Yeahimback said:How is it possible he got you then?
Barker is retarded 13 year old, he who would have trouble tieing his shoe lace let alone doing this.Elkie said:you tell me mate its confusing but as i said above i would swear on my family's life i would never ever give me pwrd out to anyone. The only time some1 has had me pwrd was when irl m8 took it off pc a year and half ago since then ive learnt im not a noob i take care of my acount and i just understand. Barker has been out to get me for a long time apparantly so got an idea of who it maybe i cant answer queston i dont know answers to atm im very pissed of and until i can talk to a gm and give him my new email so we can talk its very confusing thing, im very angry ive worked hard for what ive got on my acount and i want it back you know.
im not a liar either i dont lie about things i express the truth the people who know me know this. Im honest to people.
Tears said:Well whoever it was just joined the ML rush BG on hib and posted the account details then logged off - how nice.
Hope GoA sort this out on Monday for you Elkie
DavidH said:You make it sound like DAoC is your entire life. It's actually a bit freaky. I understand your frustration though.
Gibs said:i saw the spam in irc, jumped straight into the acct and gonna hold it online as long as i can for elkie , hopefully he get new passes and all will be good
Light said:wonder if GOA can get the ip of the account logged in at the time he spammed the ML raid?
Aeris said:i wouldnt bother with right now i just times out on me when i try to post a question, and ive been waiting for the security email to change my damn addy for 8 hours now...i cant change passwords etc cos theyll just be going to a hacked getting annoyed now, with goa's support, or lack of. its a hacking waiting to happen and i cant do a damned thing except stay on the account
Aeris said:i wouldnt bother with right now i just times out on me when i try to post a question, and ive been waiting for the security email to change my damn addy for 8 hours now...i cant change passwords etc cos theyll just be going to a hacked getting annoyed now, with goa's support, or lack of. its a hacking waiting to happen and i cant do a damned thing except stay on the account
Gibs said:But the thing thats baffling me is, how can someone get your email pass, your daoc passes, by just adding you to his msn??
Gibs said:But the thing thats baffling me is, how can someone get your email pass, your daoc passes, by just adding you to his msn??
prolly this fuckin retarded enter in his comp and found his psw.Gibs said:But the thing thats baffling me is, how can someone get your email pass, your daoc passes, by just adding you to his msn??
Yeahimback said:bit risky for Gibs to be involed in your account though![]()