Mostly it comes down to knowing what you can and can't pull off, as a rule of thumb; if you're not 100% sure you'll get a kill and survive(excluding teamfights and support-suicide to save carries), back out.
Keep playing and it'll dawn at some point how it works, can't really be taught
I think i'd have to check my top 5 wins chars(crystal maiden deffo #1 there) to see any kind of pattern, especially since i like the 1 of three draft thing(haven't played in a ahiwle as i forget names already ).
Best way to learn DOTA is most certainly to play with friends. It's so easy to go such a long time and frankly learn absolutely nothing without someone pointing out to you what you're doing wrong. To an extent it's possible to learn by watching streams/pro games, but it goes much quicker by essentially being told you suck constantly by teammates.
I spent a long time playing with friends who were pretty bad and had basically the wrong approach, I didn't improve much at all. Recently I've been playing with much better players and I've improved 10 fold in my 200 or so games than I did in the previous 5-600. Mostly I learnt some really important basic philosophies such as making the most you possibly can of every single second of game time - be it farming, ganking, warding, whatever. Keeping track of your position on the map relative to the enemy, your wards etc also - if you're a support, are you in position to ensure your carry can farm? do you have a TP to support the offlane if the enemy rotates to kill them? have you warded adequately that the enemy can't easily rotate to kill any of your cores without you knowing?
One of the most important things I've learnt is to never give up, even if you completely screw up early game and die a few times, there's generally always a way back in to the game.
There's so many small things to learn with DOTA that it can seem a completely insurmountable task at times, but given time it becomes a lot of fun learning new small things every day.
Yeah. Couldn't agree more. Only way I'm able to play solo is by doing ranked queue captain's mode - there I find 75% of the games are fine. Admittedly the other 25% are absolute cancer, but it's a much better than AP/RD/SD pubs.
Haha, we're aiming to go properly competitive so most of my time is spent tryharding.
However... pubs are a different story! And also when ahead you can get pretty carry-licious. We were really far ahead against a team with Wisp + Tony and I had a BKB, they tried to relocate gank me so I just popped BKB + ult and they both died.
Got back into dota, few games in did my usual crystal maiden ez mode support(well since it's my go-to support), got 12-3-17(around that ballpark) and as we lost i got blamed because of "teamfight KS". Obviously, since i was solo support, got those stats, warded etc support stuff and kept 4 carries in mana/health i was the reason
It's counterable but it's pretty annoying. Definitely looking forward to a progression in the meta, the early push / deathball stuff is really bad to both play and play against.
Playing in my first season of the joinDOTA League this season with my team, 4 wins no losses so far. Pretty shocked by just how awful the teams we've played so far have been, hopefully next season will be more of a challenge.
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