Dragon down!



Originally posted by Dook_Pug

And how on Gods green Earth did you manage to twist an unfortunate but rather funny event into an LoE/SotL flamewar?


Its mostly blue ya know
Or white, depends from where you look at it, then again it could be green...I'll go to bed now :p


Everything is ok now,I got the loot and will be selling it later today.I'll talk to you more over /as later.




It's true. I hax0red the dragon loot, I'm sorry :/

Derric told me to though.


asked on Rightnow, and this is their response:

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) - 01/29/2003 04:16 PM
After investigation, we found no problem with the dragon itself. As it seems, the loot dropped normally but was not picked up by the owner. It appeared in the logs that most if not all the players there were ungrouped and that the person who had the "kill" on the dragon either crashed, logged or just didn't react fast enough.

While we know that nobody picked up loot, we found no particular problem and cannot give back the loot.


So, no bugs

Didnt think so either :)


Shame, nice to see a new tactic on the dragon.

Dont supose GOA can comment on who had the *kill* on the dragon ? imagine the flames they would get hehe


That's just gay that they won't give the loot. They know no one picked it up and it wouldn't hurt them at all to give it.


Originally posted by old.Psi

They were just having a joke about it, just as the people who were actually on the raid are, but you just target loe/sotl and start flaming. The people who were on the raid don't seem to mind, so I guess you're just here to make flames?

I targetted the people who spammed the rude comments. There is a thin line between a genuine joke and sarcasm. How do you know what all the people on the raid thought ? I've had a few PM's from people on the raid who dislike having the urine extracted from them.

However unlike them I've cancelled my subby so can say what I think :)


well, we did another raid on the dragon and were without the numbers required and were also in full groups. Conclusion, we got AoE'd repeatedly and most died. As a tactic maybe being in groups of 2-4 might lower its aggro enough for it not to AoE and leave enough members alive at the end to pick up the loot. On a plus note, no idea how the last raid was organised but nice to see none of the people here that were being sarcastic on the raid. We might have failed but with refinement hopefully we can succeed without the sarcastic fecks getting involved :m00:


Originally posted by Coren

Let's blame Derric for once!

Can't blame Derric for this, he's so crap and can't hit the dragon :p



At least I'm prettier than you Arte,too bad that ain't very hard :(


ROFL.. sorry thats just class. Well gratz on killing the beasty...

And why does every discussion in the albion section tunr into a SotL vs the world arguement??



well, we're bored, obviously, so we have to blame SOMEONE.

and since dewwiq is sotl, we may as well blame the rest of em.

I heard they meet once a week, and sniffs dewwiq, just to get high. They're all weirdos!

- Pathfinder -

We are velly, velly ewul, and secwetly arranged for ze lewt to dissapear, didn't you know :m00:


of course i did!

im an infil. i _know_ stuff <this doesnt apply to dewwiq. he is only an infil for the leather>.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by liste
asked on Rightnow, and this is their response:

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) - 01/29/2003 04:16 PM
After investigation, we found no problem with the dragon itself. As it seems, the loot dropped normally but was not picked up by the owner. It appeared in the logs that most if not all the players there were ungrouped and that the person who had the "kill" on the dragon either crashed, logged or just didn't react fast enough.

While we know that nobody picked up loot, we found no particular problem and cannot give back the loot.

So please, fudge off and don't disturb our poor customer service with your loot questions. Thank you for playing Dark Age of Camelot.



Me and Delket had a loot bug ages ago with a pair of Dark Crystalline Sleeves in dm. I had 2 screenshots of them, and how we couldn't pick them up, BECAUSE OF A BUG that spawned the lootbag too up hill >_< gg..

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Turamber

I targetted the people who spammed the rude comments. There is a thin line between a genuine joke and sarcasm. How do you know what all the people on the raid thought ? I've had a few PM's from people on the raid who dislike having the urine extracted from them.

However unlike them I've cancelled my subby so can say what I think :)

Good day, and be gone.


Me and Delket had a loot bug ages ago with a pair of Dark Crystalline Sleeves in dm. I had 2 screenshots of them, and how we couldn't pick them up, BECAUSE OF A BUG that spawned the lootbag too up hill >_< gg..

had alot of those too. but only when the loot was on the hill sides by the zone borders.

this loot was very neatly placed on the ground.

miles away from a zone wall :)


Originally posted by Turamber
Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game. Go back to Emain and continue farming your RP's if that's all you can contribute to the discussion or your realm. Can understand players from Midgard/Hibernia having a laugh - fair enough - but people who are supposed to be on the same side? Sad buggers .

fook you?
i never went on the dragon raid as i cant stand them at best , if i can get away with not going i will.
after talking to the guy that was doing the dragon raid , he said to me his idea was to storm the dragon, i said was that all u had planed... he said yes , so i gave him an idea to try , witch was tryed on the US servers, when at the dragon all degroup and attack, for some reason dragon just melees, didnt aoe at all.( note this didnt happened in ever case) but most of the time .
so he said , sure he`ll try it.
i had hope it wud work coz i wud then get sotl/loe to take down the dragon as peeps really want to . for some reason :/
i didnt laugh at what happen as i cant explain as to why u cudnt pick up the loot. maybe not every 1 tryed to pick it up, or hte guy who wud have got it ld`d or died and was resting , not seeing he shud go pick up the loot. i dunno, i say fook you coz u said various sotl/loe elitist powergamers , well that aint good enuff, u want to slag em off u say names , not sotl / loe as there many who didnt laugh / wasnt there.
any way, another thing to try at the dragon 3 man groups, maybe then u can get the loot and still get away with little or no aoe , i dunno. can but try. something that duane said , /repair it :)


as Boney said, it was an idea he gave, because there was no apparent stradegy laid out, so any ideas was welcome. And it DID appear to be a good idea. Far less AoE and far less portaling.

Roalith tried to /repair i think, but i dont think its possible to repair all of the items, as the autotarget gives you the loot on top only.

The idea of 4 man groups was presented when we tried again a few days later, and that might be the idea to go with next time, who knows.

And for gods sake people, relax. The dragon raid proved that smaller groups or solo players has a much better chance of killing him than full groups. so we did learn something from it. Why flame constantly?


Originally posted by bonna
i say fook you coz u said various sotl/loe elitist powergamers , well that aint good enuff, u want to slag em off u say names , not sotl / loe as there many who didnt laugh / wasnt there.

"Fook you"? Nice spelling, and nice way for a guild officer to speak to someone. Way to go on both counts.

One question. All of the Albion's who posted ridiculing comments come from one guild. You win first prize if you name which guild that is. Nothing I said in my original post is inaccurate, I thank you.


Originally posted by Turamber

"Fook you"? Nice spelling, and nice way for a guild officer to speak to someone. Way to go on both counts.

One question. All of the Albion's who posted ridiculing comments come from one guild. You win first prize if you name which guild that is. Nothing I said in my original post is inaccurate, I thank you.

You still here?

And if I was to hazard a guess i would imagine you are talking about representatives from 2 guilds rather than 1. I imagine as well that they are Sotl and LoE.

One question. All of the lame flame attempts at two guilds have come mainly from one person. If you think you can help identify this grumpy sour faced person then call 0800-Numptiesrock and win yourself a free set of weights.

I still blame NP and Derric as well.


One thing is funny about all this flaming....it's always the guy who tries his best to look like the decent,grown up and of course a lot more intelligent than all the others is the same guy who in the end only manage to make himself look like a fool.
I've said it before..can't it be one single thread on these forums that doesn't end up in a flamewar thanks to people who have *got* to shout out their wiew which of course always is the right one.
Jesus,90 % of the people posting on these boards doesn't do anything else than try to look fancy,mature,witty etc etc....

I like popcorn and I blame Xorta


Ok, so we all know what this is about now, so let's leave this thread to die out.... it's getting boring

If it's just about having the last word.... fine carry on, but if you can hold back and count for ten and leave it be... fine as well ... damn why do _I_ bother

<edit> have to say though, because of all these flame wars that have kept this threads some good ideas have come public..... so more attackers on dragon the weaker it gets, is my conclusion... smething to do with multiple attackers against one foe in normal PvE/RvR? can't remember if it's the AF that is affected or if it is "the ability to protect yourself" that gets inhibited. But another conclusion would be if what I just said is tru, that the dargon is affected by "groups" the same way any other enemy would be affected by a "sinle/multiple" enemys/persons. i.e the more groups <=most possible groups would be single characters representing their own group> would mean less chans that the dragon succeds to counterattack, with a porting/AoE or what else it has in it's sleeve.

Sorry, just rambling on talking to myself, but trying to make something out of what Bonna and Liste just posted. </edit>


Originally posted by Krillin.

You still here?


If someone addresses me with comments or a question then I'll reply.

As for the rest of your post you've made your mind up about me and what I had to say, strangely it involves agreeing with your friends. Your decision, but lifting my fingers to type a more thoughtful response is a waste of time.


Originally posted by Turamber

"Fook you"? Nice spelling, and nice way for a guild officer to speak to someone. Way to go on both counts.

One question. All of the Albion's who posted ridiculing comments come from one guild. You win first prize if you name which guild that is. Nothing I said in my original post is inaccurate, I thank you.

TBH, I think Bo represented 99% of the guild when he said 'Fook you' to you, even if spelt wrong. :) Way to go Bo :great:

Nerf the NP zerg, Walker's lagbot, popcorn and blame it all on Derric while we're at it.


Q: When a dragon dies on his perch, the loot falls through the mound. Are you aware of this bug, and what are you doing in the meantime to make sure everyone gets their loot?

A: We’re definitely aware of the bug, and we are working on fixing it. Meanwhile, we do have a policy. From our in game support supervisor: "If we can prove that the loot fell through the ground, we return it. Thing is, though, we can only pull inventory logs on high level monsters, level 75 and above. Dragons, Legion, etc."

So if loot from your big raid can’t be picked up, just let us know. (By the way, if only the raid leaders appeal with the problem, we will be able to get through the process much faster – not everyone on a raid needs to send that appeal :))


already RightNow'ed it, as mentioned above.

<and the loot was not on the mount either, but good point>

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