DH movie



I used to think the Midget Mafia movie was the best one, that was until I saw this one.


I wub my Marsipangris! :wub:


Originally posted by cougar-
get over it? you won ONLY because our whole support got stealther adds, we beat you 5 times in a row after that even when you added. Try to get something real to brag about :p
Typical cougar reply :) the next time we fought was hib side hmg, and we got sandwiched between hibs and you.
Then we met you at hmg, almost got the jump but you spotted us and split well, we used SoS and it sent our pbae box into total disorder, that fight you won.
The next time we fought alb side amg and you caught us as I was charming a pet, meant we lost first mezz which pretty much means we lose.
The last time was again alb side amg when there was some confusion in the group and I split away to mezz you while the rest of the group headed to amg.


Was told by one of the dudes who hosted movies that the admin had called him wtf was going on, movies got 12000 hits in 2days, 80mb/s 24/7, he had to remove it :(.

Good advertisment imo! Big thanks to all boardspammers


Originally posted by sheph
Finally some1 saw teh tr00th!

Thanx magol :)

Go sheph!! :clap:

(or what ever the smiley with the hands clapping is ^^, forum noob here :D)


Originally posted by hotrat
We were roaming as 1fg, stealther adds happen, get over it :)

Sure they do, but when they do happen its not FG vs FG anymore now is it?. I mean 2 infils insta killing our shaman, me getting nightshade on me and since not a single RA up i might aswell sit down and /release, if u think that is beating someone FG vs FG then u obviously dont know how many ppl there is in a grp? if u actually manage to beat us 1 day feel free to brag about it, but until then :great:

oh and
Originally posted by hotrat
Funny how there is always some excuse when you beat NP...
are u just being very very VERY ironic or do u have some sort of split personality?


Originally posted by Belomar
No thanks, you tanks have it easy enough anyway.

haste (both melee and caster) gets silly come ToA

cap casting at 50% of delve I'd say - cap melee at 50% haste (but put something in for the VW/Friar/savage self-haste buffs of course :))


Originally posted by cougar-
get over it? you won ONLY because our whole support got stealther adds, we beat you 5 times in a row after that even when you added. Try to get something real to brag about :p

You cant beat FC with a couple of stealther adds?




Will download the movie when i get back to uni and have my phat connection to use - it all sounds good though, looking forward to having a look. Thanks also for the generous comments all-around about the TB caster groups - we do try, and are looking forward to getting our resident cold-debuffer back as he's on holiday in france at the moment - I will as I say be back at uni though, and subsequently be unable to play in the groups. :(


Originally posted by Medde
are u just being very very VERY ironic or do u have some sort of split personality?

A little bit of peepee came out when I was laughing at this. :(



Originally posted by Medde
Sure they do, but when they do happen its not FG vs FG anymore now is it?. I mean 2 infils insta killing our shaman, me getting nightshade on me and since not a single RA up i might aswell sit down and /release, if u think that is beating someone FG vs FG then u obviously dont know how many ppl there is in a grp? if u actually manage to beat us 1 day feel free to brag about it, but until then :great:
Well im not claiming it was fg vs fg, im just saying we won. If you think the fight was unfair you need to take another look at the 2 groups involved and their RR's.


me getting nightshade on me and since not a single RA up i might aswell sit down and /release

No RA up? The purge on at least 1 of your healers probably didnt count as RA then? And dont tell me no one purged, the fight lasted too long for no purge to be up... If your tanks dont get healed, they will be dead before they reach our casters...

Your fighting an alb-caster group with an overpowered mid-tank group, which was even playing at a lan at the time... And you complain about 2-3 adds, when you usually pwn 2-3 fg...

If the infs & ns was such a problem, your tanks should have taken care of them... Like it takes a long time to kill an inf with 3 tanks when he's not getting heals...

Oohwell, you might not think it was fair, we did, defo seeing the advantages a mid-tank group has over an alb-caster group...

Yes you did own us a couple of times before and after we owned you, but we (rr4-9 at that time) dont expect to 'own' an rr8-11 tank group each time...

You dont need ra's to win from us, we need several to win from you...

Anyways, 3/4th of the DH movie, cant wait to see it... Perhaps we (TB) can learn something from DH's playstyle, although having no slam tanks in our group is a bit of a bitch (but we have no room for any :( )...


Class Factory cannot supply requested class. It wont play damn its soul... and I did get the divx, and I have all the codecs a man can have... but it wont play... any help?


Just watched it... what can I say, amazing stuff :)



hmm that fight were we won, thinking bak on it.
1 cleric was rr6
i was only rr4 on my cleric at the time
mincer was rr8
1 wis was rr9
other wiz was rr7
rr7 sorc
other sorc was rr6
and therg was rr7

now u guys were like 4-5 rr10's?
now neither of us clerics had moc or anythin like that so i think the rr diffrence more than makes up for it :p
+ my grp have to put up with my erotic stories, which i may add are distracting. :)


Originally posted by ydraliskos
Class Factory cannot supply requested class. It wont play damn its soul... and I did get the divx, and I have all the codecs a man can have... but it wont play... any help?

Windows media player!


Originally posted by cougar-
FC? u rox m8

if only we had savages, healers and shamen we could wtfpwn like our <Nolby Pride> hero's!!1 :(

and :ROFLMAO: at complaining about a couple adds.
everytime an alb grp fights a mid grp its 8v8(+3-4PRs) fyi.

2-3adds just evens the odds for the alb grp tbh :m00:


those PRs cost 14 RAs, youre group have 1 min of Immortality against melee for 10 RAs on every cleric, a classic spanish n00b there :/


Originally posted by Haroc
those PRs cost 14 RAs, youre group have 1 min of Immortality against melee for 10 RAs on every cleric, a classic spanish n00b there :/

grats on saying the same incorrect thing 8 times.


Originally posted by K0nah
if only we had savages, healers and shamen we could wtfpwn like our <Nolby Pride> hero's!!1 :(

and :ROFLMAO: at complaining about a couple adds.
everytime an alb grp fights a mid grp its 8v8(+3-4PRs) fyi.

2-3adds just evens the odds for the alb grp tbh :m00:

The Albs are whining about mid special RA's, split personality? ;)


Can TB, FC and NP please stop comparing the size of their dicks in this thread?


Originally posted by Belomar
Can TB, FC and NP please stop comparing the size of their dicks in this thread?
Yeah everyone already knows shadowlords wins by a longshot!

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