yes and his operation is not till next weeklol you're already hanging like the sleeve of a wizard mate, admit it
access denied! my hole will be pure and virgin forever!!!![]()
Yeah it's more like![]()
My crotch is itchy today :-(
lol you're already hanging like the sleeve of a wizard mate, admit it
yes and his operation is not till next week
Pure and virginal .....PHffff you have had more cock from Wij Trem me Syd Deebs (shall i continue) than a hooker charging $1![]()
here how last night went![]()
clearly jk![]()
Yeah it's more like![]()
I'm not mad, I'm just very, very disappointed with all of you![]()
I think I prefer Dorimor to Kahland. Least he put effort into his long ass posts
Customary mention of Summo and Kez and Mookie.
Summo is dead to us, he has been facebooked more than once and does not return, he even posts about gaming on there.