep with Furball (aka walking ram). Usually I run Furball/Furbina + Chillaxing on one comp and Furbina/Furball on the other but for the relic raid I had Chillaxing on the second comp and Furball/Furbina on the same comp due to Furbina being a late addition.

Otherwise fishy boy would have died fast as I had been shrooming a huge stack of doom at the top of the tower.

Can't comment much for the other animists but generally they had calmed down the shrooming due to us actually having the relic keep.

He died on the middle floor of the relic keep on his way down so didn't make it far anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
I was online throughout the whole thing. Giggling like a loon mostly. All I was any use for was passing along info between peeps though and trying to get more peeps onto the frontier to intercept. Albs were out to intercept if possible. We were actually still fighting Hibs even at the APKO.

Guards don't defend relics. They buy you time so you can get your people to a relic keep. If you don't have the people mobilised and on their way fast enough you aren't keeping relics. It really is that simple so its not worth getting overly excited or upset about a few guards difference made by one relic.

I take with a pinch of salt any time anyone goes on about guards as on their own they won't keep anyone's relics safe. They just give you a little longer to get people out of those ML raids ;)

Albs aren't overly happy with the way we got the relics especially as we had a full relic raid planned for the following night but it would be stupid to turn down relics offered by a passing elf or 10 since we planned on going to get them anyway. It was just very strange having people out there to try and intercept and then they got given the things anyway.

The relic situation is not static and you'll see more Albs out and about now RvRing, even without the 3 str relics in our possesion. I'm sure they'll change hands again in which case we look forward to simply coming to get them again.

The only thing Mid is really guilty of here is provoking and grossly underestimating an enemy. Lesson learned I suspect.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Dook said:
You don't seem too bright so I'll say this (again) slowly for you...

Oh my. That was a ingenious and fresh disguised insult! :clap:

Dook said:
Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

Got that? Good.

Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

I hope you got that.

Thanks. :p

Huhu, I don't even know if this is worth replying to, it's like when I tried to use irony on my grandmother, but I am kinda bored. :)

I apologize for my super serious attempt on analyzing how this game is supposed to be played and thanks Dook for showing me the way. Since I am the slow one I think I should just stick to saying straight out that I think hibs are smelly and albs even smellier the next time. I am obviously not only slow, but too stupid to make others understand my point. :drink:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Dook said:
You don't seem too bright so I'll say this (again) slowly for you...

Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

Got that? Good.

Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

I hope you got that.

Thanks. :p

well some people (including myself) were bored with the current relic situation, its no fun knowing that relics are safe because albs wont attack since they seem to crash the zone and hibs arent gonna attack since then they will hold all 6 relics

i for one like abit of diversity and am looking forward to some good relic attacks and defence :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Oro said:
The only thing Mid is really guilty of here is provoking and grossly underestimating an enemy. Lesson learned I suspect.

Durgi lead a great and fun (ever heart that word related to this game?) raid and I honestly couldn't care less about losing the 3 str relics.

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