


I think the point she was trying to make was not that her father is allowed to break the speed limit, but that, while she was in the car with him and he was breaking the speed limit. Despite the fact he is trained in high speed driving, he still could not react fast enough to prevent a crash. Therefore no one is safe at those sort of speeds.


Originally posted by icemaiden
I'm sorry but to the ppl having a go because we crashed, could you control a car at 120mph with no front wheel.. i think not.

Probably not. But from the looks of it neither could your dad. In my opinion your dad is worse than us. He is supposed to set an example not think he is above the law.

How was he able to explain driving at 120 to the police that must have arrived at the accident? Did he just flash his badge and get away with it?


Originally posted by old.ignus
Has anybody noticed recently a sudden drop in the standards of driving in this country?

CBA to read the whole thread, but what exactly is this country? Afaik people from all over the world read this forum so any clarity is not redundant here.

Aside from that: great point, it is getting reckless every now and then.


Re: Re: Driving

Originally posted by old.Normengast
CBA to read the whole thread, but what exactly is this country? Afaik people from all over the world read this forum so any clarity is not redundant here.

That would be the UK. As Game is a UK company selling services in the UK.


And most people using this forum live in the UK....

There are a few unfortunate souls who live elsewhere! ;)


Those people who talk about control are deluding themselves. It's an illusion. Drive safely according the the conditions, and you should be ok. Remember that UK roads aren't designed for people driving above 70mph, even motorways. If you don't believe that, try driving northbound past the A500 exit on the M6 at night, at 100mph. You'll shit yourself. Or the M60 clockwise from the A57/M67 junction.

Durzel I don't have a problem with you doing 170mph up the road, you obviously did it because you wanted to see what it felt like, if I had a car that fast I'd do the same. The thing is, I wouldn't ever think that at any time at that speed, that I was in full control. At those speeds, you're just a passenger, and unless you have very good brakes/chassis, you're in a lot of danger. When I had my Volvo V70, I took it up to 135mph on the M62 one night, straight as an arrow, very smooth, but bloody scary, the corners don't half come up quickly.


Originally posted by leggy
It was icemaiden. Not me.
Originally posted by icemaiden
My dad wasn't on duty at the time...... The fact is my father is a highly trained police officer and has his life endangered constantly by twats........ Personally i reckon 90% of ppl that have posted here got their license from the back of a cereal box :(

By travelling at 120mph himself (at night too!) surely your highly trained dad is not setting a good example and is indeed breaking the law that is designed to stop "twats" endangering others lives.

Other people whos living is in driving fast (F1 drivers) are frequently done for speeding. Just because they do it for a living does not make it OK out of working hours.

Like Any I'm curious as to how he explianed that little accident to the called officers that night. Yourself as an obvious witness too......


Originally posted by Tom.
Durzel I don't have a problem with you doing 170mph up the road, you obviously did it because you wanted to see what it felt like, if I had a car that fast I'd do the same. The thing is, I wouldn't ever think that at any time at that speed, that I was in full control. At those speeds, you're just a passenger, and unless you have very good brakes/chassis, you're in a lot of danger. When I had my Volvo V70, I took it up to 135mph on the M62 one night, straight as an arrow, very smooth, but bloody scary, the corners don't half come up quickly.
Well, I should perhaps qualify what I said by saying that it was a one-time only thing, to see what the car was capable of. It would've gone faster than that but I backed off mainly through hyper-awareness of a) getting caught and b) the fact that, as you already state, at that sort of speed things appear very quickly.

For arguments sake I should've done it on a track but there aren't many tracks where you could do this sort of speed in a straight line. To answer the other point - the car was more than capable of doing this speed (in terms of design, chassis, component parts). If I'd thought I was in any danger from doing it (aside from legality) I wouldn't have done it.

One point which was raised (and glossed over it seems) is that Germany has a largely unrestricted autobahn, and fewer motorway accidents than the UK and most of Europe. How is that explained if not through stricter driver controls and a general culture of being more considerate, etc on the road?

Speed itself doesn't kill - higher speeds are a contributory factor to bigger accidents, but drivers themselves are the cause. An incompetent driver is incompetent whether at 20mph or 120mph.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Durzel
One point which was raised (and glossed over it seems) is that Germany has a largely unrestricted autobahn, and fewer motorway accidents than the UK and most of Europe. How is that explained if not through stricter driver controls and a general culture of being more considerate, etc on the road?

ahem. just to respond to this: you will not find many people doing 170Mph on a german autobahn. In fact, I have serious doubts you'll find many people going above 140Kph...which iirc is about 90Mph.
I live pretty close to (D) here in Arnhem, it's about an hours drive. The average quality of the roads there is quite high and are a pleasure to drive on. The only thing I fear are the idiots going there just so that they can speed. Luckily the german police don not like them either.


Originally posted by Durzel
Speed itself doesn't kill - higher speeds are a contributory factor to bigger accidents, but drivers themselves are the cause. An incompetent driver is incompetent whether at 20mph or 120mph.

Perhaps going fast doesnt kill. Like a gun doesnt kill unless you shoot it.

But crashing into something at 20 mph is a lot different to crashing at 120mph.

You are very likely going to be just a very large smudge on the road at 120mph....if you do crash.

Also your response/reaction time has to be a lot shorter the faster you drive...and unfortunately it doesnt. You react within the same amount of time...and you have a whole lot less time to react the faster you drive


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
ahem. just to respond to this: you will not find many people doing 170Mph on a german autobahn. In fact, I have serious doubts you'll find many people going above 140Kph...which iirc is about 90Mph.
I live pretty close to (D) here in Arnhem, it's about an hours drive. The average quality of the roads there is quite high and are a pleasure to drive on. The only thing I fear are the idiots going there just so that they can speed. Luckily the german police don not like them either.

No doubt, since its mainly visitors from other countries who want to go fast thus populate the ABs.

At 70 mph its hard enough to survive a big impact, above this you're snail food. Again a blowout at 70 Mph is bad but above this the scenario is the same...you're snail food.

People just don't realise that cars are not indestructible, as many would see if they saw the results of NCAP tests.


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
ahem. just to respond to this: you will not find many people doing 170Mph on a german autobahn. In fact, I have serious doubts you'll find many people going above 140Kph...which iirc is about 90Mph.
Never said you would. I didn't say that I routinely drove at that speed either (as I have already said, it was a one-off).

The 130kph speed limit on the unrestricted parts of the Autobahn (as you no doubt know, there are actually speed-restricted areas) is an advisory, not a rule.

Still, much of the Autobahn is unlimited, but there is a recommended limit of 130 km/h (81 mph). This recommendation is generally seen for what it is-- an attempt by the government to cover itself without having to upset millions of Porsche and BMW owners/voters. However, if you exceed the recommended limit and are involved in an accident, you could be responsible for some of the damage costs even if you are not at fault.

We could go round and round in circles about what is "too fast for the road", but ultimately the Germans have an "unrestricted" system, and it works just as well as our arbitrary 70mph limit.

Testin da Cable

I know you did it as a one off. To be honest, if I had a similar car I'd pootle off to Germany to give it a real go in a flash. I just mentioned it to dismantle possible misconceptions of germans having regular speed runs on the autobahns.


Originally posted by Embattle
At 70 mph its hard enough to survive a big impact, above this you're snail food. Again a blowout at 70 Mph is bad but above this the scenario is the same...you're snail food.
To be honest, I'd wager that hitting anything immovable head-on at 70mph is going to result in instant death in 99% of cases, or at the very least major paralysis.

So at higher speeds you're only really talking about different degrees of "deadness". Or something.


Originally posted by leggy
The difference being that response drivers are highly trained. Unlike your average car dick driving at 150 down his clear motorway.

He wouldn't be much of a response driver if he had to stick to speed limits now would he? You'll be telling me next that ambulance drivers are hypocrites for breaking the speed limit. The point being that they have to reach a scene as quickly as humanly possible.

I'm not having a go btw :)

As she said, he wasnt on duty, and so had no right to go over 70mph.

The question now is, would he have seen the debris at the proper speed limit? Who knows, but what I dont like is the fact that she (?) calls other road users a twat, when infact its her own dad that broke the speed limit and caused a massive accident, injuring himself and her. Perhaps its the fact the he was a 'highly trained police response driver' that made him go over the speed limit - perhaps he thought his training was so good that he could react to anything, obviously not. I would also like to know how he got out of it when the police arrived. Was he prosecuted for dangerous or reckless driving? Did he recieve any points? Or did he, like someone said, flash his badge and get away with it?

And as for ambulance drivers - they are bad - they have no high speed driver training like the police or fire service have and do pull some stupid stunts (going the wrong way round a roundabout).


So she's not allowed to be against speeding because her father did it? I've read the post twice and I can't actually find the part where she condones what he did, which you lot seem to have read.

I read it as a warning of what speeding can cause.

And a different point, why the hell don't people wear seat belts? Recently I've noticed lots of people without them, seems nutty to me. If they buy a car with an air bag do they disable it too?


If coppers get caught speeding they should get double points.


Ok can we talk about mobile phones now?

6 points plus hefty fine to anyone using a phone while driving please.

And possibly dragged out the car and leathered aswell.


Originally posted by leggy
And possibly dragged out the car and leathered aswell.
Would that not work better for all these crimes?

"I'm sorry Sir, but my equipment recording you speeding at 97mph. That allows me to pull you out the window by your ears, beat you for 6 minutes with the truncheon, slash your leather seats, tyres, and steal your radio"

*punch, kick, slash, steal*

"Have a nice day"


Originally posted by kameleon
Leathered with the mobile phone... hands free kit

That is a hell of alot more painful.


Originally posted by Will
Would that not work better for all these crimes?

"I'm sorry Sir, but my equipment recording you speeding at 97mph. That allows me to pull you out the window by your ears, beat you for 6 minutes with the truncheon, slash your leather seats, tyres, and steal your radio"

*punch, kick, slash, steal*

"Have a nice day"

We don't all live where you do will, where im sure the above situation is common.

Where do you live again?? :p


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
We don't all live where you do will, where im sure the above situation is common.

Where do you live again?? :p

Trust me this is far more common where I live. Although, you only usually get it when driving sensibly.


Originally posted by leggy
Trust me this is far more common where I live. Although, you only usually get it when driving sensibly.
Punishment for stopping at a red light in Dundee.;)


Originally posted by Will
Punishment for stopping at a red light in Dundee.;)

Welcome to Dundee

Twinned with Johannesburg, South Africa


That's good because so is Dundee is Scotland ;)


Originally posted by Pakman
And a different point, why the hell don't people wear seat belts? Recently I've noticed lots of people without them, seems nutty to me. If they buy a car with an air bag do they disable it too?

Because they dont like them and its a stupid law? Why should the government be able to tell you that you must do something that harms nobody? Not wearing a seatbelt harms nobody but the person doing it so it should be that persons choice.
Same with helmets on bikes etc.


Suicide harms no one but the person doing it.

And drug abuse could come under this section as well...

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