Politics Coronavirus


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Because app development to incredibly tight timescales across multiple devices is really easy, right?
Theyve got Google in to write a new app.
Its always going to be a problem for any government app, they dont want to have a security risk for older phones...so unless they give out free phones the app is going to have to cover all android and Ios versions and someones gonna get hacked.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
They haven't "got Google in to write a new app" - they're building a second app using Google's decentralised API (and another one using Apple's).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe someone should have tried that the first time.
Safe to say no ones gonna touch it with a fucking bargepole.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Frickin escooters.
That a recipe for carnage.

Yes a few people riding down the middle of the road on those today. Not even supposed to be riding them let alone on the bloody road.

Also quite a few morons about not really bothering about social distancing.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It may be "carnage" but as long as it's not cars it'll be non-lethal carnage.

I really hope they take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fuck car use over. The environment and our health needs it. But I doubt it.

Plus, they're on about wanging loads of money into cycling infrastructure - but it takes at least 14 months to design and build anything like that, not a few weeks....


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Yes a few people riding down the middle of the road on those today. Not even supposed to be riding them let alone on the bloody road.

Also quite a few morons about not really bothering about social distancing.

I've got one, legal for road use here, cheap and cheerful transport, costs pennies to run. Riding down the middle of the road would get you killed here whatever you were riding, so stick to the side. Wouldn't fancy it on busy UK roads, or in UK weather.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Cultural differences.
Spanish and Italian kids toot around on them looking cool.

In Britain chavs tearing through pedestrians , causing havoc on the roads.
In Spain you actually have a police force, we have community officers who get their bikes stolen and everyone laughs at them.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I've got one, legal for road use here, cheap and cheerful transport, costs pennies to run. Riding down the middle of the road would get you killed here whatever you were riding, so stick to the side. Wouldn't fancy it on busy UK roads, or in UK weather.

They are illegal to ride on here unless you're on private property but nobody seems to take any notice.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Theyre not very popular up here, Ive noticed loads of people riding chinese throttle ebikes, middle aged women mostly.
They ride without peddling which is a major giveaway, probably oblivious to the illegality.
Ive actually seen more of those onewheel escooters.
Grown men riding them as well..they stick out a mile.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
They are illegal to ride on here unless you're on private property but nobody seems to take any notice.

Yup knew that, but they shouldn't be. Electric bikes are fine why not scooters? Eco friendly, zero parking problems, used in bike lanes they wouldn't add to traffic, even on the roads they take up no more room than a bike, seems like a win win to me. They are limited by law to 25kph, downhill though I've had (a scary) 40kph. It's mostly adults riding them here, in the bigger towns and cities there are loads of them.
You can get monsters that'll do 75kph or more but I wouldn't want to try that. I'll be upgrading though as mine struggles coming home up the hills.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The little wheels and vastly reduced stability.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yup knew that, but they shouldn't be. Electric bikes are fine why not scooters? Eco friendly, zero parking problems, used in bike lanes they wouldn't add to traffic, even on the roads they take up no more room than a bike, seems like a win win to me. They are limited by law to 25kph, downhill though I've had (a scary) 40kph. It's mostly adults riding them here, in the bigger towns and cities there are loads of them.
You can get monsters that'll do 75kph or more but I wouldn't want to try that. I'll be upgrading though as mine struggles coming home up the hills.
Electric bikes are not legal either.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
It may be "carnage" but as long as it's not cars it'll be non-lethal carnage.

I really hope they take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fuck car use over. The environment and our health needs it. But I doubt it.

Plus, they're on about wanging loads of money into cycling infrastructure - but it takes at least 14 months to design and build anything like that, not a few weeks....

Whilst fucking over anyone who needs a car to do their job. That'll go down well currently!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Whilst fucking over anyone who needs a car to do their job. That'll go down well currently!
1) Clearly a shitload of people don't need to go into the office, ever. That's a fuckton of journeys that don't need to happen.
2) Every journey to work by bike is a car off the road. This is a good thing for those who have to use cars - because there's no cars in the way. It's cars that cause our miles and miles of congestion - not bikes.
3) Pollution levels are fractions of what they were - so there's a massive health bump there, and that's not including the all the positive benefits of actually having a population that exercises.
4) Man, I ain't going to list all the bloody obvious things but:
5) It doesn't mean that if you *have* to use your car for work that you can't.

Clearly there's a fuckload of journeys that a car is totally unnecessary for - especially work related journeys.

Of course, there's a hard knot of slavering rednecks who prize the car and the "freedom" it gives people who'll agitate like a brexiteer at a eurovision party, but there's a shitload of people who've learned during this lockdown how much freer a world is when the number of polluting two tonne hunks of metal there are hurtling around is significantly reduced.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
1) Clearly a shitload of people don't need to go into the office, ever. That's a fuckton of journeys that don't need to happen.
2) Every journey to work by bike is a car off the road. This is a good thing for those who have to use cars - because there's no cars in the way. It's cars that cause our miles and miles of congestion - not bikes.
3) Pollution levels are fractions of what they were - so there's a massive health bump there, and that's not including the all the positive benefits of actually having a population that exercises.
4) Man, I ain't going to list all the bloody obvious things but:
5) It doesn't mean that if you *have* to use your car for work that you can't.

Clearly there's a fuckload of journeys that a car is totally unnecessary for - especially work related journeys.

Of course, there's a hard knot of slavering rednecks who prize the car and the "freedom" it gives people who'll agitate like a brexiteer at a eurovision party, but there's a shitload of people who've learned during this lockdown how much freer a world is when the number of polluting two tonne hunks of metal there are hurtling around is significantly reduced.
Assuming employers continue to allow their staff to work from home after the rules change


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003

I've been working on the assumption that cycling may be one of the few practical ways into work and have been getting the miles in over the last few weeks (albeit essentially going round and round in circles to stay in the the 2KM-ish circle around my house), just got back from a ride now, which was a bit breezy to say the least.

Problem is even when you get to work its not a practical proposition; I went in last week (there was something on the network I needed that couldn't be accessed remotely) and there were a few people in practising social distancing (2nd line guys who'd been put into our office as part of the BCP) and an office that normally has about 100 people in it could cope with about 15-20. Plus we're on the 7th floor of a shared office block with four lifts and under social distancing that's one person per lift at a time. Its fundamentally impossible; even walking up the seven flights of stairs would be a distancing nightmare. I think we're at home for the rest of the year; there was talk of rotating people into the office 1-2 days a week but I really can't see the point 90% of the time.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Google have said they don't expect to have most of their people back in offices until 2021.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I've got one, legal for road use here, cheap and cheerful transport, costs pennies to run. Riding down the middle of the road would get you killed here whatever you were riding, so stick to the side. Wouldn't fancy it on busy UK roads, or in UK weather.

The main issue with e-scooters is e-scooter rental companies; where they've popped up they've been a disaster because the damn things are left lying about all over the place, and people are renting them unhelmeted, without any prior experience and then falling off in droves. The rental companies aren't licenced in Ireland but I noticed the carnage when I was in Helsinki a few months ago. Unfortunately here in Dublin they've instead cornered the market in "hipster twats going the wrong way up one way streets". A market formerly owned by people on fixies.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
So all of the devolved nations have now told Johnson to shove his new slogan, they're sticking to unambiguously telling people to stay at home.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yup knew that, but they shouldn't be. Electric bikes are fine why not scooters? Eco friendly, zero parking problems, used in bike lanes they wouldn't add to traffic, even on the roads they take up no more room than a bike, seems like a win win to me. They are limited by law to 25kph, downhill though I've had (a scary) 40kph. It's mostly adults riding them here, in the bigger towns and cities there are loads of them.
You can get monsters that'll do 75kph or more but I wouldn't want to try that. I'll be upgrading though as mine struggles coming home up the hills.

Well just for the fact you're travelling at 25kph on a pedestrian walk way!

There are certainly no bike lanes where I live and I certainly can't see how a little scooter can he road worthy. Sounds all very dangerous for everyone really.

Get a manual scooter or a bike instead.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
1) Clearly a shitload of people don't need to go into the office, ever. That's a fuckton of journeys that don't need to happen.
2) Every journey to work by bike is a car off the road. This is a good thing for those who have to use cars - because there's no cars in the way. It's cars that cause our miles and miles of congestion - not bikes.
3) Pollution levels are fractions of what they were - so there's a massive health bump there, and that's not including the all the positive benefits of actually having a population that exercises.
4) Man, I ain't going to list all the bloody obvious things but:
5) It doesn't mean that if you *have* to use your car for work that you can't.

Clearly there's a fuckload of journeys that a car is totally unnecessary for - especially work related journeys.

Of course, there's a hard knot of slavering rednecks who prize the car and the "freedom" it gives people who'll agitate like a brexiteer at a eurovision party, but there's a shitload of people who've learned during this lockdown how much freer a world is when the number of polluting two tonne hunks of metal there are hurtling around is significantly reduced.
The world isn't any more free because there's a temporary reduction in traffic.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that people follow the work.

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