Comedy Injuries



It twinged the first time I heard it. It's kinda getting old now tho.


It was my right bollock that twinged, what does that say about me?


I believe it means yr genitals are free thinking, a very rare case of rightnuggettwingitis, congrats my friend, u r indeed special:clap:


Originally posted by [MAD]Lexx
Heh, it's weird how much nasty shit happens to just a few people eh?!
What next?
How about drunken behaviour stories?

Back when I was at Bournemouth uni there was this thing about nicking street signs and the like - I think it's the same at any uni. Well we were walking back from the Cage - a cool night club, and after picking up a sandwich board on the way, we met a road sign - I think it was one of those workman jobs - you know, the one with the d00d trying to wank an umbrella - well it was being kept down with a sandbag. The 2 of us grabbed that as well, with the sand bag of course, and we proceeded up the road. To our horrer a cop car was driving down the road towards us, so we crouched behind a bus stop. It was one of those ones with the bench and plastic wall with a roof like. After about a minute or so we looked up, only to notice that it wasn't a painted plastic wall thing, it was more like a window - with a cop car the other side!
I think they found it quite funny seeing 2 20-year-old boys crouching/hiding behind a transparant wall, one with a sandwich board over his head, the other with a road sign, both clinging onto a sandbag for dear life!!
The bastard cops made us walk back up the highstreet and put the sandwich board back while they drove slowly along side us!!! Haven't they got anything better to do?!!



Think I have met those coppa's in bournemouth :) on a couple of occasions now :D

The trend has changed from Road Sign's to Wheelie Bin art :)

You can make some quite pretty sculptures / mosaics in the road with those things


Heh, I was out in Ireland with my dad and my uncle. I pursuaded them to come to a club with me but, strangly, they didn't feel the compulsion to stay that long. I hung around and had quite a few more drinks.
On the way home I found a rather attractive looking traffic cone. Being the typical student I was at the time, I decided to take it for a walk.
A few minutes later the Garda (police) pulled up along side me. They asked me where I got the cone from and that I should put it back.
Being surprisingly quick I noticed a skip that was only a few feet away from me so I plonked it down and they believed me.

Then came the problem of actually finding my way home in a town I've only walked around maybe once in my life.
I proceeded to wander around the suburbs of Dún Laoghaire only to realise I didn't have a clue where I was or where I was going to.
I saw some chap getting into his car and I called to him asking if he could help.
He ignored me. Maybe I was too drunk to make sense but either way, I kept walking towards him and calling to him thinking maybe he'd not heard me. I got right up to him as he was starting his car and tapped on the window. He gave me two fingers and sped off.

Now I though this was bloody rude so I thought "Cheeky bugger" and gave the top of his car a whack as he sped off. The funny thing was, he didn't stop straight away, he carried on till he was about halfway down the road and then stopped, got out and mumbled something in a really thick irish accent about coming at me with a stick. To which I replied "I only wanted some fucking directions".
Anyway, he got back in the car and drove off.

I eventually found my way home with the assistance of some rather skinny nerdy looking guy with a limp.


Oh....erm....well...I broke my hand as I hit the top of his car. And then I stubbed my toe on the doorstep as I arrvied home. Erm.

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