been a decent patch or 2 recently, and the third DLC is out on the 5th - it ups the lvl cap to 30 and allows you to play after the end of the main story, removing the stupid stuck-in-a-quest-oh-its-over shite finally
Broken Sword is out today. Enjoying it a lot although it looks a little rushed in places - have noticed some spelling errors, some differences between the recorded dialogue and the text of the dialogue and, more importantly, some graphical problems ... but nothing game breaking as yet.
PS3 is getting all the DLC , at some point "when its done". not bothered personally, console monkeys dont deserve it *
they also announced at least -2 more- dlc for all platforms:
* Point Lookout – Explore a massive new swampland area filled with new quests and content.
* Mothership Zeta – The aliens have returned, and they're pissed. Experience an alien abduction first hand and find out if you're tough enough to survive.
/edit: found it !
*Operation: Anchorage will be released for PS3 in late June, followed by the release of The Pitt and Broken Steel 4-6 weeks apart.
I really enjoyed Broken Steel, although it now appears to have turned into a collect quest. Still it has opened up level 20 to me and with the ability to see all map markers I'm visiting every location in the game to check for more content.
The Pitt was pretty good, and I enjoyed Anchorage too - although both were quite small.
I love fallout3 original still. when im bored I load her up, look at the map find a bit with no markers in it and go there - most likely Il find something to own, or get owned by
Uber bump! Only got round to playing this the other day and i'm loving it, it's a very fun game. Only problem is that i've got so many weapons but have literally no ammo for them, am I missing something or is this how it is throughout the game? I'm finding the game very hard at the moment, am only level 4 or 5 but am getting killed quite a lot
This is the best value for money game I've bought in years, only started playing it recently too.
You do tend to struggle for the first few levels, and ammo can be scarce at first especially if you're after good karma. One thing that might help is if you go to a place called junkyard, its northeast of minefield I think, there's a dog there called dogmeat who will join you and will often act as a decoy in firefights. Problems is he dies a lot so you have a similar problem because once he dies, he's gone for good.
I'm finding the guns really weak (and i've put most of my points in Big Guns and Small Guns). Instead i've taken to using the shizkebab, it tears everything apart pretty quick
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