EA going to far again? (Me3)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah, the blamegame is ridicilous when one person can't really control it all. Especially since it's EA.

But yeah i know about the DLC and the content, which is why it puzzles me. It's an extra story that is indeed a big part of the lore, but it's still extra. As such, i'd think players would be pleased to pay for good content, not just fluff.

And i'd agree with you if a) it wouldn't have been such a big part of the main story and b) if they had started on it after the game went live.

You can release good content DLC's without making it be this big a part of the main game, as proven with the ME2 DLC's. Only the last one were directly "influencing" the story itself, and that was done in preparation for ME3.

@Wazzer, the only DLC mass effect had were pinnacle station and bring down the sky (the latter is free) and iirc those had nothing to do with the story of the game. Unless you mean ME2 and the last DLC "Arrival", which is somewhat different as it's a bridge between ME2 and ME3. And again, were started on way after the actual game released, so paying for that was fine.

@Mabs, I have no problems with DLC's per se as i've said before. I quite happily pay for extra content or even extra fluff such as the item packs in DA2/ME2 (even if some of the items are horribly overpowered). But i do react when they try to monetize things like this. Zaed for example was free because it didn't involve the story so they wouldn't have gotten the instant cash from it ( /edit: speculation on my part). This DLC is pretty much a must have for anyone who is even the slightest bit of a completionist, so EA knows that almost everyone that bought ME3 will get this DLC to.

So i guess it's not so much the DLC itself as much, but how it's being released.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, but you have to remember that all 1st DLCs are started before the game is finished.

Just be happy it's a good DLC and not just a reskin ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am playing through Borderlands at the moment and the DLC is excellent, some of the Fallout DLCs were also very good, both instances worth the money. Oblivion too had some good DLC and I hope they do some for Skyrim.

I didn't bother with the Deux Ex DLC as it didn't look as though it was worth it. If I see it really cheap I might buy it sometime.

The DLCs I do have a problem with (funnily enough, mostly EA!) are like the the ones from Battlefield 3. Multiplayer maps and extra unlocks, which should have been in the original. In days gone by a developer would release maps for free to keep people interested. But I suppose when they know they will just release a battlefield 4 for the console kids to lap up, before Christmas they don't much care.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
To be honest the ones that really grate me are where they take something from a previous engine version that was part of the main game and make it DLC in the next annual release. The specific example here that springs to mind is the Rock character in WWE 12, now I'm not gonna buy it but he's not included in the season pass and he's been in all the games since the beginning of the SvR series. Stuff like this is a total money spinner.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
The horse armour, best in the business :D

while it was widely derided, and for good reason, it was immensly naff... but only £1.20 or whatever it was, was workable if thats your thing


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
If I play this I will pirate it. That's because I am tired of EA. However, I wasn't all that keen on the other mass effect games so I won't be rushing to get it.

Buy it. A lot of work has gone into making it an exceptional game. Such work should be rewarded by paying for it!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Devs are like lions when it comes to free sweet goods. You have to be FAST, it's the only time you'll ever see some of them move quickly :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Actually they donated it all to a children center because it wasn't a reward for a job well done...

The cupcake arrival prompted an update from BioWare's Chris Priestly on the developer's forums , thanking fans for their feedback while also explaining that since the mailing was "not done in the context of celebrating the work or accomplishment" on Mass Effect 3, it wouldn't be right to use the cupcakes for an in-office smorgasbord. Instead, the sweet treats were donated to a local Edmonton youth shelter.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
If having vague interest in the Extended Cut DLC - just YouTube it ... I did.
Had no intention of giving them a download hit to go 'see how successful it is'. Bioware lost that from me when they claimed the community was too dumb to understand their game and lazy writing .... oh - 'artistic vision'. I forgot :eek:.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Completed ME3 tonight. Waited until the fixed ending was included before playing it. Great fun.
I've no intention of getting the paid-for DLC. Happily downloaded the freebies.

In an adventure game, when the adventure is over so is the game. No amount of DLC can change that except for OCD completionists or people who will play through again using the DLC. A teeny tiny increase in content won't earn any extra buckazoids from me for EA. Thanks for the main game, thoroughly enjoyed it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I have no issues with the series being over as such. What annoys me is that no matter what you do, all endings turn out to be bad in one way or another. Even the "good" perfect ending isn't really good at all.
Control ending = shepard dies (well, turns into a reaper) = love interest bad ending. Destroy ending (this is the supposed "good ending" and with high enough EMS shepard lives) = EDI dies = bad ending for joker AND shepards love interest (this is assuming there will be no expansion based on destroy ending that reunite shepard with LI). Synthesis ending = shepard dies = bad ending for love interest, every one else "lives"..

All i wanted was a true happy ending for my love interests sake, not because i care for shepard but because i care about my invested love interest...
Seriously, i really really wanted to see femshep and traynor with that house and two kids.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So, completed it about a month ago. Forgot to post.

What's the big deal? Why the long faces? The ending wasn't that bad (although people turned up places after I thought they'd been killed, but hey-ho).

I'm glad it wasn't a touchy-feely happy one. Thems gay endings for yanks. :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
What's the big deal? Why the long faces?

We were promised answers, explanations and conclusions. We didn't get much of either. I ended up just having even more questions...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We were promised answers, explanations and conclusions. We didn't get much of either. I ended up just having even more questions...

Answers and explanations to what questions?

You certainly get a conclusion (well, I did - I chose death).


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Yes, a conclusion that Shepard exits the series, and that's it. What of all the questions we got from playing ME1 and ME2 that never got answered?


Take your pick. Much of it is garbage and nitpicking (though some of said nitpicking is still valid)...

There's a lot more and better posts then this but i can't be arsed...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, it's all nit-picking.

It's an OK game but a bad movie. That's one of the problems with trying to combine the two.

Also, it gives EA an option to make ME4 in the future "to answer all those unanswered questions" crap...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't actually know what all the fuss is about, I haven't been able to finish ME1 or 2. Pretty dull games really.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't actually know what all the fuss is about, I haven't been able to finish ME1 or 2. Pretty dull games really.

I wouldn't have finished 'em myself but sometimes the girlfriend gets bored at the same time that I cba watching a film so the Mass Effect games worked as a compromise - she (or we both) get(s) story, I get to kill things.

A bit like World Of Warcraft - it's not really a game, just a pretty front end to a database. Stopped playing that (due to the fact that I couldn't stomach the fact that its about how much you play, not how good you are) tho and the only "real" game I play at the moment is Tribes...

...now if only they'd ditch all the fucking machine guns and leave only the skill-based weapons in then that'd be awesome. It's a shame that games now have to appeal to the masses :(

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