FAO Durgi


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
nuky said:
some people enjoy the 'challenge' of having to get them back. not having them sit in a relic keep so the uber 8 man gank groups like ur guild can wtfpwn some randoms 5 seconds faster.

Dook sets mode +Jealousy.

mhael said:
I apologize for my super serious attempt on analyzing how this game is supposed to be played and thanks Dook for showing me the way. Since I am the slow one I think I should just stick to saying straight out that I think hibs are smelly and albs even smellier the next time. I am obviously not only slow, but too stupid to make others understand my point.

Please read - "by my understanding". Everyone has a different opinion on the way the game is supposed to be played at "end game". I just provided valid reasons why I believe the game should be played the way I think it should. Can you?

carrot said:
nope your so wrong, the end game is about taking and holding the relics thats all of the relics not just some. Its quite right that mid should try and take and hold all 6 relics.

And when we loose them (because loosing them is as inevitable as gatting them ) then we can go get them back again.

If everyone had your attitude then the relics would never move and the game would only be left with emain zerging

And there was me thinking the game was about getting relics and keeping them. Having all 6 relics makes it almost impossible to keep them, thus keeping 6 relics = not a very good idea. It's a simple concept really...

There are 3 realms in DAoC for a reason. If there were two realms, I'd agree with your opinion that the relics would never move if everyone played the way I feel is the most prudent. However, 3 realms provides ample opportunity and reason for the relics to swap hands on a regular basis.

If having more than 3 relics makes it almost impossible to keep said relics, why have more than 3? It's common sense tbfh.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Dook said:
If having more than 3 relics makes it almost impossible to keep said relics, why have more than 3? It's common sense tbfh.

It's a challenge. But if you aren't up for a little bit of risk <shrug> that's your way of playing the game.

RvR situation in the past 2 month was dead boring.
Albs didn't bother to defend their keeps.
Hibs ? Think the memory that there were tree-huggers in this game aswell was already fading.

Had a lot of fun yesterday :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>Durgi organised a raid that, if successful, would jeopardise his realms relic situation. The game, by my understanding, is supposed to be tactical and taking a relic uneccessarily and thus leaving your realm vulnerable isn't very tactically sound.

The game dont have much "tactical" or "strategical" gameplay in the game design except for the relics. If you dont aim for controlling all relics on a server like Prydwen all that is left in the rvr game is the team fortress deathmatch play in Emain. If Albion and Hibernia were stronger realms the situation wouldnt turn stale. Secondly, not all players find the team fortress deathmatching in Emain that very exciting in the long run. Some actually enjoy the keep taking/defending situation (at least when the enemy realm dares to come out and play) much more than just running around in the same circles hour after hour. The game means different things to different players, expecting the relics to stay in one relic keep month after month is not a very realistic point of view.

Granted in the min/max approach to the game you are perfectly right in your assessment, but then not all players subscribe to that attitude and want the stage to change from time to time. Assuming those are stupid implies you havent thought this matter through, or dont understand that not all players approach the game in the same way you do.

>Now, playing the game without taking these things into account isn't "playing the game as it's meant to be played". It's just rather stupid.

No playing it safe like that isnt providing much excitement in you life. Stupidity have nothing to do with it.

Bashir, a good post from you there, shows backbone :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Knowing Durgi as i do im sure he wont rest till Mid/pryd gets back atleast some relics


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Thornbeard said:
Knowing Durgi as i do im sure he wont rest till Mid/pryd gets back atleast some relics

question is, how fast do we want them back ? ;)

looking at the pictures from Berk just now, looks like Mids are having fun in Albland. :flame:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
that is one awesome pic cylian :D

is that the illusion thing from band of stars? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
nuky said:
u got a seriously sad outlook on life if u think someone is jealous of how u play a game :eek:

"u have a seriously sad outlook on life if u have 2 bring my guild in2 a dispute such as dis 2 make a point..."



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Ormorof said:
that is one awesome pic cylian :D

is that the illusion thing from band of stars? :p

no idea, ask Wou ... happened when I bashed him ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003


GOA quest thingy,do it,get potion and get morph -.-


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
i back durgi at least he's got the balls to take the risks for the hell of it good old mid balls wjust what we need more of if u want to blame some 1 blame the ppl who where online and let the hibs take all ower keeps with out much opposition (oh i will say good on those who had the balls to try to stop them out numbered thou u must have been) and let them take the relics u dont blame the guy who orginized getting them in the 1st place ffs

who wants to play in a static world where nothing changes and theres no challanges u want the relics back ffs stop winning and go get them and try to defend the things for a change in stead of e expecting the dam gaurds to do the job for u


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Frubly said:
I had stopped shrooming with Furbina (big, pink shroom cultivator) as I was destroying the other inner door of the relic keep with Furball (aka walking ram). Usually I run Furball/Furbina + Chillaxing on one comp and Furbina/Furball on the other but for the relic raid I had Chillaxing on the second comp and Furball/Furbina on the same comp due to Furbina being a late addition.

Otherwise fishy boy would have died fast as I had been shrooming a huge stack of doom at the top of the tower.

Can't comment much for the other animists but generally they had calmed down the shrooming due to us actually having the relic keep.

He died on the middle floor of the relic keep on his way down so didn't make it far anyway.

hmm so thats why one animist stoped casting on top floor and as for the others .... sounds to well planned ... hmmm ..

i was dead on top floor and watch the ml ablil (power field go up) and the animists started casting and one didnt stop till shrooms had almost started to die

some peeps are simply rp hoars and cant turn down a kill chance thats more likly a reason he died on way out.

if the plan was simply to take ur own relic with no mids returning to rk u would have simply left not waited about for the alb to arrive

and even with only 20 hibs there the shrooms u were using to kill the rk guards would have killed the alb way b4 he got to the top of mjol ....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
btw i do not believe all hibs on raid knew about the alliance but all i can ask those who didnt know and where on raid why did they raid if they didnt want the relics


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

this thread is big, but will it beat the BO whine ones, the BO people fight like crazy to have the bigges whinethread, but Durgi "D" Sylvarion has the force on his side...will the dragonmaster from westside Atla defeat them wankers from Bad Omen..stay tuned!!!one!1

(think of a cool voice when you read this)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Reebs said:

this thread is big, but will it beat the BO whine ones, the BO people fight like crazy to have the bigges whinethread, but Durgi "D" Sylvarion has the force on his side...will the dragonmaster from westside Atla defeat them wankers from Bad Omen..stay tuned!!!one!1

(think of a cool voice when you read this)


:cheers: :kissit: :cheers: :bazbeer:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Reebs said:

this thread is big, but will it beat the BO whine ones, the BO people fight like crazy to have the bigges whinethread, but Durgi "D" Sylvarion has the force on his side...will the dragonmaster from westside Atla defeat them wankers from Bad Omen..stay tuned!!!one!1

(think of a cool voice when you read this)

only 110 posts (111 now i suppose) :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Astar said:
if the plan was simply to take ur own relic with no mids returning to rk u would have simply left not waited about for the alb to arrive

and even with only 20 hibs there the shrooms u were using to kill the rk guards would have killed the alb way b4 he got to the top of mjol ....

Read what we said... t.t We stopped shrooming because the shrooms weren't needed and we had the RK under control, we didn't leave it because we weren't sure albs could get the hib relic before having their own, and if that wasn't possible we woulda returned our own before picking up the last 2 and giving to alb. Also we were destroying the fourth gate :p

Astar said:
btw i do not believe all hibs on raid knew about the alliance but all i can ask those who didnt know and where on raid why did they raid if they didnt want the relics

We raided the str relics (as mentioned many times alrdy) because we wanted to: Stir up the relic situation, reduce the effectiveness of OP savages and as revenge for taking our power relic + goating on FH, and lastly because just about 0 mids came to defend. And all hibs knew our str relic was to go to the albs if they could pick it up, and if not then the other 2 were. And no one knew about the sorc that came and lifted the alb relic.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
I just enjoy that albs and hibs have relics now. Maybe now the albs dare to cross amg without a 4fg backup.

U wish :) think it will take all 6 relics to se that day :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
only 2 things i can say are

to the few Mids who actually turned up to defend (approx 30 when i was there out of a total 90+ not anon lvl50's online at the time) ... well done ... did a great job under doubtful leadership

regarding the 'doubtfull leadership' ... to continually abuse and demoralise the troops that showed up was a big mistake on 'someones' part

anyone that was there will understand (i hope) what i mean


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Just finished reading this, flame D posts are allways quite funny.

All i have to say is that i know D for about a year now, and I´m officer of Nemesis for about 8 months, and that I´m more than happy of having such a great leader as GM, and allways enjoyed every raid he runs.

I guess Albs and Hibs would be happy of having Durgi with em, instead of infront of them :worthy:

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