Thanks for deciding for the whole realm, I'm sure more mids feel like I do (at least 75% of whom I talked to).
bashir said:Durgi
Thank you for getting your ego in front of the realm (mid), because of Balthasar said you couldnt take it, we lost all our relics. And don't tell you couldnt anticipate this, because you have to be really stupid if you think albs or/and hibs wont attack our relic keeps without any uber guard defenses.
So before you raid, we got..
3 str relics
0 power relics
Uber guards
You do your ego raid (sorry, but thats what it is) and we get..
3 str relics
3 power relics
no uber guards
Albs / hibs take advantage of it , as can be expected, so we get..
0 str relics
0 power relics
uber guards
So in the end, in stead of winning anything, you lose our str relics, respect of some mids (for beeing selfish), and you win... respect of Balthasar. Was that worth it?
Thanks for deciding for the whole realm, I'm sure more mids feel like I do (at least 75% of whom I talked to).
I still have some respect for you, but you got a lot to make up mate. Its up to you to get your team of powerrelicraiders out again and get our str relics back.
(btw don't blame hibs / albs, we would do EXACTLY the same thing)
This was aimed at the crossrealming of hibs and albs.Jeriraa said:However the way it was done has marked a new "low" for the Prywden realm wars.
Durgi said:Ok lets get one thing perfectly clear, we lost some relic cheap frills.. considering the speed, discipline and success of ALL our recent relic raids, you really think we won't get them back?? Both Belorfyn and I have been commenting on a regular basis that previous relic status was boring, Relic are there for one purpose, to take and defend. Last night we took a relic on a well organised raid, getting a Relic force too Dun Dagda unseen, and enmass is possibly one of the hardest things to do Prime time, and given whats going on we're about the only realm capable of it. Midgards recent track record for a Raiding Realm, which is what we are, the majority of our realm partakes in Raiding, look at Belorfyn's never ending assaults on albions keeps for an example. Everytime he organises a trip abroad so to speak he gets loads of people show up, myself included. The emain grind is for only a small part of our realm, the bulk of midgard are raiders. Woo Hoo so we have to go and raid Albion again, take some keeps, farm some albs, and when we're ready, take the relics.
THREE successful relic raids back to back.. in the two years and a bit I've been on prydwen only ONE realm has achieved that... MIDGARD!!!!
You have the audacity to blame me for the loss of the Relics?? From the moment Hibs took Fens at 11pm gmt, I was in our frontier, following and watching their every move, calling mids to arms to try and stop them, for 3 hours I was in everyone of our keeps trying to defend it, Midgards defenders though few, were a shambles. A couple of them broke out into an arguement. 33 people sat in emain farming rp, whilst our keeps fail.. which about 30 of us, made a piss poor attempt to defend. Not a single midgardian guild owning a Keep, had taken the time upgrade their doors after a server reboot.. every keep had lvl1 doors??? of the 50-60 lvl 50 mids online we could only manage to get 20-30 of them, into our frontier, of which 50% of which didn't even know where our keeps were. The defense was a shambles plain and simple, I and a few dedicated mids tried to make the effort to retake keeps, but 12 people non opted vs lvl10 keeps, doesn't go far. 3 hours I spent trying to defend the relics, I called the relic raid, the moment hibs left Fens for Arvakr, I was there defending Grallar, whilst most mids were running round trying to find it. I was defending Blendrake solo for 10 minutes till mids finally found it... all be it in 1 group at a time, to face 30 high RR high ML hibs..
So don't you dare to accuse me of not defending my realm, I gave a damn sight more to protect them relics that you did Bashir. Lets see how you do at recovering them.
Jeriraa said:Just to clarify...
This was aimed at the crossrealming of hibs and albs.
Old.Ilum said:Can't blame Durgi for arranging a power relic raid, but gloating on FH was probably an uneccessary provocation![]()
Azurat said:Don´t get why he had to organise an attack on hib power relics, it was just stupid imo. We gain nothing more then hibs pbaoe doing 10% less damage, we lost how ever a lot of guards. Worst is though that in case of a rr if you have both power and strength, you will prolly end up with split up defence unless really good leadership.
I wasn´t on the relic raid since i thought it just plain stupid idea, however i was in our frontier defending.
So please think some more before getting to greedy or arrogant in the future.
civy said:All I can say is it’s lucky for you durgi is better at taking relics than you are at defending them
Both Belorfyn and I have been commenting on a regular basis that previous relic status was boring
LOL :wub:Loch said: