Congratulations to albion



/salut choonz .. I agree. (Yes, mids can agree with albs)

The game is about having fun. It's sad to see how people from all realms whine about whatever they can. What will they all do when BW close at the end of this month?


Originally posted by Norvindus
When albs attacked Hlidskielf, the guards there reported at the peek 158 attackers, so you see it might be that turning back from bled at that time werent so bad an idea.

That few? :(
More or less 100-150 albs ld'd before hlid and missed that assult. As they tried to catch up the mids already was below hlid and alot of albs was unable to reach their groups.


Originally posted by censi

The more albion do to restore honor to the game the lower midgard sink to faulter them.

You really are a retard aren't you...

People were going to amg because that's where the fight was (and also abls have been saying they are planning to send 600+ in a rr attempt at some point..

Yeah, bitch and whine and cry like a girl with a grazed knee about the log in raid mids used to get the relics, but crying like a spoiled brat because we are not giving you a free path to the relics.

Lol, just lol.....

Next you'll be whining that mids are zerging.....


Originally posted by raithian
ppl talk about honerable raids where is the honer in raiding with 500 ppl v a realm with maybe 300 online.

ppl are flaming mids for attacking when there was only 100 albs online yet when albs send in 500+( thats acording to herbals own numbers ) thats concidered honerable.
to me an honerable rr is when the oposing realm has a chance to stop the rr yet what chance did mid have to stop over 500 albs when thay could only muster about 130 lvl 48+ to defend its the same thing, albs saying thay didnt have numbers to defend yet its ok for them to out number mids 3-1 and call it an honerable raid

if albs had any honer thay would try a prime time rr with 200 mids and see if thay have the skill and ability to pull it off

judging by herbals promise to reclaim them with 800 albs i personaly dont think he could ever do an rr with just 200 as he jusr does not have the ability to plan such a raid

hell get me 500 mids and my dog could run an rr.
but keep coming albies was the first time in ages i actualy got over 45k rps in a day not since the old days at rens with the old ce alliance

If that's the case, then why bring 250-300 mids to dagda when you know hibs can only field 100 efectively? Sorry, but that's a shit excuse too.


Originally posted by afternoon_tea
Strange mids can muster enough mids to defend a relic during primetime, but they cant muster enough to take it during primetime.. dont that seem... odd?
there were what, 160 max in odins last night...
we had 200+ attempt a prime time raid the other week and had 500+ albs in place before we even started with a number patrolling the log in point before the log in time...


Originally posted by old.yaruar
there were what, 160 max in odins last night...
187 was reported from guardspam on hlid. An it's not like your numbers decreased from there, they more likley increased.


Well said, Censi. I am proud to be an Alb. And can the Mids get out of this thread, this has nothing to do with you? Perhaps once you will transcend to a higher degree of honor, but at the moment, you enjoy the contempt of the entire server.


It sure was a great evening last night. I wanna thank all Mids and Albs and Hibs for joining in on the fun. This was a true Epic Battle.

Now for some other things people are whining about. This is a war in a game. This means we all need to have fun or you should try something else.

In war all is fair! That means attacking in the morning or with outnumbering forces is fair game. There is no rules regarding this. Just look at our past and see what all the great war generals did when they attacked an enemy. Yes i don't care if you attack with 1fg or 20fg's or if you attack at prime time or at 5 o'clock in the morning. Thats a part of the game and this "war" that this game is all about. It can be annoying as hell yes and ofcourse I also swear at it but again i know it's only a game. I put it aside and start over again.

For some tactics! Milegates is passages into the defending realms! It is meant to be a place of defending against attacking forces. Why is that you say? Well because you need to go through here to get into the other realm. If you let the enemy through they will have a vaste area to raom and they will be harder to spot and ofcourse attack. You can also look at the layout of a MG. Why is the pikes pointing against the invading forces? Simple! To keep them from storming the walls. In other words it's there to use as a wall against attackers. So please use it as it is designed to and don't flame those that do.

And to those that complain about being jumped by 5fg or more when they are single or 1fg. This is a war and i'm not excpecting you to make a friendly house call when you are in my frontier as well as i'm not on a friendly house call in your frontier. If you go solo or 1fg when you know there is alot of battles going on! That isn't such a good idea. And you should excpect to get jumped by 1 or more enemies. You are in a area with loads of enemies.

I hope to see more of these kind of battles in the future! I love these epic battles! This is as many else in here have said the spirit of the game.

Good luck to you all and don't remember to have fun :-D


Originally posted by angrysquirrel
mwwwwaaa ive fallen out my wheelchair, wet myself and cant get up

wish i was on disability benefit like you are.



is someone still sore I said he was the worst rvr bard i've ever fought against?

/wave mr.get-interrupted-in-melee-in-head-on-encounter-mezzer xD


Originally posted by Thorgood
It sure was a great evening last night. I wanna thank all Mids and Albs and Hibs for joining in on the fun. This was a true Epic Battle.

Now for some other things people are whining about. This is a war in a game. This means we all need to have fun or you should try something else.

In war all is fair! That means attacking in the morning or with outnumbering forces is fair game. There is no rules regarding this. Just look at our past and see what all the great war generals did when they attacked an enemy. Yes i don't care if you attack with 1fg or 20fg's or if you attack at prime time or at 5 o'clock in the morning. Thats a part of the game and this "war" that this game is all about. It can be annoying as hell yes and ofcourse I also swear at it but again i know it's only a game. I put it aside and start over again.

For some tactics! Milegates is passages into the defending realms! It is meant to be a place of defending against attacking forces. Why is that you say? Well because you need to go through here to get into the other realm. If you let the enemy through they will have a vaste area to raom and they will be harder to spot and ofcourse attack. You can also look at the layout of a MG. Why is the pikes pointing against the invading forces? Simple! To keep them from storming the walls. In other words it's there to use as a wall against attackers. So please use it as it is designed to and don't flame those that do.

And to those that complain about being jumped by 5fg or more when they are single or 1fg. This is a war and i'm not excpecting you to make a friendly house call when you are in my frontier as well as i'm not on a friendly house call in your frontier. If you go solo or 1fg when you know there is alot of battles going on! That isn't such a good idea. And you should excpect to get jumped by 1 or more enemies. You are in a area with loads of enemies.

I hope to see more of these kind of battles in the future! I love these epic battles! This is as many else in here have said the spirit of the game.

Good luck to you all and don't remember to have fun :-D

How much fun would it be if all realms hid behind the skirts of the crack of dawn, tip toeing around each other because thet were too lazy, or too scared to take the other realm on in a decent fair fight?

Make no mistake, last night was fun because Albion afforded Midgard the same opportunites they were denied, to have some fun.

You guys seriously need to can the bullshit and truly think about what would happen if Albion and Hibernia lowered themselves to sunrise raiding.


I would MUCH prefer it if herb could just do an alarm clock raid and call it even.


Originally posted by old.Nol
How much fun would it be if all realms hid behind the skirts of the crack of dawn, tip toeing around each other because thet were too lazy, or too scared to take the other realm on in a decent fair fight?

Make no mistake, last night was fun because Albion afforded Midgard the same opportunites they were denied, to have some fun.

You guys seriously need to can the bullshit and truly think about what would happen if Albion and Hibernia lowered themselves to sunrise raiding.

you failed to understand thorgoods post. RvR is war. Attacking when your enemy is weak is perfectly good tactics.

Are you one of those people who cries when your lvl30 gets killed in DF by an ememy lvl50 ? i think you probably are :D This isnt the game for you sonny....


Originally posted by duze

And the hibs, well afaik they were around early on, but then they vanished - dunno if that was because they simply couldn't get past the mids or because they'd decided to leave albs & mids to it but tbh nobody can whine about them being there, its an rvr zone and they have as much right to be there as a mid or an alb. I know the albs don't especially want to fight them in this situation and I'm sure the mids dont' either but u can't stop them being there so quit the whine :p

And Mids, you put up a damn good fight. Lots of middies there tonight. I have no idea why you think you can't take a relic at primetime when you can get numbers like that out to defend a relic. Maybe you just need to have some confidence in your realm, your players and what you are capable of.

/salute to all 3 reams tonight - if rvr was this much fun all the time I'd certainly do a lot more of it :)

See u tomorrow - 2k to next realm rank!! \o/

Giv more ppl like him imo :great:


Originally posted by gutrot
you failed to understand thorgoods post. RvR is war. Attacking when your enemy is weak is perfectly good tactics.

Are you one of those people who cries when your lvl30 gets killed in DF by an ememy lvl50 ? i think you probably are :D This isnt the game for you sonny....

You fail to understand that if we all attacked when others were weak, we would have no fun, because there would be no competition.

This is not a fucking war, it's a game, a game where everyone is supposed to have fun.

Capish, comprehende or you want me to find some crayons and colour it in for you sonny?


Originally posted by old.Nol
If that's the case, then why bring 250-300 mids to dagda when you know hibs can only field 100 efectively? Sorry, but that's a shit excuse too.

Actually, when we raided Dagda at primetime Herbal was saying it was NOT primetime, cause hibs could not gather enough forces to kick us out, even tho its pretty obvious that it was nothing wrong at all with the hour. That would mean his raid wasnt primetime either, only from his own point of view, or?


Originally posted by noaim
Actually, when we raided Dagda at primetime Herbal was saying it was NOT primetime, cause hibs could not gather enough forces to kick us out, even tho its pretty obvious that it was nothing wrong at all with the hour. That would mean his raid wasnt primetime either, only from his own point of view, or?
I had no problem with the raid, mids brought 3 times our numbers, they managed to get a relic before we dislodged them, it was a good raid, Primetime and everything.

However, how is it any different to what he was talking about?

Tbh, if it was Hibernia on the receiving end again, there is no way I would not be raiding back in the early hours, and I admire the Albs for not succumbing.


Originally posted by old.Nol
I had no problem with the raid, mids brought 3 times our numbers, they managed to get a relic before we dislodged them, it was a good raid, Primetime and everything.

However, how is it any different to what he was talking about?

Tbh, if it was Hibernia on the receiving end again, there is no way I would not be raiding back in the early hours, and I admire the Albs for not succumbing.

Ohh I am just wondering how he consider his raid primetime, when he didnt consider ours to be primetime, even tho the scenarios were pretty much the same.

Attackers logging a big force, logging in, outnumbering the defenders (this is why it wasnt primetime according to Herbal) and getting a relic/2 relics...only difference was that his raid was great and all that, while ours wasnt primetime, as he put it.

Edit: Just wanna add that I had no problems with either of the raids, I just wanna know where the difference that made his raid primetime and our offpeakhours is.


Originally posted by old.Nol
You fail to understand that if we all attacked when others were weak, we would have no fun, because there would be no competition.

This is not a fucking war, it's a game, a game where everyone is supposed to have fun.

Capish, comprehende or you want me to find some crayons and colour it in for you sonny?

Is a ninja raid or login raid fair game too? Even in prime time you wont stand a chance against such a force. People of Albion knows that they outnumber both Hibernia and Midgaard. But still they do either a Ninja raid or a login raid. Thats 300+ that logins at the same time behind enemy lines and jumping the relic keep. You are not looking for a big and fair game by doing that. You as well as others knows that it takes 30 minutes to gather the first force to go out and meet head on head with the enemy. So you have 30 minutes to brake down doors and grab relics and head back again. And as shown you did it in 32 minutes! You knew you wouldent meet any enemies in that time. That is the same as doing a 5 o'clock RR imo. You wont have any chance of getting people together for a big epic battle that you seek and a battle of defense that you also seek.

What fun is there in that? You ask for fun well then you know the best way is to gather all forces at atk and go from there attacking everything on its way. But you as well as i know that that would not happen because the chance of the RR getting vasted is to big. Before you would reach the Relic keep gates we would have build up a good enough army to defend ourself. And then you would risk that the RR would be lost. That's why you do a Ninja raid and a login raid. That also why we do it! It's simple and clear! If you choose to do a 5 o'clock RR on us well you are welcome to it! You wont hear anything from me about it! But please don't come here and talk about fairness when you as well as I know that Ninja raid and login raid isn't any fair at all too. It's the same!


Originally posted by Thorgood
Is a ninja raid or login raid fair game too? Even in prime time you wont stand a chance against such a force. People of Albion knows that they outnumber both Hibernia and Midgaard. But still they do either a Ninja raid or a login raid. Thats 300+ that logins at the same time behind enemy lines and jumping the relic keep. You are not looking for a big and fair game by doing that. You as well as others knows that it takes 30 minutes to gather the first force to go out and meet head on head with the enemy. So you have 30 minutes to brake down doors and grab relics and head back again. And as shown you did it in 32 minutes! You knew you wouldent meet any enemies in that time. That is the same as doing a 5 o'clock RR imo. You wont have any chance of getting people together for a big epic battle that you seek and a battle of defense that you also seek.

What fun is there in that? You ask for fun well then you know the best way is to gather all forces at atk and go from there attacking everything on its way. But you as well as i know that that would not happen because the chance of the RR getting vasted is to big. Before you would reach the Relic keep gates we would have build up a good enough army to defend ourself. And then you would risk that the RR would be lost. That's why you do a Ninja raid and a login raid. That also why we do it! It's simple and clear! If you choose to do a 5 o'clock RR on us well you are welcome to it! You wont hear anything from me about it! But please don't come here and talk about fairness when you as well as I know that Ninja raid and login raid isn't any fair at all too. It's the same!

You havnt been on the last couple of days, have you?


Originally posted by filofax
You havnt been on the last couple of days, have you?

I wasn't on the day server crashed true so i don't know what happened that day! I heard that Albion took a big zerg from atk and ran all over Midgaard frontier. Taking keeps and as soon as they reached the relic keep gate the server crashed.

But again that is not what i'm talking about here. You whine about being fair and all that. But only time you been fair is then and because of the crappy server your attempt failed. I'm sorry about that would be great to hear if you reached the relics or not. We learned of that attempt and that is why we fight as we do now. But 1 reason why server crashed was because of the numbers of attackers and defenders. That is fair game and great epic battles and I love that! Great attempt but sad the server coulden't take the pressure :-(


Originally posted by Thorgood
I wasn't on the day server crashed true so i don't know what happened that day! I heard that Albion took a big zerg from atk and ran all over Midgaard frontier. Taking keeps and as soon as they reached the relic keep gate the server crashed.

But again that is not what i'm talking about here. You whine about being fair and all that. But only time you been fair is then and because of the crappy server your attempt failed. I'm sorry about that would be great to hear if you reached the relics or not. We learned of that attempt and that is why we fight as we do now. But 1 reason why server crashed was because of the numbers of attackers and defenders. That is fair game and great epic battles and I love that! Great attempt but sad the server coulden't take the pressure :-(

And yesterday.


Originally posted by old.Nol
You fail to understand that if we all attacked when others were weak, we would have no fun, because there would be no competition.

This is not a fucking war, it's a game, a game where everyone is supposed to have fun.

Capish, comprehende or you want me to find some crayons and colour it in for you sonny?

I disagree.
A successful RR is fun because the objective is achieved.

But dont trouble yourself with all this, just go and play with your crayons.


Problem is people have different views about fun. Some say fun is fun for all (both sides), some say fun is when I have fun and doesn't matter what happened to the other (something I see a lot with stealthers) and another has fun if he can just annoy someone else.


Originally posted by Khalen
Problem is people have different views about fun. Some say fun is fun for all (both sides), some say fun is when I have fun and doesn't matter what happened to the other (something I see a lot with stealthers) and another has fun if he can just annoy someone else.

Very true, although you missed out a big category - Some have fun when thier realm does well. :)


Originally posted by Thorgood
Is a ninja raid or login raid fair game too? Even in prime time you wont stand a chance against such a force. People of Albion knows that they outnumber both Hibernia and Midgaard. But still they do either a Ninja raid or a login raid. Thats 300+ that logins at the same time behind enemy lines and jumping the relic keep. You are not looking for a big and fair game by doing that. You as well as others knows that it takes 30 minutes to gather the first force to go out and meet head on head with the enemy. So you have 30 minutes to brake down doors and grab relics and head back again. And as shown you did it in 32 minutes! You knew you wouldent meet any enemies in that time. That is the same as doing a 5 o'clock RR imo. You wont have any chance of getting people together for a big epic battle that you seek and a battle of defense that you also seek.

What fun is there in that? You ask for fun well then you know the best way is to gather all forces at atk and go from there attacking everything on its way. But you as well as i know that that would not happen because the chance of the RR getting vasted is to big. Before you would reach the Relic keep gates we would have build up a good enough army to defend ourself. And then you would risk that the RR would be lost. That's why you do a Ninja raid and a login raid. That also why we do it! It's simple and clear! If you choose to do a 5 o'clock RR on us well you are welcome to it! You wont hear anything from me about it! But please don't come here and talk about fairness when you as well as I know that Ninja raid and login raid isn't any fair at all too. It's the same!

I am a Hib firstly.

That is exactly how Mids raided Hib, login 300 people at primetime with a the first Hib defense starting at 70 people, which we managed to push to 120 after and hour of attacking, the plan even mentions using ninja tactics.

FYI, if you took 30 minutes against the Hibs, you would still lost your relics anyway. 30 Minutes is all that's needed to take down all 3 doors the hard way, 3 rams a door. 30 minutes is way to slow a muster. I took your power relic without a logout, I took it prime time, I ported with my rr force. You know what? There wasn't a mid to be seen for the duration of the RR. Your response was pathetic, same as it was against Albs.

Besides the fact that Midgard had 1 full days notice of the raid. The login raid Hibs managed to repel was because we saw you logout and we waited, or logged chars in Dagda. You didn't get beaten because of a ninja raid, you got beaten because you were blase about the attack.

Yes I have problems with off prime raids, but more importantly I have a problem with double standards. You use tactics against the others realms which when they get used against you, are suddenly dodgy and unfair.

Yes, I am pretty fucking sure I can do a morning raid, I am positive I will succeed, to top it off, I won't need anywhere near 250 people(which I can't field at primetime even). The point is it's no fun for anyone, especially my mates who have woken up at 6:30 to hit npc's.

At this point I highlight your topic What fun is there in that?


Originally posted by noaim
Ohh I am just wondering how he consider his raid primetime, when he didnt consider ours to be primetime, even tho the scenarios were pretty much the same.

Attackers logging a big force, logging in, outnumbering the defenders (this is why it wasnt primetime according to Herbal) and getting a relic/2 relics...only difference was that his raid was great and all that, while ours wasnt primetime, as he put it.

Edit: Just wanna add that I had no problems with either of the raids, I just wanna know where the difference that made his raid primetime and our offpeakhours is.

ask herbal, that's his interpretation, I already said I believe it was primetime


Originally posted by gutrot
I disagree.
A successful RR is fun because the objective is achieved.

But dont trouble yourself with all this, just go and play with your crayons.

How much fun for albs? I can answer this. None.

Yesterday's defense, was that fun?
I can answer this too. Yes.


Originally posted by old.Nol
How much fun for albs? I can answer this. None.

Yesterday's defense, was that fun?
I can answer this too. Yes.

hmm ok this is fundamentally where we differ in our expectations of the game. I really dont see that its my concern to ensure the other 2 realms have fun also. Maybe its a bit selfish of me, ive never even thought about it tbh. :)


Originally posted by gutrot
hmm ok this is fundamentally where we differ in our expectations of the game. I really dont see that its my concern to ensure the other 2 realms have fun also. Maybe its a bit selfish of me, ive never even thought about it tbh. :)

I don't expect you to entertain me, but I do however understand the fundements of a vicious circle.

If you continue to raid at arsey times, the other realms will start raiding at arsey times too(I guarantee if that was hibs I would not come back prime time again). Which in turn leaves us with 3 populations that never meet, what fun is there in that?

Do you understand how your own selfishness can ruin your fun factor?

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