Dorimor1 said:<nearsights elkie>
<Debuffs killerpenguin>
Dorimor1 said:<nearsights elkie>
Zdeath said:<Debuffs killerpenguin>
Dorimor1 said:You mean <debuffs for killerpenguin>
I miss my debuffer![]()
prox said:Elkie you should be active in thidranki, you're like a legend.. we need legends right now![]()
Zdeath said:Pdqmezzin casts a spell.
Donaise casts a spell.
Tunderman -insert gimpy damage here-
(random hib) -insert gimpy damage here-
(random hib) hits you for -insert gimpy damage here-
Drakorz was killed in **** by ******
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Pdqmezzin makes a rude gesture at you!
Tunderman laughs!
You basically get the point.
Well done guys!
And you just owned yourselfMordenaar said:And also mate. youve just insulted yourself more than us. Getting killed by 3 lots of 'gimpy' damage and a bard/druid casting.
exponentiaL said:Thanks for the information! Clart.
Rhori said:And you just owned yourself
since (looking at his post) he was alone and attacked by 4 people.. now if you were alone and attacked by 4 people, even though 2 had gimpy damage, you'd probably die too..
Mordenaar said:Zdeath. calm down. cant you see EVERYONE is taking the piss out of you and your trying to reply with things that make you look more of a retard.![]()
This thread is quite amusing to read. give more... :worthy:
Mordenaar said:lol. i Hope that you dont mean me with the gimpy dmg mate. (Deon)
If you do then im sure we could come to some arrangement for me to wtf pwn your ass solo a few times...also.
And also mate. youve just insulted yourself more than us. Getting killed by 3 lots of 'gimpy' damage and a bard/druid casting. you should sort your character out with some kind of SCed suit. OR... delete 'YES' will work just as well.
Dorimor1 said:It seemed that whenever we were on, you logged, or played solo chars. When we did get round to fighting you, you showed the typical lack of respect and honour for your enemies by running away and proceeding to kill soloers and duos. When we weren't on, all you ever did was kill soloers and the odd group of 3 or 4 with your group of 6 and sometimes more. I foresaw an end to GG action before this, as Thid was getting pretty much dead. I made a solo char, only to find being zerged by your group over and over again, using the same emotes over and over. I tryed /surrender, /hug, /bow but your group is just too horny for that aren't they? Thats why FSR have lost so much respect.
(invisibletank) said:ok, so i just decided to check the thid forums for now...and just saw this thread and this post and cba to read the restso soz if i missed something big l8r on...but here goes:
m8, i ran with FSR for awhile on my bard/ Crucial, Druid/ Transhealing...
and i havent been in thid even b4 classic came out, haec got bored of thid and so did i...not sure who still plays there but naming the whole guild and saying lost respec...hmm, thats stupid...coz its not always the whole guild that does it...and FSR does also run with non-guildies sometimes and they continuely add + kill soloers and wat u dont see is us saying in /g No add etc etc... and resulting in them not running in out grp anymore...
now, time to click last page on this thread and see wat else was said![]()
hiElkie said:
(invisibletank) said:ok, so i just decided to check the thid forums for now...and just saw this thread and this post and cba to read the restso soz if i missed something big l8r on...but here goes:
m8, i ran with FSR for awhile on my bard/ Crucial, Druid/ Transhealing...
and i havent been in thid even b4 classic came out, haec got bored of thid and so did i...not sure who still plays there but naming the whole guild and saying lost respec...hmm, thats stupid...coz its not always the whole guild that does it...and FSR does also run with non-guildies sometimes and they continuely add + kill soloers and wat u dont see is us saying in /g No add etc etc... and resulting in them not running in out grp anymore...
now, time to click last page on this thread and see wat else was said![]()
well m8 ur wrong in that case...haec didnt provoke adding/ganking soloers...and we also didnt like it hence didnt do unless some new peeps are playing FSR and ruining the be it...but the original players werent badDorimor1 said:Tbh I have the right to say a whole guild. Because I have never seen the guild have any sort of honour towards enemies and because their new (or old) gm actually enforced their lame playstyle.
(invisibletank) said:well m8 ur wrong in that case...haec didnt provoke adding/ganking soloers...and we also didnt like it hence didnt do unless some new peeps are playing FSR and ruining the be it...but the original players werent bad
ok, well u did say the (or old) gm .. im just here to defend haec and a few others that werent bad in the good FSR...tbh i aint sure who plays there now...i havent set a foot in thid in monthsDorimor1 said:I meant the new people mate.
I play when i can i just have prob with login buff bot(invisibletank) said:hi![]()
u still play thid ? ...
if u do gif a pm someday on FH and i will log bard maybe and have a decent duo ?
Elkie said:I play when i can i just have prob with login buff bot
i can out nearsight anyone on me eld . 2. il prob play bm so ns aint going to do muchDorimor1 said:Nah you're just too scared you'll be nearsighted by moi!
Elkie said:Thid bit shit atm thoe running round on unbuffed bm cant really do muchand this kelgar felow fights runs back to apk waits till dt back up lol noob