Dragon down!



Originally posted by Turamber
Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game. Go back to Emain and continue farming your RP's if that's all you can contribute to the discussion or your realm. Can understand players from Midgard/Hibernia having a laugh - fair enough - but people who are supposed to be on the same side? Sad buggers :eek:



Originally posted by fatgit

Wondered how long it would take for some sad tosser to start slagging off SotL, grats for getting the #1 arsehole spot

If you post rude comments then take what's coming to you big boy. In any event read what I posted. It's about members, not guilds. Got it? Or is the concept too complex for you? Sad git :eek:


members represent guilds, guilds are the face of members etc.

Anyway, still doesn't explain why people were stupid enough to go through all the hassle of killing the dragon and not picking up the loot of all things, what happened, it cast ae amnesia on everyone right before it died?


Originally posted by Spinky
members represent guilds, guilds are the face of members etc.

I guess there is -some- truth to that. However not every member of sotl is here posting cheap comments, and I wouldn't expect them all to be. But the ones that have deserve every insult they get.

As for the dragon raid, I have no idea - been working all day. Was told by the guild that the goodies degraded much quicker than other raids they had been on but don't know the full story. Unlike the uber kiddies with the smart comments above.


great work
(im happy that i left alb a month after excal opening)


Good going :)

You reserve silly of the year price really :lol:

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Turamber
Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game. Go back to Emain and continue farming your RP's if that's all you can contribute to the discussion or your realm. Can understand players from Midgard/Hibernia having a laugh - fair enough - but people who are supposed to be on the same side? Sad buggers :eek:


ps. if you have a screenshot of the loot, -> RIGHTNOW.


As far as I can see i'm the first LoE member to post on this thread Turamber.But thats ok, some other guild made a mistake at the dragon, so lets just find someway of turning it into a sotl/loe witch hunt shall we.



oh and Turamber if picking up uber loot means being Elite then Im guilty


Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game. Go back to Emain and continue farming your RP's if that's all you can contribute to the discussion or your realm. Can understand players from Midgard/Hibernia having a laugh - fair enough - but people who are supposed to be on the same side? Sad buggers

No offence meant, but you gotta be kidding me :p How can we _not_ laugh. I kinda expect everyone who play this game to laugh at this, including the people at the raid. I find it insane that people accually killed a dragon and then kinda forgot about the loot..

it's like the big hero after the long fight, standing over the slayed beast flexing, BUT, then forgets the virgin princess tied to the tree and she starves to death, then he lives happily ever after :D


Someone came up with the bright idea (seemed at the time :) ) to disband all groups, for aggro management reasons. it seemed to work well, because he went down REALLY easy.

What happened after that, is anyone's guess.

My theory is, that whoever had loot rights, was tossed away, then died shortly after Golestandt did. that means, A dead guy owns the loot. and the dead guy lies dead, quite a long way from the lair. Guessing who was the owner, was more or less impossible, since it doesnt show anywhere.

The tactic didnt work quite as intended, but hey..

Oh, and stop calling eachother stupid, elitist, whatever blabla.

thats just dumb.

Live and learn, hey?


Yes, it was insanely funny. even for those at the raid :)
And no. i would expect anyone to find it funny.
And no. we didnt forget about the loot. quite the opposite. but there wasnt really anything we could do, but watch it disappear :p


To be honest at least it saved all the arguments over who should get the oober itamz. You killed the dragon which is more than us Hibs have done yet and we will probably spend 3 hours rowing and whining that whoever gets the loot doesn't deserve it when we finally do kill Culdurach (or whoever he is). :)

grats on another dragon kill

bad luck with the loot (altho yep funneh!) :D


Hmmmm you guys kill the dragon and 4get the l00t........ :ROFLMAO:

n00bometer........ over.....loading........ :lol: :lol: :lol:



not that funny, or wait, it _is_ funny!
Keep it up, albs!


Well, the upside was that the dragon went down incredibly fast and with almost no trouble at all.

Downside was, that the person who landed the killing blow was too stupid to scroll up her message window to realize that she landed the killing blow, and/or also failed to hit F7 + g several times. :rolleyes:

I was there, and I just couldn't believe it. Still can't.



hihi hahah mhayuayahahahahah hohoh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahohaihaohoaih

and :

Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game

i think picking up loot is rather basic :p


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
Downside was, that the person who landed the killing blow was too stupid to scroll up her message window to realize that she landed the killing blow, and/or also failed to hit F7 + g several times. :rolleyes:

afaik, giving the killing blow dont mean you get the loot. Problem was that there were no grps and loot went to a single person who might went LD or s/he was dead when dragon was down. Anyway, dragon went down fast and it was pretty fun to see people yelling "PICK UP THE LOOT", "WHO GOT THE LOOT?" and finally, "LOOT VANISHED" There I was, standing next to loot hitting F7+g and thinking, yes, pretty nice stuff here :)

Generic Poster

I've always wondered how illiterates can use forums.

To make it clear for the uneducated:
The loot was not forgotten
There were problems whilst trying to access the loot

Under normal circumstances, I would laugh at your idiocy, specially those who play in Albion.

"OMG! WTFz0r!! n00bz KEELZD teh Darg0n BaLL Z & left0r l337 lew70r"

That's how it reads to me and I'm not suggesting you're leet, just that you're not very smart.

Mids/Hibs can continue to laugh if they like. Except they'll be making different sounds when I find them in Emain and anally violate them with a Lurikeen's corpse.

Grats to all who took part, don't let this incident put you off the next raid. ;)


Originally posted by Turamber
Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game. Go back to Emain and continue farming your RP's if that's all you can contribute to the discussion or your realm. Can understand players from Midgard/Hibernia having a laugh - fair enough - but people who are supposed to be on the same side? Sad buggers :eek:


I had a feeling u would talk, stop with this crap about "on the same side", its funny, as a kid ur m8s not play tricks on u? they are ment to be on ur side yet they did it, its funny get over it.

If u stoped all this elitest stuff and just took a look around u would see the realm atm is pritty fine, doing well enough without the "old school" attituted ur kicking up at every chance.

if u dont see the funny side of this then dont post, seems like u dont think we should laugh at something funny, would u not laugh at sotl/loe forgetting to pick up loot? dam right u would, if i remember correctly for my final GoP days when u joined ( when things turned to crap), u hate anything that is known to be good, or better than u are at that point in time. so kindly stop posting and just get on with the game IF u still play after that RA incident.


Originally posted by Turamber
Oh right, queue various sotl/loe elitist powergamers laughing at their realmmates for not being as uber as they are or knowing everything there is to know about a game. Go back to Emain and continue farming your RP's if that's all you can contribute to the discussion or your realm. Can understand players from Midgard/Hibernia having a laugh - fair enough - but people who are supposed to be on the same side? Sad buggers :eek:

Originally posted by Kaitlyn
As far as I can see i'm the first LoE member to post on this thread Turamber.But thats ok, some other guild made a mistake at the dragon, so lets just find someway of turning it into a sotl/loe witch hunt shall we.

Now apologise!


Originally posted by Krissy
u hate anything that is known to be good, or better than u are at that point in time. so kindly stop posting and just get on with the game IF u still play after that RA incident.

Still playing, the odd hour here or there. Have no idea what this rhubarb about 'hating anything better than me' is about. For example I detest your spelling and mine is a lot better thanks :p

I find it in bad taste that people who play the same realm can take the piss out of their realm mates, so I used the forum to post this view. If you think that cap fits then, be my guest, wear it.


Originally posted by &lt;Wels&gt;
Now apologise!

As I have posted previously this is not about guilds, but about individuals. Glad to see that Kaitlyn agrees how unacceptable some of the rude posts above are and that really is the main thrust of my argument here.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

The loot was not forgotten
There were problems whilst trying to access the loot

Nice one, made me smile, but I feel for ya, all those items.

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