Definition of a arsehole

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Can cs'ers stop talking about qw. it's making me feel ill.
I like how they think they know about a community which is so different from theirs.


Originally posted by oldman
oi und where did all these fags in cs-b spring from? poncing around forums with [CS-B] in their gayboy signatures. Weevil und wolfy have a lot to answer for claerly.

<--- pro gaemer :(((
Pro Moron more like if you have to resort to clan related insults :rolleyes:


if yuo look on clanbase im actually in cs-b btw (dick)


Originally posted by oldman
if yuo look on clanbase im actually in cs-b btw (dick)
So SAS is still listed for CS-B on BarrysWorld listings, that means nothing :rolleyes:




heh heh

hi hellfire, who could nevar compete with my cs pro-ness :(

there was another hellfire in z chan the other day who i thought was yuo



There is a remarkable amount of bullshit being spouted by lots of people who have no idea what they're talking about. Please, guys, if you have no clue as to how the QW scene is made up, don't comment for the sake of postcount++. You look stupid.

Right, where to start?

[20:09] <yeti|hah> oi sheep
[20:09] <yeti|hah> tdm2
[20:09] <yeti|hah> some gay wont drop

K, here we see Yeti talking to Sheep in a less than reverential manner. It's quite common for people to talk to sheep like that (he's a clanmate of mine) as we all trashtalk each other, and no-one feels the need to be ultra-polite with a simple request to someone they speak to every day.

Oh, and what a request it was! Let me give some of you fucking newbies a clue as to what the real problem is here:

1) QW Public Team Deathmatch servers.

None of you shitehawks appear to be able to grasp a simple concept - namely, that the Public team servers are used for one of two things, clan games and pickup games. Now this made be a tough concept to some of you CS + Q3 guys, but the vast majority of QWers are clanned up, and I'd say about ooh, 98% of all games ever played on those servers were between 2 clans. The other 2% is pickups, where you get people from all sorts of clans (and some of the few who aren't clanned) having a few team games with random teams for a laugh. If there's people on a server playing a game, then you wait your turn or bugger off and find another server - that's the way it's worked for years, and everyone is a-ok with it. You lot seem to be labouring under the impression that the servers are full all the time of non-clan games, which they certainly aren't.

2) 'Invading' a public server.

Yes that's right, 1 person taking up a TDM server vs 2 clans wanting to play a game - god forbid I should ever agree with cosmos, but I'm sure he'd have fun running around in prematch (you cant start a game unless there's two teams). From what I gather from yeti, this guy joined the server and refused to leave - and yes, in that situation it is polite to leave when people ask you to, as the game is ruined by having an extra person on one side, or if two clans want to play it as a clan match. Funny how all the QWers understand what we mean, as it's something that's happened to all of us now and then and it's incredibly irritating - plus the "extra" person is either abusive or just doesn't say _anything_.

3) Moriarty.

Mori, public servers in QW DM aren't like TF public servers mmkay?
[20:12] <Moriarty> their called 'public servers' for a reason, you realise?
[20:12] <Moriarty> eg their open to everyone to join and play on

Er no, they're not. You have to have 2 teams, you have to ready up, and then you play a 20 min game. It's not a permanently rolling game where people can join and part whenever they want (*especially* in qw, where any advantage = hello 200 frag win)

4) #bwadmins etc

Horus received rcon. This is enough to make the entire QW community laugh (and cry, possibly) and if we can resolve the little issues such as people stopping a game from going ahead without resorting to anything other than moaning at sheep (he loves it) then that's fine. Sheep having power is great, as he's a regular QW player who knows what he's talking about and more importantly understands the qw community, as he is a part of it. Unlike, say... Horus.

Honestly, judging by some of the posts here, you're so far up each other's arses you could take pictures and sell em to a fetish site. Add that to the uninformed crap being spouted, and you really do have a freak show of fuckwits and bandwagon jumpers. Hi, Mystic G.

I'll just spray a few quotes around now, because no post is worth it without showing just how good at ubb I really am (rofl)

Originally posted by Ono
No fuxing Clan are gonna kick me off a pubbie server.:upyours:

If anything, I will stay on and camp like a hoe just to piss them off.

That's lovely, dear. Enjoy running around a server where the mod wont let you actually play until you have two teams readied up, and as a bonus you piss off two clans for no good reason, and make yourself appear a complete twat! A WINNAR IS YUO!

Ch3tan spouted this nonce-sense™
Its the attitude of yeti, the way he stormed in and demanded an admin clear the server for his clan match.

Struck me as selfish and extremely cuntish.

Shame it was the only thing that struck you. Try and understand here, yeti + the clans wanting to play are not the ones in the wrong. The one in the wrong is the guy refusing to leave the server so that the clans can play. If the TDM servers were of any use to a single person, then yeah, you might have a point. As it is, the mod is designed for teams to play on, and he didn't have any. We'll ignore the fact that most likely he was just someone trying to cause trouble.

For example he said you cant change the timelimit and player limits on the qw bookables hence why no one uses them

Thats not true, you can all u need to know is some
simple rcon commands.

He stated that not enough qw players knew rcon and thats why they invaded adn took over pubbies.

TIs a very lame argument for breaking rules on the use of public servers.

Hang on a second. Cosmos stated that you cant change various settings. You said "you can with rcon", cosmos rightly points out that bugger-all people know rcon. This makes sense to me, anyone else? And fuck this "invading and taking over publics" shite, if you don't have a proper use for a server then you're just taking up space. You're making it sound like clans go marauding around the public servers, kicking valued BW customers off willy-nilly, just to satisfy their evil desires. Yeah, whatever... please, don't comment on something you clearly don't fucking understand.

Originally posted by Embattle
Originally posted by oldman
And notice how Bookable 1 is never used because ppl cant be fked to go through the rigmoral of filling in all the forms on the barrys website about booking stuff just to play a quick game.
Tough shit then when it comes to a clan game :rolleyes:

Heh. QW clan games (including ones for several important leagues) are quite often organised at very short notice. Booking servers doesn't really work as well in QW as it does in other games. "Tough shit" is not something we have to put up with, because we *shock* use the publics, and everyone's happy.

Ch3tan continued the "I know nothing" with this:
Cosmos like you was very opinionated about what he wanted bw to offer for qw players, but generally unwilling to amke the effort to do something about it.

We sent a fucking big petition to Barrysworld stating exactly what the QW community would like to see, and bloody hell did we have to work just to get them to read it.

Publics are not for clan wars, get over it, move on.

Yes, yes they are. Clan wars and occasional pickups, as that's virtually all QW has to offer, and it's been like that for fucking years.

The nonce-sense continues with Mr-B:
The whole idea of TDM is that it's one team against another, no set team sizes, what if it was a proper public game, when 1 person disconnects should it automatically force a member of the other team to spectate? No.


OK mate, whatever you say. Teams shouldn't have an equal number of players, of course not.

Hahaha, um, right. Play QW with mismatched teams and it's a waste of 20 minutes. The whole idea of QW pickups (that is, two teams of random players, usually chosen to provide a fair game) is two evenly matched sides playing a game. The whole idea of QW Clan matches is to see which team is better. Uneven team sizes = a fucking stupid idea, unless it's for a really good reason.

Sorry, but that's just about the most laughable statement you have made so far - people discon. for any number of reasons - food, p!ss break, answer the phone/door, something on the telly, PC crash, QW I have to go on?

Please don't, you're making me feel terrible about the future of this country.

QWers generally DONT disconnect during the fucking game because unless there's a ready-made replacement, it shafts the game up completely. If we think we'll have to drop halfway through, we don't start the game to begin with. We're quite an organised bunch when it comes to team games, after all we have been doing this for quite some years now.

Right. I hope some of you understand a bit of that, it might make things just a little bit clearer. I doubt it, though.


Personally, any shit cunt who is still playing that brown bag of shite known as Quakeworld deserves everything they get.

Mr B

QWers generally DONT disconnect during the fucking game

So they are immune to the events and conditions I desribed earlier are they? They are like automatons that sit and play QW even whilst their partner takes armies of lovers and their pets or their house burns down...

I must admit - this aspect of the QW'er never occured to me, I apologise.

Play QW with mismatched teams and it's a waste of 20 minutes

So 4 good players vs 4 naff players are matched are they? That's right, of COURSE they are, how silly of me - because they have equal numbers it's BOUND not to be a mis-match, thanks for clearing that one up as well.

whole idea of QW Clan matches is to see which team is better

Go book a bookable if you want to play a clan game...

If we think we'll have to drop halfway through, we don't start the game to begin with.

Ah I see, QW players are clairvoyants - if you were that in tune with the future, surely you should have realised that someone else would join the server? When is your ISP next going to disconnect you? When will the doorbell ring next? When will your PC and/or QW crash next? That comment is about the most laughable one I've ever read in my life, it's going to make the memoirs, thanks!

We're quite an organised bunch when it comes to team games, after all we have been doing this for quite some years now.

You may have been doing it for some time, but there's a saying: "My bum's always been a bum - but that doesn't mean I have to listen to what it says"

It's a PUBLIC server (no matter what your clique likes to think) it's open to ANYONE and ANYONE can join in, you don't OWN the server just because you play on it all the time...if you are that bothered by the "lax attitude" why not apply or ask to be considered an admin? With your precognitive skills and silver-tongue I'm sure you'll be wonderful at it.



Originally posted by Skum

Shame it was the only thing that struck you. Try and understand here, yeti + the clans wanting to play are not the ones in the wrong. The one in the wrong is the guy refusing to leave the server so that the clans can play. If the TDM servers were of any use to a single person, then yeah, you might have a point. As it is, the mod is designed for teams to play on, and he didn't have any. We'll ignore the fact that most likely he was just someone trying to cause trouble.

Hang on a second. Cosmos stated that you cant change various settings. You said "you can with rcon", cosmos rightly points out that bugger-all people know rcon. This makes sense to me, .

Read what yeti says, does he make any atatempt to describe teh inner workings of qw to Moriarty? From what I have read, I can see why yeti would be annoyed. Yet he made no attempt to explain that to moriarity.

As for rcon, why would it be soo difficult to go learn how to use it and change a few server settings?

AS for this thread. Not to big to admit I learned somethings about qw, but the way yeti came in and asked was really badly thought out.

Although I still belive if one player is on a server first, regardless of wether the mod lets him play alone or not, that he has a right to play. Would it have been so hard to humour him for a quick game and tehn let the two clans play? After all he must have been on the server for a reason.


Ch3tan, let me clear this up once and for all:



As for rcon, why would it be soo difficult to go learn how to use it and change a few server settings?

For possibly the fifth time, hardly anyone has it, and the people who do are inactive and never about.

Yes, he did come onto the server for a 'reason' - to annoy everyone and to make sure the game couldn't be played.


oi skum said some good stuff actually, im quite impressed.


So they are immune to the events and conditions I desribed earlier are they? They are like automatons that sit and play QW even whilst their partner takes armies of lovers and their pets or their house burns down...

I must admit - this aspect of the QW'er never occured to me, I apologise.

Most QW players are capable of freeing up 20 mins for themselves. Oddly enough, we dont all live on Ramsey street, so quite a few of us can manage a couple of games without missing murder, burglary, communist invasion, etc.

So 4 good players vs 4 naff players are matched are they? That's right, of COURSE they are, how silly of me - because they have equal numbers it's BOUND not to be a mis-match, thanks for clearing that one up as well.

Read what I posted, cockgobbler. I deliberately qualified my statement to tell you that pickups are made as fair as possible, and that in clan games differences between the teams are what the game is all about. Is reading too much for you? Index finger starting to get tired?

Go book a bookable if you want to play a clan game...

Why? You live in some sort of fucking dreamworld where there's hordes of QW players all wanting to use the publics, and the nasty clans aren't letting them. Sorry, but your lack of knowledge is shining through again - if clan games weren't allowed on those servers, they'd get virtually no use at all. The clans are what UK QW is all about, we're not a big community and quite frankly the way we've done it over the years has been fine for everyone.

Ah I see, QW players are clairvoyants - if you were that in tune with the future, surely you should have realised that someone else would join the server? When is your ISP next going to disconnect you? When will the doorbell ring next? When will your PC and/or QW crash next? That comment is about the most laughable one I've ever read in my life, it's going to make the memoirs, thanks!

My ISP disconnects me every 2 hours, and I find it quite simple to work out what time the redial will occur. Is this too hard?
Course, a lot of QWers are broadband now, and their connects are pretty damn reliable. Doorbell ringing? Hmm, don't think we all live alone. PC/QW crash? Not exactly a common occurance, QW isn't the poorly coded shite that a quite a few of you lot play, and it doesn't put much strain on todays machines either.

You may have been doing it for some time, but there's a saying: "My bum's always been a bum - but that doesn't mean I have to listen to what it says"

Where'd you get THAT saying from? Playskool?

It's a PUBLIC server (no matter what your clique likes to think) it's open to ANYONE and ANYONE can join in, you don't OWN the server just because you play on it all the time...if you are that bothered by the "lax attitude" why not apply or ask to be considered an admin? With your precognitive skills and silver-tongue I'm sure you'll be wonderful at it.

My "clique"? You mean virtually the entire UK QW community? Heh. As for applying to be an admin, I refer you to the comment I made earlier about the petition, which included names of several QW guys we wanted as admins (not myself, as they were better choices). Not much was done about it.


Ch3tan: Yeti had to explain himself to Moriarty for er, what reason again?

As for rcon, why would it be soo difficult to go learn how to use it and change a few server settings?

Because we don't have rcon, perhaps?


Originally posted by Skum
Because we don't have rcon, perhaps?


I'm wrong on that count when it comes to booking servers, you DO get rcon. Wanna know why I'm wrong? Because we've not had to book for a long long time, we (and all the other clans) arrange games at short notice and use the publics. Last time WE used booking, we were only given the admin code :)


Don't you people in this channel ever grow up if its not me, glynners its someone else yeh the bloke is a bit thick thinking he can have people kicked from a public for his clan but bringing it to a public forum is that really neccasary, its just going to cause aggravation .

Very profesional admin work there, whats your excuse to show others its wrong ? :rolleyes:

How long till we get to the point where you start to make comments like this :
Originally posted by Perplex

Why don't you contract ebola and fucking die

Well it'l be interesting to see who you find for your geek group to belittle now you've run out of people here .
Clearly your trying to make youself's feel big, perhaps its because your far from it irl, its pathetic try backing off a bit and keep your imature insults to yourself's .


Originally posted by Yeti
Ch3tan, let me clear this up once and for all:

Let me clear this up for you all. You can be on the server 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 35th, 99th, 652nd or 8,235th and it doesn't matter because its a public server so anybody can join at any time. Thats the risk you run having a clan match on a public server. If you don't want to run that risk use a bookable server. If you think the bookable system is wank thats irrelavent because wank or not it works.

Now will somebody lock this stupid topic already before Oldman makes an arse out of himself again :cowsleep:


After reading the above im quite surprised at some of the pathetic and nieve attitudes.

To start off with, yes yeti put his point across in a poor way, but what he was asking was fair given the whole situation.

There are two teams ready to play a game, they happen to be clans fair enuff, someone this is where most of your arguements start to kick off forgetting one vital fact.

The player that joined had no intention of playing, your right to say its a public server and that anyone can play, im not denying this, but the player in question had no intention of playing. All he did was join, not set a team (which you haev to in qw to get a team game to start, two team names, not a coloru team as in cs/q3 etc) and sit there and abuse people when he was asked to leave.

I dont see how you can call it wrong asking for a person to be removed from a server when hes holding up "any" sort of game and is refusing to let the game start. The server is public but that doesnt give anyone the right to join that server and sit there to stop people playing a game, as the game cant start until everyone has set the same team name "two teams worth" and typed ready into the console. The person who joined did so with the intention of causing trouble and annoying other plays and had "no" intention of playing, he didnt even ask to play.

Now for the non QW'ers amongst you. Todays QW community is extremely small in the UK, the TDM servers are always empty unless there is a clan game being played on them. I personally have seen a handfull of real "public pickups" on them im recent months, so to say that clans shouldnt use them is pure stupidity as no-one else uses them. Ah wait i hear you cry, the moron who joined wanted to use it and the teams stopped him, no, they didnt since he had no intention of playing in the first place.

Please try to remember that each community is different as to the situation with servers, codes of conduct etc. The only factor that seems to permiate all games is plain stupidity and self-righteousness as shown by the uneducated comments ive read above. Skum made some good comments but people decided to take what he said to the extreme value to ridicule it, plz dont embarress yourself further.

</end rant>


To Mystic G:


That doesn't work for Quakeworld.

The mod makes sure that you cant 'join at any time', once the game has started it locks the number of players per team, and you can only replace someone, not add to the team. You see, BW's QW servers have been for public use for clans + pickups for years, and just because you can't get your head around this doesn't mean that we're wrong and you're right.


Let me clear this up for you all. You can be on the server 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 35th, 99th, 652nd or 8,235th and it doesn't matter because its a public server so anybody can join at any time. Thats the risk you run having a clan match on a public server. If you don't want to run that risk use a bookable server. If you think the bookable system is wank thats irrelavent because wank or not it works.

^^^^^ from mystic G

what you fail to realise is that in qw games cannot be joined mid game. If you start a 4v4 team match, people cannot join mid game and make it 4v5 etc, people can only join when someone leaves the game and its say 3v4. Thats the way the mod works.

And as i said before, public doesnt mean that idiots haev the right to join before a game starts and ruin it by sitting there and "intentionally" stopping the game from starting as was the case with yeti.

Your comments amuse me though as its nice to see idiots learning to use the pc.


The only thing stoping a game taking place was the fact that these two clans obviously decided they wern't going to let anything take place unless it was just their two clans. This means that they were essentially holding the server for their personal use which, seeing as its not a clan server, is wrong.
Originally posted by Dynamic
Your comments amuse me though as its nice to see idiots learning to use the pc.
Before you insult my ability to use a PC maybe you should learn how the forum quoting system works :rolleyes:


Heheh, will you please fucking understand!

The servers are there for the clans to use for games, and for pickups. This aint Q3, this aint CS, this aint any game other than QW. We play 4v4, or 5v5, and we'll use the same system we've been using since 1997 thanks. We are NOT going to ruin a game simply because some stubborn fucker wants to gatecrash a game.

The only difference between the public TDM servers and the bookable ones are the bookable ones can be reserved for specific times & passworded. The usage is the same.

Dont try and tell us how to run our game, thanks.

old.Kevin Carter

can we please have this thread closed? i'm not one to get involved in arguments that have nothing to do with me, and i don't intend too, but this thread isn't going to achieve anything, and is really getting quite boring and repetitive...


These Qw types seem not to be able to grasp this whole "public" server concept... do QW clans not have their own servers?

I suggest we fuck em all off and use the QW servers/bandwidth for a more interesting game altogether, /me thinks whats more interesting than QW... online snooker, I r0><0r j00 1v1 on teh black.


Originally posted by MYstIC G

Now will somebody lock this stupid topic already before Oldman makes an arse out of himself again

Is that the aim of you people that call yourself admins, wind someone up to the point their emotions make them look silly ?


Actually no, we don't have our own servers. And for the bandwidth + processor that a QW server takes up, you'd struggle to manage a 1v1 CS server...

You don't seem to understand that the "public server" concept is different for QW, because it's a different situation.
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