DH movie



Originally posted by silverblast
Alright, since you are so thick and stupid, let me put it this way:
DH sucks, they are noobs who press the same button 20 times in 5 seconds. Even with this in mind, YOU CAN'T EVEN DO HALF AS MUCH AS THEY CAN. Also you forget that there is a screwed up interupt system in this game, they play casters with low HP and only 10% abs and low af, and even after all those problems, they still manage to stay alive with a ton of savages on them, which I would really like to see you do. They coordinate their pb, multi-task :p (bitteliten interupting while pbing eg), and simply work together, which I'm sure you albs are pros at. So if you can't play half as well as a guild that sucks, you must really really be a dumbass, your meaningless post proves it.

Owned xDDD


Originally posted by PJS
support can have MOC too :p

No kidding? But moc is just for real emergencies, against any half decent mid group you'll be interupted half the fight if not more. Three healers with ae mez/lul and a sham with ae root/dis(/dot). 15 sec aint enough just for that, there's some skill involved :p


Originally posted by ab_fluid
baod wasn't used in that amg fight, debuff nueks weren't used in that fight either, now... what spell was used? oh..pbaoe, yep you got that exact same spell. So yes, albs could do that, and i'm sure TB could wipe just as many mindless hib/mids if they were all bunched like that as they know how to play there chars, don't whine about it and have earned there rep as the best rvr guild on alb/excal from it.
Please don't try and argue that alb pbae group can compete with a hib pbae group, two words: Group Purge.

On top of that you have to face hib groups with baod, and mid savage groups without disease, guard and 6 sec pbt. Hib has the perfect support and RA's for a pbae group, alb has some nice tools but generally the classes are only half as good as the hib equivalents (wizard - eldritch etc).
(bitteliten interupting while pbing eg)
Using a spell that shouldn't interupt and is very annoying for the opposing group I might add :(

Very rare i get hit by dex debuffs (from the elds) which are intended to be used vs casters, but when it comes to a DPS debuff (should be used vs tanks!) I get hit by it all the time :rolleyes:


Originally posted by hotrat
Very rare i get hit by dex debuffs (from the elds) which are intended to be used vs casters, but when it comes to a DPS debuff (should be used vs tanks!) I get hit by it all the time :rolleyes:
Would you rather have the chanter come up and staff you to interupt ?


Originally posted by silverblast
Would you rather have the chanter come up and staff you to interupt ?
Yes, because insta debuffs are not supposed to interrupt. Last patch attack speed debuffs did, and everyone (including Hibs) were whining about Mid healers spamming it on them. Now, only chanters have this ability.


Originally posted by Belomar
Yes, because insta debuffs are not supposed to interrupt. Last patch attack speed debuffs did, and everyone (including Hibs) were whining about Mid healers spamming it on them. Now, only chanters have this ability.
well I'm sure the chanter wouldn't, anyhow if theres someone to blame IMO,, it would be mythic for not fixing ALL them instas.


Originally posted by silverblast
Would you rather have the chanter come up and staff you to interupt ?
Yes, there is no reason why a chanter should have this advantage over other casters.
Originally posted by silverblast
well I'm sure the chanter wouldn't, anyhow if theres someone to blame IMO,, it would be mythic for not fixing ALL them instas.
Yes its mythics fault, and if you watch the video carefully you can see Bitte uses it all the time, but so would I if I had it. It doesn't seem like much of an advantage at first, but the fact you can't see it coming and there is almost no way to stop the chanter doing it are what make it overpowered.

What annoys me is DH could run without an enchanter and still be powerful and a challenge vs all alb groups. However running with just one makes any caster group easy rp's for them (BaoD), and any typical alb fotm merc group is quite easy as well if the sorc is dealt with quickly (debuff boom boom).
Well next patch soon and the nerf :clap: and I really wanna try some different alb group setups as well, getting tired of mercs :)


just watched it.

awesome video.

that one in odins where u killed about 3 fg was superb nice vid.


hmm just realised the main reason this group is so successful is the perfect balance of offence and defence.

PBAE at first was used very offensively by most hibs, then they decided to stay all in one *box* and protect each other with pbae when enemy tanks attacked.
In this vid this is done perfectly and with Tusk also guarding and slamming those tanks it becomes very hard to kill hib casters in melee.

So you look to your support, if they can keep the hib casters interupted its no problem for your tanks to move in and kill. However thanks to hib pets (and GP effecting pets) 2 or 3 support members can be interupted almost for free. Then the bard has amnesia, the dd and castable/insta mezz which can be devastating at the start of a fight. Chanters can also use dps debuff just in case his pet is cc'd or is hitting a different support char. Plenty of uninteruptable interuption power available anyway, and all useable while in *box* formation.

So the enemy support is all tied up with pets and insta cast spells, the enemy tanks cannot enter pbae range without a great risk of dieing, its a stalemate situation. But wait the final tool of a hib caster group, heat debuff, perfect for killing anything within 1500 range, especially combined with the castable stun and assist nuking.

If any other realms caster group wants a ranged debuffer and 3 pbae classes they must use a 4th cloth wearing caster, however hibs can use a mana chanter and open up yet another spot in their group for a different class (as if a bard does not already open up enough group spots).

Hib caster groups (much like mid melee groups) are so well balanced with respect to offence and defence its the main reason they are so successful, almost all the skills of every class can be used toward helping the group win its fights.

The problem with an alb group is the same old story of the key abilities being spread over too many classes, you end up with inefficiency in the group as the skills of the group don't always support each other. Take a mind sorc lifetap for example, potentially a very powerful spell, but it requires a debuff from a spirit cabalist, but then a spirit cabalist doesn't offer much defence to a group (no pbae like a chanter) and 2 cloth wearers without any pbae protection is making the group look quite vulnerable. So you take a couple of ice wizzies, but they have to face 16% or even 24% cold resists and without power relics really need a debuffer, so you need a body sorc. 5 classes already gone from the 8 available and all of them wear cloth armor! Looks like a alb caster group isn't possible, and without GP they are bound to have a hard time anyway.

An alb tank group does just about work, its defence is poor because the pala must be up front with the tanks to give them end but at least it does have pretty decent offence. The main reason they suck vs hib pbae groups is the lack of uninteruptable interuption power, which can be changed by bringing a reaver. The fights I can remember vs DH when we have a reaver are usually very close, and very fun :)

In conclusion if your an alb and want a good chance to beat a hib pbae group bring a reaver. If you want to beat a well played mid fotm tank group well thats what BoF and SoS are for I guess, although hopefully things will get easier next patch and albs won't have to rely on 30 min RA's :)


stfu hotrats just for once, you had this discussion in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 threads earlier.


Originally posted from VNBoards






49 Inflict Oblivion Enemy 2.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2300 Area: 325
44 Shroud of Senility Enemy 3.0s/1m 12s/0s Rng: 1875 Area: 400
32 Wrest Will Enemy 4.0s/*/0s Rng: 1000 Charm any creature

40 Summon Aged Ice Elemental Enemy 3.0s/25s/0s Rng: 2000


---->good driver&mages dropping stick<-----


sorc aoe amnesia. (or is it healer, who cares anyway, its a frikkin amnesia \o/)


Very nice movie=]
i liked teh BC+RG getting wiped one most of all=] Very nice works vs 2fg imo.
Got an excuse btw=D we had no ras up whatsoever and half were unbuffed thanks to alb zerg a few secs earlier at mmg=]


Originally posted by old.Zanaa
49 Inflict Oblivion Enemy 2.0s/0s/0s Rng: 2300 Area: 325
44 Shroud of Senility Enemy 3.0s/1m 12s/0s Rng: 1875 Area: 400
32 Wrest Will Enemy 4.0s/*/0s Rng: 1000 Charm any creature

40 Summon Aged Ice Elemental Enemy 3.0s/25s/0s Rng: 2000


---->good driver&mages dropping stick<-----
I do drop stick asap, not hard to target me and hit insta mezz though, or even just amnesia will do if your a really good bard.

Amnesia is only effective vs MoC, otherwise you are better like you say using ae mezz, also using the level 49 one drains all your power very fast. The level 28 one is a lot more power friendly and has exactly the same effect (just smaller radius).

AE mezz, easily countered with GP, still nice to use as interupt I agree there, esp at 1500+ range.

That ice elemental does not exist yet, next patch like I say should see more theurgs in groups and ofc the lovely chanter nerf :)

Cougar I posted this exact same thing on freddyshouse this morning at 5am and its already on 4 pages, i may have said some of it before but most people find it interesting.

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by hotrat
The main reason [alb tank groups] suck vs hib pbae groups is the lack of uninteruptable interuption power

wrong - the reason is that they cannot insta kill mages like savages do


whatever, use lower level icepet and lower level interrupt, it will do the job, but i see NO alb grps using this promisingly, mostly cause they run stupid paths and get jumped (+didnt realize ice pets is best vs pb mages)


Originally posted by old.Zanaa
whatever, use lower level icepet and lower level interrupt, it will do the job, but i see NO alb grps using this promisingly, mostly cause they run stupid paths and get jumped (+didnt realize ice pets is best vs pb mages)
hmm ice pets can be forced into melee quite easily, just like casting chanter pets. Ice pets do crap damage now compared to next patch, theurg will be a lot more popular then im sure.

And Garb well alb has no chance then :p

but wait we tried a 3 mind sorc, 2 spirit caba, 2 cleric, 1 mins group today and it absolutely ROCKED, after this evenings performance I really think this is the strongest group alb can make for fg vs fg rvr.


Originally posted by old.Zanaa
whatever, use lower level icepet and lower level interrupt, it will do the job, but i see NO alb grps using this promisingly, mostly cause they run stupid paths and get jumped (+didnt realize ice pets is best vs pb mages)

doesnt all ice pets cost 12% power anyway so its just best to use the highest one? Think the first pet costs 15% then all pets execpt that costs 12%. Some theurg correct me if im wrong :)

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