Definition of a arsehole

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give the qw liasons some power to do stuff and/or employ some new ones

Mr B

give the qw liasons some power to do stuff and/or employ some new ones

erm...they do have power to change server settings, etc...

I'm not quite sure what you are getting at...what exactly do you want them to do - and have you tried mailing them with these requests?


all changes seem to have to go through deathace? i.e. the liasons themselves cant actually upload maps/change settings themselves and claerly deathace works on too much already so has no time to do anything und yus multiple emales/irc msgs have taken place


Originally posted by oldman
or maybe petty? heh
Glad someone grasped it.

(Hint ch3t: I added the 'e')

/me pats small oldman


Now the rocket arena three lot are at it.

Entered a server voted out the poeple who were playing, and took it over.

They then got kicked for doing it and got a good telling of as well I am sure.

Do people not grasp this? Public servers are not to be taken over by clans, they are for the public.


Originally posted by Ch3tan
Do people not grasp this? Public servers are not to be taken over by clans, they are for the public.

It would seem not.


ra/duelling/2v2s/ffa are different, theres no need to take it over you can just play with who's there. TDM is different.


Nope...public server...there is no difference any people can play in the team.

Mr B

public is public is public...

You can't judge uneven teams by numbers alone - 4 really good players will have a hard time against 7 average ones, etc...

It requires some degree of common sense...which is where I suspect that your problems begin...


This thread is starting to boggle my brain,

oe much common sense does it take to understand that public servers are for general use and can be accessed anytime, anywhere by anyone running the game.

Booked servers are different - you pay for the right to have the booked server and control who gains access to that server.

I cant understand the logic behind someone feeling that they have more rights than anyone else on a general public server.

Compare it to toilets.

Public toilets :
ANYONE can use public toilets. Can you imagine going into a toilet and being met by someone at the door saying "Sorry you cant use this toilet - its for me and my mates only". You'd use his head as a toilet.

Private toilets.
The ones in your house. Only people you invite can use your toilet.



Public toilets : ANYONE can use public toilets. Can you imagine going into a toilet and being met by someone at the door saying "Sorry you cant use this toilet - its for me and my mates only". You'd use his head as a toilet.

thats a good analogy for my comeback actually

if theres only 8 urinals in the toilets you have to stand around and wait your turn, pushing in doesn't work


if you go on a duel server and there's 2 ppl already there about to play and you connect so theres 3 in quake3 it automatically makes you spectator till they've finished. qw lacks this sort of functionality so if someone wouldn't drop by courtesy then an admin should be around to sort it


oldman the point u are missing is, that in teh cases specified teh clans got their last.

They tried to take over a server.

They didnt ask the player that had just joined to drop, although thats just as bad anyway.

Publics are not for clan wars, get over it, move on.

Mr B

if theres only 8 urinals in the toilets you have to stand around and wait your turn, pushing in doesn't work obviously haven't thought that one through it doesn't support your case - not at all, not even in the slightest...just think about it:

10 cubicles, 8 are being used, what's to stop 2 more people "joining in"? If there were only 8 and all 8 were taken up by friends, there's no problem...

If 8 were being used 6 by friends who had 2 waiting and 2 strangers, the 2 waiting would have to wait for the 2 strangers to finish before they could join in.

Is that clearer?

if you go on a duel server and there's 2 ppl already there about to play and you connect so theres 3 in quake3 it automatically makes you spectator till they've finished.

Duel: A prearranged, formal combat between two persons

The whole idea of a duel is that it's 1 v 1.

The whole idea of TDM is that it's one team against another, no set team sizes, what if it was a proper public game, when 1 person disconnects should it automatically force a member of the other team to spectate? No.

qw lacks this sort of functionality so if someone wouldn't drop by courtesy then an admin should be around to sort it

As I said before, this is more to do with a lack of common sense than a lack of an admin.

Your arguments do not support the actions that started this thread - were you going to actually make a point or do you just enjoy arguing the toss?


The whole idea of TDM is that it's one team against another, no set team sizes, what if it was a proper public game, when 1 person disconnects should it automatically force a member of the other team to spectate? No.

qw ppl generally dont disconnect mid game unless its merdem troubles in which case they just reconnect and unlike cs and other such fag games you cant join midgame etc. so nobody starts a game with uneven teams unlesss playing some form of handicap.

Oi und as far as i kniw yeti isn't in a clan so it was more likely to have been 8 ppl on irc who agreed to play, went to an empty server to play, were just about to start when some fag joined. There were no other ppl to play and he refused to wait his turn to use the server. Public servers are yus for the use of said public but as i said its not like cs, you cant just jump in mid map and play with whoevers there. You are bound in for a solid 10/20 minutes, nobody can join in after the start so it has to be a pre-arranged 'session' of ppl.

A couple of years ago there was none of this rightous shiet, you'd just pop on irc 'hi theres some cock refusing to drop on duel2 and let us play' and an admin would kick them no question within a minute or so. Public servers for cs/q3 etc. can be considered public and not for clan use as you just jump in and out mid map and play with whose there. QW isn't like that and should not be treated as such.

Mr B

qw ppl generally dont disconnect mid game unless its merdem troubles

Sorry, but that's just about the most laughable statement you have made so far - people discon. for any number of reasons - food, p!ss break, answer the phone/door, something on the telly, PC crash, QW I have to go on?

You are STILL missing the point - it's a PUBLIC server you have no more right to be there playing than anyone else...I don't care how badly set up it is, or anything else for that matter...


Originally posted by oldman
unlike cs and other such fag games you cant join midgame
Shows your talking out your ass again, CS is NOTHING LIKE QuakeWorld, that is WHY you can't you moron. :rolleyes:



My good friend oldman has just brought this thread to my attention, and I must say i'm rather flattered. Never seen 4 pages dedicated to myself before. Superb.

Thanks to oldman/cosmos/andy etc for their support.

For those of the people who have posted here who werent actually in the server (ie. everybody), we did not perform a 'takeover'. Two clans (yes i'm in a clan) entered a server. One person hops in before we ready up. We politely ask him to leave. He begins to insult us, refuses to drop, just to provoke us. I go ask an admin to remove him, and he refuses. I beg anyone to define that as a takeover.

Anyway, everyone who plays qw knows this wouldnt have happened if bw had actually payed attention to the petition put forward a few months ago. It basically asked for active (notice key word) members of the community to be given rcon access, then these idiots could be dealt with instantly. But alas that went no further, and we are left with qw admins who rarely play the game, and tfc admins who refuse to help.

And then I am the one insulted. Must laugh.

You are absolutely right, and for that, we are eternally grateful.


OLDMAN - just fucking piss off you spoilt little mummys boy. Boo fucking hoo, we cannot have a full team on a server that we dont fucking pay for in the first place. TOUGH SHIT. Try and get this into your thick, uneducated skull - "everyone has the same right to be on the server - this is not majority rules, this is a PUBLIC place for everyone".

Now piss off and dont come back.


Just a few more points:

He felt he had a right for his clan and teh toher to invade and take over a public server, force everyone to leave and then play a clan game. What an arsehole.

No, if you'll read my above post you'll see you're wrong. Arsehole.

And also, if you won't use your power on public servers,where exactly will you use it? If we do book the servers as you advise us to, there will be no need to admins to help on them, so what exactly is your job?
For example, there was a cheater on bwffa last night, but no-one came running to irc asking for him to be kicked. It would obviously be futile.

As oldman pointed out (I think), bw doesnt really care about qw any more, which is a shame. Apart from pansies playing nice colourful games (which shall remain nameless), everyone respects the fact that it is still the best game and holds the best community.

Hmm, I insulted your games, that will probably carry this thread onto the 7 page mark. Impressive.

By the way, don't worry, I won't come back again.
And if you try to insult the qw community based on my actions, don't bother. I am not the entire community, there are some superb people in it.



OLDMAN - just fucking piss off you spoilt little mummys boy. Boo fucking hoo, we cannot have a full team on a server that we dont fucking pay for in the first place. TOUGH SHIT. Try and get this into your thick, uneducated skull - "everyone has the same right to be on the server - this is not majority rules, this is a PUBLIC place for everyone

heh heh heh heh heh

that is the most suprebbest insult i have EVAR seen in my life.

oi and pld that blerk....

Shows your talking out your ass again, CS is NOTHING LIKE QuakeWorld, that is WHY you can't you moron

Hence why you cant apply the cs style classification of PUBLIC server to qw publics. Case closed?

Theres billions of blerks who i know with rcon to cs servers as well, none of whom i'd trust whatsoever and who on many occassions ive seen kick ppl for no reason etc. and yet theres loike 1 person with qw rcon who refuses to do fk all

oi und lovedaddy i still have more posts than you so ha


oi und where did all these fags in cs-b spring from? poncing around forums with [CS-B] in their gayboy signatures. Weevil und wolfy have a lot to answer for claerly.

<--- pro gaemer :(((

Mr B

We politely ask him to leave. He begins to insult us, refuses to drop, just to provoke us. I go ask an admin to remove him, and he refuses. I beg anyone to define that as a takeover.

"We politely ask him to leave" - I personally define that as a takeover.

<yeti|hah> some gay wont drop
<Moriarty> if its a public server, they dont havet o drop
<yeti|hah> i know
<yeti|hah> thats why i want them kicked
<Moriarty> he isnt causing trouble
<yeti|hah> oh but he is

^ see at that point there you could have mentioned the fact that he was being abusive...but don't...why is that I wonder? Possibly because you were abusive to him first - Is this what really happened:

lamer: Please could you leave we are trying to play a match
player: This is a public server and I want to play on it
lamer: erm you gay we want to play a game
player: I'm not moving
lamer: oh ffs just fuck off will you
player: go fuck your cat...

If he ACTUALLY was insulting you (unprovoked), why not come into #bwadmins and say "someone is being abusive on the server, can you sort them out please". Instead of the utter dribble you actually came out with...

It's just a small white-lie which would have enabled you to play your match...but alas, you need a brain to come up with a scheme as dastardly as that one...still, make a note of it for next time eh?

and I must say i'm rather flattered. Never seen 4 pages dedicated to myself before. Superb.

I wouldn't be flattered, there's a much bigger thread devoted to the word "m00".


i'd hardly be proud that a supposed serious companies employes spend 99% of their time sitting on irc 'chatting' and posting useless stuff on forums instead of actually sorting servers etc.
Deathace seems to be the only person who does anything at all.

Mr B

You seem to think that I work for Barrysworld?

yuo maek fennie joek!!!

I don't. I'm just a concerned member of the community who has witnessed MANY public server take-overs (ranging from someone with RCON who abused it, through to clans simply spoiling the game so much for others that they are forced to leave).

I am, however, a BW public server admin (not for QW) and I'm about most days/evenings in order to sort out problems and deal with issues, cheat accusations, kicking lamers, etc...


heres an idea for you oldman, get back to finishing your GCSEs and then come back when you have the mental capacity to understand what people are telling you.
Oh, and for your benefit, I dont judge my contribution to society by the number of posts I have to a forum.


just nib out the rcon for the qw servers und fix up some of the mod choices etc. and then ppl will stop merning
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