Do you still play the first class you ever created?



My first character was a luri void eld (4 void, 3 mana, 2 light or something lol) which i got to lvl 8 or 9 ..
Then a friend started playing (in beta) so i rolled a warden called Elmuerte (coz my eld was called thanatlos) and got him to 34.
Been sadystically stuck with my warden ever since.

PS: Wardens rock!


32thane in beta
42armsman in start of retail
47druid and will reach 50 as soon as subs are up once again...

I want a hero s/s specced and a ranger and a bot aswell and then I wont lvl anything more I think :)

the char I think has been most fun to play was deffo the ranger, next one will be a bit diff specc and not celt as my soloproject.


First char (after going live) was an armsman (Edric) on alb/excal. Got to about the late 20's. Then I rolled a scout (Taromas) which I got to lvl 43 before getting really really bored and annoyed. The well known fumble fumble miss /release got to me in the end ;)
Quit playing for several weeks but a friend convinced me to try Mid.

Still playing on Mid/Pryd now with a Thane (50), Shammy (48) and SB (44) and several other low level toons


My first char Nott the paladin is lost in time on some u.s server.

He recently emerged again at /level 20 on Camlann :)

The Real Redi

Redi was the first, and i'll bet he'll be the last too (signed my soul away about a fortnight after the release) :)

I like the guy, and besides, chicks dig the scars :great:


First chracter i tried was a Minstrel but found it a bit boring when i got stuck at around lvl 19. Rolled a Cabalist knowing nothing about the class except you get a pet...Matter/Spirit Cabalist from lvl 1-31 then switched to Matter/Body till 50 and now Body/Spirit ^^


Mine first after beta was scout,had great time with him till one guild broked and so was kinda forced to go solo a bit etc. and with current stage of stealthrvr - was kinda too easy prey without bb so his been in break for like 2.5months,good thing is that it forced me to make new chars a bit which was great and still is :)


Whoodoo's still going from time to time, mainly for farmage, not really for RvR as no one likes a cocky Thane.

Now i play a lot of lower chars as i find BGs a lot of fun, needless to say I would not reroll a Thane again. Whoo knows tho, maybe if they get them right one day....


14 or so berserker - Beta
24 Thane - shortly after release
27 hero, deleted
23 Ranger, deleted
40 SB, deleted
50 merc, deleted
41 friar, deleted

Playing an armsman now

Miss the ol' days :(

Bleri McThrust

Started right at the beggining with Bleri (Armsman) and he is still my main :)

Sometimes he goes into semi retirement but its never for long. Its a bit like those owners that look like there pets :p Bleri is me (or am I Bleri).


Made a thane dorf in beta " Battlehammer " , got him to lvl 16 deleted , and rolled a shaman , played a shaman since


made a zerker in beta,got him to 23 and when the game went live i just made him again and still play him.


I made a Healer in mid/pryd on the day of release. Got to lvl 11 i think...

Then got bored, went to alb/excal, made a wizzy, got to 16, got bored...

Went to Hib Pryd, made a chanter, played him till 30. (I remember spending 2 weeks going from 17-20)... got bored....

And all the above without even knowing about Kill Tasks...!!!!

Created a druid - got to 45. Then deleted my hib pryd chars.

Now playing a necro in alb/excal, with a 24 cleric and 10 pally for fun, when im annoyed with the slog of the 40+

So in short, never had a 50 - as i seem to get bored easily, but had gr8 fun nonetheless.


I was going to do the old, try all the realms and see which i like best trick

so... first was a dwarf runie, called Krag, who got to level 5.

Then i duly went to pryd/alb and started a merc, i thought duel weilding would be cool.

Then i saw a guy with a theurgist, and thought, wow, look at that army he has, and so rolled one.

Then I saw a sorc running round with a pet, and I thought, wow, look at that permanent pet, so I rolled one (or the girlf did anyway).

Then i saw a scout owning with his bow, and i thought, wow, look at that bow, and so i rolled one.

Then i realised i couldn't get any groups, so I rolled a cleric, and never looked back to this day.

well, almost. I've played every alb class to at least 20 now.


12 healer
7 hunter
5 shadowblade
12 hunter
15 healer
6 thane
14 warrior
24 berserker (my biggest still :p )
hunter..(yea, can't take a po'oint)

and so on...i've played a lot of lowbies :D


Rolled a minstrel first off. Great fun in PvE, frustrating as hell in RvR. Realised that sorcerers could do all the things I really liked about my minstrel, but better, and even sometimes all at the same time.

I love my sorcerer :)


shadowblade all teh way!!!!!!one

i started as one and my other (few) chars only have different skill specs, all are SBs


started on Hib Pryd and made a firby druid,

Played the game way too much - had a massive argument with my wife over the time spent online playing daoc. I had gotten my firby druid to lvl 42 (back in the days when there were like 10 middie lvl 50s on the server, raids on Odins to the frontier hunting spots were great fun). Decided wiffey was right - deleted revor, quit the game, gave my cd key away.

A few months ago I got given a spare cd key - restarted hib pryd - didn't feel right without my lvl 42 druid. Friends told me they played excal alb - started a pally and to this day I am over the moon with him as a class.

He's fun in rvr (altho he won't scare anyone for damage output :p ) and in pve he is block god. Its great fun holding aggro for damage dealing classes and having twisting dps, end and heal chants going the whole time. Best thing about it is my wife now has daoc and plays a little, and all my m8s from other games (neocron <shudder> rtcw etc ) joined the same guild and we have a lot of fun



Started with a Minstrel, got to level 7 or so, then deleted as I had no idea how to play him.

Made various flavours of caster, but didn't get beyond 10ish with any of them, all now deleted.

Made my friar, who is my longest running char (now at 32). Haven't played him in a while, but still enjoy the class.

Then rolled a Paladin, who was created along with 5 others in a guild project (all tall, scarfaced highlanders). We all levelled together in a pallys only group and, I have to say, it was the most fun I've ever had in this game. We levelled like a train, chaining purples.

Still playing him now, but, due to an enforced absence when my connection was down for six weeks, I've been left behind by the level train. At least three of the others are now lvl 50. I'm left at level 27, but going strong.


The first I made was a small Luri Ranger, then a Saracen Armsman and a Troll Thane. I only played these to get a feeling for the game and the realms though, and to see what I liked. Then I rolled Hendrick the merc and stuck with him for over 100 days /played. Recently I tried a friar alt and got her to mid-40 in absolute record time, found that healing is actually great fun and then proceeded to make a proper cleric. He's 24 now, having tremendous fun in Thidranki and will propably turn into my main now. Bloody shame that I didn't try one sooner.


When you say you had no idea how to play a minstrel i come to think of a thing that happend to me. Played excal/alb some and tried out a minstrel. Got grouped by 3 casters and a merc i think it was. They gladly pulled a few mobs and nuked like hell.. once a caster got aggro he started to yell HEAL HEAL HEAL FFS HEAL. Guess they tought they had pressed Hibernia and tought i was a bard <sigh>


Hmm well first class I ever created was a scout in beta and I hated but I was a stupid newb then :) I also created a Theurgist in beta and loved it, made another on day 1 of retail and still play him to this day. However these are hard times for casters in Albion, he rarely does any RvR as I play my other chars that have more survivabilty. It is sad but when you are chain killed night after night for months on end it takes it's toll on your morale, so I play a class that groups want and where I am usually one of the last standing.


Started with a Skald named Normengast. Deleted him as he was not specced good and the beginning stats were placed incorrectly.

Made a Runemaster after that with which I played most of the time (Ociri). Got a SB and warrior in the meantime (Nightsting and Genseric) which I played every now and then.

Nowadays I don't play anymore, no time to do so. Maybe one day I'll be back.


For EU version I played a Spear hero called Connavar in Beta on Hib/Pryd.

On release I played another spearo called Setanta. Had great fun as I was the only spearo on the server at the time. Locomo was LW, Venge and Brixx S/S.

Got fed up with the lack of xp groups. Only really 1 40+ group on Hib and it was full by the time I got home from work.

Rolled cleric (full smite) on Alb/Excal. Enjoyed it immensly and the nerf was way over the top. Since then I have levelled Skald, Merc, Reaver and Savage to 50.

Favourite is Reaver, although I also like to keep playing all the chars to prevent boredom. Had I stayed with one toon I would probably have quit the game long before now.


Originally posted by Flesh
And now you play a savage that gets pwned solo bye an rr2 random solo newb wizard in emain ?xD

oh yes, i got soooooooooooooooooooo owned when me and qwoz ran to lake to do some silly quest and your fg totally owned the both of us . You must feel very proud outnumbering 1:4 and killing a lvl 49 and a sham

you make me smile


Originally posted by Archeon

But yeah, i only have 2 lvl50 characters but my gimped little mend healer is still my favourite.

Mend healer for teh win!!!11

Vell was my first, my last, my everything <does a funky dance>


I think I had a very brief spell in Albion - a caster of some kind... can't even remember which server to tell you the truth... BUt Pryd Mid is my home... Norse mythology is much cooler than the rest...

Silverwolf the warrior was my first real character. When I first didn't know anything about the game I thought the warrior was really boring compared to friends who had characters that could change into bears, or cast lightning bolts etc... however, even though the warrior seems dull to others, I really enjoy playing the steady old reliable character...

..however, it is nice to switch to Ebeneezergoode my shammie and bolt something for good measure! :D


Originally posted by Flesh
I started as a wizard the first day I got the game, got to lvl 5, then rolled an inf, got to 16, then re-rolled as a cleric and played her to 50.
Got RR5, realised clerics sucked cock and re-rolled as a pala, which is now my most played char. Currently re-rolling as a mincer that will hit 50 soon i hope.
Have about 16x days /played in total atm :x

Shame you couldn't reroll your personality :)


Originally posted by Vell
Mend healer for teh win!!!11

Vell was my first, my last, my everything <does a funky dance>

And we <3 you you cute little dorfy Vell.

I'm still playing yaruar as I love him so much, I even put up with all the other classes laughing at my thanyness...... We must be the only guild with Thanes being our main tanks most of the time. Sod fotm, it's all about the hammer.

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