I heard they're joint? I could be mistaken though!PS3 and PC not on the same servers I think.
( I'm on bloodstorm as well ).
Any more opinions on this game? endgame any good? the game any fun?
Basically, is the game WORTH £30.00 + £10 a month?
What server we gonna be on? also are we good or bad? I am gonna get this today (hopefully) - PC
Apparently most people are the good guys...
Lol no, most people are villains, Hero is way underrolled.
Roll Hero on european PVP server ftw. ( Bloodstorm ).
Bloodstorm ( PVP ), Hero side.
( The cities are open so you can for eg be level 5 and get ganked by a level 30, they gain nothing and you lose nothing - except 10s KO timer and 30-60s to run back to where you were ).
Getting error code 1020 when trying to make an account..