


There are no laws that force a slow moving vehicle to move over when it is holding up the flow of traffic. And I'd love to see where your proof is that 'they are doing it on purpose'. Next you'll be telling us that pedestrians use pelican crossings to slow cars down!


Did you bother reading my post Tom? It's in the Highway Code, but isn't termed as "illegal", but anything in the Code can be used to prosecute someone in court if neccesary.


Originally posted by lovedaddy
Durzel, dont make such a fucking retarded statement, speedlimits are in place to protect people; and I can only hope that you kill yourself and dont involve anyone else, it what will be a crash one day.

And ANY public road is risking other peoples lives. If you want to take your car to a race day, then help yourself, but public roads are NOT the fucking place for it.
How is a completely clear road with nothing in front of me endangering anyone elses lives but my own? As I said previously, it was a clear road, i.e. no other cars. Is that really such a hard concept to grasp? Besides, I was only doing it for about 20 seconds... you're going to tell me that a rabbit could've run out in front now arent you, or perhaps a deer?


Originally posted by lovedaddy
Well, one of my hates in life is people who think that driving fast on a public road is big. Its not.
My old man got his gf an Audi S3. The thing is like a rocket. And she used to happy drive it up and down the motorway at about 100. Why? cos she was sure that she was in control of the car, and given any situation she could control it.

After about 2 months I got really pissed with her stupid attude and took her out with me driving it. Got up some speed on a private road (about 55), and did an emergency stop, putting the back end out. Dust, smoke everywhere. Took me putting the shits up her to make her realise that any control you have at 70 mph, never mind 100+ is just an illusion.

Personally, I'd like to see speed limits lowered, normally I think the yanks get things wrong, but 55mph for top speed is more than enough. If your late, then leave earlier.

Are you insane? If the control i have at 70 is just an illusion then whats the difference between doing 70 and 170?
If im on a clear motorway and im driving at 120 then the only person im putting in danger is myself.
Id like to see speed limits on motorways raised and no limits late at night(12-4 maybe).


Originally posted by Any
If im on a clear motorway and im driving at 120 then the only person im putting in danger is myself.

Not really, if you lose control and kill yourself and spread you and your car across the motorway when the next cars come along they will either have to stop or they will crash into you, next thing you have a whole bunch of people involved the roads closed and several hours later the fire service are still hosing you off the motorway

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Any

Id like to see speed limits on motorways raised and no limits late at night(12-4 maybe).

lol you clearly have no idea of what chaos will come to pass :D


But that would happen if i was driving at 85 instead of 120.

Originally posted by Testin da Cable
lol you clearly have no idea of what chaos will come to pass :D

We could have crazy races on the motorways with fast cars and scantily clad ladies waving flags and what not?


If you think motorways are empty at night, think again!

There's thousands of trucks bumbling their way around the country; delivering all the cool stuff we ordered online :)


Nighttime is also when most maintainance is done, which is fecking annoying I can tell you.


Originally posted by Tom.
Nighttime is also when most maintainance is done, which is fecking annoying I can tell you.

Yeah, but it does make sense if it's not a long job.


On Friday, I was travelling to town with my Dad in his car. We followed a road at the correct speed (30mph).

There were speed cameras about, and my 'condition' means Dad is very careful with me in the car at the moment.

When we got to the end of the road some asshole middle-aged man who had been behind us decided to swerve in front of us, swearing and sticking his fingers up at us. We were going too slow for his liking apparently. There could have been kids in the car or anything. Also, Dad had to stop abruptly and if we were going any faster I could have been hurt.

Maybe we should have gone 10mph faster along this short road, then dickhead could have got home a whole 2 mins quicker......

It just reminded me why I have chosen not to learn to drive!


Originally posted by icemaiden
Durzel you reckon driving on a clear motorway at 170mph is fine? I had the misfortune to be in a car with my dad (police response driver) driving at 3am on a stretch of motorway outside carlisle at 120mph.

Your dad is a police response driver and yet he drives over the spead limit - not just over, but enough to get an instant ban. Can you say hypocracy? Perhaps you should be preaching to your dad and get HIM to change his ways before you come on here and preach to the rest of the forum users.

How are you expecting anyone to listen to you when you admit your dad breaks the law and he's the one meant to be enforcing it.


As for motorway speed limits - they have less accidents on the German autobahns than we do on our motorways - and they have no speed limits - so the question is does speed cause accidents? Speed only increases the severity of the accident - it's thick and stupid people behind the wheel of the car that causes accidents. Just watch the Britains Worst Drivers 2003 programme on C5 (Sundays), and you'll see what I mean. How any of these people passed their test is beyond me. Anyways, I'll stop before I go off on a rant :)


Originally posted by Cdr
As for motorway speed limits - they have less accidents on the German autobahns than we do on our motorways - and they have no speed limits - so the question is does speed cause accidents? Speed only increases the severity of the accident - it's thick and stupid people behind the wheel of the car that causes accidents. Just watch the Britains Worst Drivers 2003 programme on C5 (Sundays), and you'll see what I mean. How any of these people passed their test is beyond me. Anyways, I'll stop before I go off on a rant :)

Absolutely correct, but the speed limits need to be there to harness these idiots :/


Originally posted by Durzel
How is a completely clear road with nothing in front of me endangering anyone elses lives but my own? As I said previously, it was a clear road, i.e. no other cars. Is that really such a hard concept to grasp? Besides, I was only doing it for about 20 seconds... you're going to tell me that a rabbit could've run out in front now arent you, or perhaps a deer?

If the control i have at 70 is just an illusion then whats the difference between doing 70 and 170?
If im on a clear motorway and im driving at 120 then the only person im putting in danger is myself.
Id like to see speed limits on motorways raised and no limits late at night(12-4 maybe).

I think that puts me a good third for stupidest statement of the year award now don't you?


Originally posted by icemaiden
I reckon everyone should be re-tested every 5 years or so to make sure driving standards don't drop.
Agree strongly, and anyone over 60 should be tested annually.


I saw total idiot today in his mini.

There was a nice long queue of traffic leading to a smallish traffic circle and everyone are going to be going straight through it.
I then see this twat in his mini drive past the long queue all the way down to the circle. I say to myself I hope he is planning on turning left/right...

....but no he just cut in front of the line!!!! :eek:

I was walking and it made my blood boil. If I had been passed by that moron I would probably had burst a blood vessel!

Testin da Cable

I used to play the "not let the wanker cut in" game untill I decided that it just wasn't worth taking the trouble (and possible danger) to wind the barstands up.
it's amazing how many irate yells, fingers and hooter beeps you get even while they are the ones doing the shitty thing in the first place.


Originally posted by Cdr
Your dad is a police response driver and yet he drives over the spead limit - not just over, but enough to get an instant ban. Can you say hypocracy?

The difference being that response drivers are highly trained. Unlike your average car dick driving at 150 down his clear motorway.

He wouldn't be much of a response driver if he had to stick to speed limits now would he? You'll be telling me next that ambulance drivers are hypocrites for breaking the speed limit. The point being that they have to reach a scene as quickly as humanly possible.

I'm not having a go btw :)


And yet he still crashed leggy. If a highly trained driver couldn't not crash over the limit on a clear raod, then why does everyone else insist its safe for them to drive at whatever speed they want?

Need more speed cameras and bigger fines/more banning for all the boy racers idiots that are around. I don't care if you think you can handle driving at x speed, its not just yourself your endangering, so stop being a selfish ****.


Originally posted by Ch3tan
And yet he still crashed leggy. If a highly trained driver couldn't not crash over the limit on a clear raod, then why does everyone else insist its safe for them to drive at whatever speed they want?

If you had read the original post you would have found that it was due to debris on the road. I'm sorry but it is pretty fucking hard to see a chunk of wood on a motorway at night, so it wasn't technically "clear". Although this was unfortunate, it is a natural hazard.

They are still more qualified to drive at speed than the rest of us. The fact remains that in this case it is a hazard of the job. It's just unfortunate that to assist the public they have to endanger them to a degree also.


Some of the speeds mentioned here are mind boggling.
At 170 MPH it would take about 6 seconds to come to a complete halt. In that time you would have covered 1445 feet (440.5 meters, .27 miles). Incredible!
After 80mph the stopping dsitances get freaky. What scares me the most is seeing cars on motorways travelling at 80+ virtually nose to tail.


Originally posted by leggy
If you had read the original post you would have found that it was due to debris on the road. I'm sorry but it is pretty fucking hard to see a chunk of wood on a motorway at night, so it wasn't technically "clear". Although this was unfortunate, it is a natural hazard.

They are still more qualified to drive at speed than the rest of us. The fact remains that in this case it is a hazard of the job. It's just unfortunate that to assist the public they have to endanger them to a degree also.
Was your dad on duty at the time he was speeding?
Ah I see he was. Why on earth were you with him then?


Nowhere does it say he was on duty.

Thats my point leggy, he is qualified and still can crash. Yes its hard to see a chucnk of wood on the orad at night, but surely thats the point, however clear you think the road is, your endangering yourself (you may feel you have the right) and others (you definetly have no right) by speeding.


Originally posted by sad_mung
Was your dad on duty at the time he was speeding?
Ah I see he was. Why on earth were you with him then?

It was icemaiden. Not me.


But, surely this goes for ambulance drivers then ch3tan?
Are you saying they shouldn't speed either? as i'm pretty certain an ambulance at speed on urban roads is a bigger danger than a response driver speeding on a motorway.


My dad wasn't on duty at the time, the fact he was driving over the limit is nothing to do with me, i was not in control of the vehicle. I'm sorry but to the ppl having a go because we crashed, could you control a car at 120mph with no front wheel.. i think not. The fact is my father is a highly trained police officer and has his life endangered constantly by twats like some of those that have posted because he spends much of his time chasing these people down the motorway because they feel the need to act like they own the roads. Personally i reckon 90% of ppl that have posted here got their license from the back of a cereal box :(

/me ends rant


I never said anything about emergency services not being allowed to speed. But only when on duty. Its the rest of the twats that need to stop speeding.


Originally posted by icemaiden
My dad wasn't on duty at the time, the fact he was driving over the limit is nothing to do with me, i was not in control of the vehicle. I'm sorry but to the ppl having a go because we crashed, could you control a car at 120mph with no front wheel.. i think not. The fact is my father is a highly trained police officer and has his life endangered constantly by twats like some of those that have posted because he spends much of his time chasing these people down the motorway because they feel the need to act like they own the roads. Personally i reckon 90% of ppl that have posted here got their license from the back of a cereal box :(

/me ends rant

I couldn't care less if he was highly trained or the fact that he crashed, he was still breaking the speed limit that he is meant to enforce when on duty......what a great example.

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