EVE - The NC is dead. yes, its finally happened


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Might happen, provided the russians leave them alone long enough, which i personally doubt they will.

I don't think they fancy a coalition up there that's potentially even stronger then NC were...

Well Raiden and White Noise both have an impressive supercap fleet, but even with whats left of the NC, it wont compare to what the russians have. I think alliances are waiting for the supercap nerf before deciding on new campaigns


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
So what are they actually nerfing on the supercaps, The bonuses?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So what are they actually nerfing on the supercaps, The bonuses?

To be honest, I dont actually know. All I know is they are to be nerfed because at the moment they are stupidly overpowered. I think the DPS is just far too much.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Whats so annoying about all this is that Morsus Mihi were the first to spew the BFF bullshit, yet did nothing to save RAGE or Majesta Empire then when the shit really hits the fan, wouldnt commit supers and then, transfered all their SOV to the invaders for isk and then reset the rest of NC, who fought hard for them.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
One thing i learned pretty damn fast when i played were that no matter what, never EVER expect someone to go out of their way to help you when you need it. Unless they will benefit more from it then you do.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Funny thing is, last night, 300 goons and 200 of us NC C-teamers, totally annihiliated 500 russians/PL/Tri so makes you wonder, were the NC A-Team of MM/RZR actually any good or were they just "Paper Tigers"?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Maybe they were just living on past accomplishments.

Having a rumor of being near unbeatable is almost as good as the real thing. :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
All you had to do was go on an MM//RZR Cap fleet to know how soft they had become


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
CCPs fix to the russian botting "we are now going to sell items and ships for real money"



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
That almost looks like a stepping stone towards F2P... :/


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Bots have evolved from much more than a simple macro system that clicks on the screen. Nowdays they hook into the game commands themselves and react on events. They are really professional pieces of software that are driven by the extremely good dollar value of the ingame ISK, compared to for example WoW gold.

They are near impossible to kill by neutrals or reds. Since they are automated they react much faster than a human and can instantly safe up in a POS or cloak when a neutral/red is detected in local. Basically for a neutral/red to kill them all the stars need to be aligned. For example, an asteroid field very close to in-gate, a pro player with directional scanner in an inty and the bot aligned 180 degrees from safe, then MAYBE.

Why would a dead bot worry the owner anyways? The bots can automatically swap to fitted ships in a POS if they die somehow, wait until threat is over and continue on. All the owner needs to do is refuel POS, restock ships if needed and scoop the loot bots have automatically deposited to POS containers. They only need to do this like once every two weeks.

Besides, the bots have human players backing their activities, doing anything but harassment won't affect it long-term. As the bot-owners have infinite resources at their disposal.


Humans toil at work all day to fund a robot that plays a computer! It's the total opposite of the futuristic lifestyles the visionaries of the 1950s imagined.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So EVE's last stand against the russians went tits up. Goonswarm and TEST combined, along with WI, MH, FCON and LAWN couldnt stop the russians supercap/titan force last night. This, I hasten to add, happened during the USA time zone where our forces are strongest.

The game is ruined. There is nothing stopping the russians taking over all of 0.0


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
There is nothing stopping the russians taking over all of 0.0

Part of me want them to do it just to see how CCP will react.

Most likely they will spam the panic button and do something incredibly stupid....


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So the russians have gone home, leaving Northern Coalition (DOT), Raiden (DOT), Merciless (DOT) and Ev0ke, the task of taking over the rest of the north of Pure Blind, Deklein and Cloud ring. The first Northern Coalition alliance to shit themselves and run was controlled chaos, giving all their space to my alliance (Get off my lawn). They were soon followed by Wildly Inapropriate, a supposed "heavyweight" of the northern coalition who ran to goonswarm. Now, Mostly Useless have ran to lo sec, leaving Get off My lawn with the task of saving pure blind. Will we run? No. Things look bleak. Our station system of BDV fell to the agressors, yet we still harrass them by putting up SBUs every day. Then, 2 days a go, a turning point....

A tech moon belonging to one of our brosefs in the NC , Fatal Ascension was due to come out of RF. We assembled a fleet, consisting of LAWN, Goonswarm, test alliance please ignore, FA, Gentlemens agreement and Convicted to take on the agressors. Led by goonswarm head FC "DaBigRedBoat", we completely annihilated the combined forces of PL/EV0ke/Raiden/NC./Merciless. Numbers were even. We may not be able to match their supercap superiority, but under the cover of cyno jammers we have sub cap superiorty.

We may never take back our space and the north has changed for good, but now we have shed the fat of useless entities or paper tigers like Wildly Inapropriate, Mostly Harmless, Razor and Morsus Mihi and are now led by competent FCs and fleets not made up of noobs in drakes, we will more than hold our own. The NC might not be dead just yet......


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
It's under evokes control. Dude you should come back. Its awesome being the underdog. Total backs against the wall. It's like the battle of the bulge


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
EC now in Ev0ke hands.

Thats the fault of your alliance :(

BTW, your head FC, Raza, has joined the Legion.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Another crushing victory for us and goons vs pandemic legion last night. Say what you want about goons but their sub cap fleets are second to none. Also, supercap nerf confirmed for winter. Dunno what the Russians/pandemic legion/raiden/evoke are gonna do when they can't drop 200+ supers on our sub cap fleets


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
haha some great forum porn just been leaked about the demise of the NC.

So at the height of the russian invasion when Morsus Mihi space was being attacked, Killer2, the supposed second in command of the NC behind Vuk Lau was approached by the leader of Fatal Ascension, Zagdul who asked Killer for 2billion to help Fatal Ascensions ship reimbursement programme. MM were sat on 120 tech moons generating circa 500billion isk a month and was told "no way, we have just lost 20 tech moons". Killer2 then rants at Zagdul for not attending NC political meetings and questioned FA's dedication to the course. Now the funny thing is, FA were a small alliance, a pet if you will, who threw ship after ship in defense of Killer2's space. Their fleet particpation numbers dwarved Morsus Mihi's. Alliances like FA were begging the NC high command to provide them with titans/supers for MONTHS in case of invasion because they had the pilots ready to fly them just not the income to buy them. MM were making more supercaps/titans than they could fly and were selling them to, guess who? The russians and PL.

This is just shocking and in a way, im glad MM got what was comming to it. Its the pet alliances that fight for you and to be shit on like this is just wrong. As I said in a previous post, now us pet alliances are flying with Goons/test and Gents morale is at an all time high and we have actually turned the tide and are in the driving seat.

The NC was a sham .. and the MEMBERS of the small alliances struggling for isk who did so much for so long to prop up Morsus Mihi's grotesque technetium empire were conned by the people now raging at them for not doing more.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
That's depressing.

I actually had a bit of respect for NC because it (at least when i played) actually seemed like the leaders cared about their friends....

Guess i was wrong :(

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