I'm not sure you guys understand that we will only do Eriny's Charm 2 more times, for 2 people who missed out in the end. So all i can offer for those who signed up during the last few days is credit, and a chance to lotto for non-artie drops.
I lead a number of sucessful erinys raids a while back on hib, just wanted to know the general method of how you do it?
We would pile 3 named onto a sally then use the sally to bring the 3 named to a shroom pile which would kill them all in 1 go. Then move camp and pull 3 fast as possible...
Id be interested in running a raid like this in the future when ive leveled my wizz.
Alright, as i've not seen Ribas post here yet, i'm considering running only 1 more raid for Le Chuck/Jeannee..
Le Chuck, can you post if you're able to make it this thursday at 19:30 cet? If so, i'm thinking we should try it, unless they will decide to update the server on that day. If so, maybe on friday, or next week. (Cant tomorrow, but might be able to on wednesday, if peeps are up for it and available)
Avo let me know in guild if you run this on thursday or friday, i got np in bringing kaaboom along again.
I just hope we get a good turnout for the last raids.
Well plese if i don't read the forum for any reason wn it will be done please tell it to someone of the guild Battlemasters, ribas is there too so np, i still need credit and there is a mate taht he needs it too, thnx
Shame you didnt turn up on the last chance then. Avowed, myself and 2 others was the sad turnout on friday and frankly i cba to waste more time if the person we do this for doesnt even show up.
You know how to run this raid now, maybe get some friends to help out and do it yourself? Without the TOA-lag its quite easy ...
Well i will do it with my guild, if someone wants to join is able to do , we will do more than 1 run cause more of 1 of us need credit/arti.
If any theurg wants to join would be great.
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