FAO Albs @ emain



you all moan but think about it like this...if there was no alb zergs where would u get RPs from? cus average alb zerg grp is a walkover for any half decent mid/hib grp...and don't even bother trying to decline it.


Originally posted by vargen
foad with ur zerging.
Oooh, says the skald from the Mid zerg guild who likes to bring 2 FGs to Odin's when both Albs and Mids move in 1 FGs.


Originally posted by -Nuked-
try spreading the zerg over hw emain and odins, 2fgs odins 2fgs emain 2fgs HW ... hibs field 2fgs in emain and 2fgs in HW and mids do emain and odins! yes i live in a dream world :p
Except we did that, and we had a keep take force doing the rounds in the Albion frontier reclaiming the 3 or 4 lost keeps we had, but I didn't see a single AR group coming to battle us -- in fact, I didn't see a single Hib or Mid group at all. So, Mr Hypocrite, how do you explain that? Get off your high horses, please.


So let me get this right. The claim is that only Albs zerg or we are the cause of it.


its 23:00 europe time message floods in: 4-5FG Mids at Odins, 1 FG Mid Shadow Zerg at MMG.

From 21:00 till 01:30 europe time we had a Hib zerg of 3-4 FG running around in emain.

At 01:30 a 3FG Hib zerg gets attacked by 2-3FG Albs in the back, to be steamed rolled 2 min later by another 4FG Hibs (thats 7FG Hibs in emain at 01:30 working together as 1 zerg and got a screenie from this).

All night Albs did run in odins with 1-2FG (several groups) and we saw Mids doing the same (mostly). And this is going on in Hib side now for some time.

All greet the new zerg realm:

/greet Hibs



Originally posted by old.Nol
When you guys field those numbers, it's no longer RvR it's RvqsV...Realm vs quite small Village...

hahaha :great:


Still having trouble how 4fg of Albs make up for a 146 Alb zerg...
Did those Albs camp mtk like the elite Mids will camp atk a couple times a day?
At 21:00 cet there were 4 fg of Albs around Mill, but then they split up again, there was no co-ordinated zerg moving about. I saw several 1 fg of Albs move about, along with 1 fg of Mids also...
Albs zerging equals Mid zerging, but keep your heads up your asses Mids, and you might be able to ignore it.
Regards, Glottis


You know, What i WONDER is how is emain on those crowded servers like the french and germen one's ?

Every realm zergs on excal , got plenty of pics from mid zerg and hib zerg n.p. it happens as ppl does not dare to leave telekeep in 1 or 2 groups anymore cause there is a buffed to the bone and oiled slick group waiting down the telekeep. so zergs build up then.

But still hwo would it be if we have like 2500 ppl on the server
odin , emain would be more full then now .
They zerg on tose servers also ? any1 know ?

Anyway try to avoid keep running with 3 fg after you passed the mile gate. and camping a telekeep is like spawn killer tho.
Just run there kill a round and go other place.


Originally posted by Treniel-
you all moan but think about it like this...if there was no alb zergs where would u get RPs from? cus average alb zerg grp is a walkover for any half decent mid/hib grp...and don't even bother trying to decline it.

always with the conspiracy theory ey? ^^
umm, we might get less rps, but the fun factor would be so much higher, you have NO idea.

and i totally agree with minau.

glottis: wanna know how we magicked those 4fg albs to 146? an alb did a /who emain you inbred waste of human flesh.

camping the telekeep is just retarded, by the campers. the ones being camped have nothing to loose. But fair enough, let ppl run as many as they want from atk-amg/mtk-mmg but instead of destroying the rvr on the server, spread the fuck out.


Yesterday night when i went RvRing i did /who emain and there were 120+ albs in emain, it's true that is not fun but the lack of decent RvR zones in this game make this happen, now the mids have almost the same numbers of people playing than albs if not more atm, imagine emain with 120 albs + 120 mids + 50 hibs it's impossible not to zerg or be zerged, really cant understand this much whine at being zerged, u go out u may live, but u also may die and with this numbers is quite possible to die very fast.
Well SUGESTION TO GOA "WORKERS": Create new RvR zones and do it fast or this game will lose all the interest and fun on it quite fast, it is almost impossible to have decent fun in RvR anymore, and many ppl is leaving the game or alting due to this fact.


ilur OutOfMana <Black Falcons> Cleric Eagle Knight


Good thing with albs are that after a while (especially when they beat the hib/mid zerg) they split up and try to roam in less groups, while for example RG just keeps on running with their 3fgs + even tho it is not needed, not saying its only RG but usually mostly RG cloaks and a RG guy leading the crew.


'cry more noob'
'cry me a river'
'someone got pwned'
'dont come to emain then'

all the people with 'constructive' comments like these are the ones who should FOAD.

have you people not got anything better to do?

people need to understand however, that emain is so populated because they KNOW that they will find members of the enemy realm there whatever time of day it is without much effort. but as i see it, all three realms are ignoring the whole purpose of RVR in favour of gaining realm points for themselves. every single night i see hundreds of players robotically running between atk->amg->DC->mmg->mtk looking for something to kill, trying to kill it, then moving on as quickly as possible to repeat and rinse.

regardless of what the small minority of bitchers on this forum think, keeptakes and keepdefence is THE most fun to EVER be had in this game (and funnily enough its what RVR is supposed to revolve around), and from what the population on this server seem to think, is that if its not gonna be in thier favour, its not worth doing.

i guarantee that if 100 middies took two or three REAL hibbie keeps (not DC, cos that changes hands more than my mum changes her mind), or 100 albs/hibs took a couple middie keeps we'd all see a LOT more enjoyable RVR action.

Who can honestly say that they DIDNT enjoy the fights that went on when the corpse summoner was about?

in my humble opinion anyway.

edit: i cant spell


cry more noob
cry me a river
someone got pwned
dont come to emain then

no,, work


Originally posted by Ekydus
If you don't want to die don't come into the RvR zones.

maybe we wont.
Odins is way more fun, so please DONT go there, if you cant live without the zerg.

That comment is just an excuse, for having nothing to say


Originally posted by Novamir
146 albs were in emain at one point... and my CF grp got tired of being steamrolled- hence the 2fg CF started at 10pm (which has now disbanded)

you ran those 2fg until 3am aswell when albs and mids moved as 1fg ;((((((((


Originally posted by Arnor
pff, vært oppe sia 6, jeg reserverer meg retten til å gjespe :p

pfft, atleast im at work gjesping :p


Originally posted by old.Riddler
pfft, atleast im at work gjesping :p

sjekk post hyppigheten min fra 07:00 til nå, gjett hvor jeg er :p


Originally posted by Gorbash
oh, and ITS MYTHIC!!!! NOT GOA!!!!

GOA/MYTHIC who cares, just stop the whine in forums and do pressure on them so they create new rvr zones in game...
Until then if u go emain, u going to be zerged eventually either by albs, mids or hibs


Originally posted by [PDC]Alexie
R v R obviously , but 120 Albs vs 39mids and 8 hibs ? how can that be fun ? and i`m Foxxeh.

The 28 mids didnt seem to mind too much when they steam rollered 1 solo alb so why should it work the other way?, you got your cake and want to eat it as well?? lol

Just because you dont see the Hib or Mid zerg dont mean it aint there, it makes no difference at all whether its 10 vs 1 or 100 vs 10 its still uneven, so whyt continuously come here and whine about it, that goes for Albs Mids and Hibs alike.

All realms zerg.


Originally posted by old.Nol
When you guys field those numbers, it's no longer RvR it's RvqsV...Realm vs quite small Village...

Yes, it's massive... massive lag, massive lack of enemies, massive boredom as the streams of pally's run from AMG to Crauch and back, over and over and over...

But HEY, you guys obviously enjoy it :D so big up to you...

Says he of the same realm that had 3FG's last night and was farting about killing solos, (I didnt whine about it, cuz its RVR afterall)

For every instance of Albs Zerging you'll undoubtably find hibs and Mids whining about the very same from the other realms.


Originally posted by minau
Ofc we whine when ppl stop playing cuz of ur fucking zerging.
Cant u c ur destroying the game, 95% of the time i go 2 emain
there is a alb zerg out. i cant c the fun in zerging, there is no
skill in zerging u cant be proud when u massacred 1 or 2 fg
hibbies with 5-6-7 fg`s. split up, take a keep or do something.
Flame all u want, this is my opinion and il getting fucked up
tired of brain dead albs running around destroying 4 every1
else. And the best part, u cant deny this, sure mids/hibs zerg
to, BUT only to try and stop the alb zerg, we have no chanse
when we are split up.

Its whining ill informed ignorant idiots that claim that thier way is the right way that are ruining the game, your incessant bitching about how you think the game should be played is old and boring, zerging begets zerging its a known fact, it doesnt matter who started it and frankly I doubt many give a toss, but it is done by ALL realms.

So, in time old fashion, let him without sin cast the first stone..since all realms do it who ya gonna call?

You will not get rid of Zerg's whilst people feel that they have been zerg'd against or want to make a point or fancy killing shed loads of the other realms.


the alb zerg disperses at about 11pm, when most 11year old albs have to go to bed for school in the morning.

most hibs/mids retreat to odins to get away from the albs in emain.


Originally posted by [PDC]Alexie
the alb zerg disperses at about 11pm, when most 11year old albs have to go to bed for school in the morning.

most hibs/mids retreat to odins to get away from the albs in emain.

you sir, are ignorant.


Originally posted by [PDC]Alexie
the alb zerg disperses at about 11pm, when most 11year old albs have to go to bed for school in the morning.

most hibs/mids retreat to odins to get away from the albs in emain.


ok, whatever you say....


Originally posted by quinthar
Says he of the same realm that had 3FG's last night and was farting about killing solos, (I didnt whine about it, cuz its RVR afterall)

For every instance of Albs Zerging you'll undoubtably find hibs and Mids whining about the very same from the other realms.

Firstly, I was taking the piss incase you missed that bit.

Secondly, there is a HUGE difference between 146 and 24.

Thirdly, there are few bards you will find solo as often as I am, I have died to over a 100 albs on many occasions...I would say mine is bigger then yours, but I would be wrong.


Originally posted by quinthar
Its whining ill informed ignorant idiots that claim that thier way is the right way that are ruining the game, your incessant bitching about how you think the game should be played is old and boring, zerging begets zerging its a known fact, it doesnt matter who started it and frankly I doubt many give a toss, but it is done by ALL realms.

So, in time old fashion, let him without sin cast the first stone..since all realms do it who ya gonna call?

You will not get rid of Zerg's whilst people feel that they have been zerg'd against or want to make a point or fancy killing shed loads of the other realms.

Take ur head out of ur ass ffs, let say u port 2 emain 100 times.
how many of thoose times r hibbies zerging and how many
are albs zerging ? i would guess about Alb.85 - Hib 5 and there
is no way on earth u can deny that.

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