

Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I can't believe just how fucking awsome this game is it sucks you into the story so well and it doesn't get boring like the last 3 games.

The C130 Gunship mission was plain fucking awsome the radio chat etc just made it feel so real while your pounding enemy soldiers with your 2 artillery guns and mowing them down with that sick mini gun.

Then i went online and it blew me away with how fast it runs and the amount of options for your toons the maps are great and big enough so you can take up sniper positions or be really stealthy as a unit.

Me and 3 other guys were running around with Silenced MP5s sticking to the walls etc and just killing people SAS style.

I've never been a massive fan of the last 3 games they were good but nothing to get too excited about but this is just something else altogether.

This game is easily a 10/10 and probably one of the best shooters you will ever play.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
got it yesterday.... it seems pretty good, nice graphics, didn't like the boat part at the start, u didnt even have to do anything on hardened they win anyway, the first few levels are great though, just got onto the third.. and it just gets a bit 'meh'.. ghet the same old feeling ; ( its alright though, pretty good online, though a few games i played were camp mania.. still enjoyed it though

would say 8/10.. great game, maybe i just played too many FPS' recently, can't get into it =[


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm currently at 980 points from CoD4 but the last 20 points are just a total bastard :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'm currently at 980 points from CoD4 but the last 20 points are just a total bastard :(

Mile high? took me around 2 hours of constant death and restarting :) did it though by far the hardest achievement in the game


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
aye mile high - spent about 2hrs yesterday attempting but cos few times :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Aren't achievements pointless, frustrating, anal wastes of time anyways? ;]


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I think it's good fun going for achievements tbh. But that 'One Shot, One Kill' mission of Cod is fucking solid (on Veteran ofc ;)).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
i'm actually addicted to the online mode, sat there with my scrumpy jacks playing a good part of the afternoon, it's awesome. can't get into single player though no matter how hard i try ; (


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Aren't achievements pointless, frustrating, anal wastes of time anyways? ;]

Erm nope achievements are one of the best things about the 360.

It gives games:

A ton of replay value and it also makes completing a game on the hard/veteran difficulty worth doing.

I asked a friend at work who has a PS3 and COD4 i said ''completed on veteran?'' he replied ''whats the point? i get jack shit for it accept a headache because of the constant dying and reloading''

Another example of this is Assassins Creed on the PS3 why would someone go to the lengths to collect all the flags? they get nothing for it at all so why bother? they have achieved nothing and have nothing to show for their effort.

Achievements are not pointless :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Another example of this is Assassins Creed on the PS3 why would someone go to the lengths to collect all the flags? they get nothing for it at all so why bother? they have achieved nothing and have nothing to show for their effort.

Achievements are not pointless :)

You get the additional memories.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Do you ever stop 360 trolling? Pack it in. You've got a 360. We get it.

How is using the PS3 to explain why achievements are one of the best ideas ever trolling?

Grow up.

I stand by what i said will the majority of PS3 owners bother their arse to collect the flags in AC?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sorry what? So with a PS3 there's no point in trying to do COD in veteran mode because there's no reward, but omgz on the xbox you get a little marker on your account that says you have? And that's one of the best ideas ever? Seriously?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
How is using the PS3 to explain why achievements are one of the best ideas ever trolling?

Grow up.

I stand by what i said will the majority of PS3 owners bother their arse to collect the flags in AC?


Do you really want me to go through all your "OMG 360 rox0rs PS3 is shite" posts and list them here? Seriously? Bit of clue; its only a console, and its only a game. If people want to play it on PS3 or PC or 360, no-one cares.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I swear Aada is American. People in Europe are surely not stupid enough to complete certain challenges in games only for the sake of a meaningless score next to their name :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
They should rename the Achievements to GamerPenis (TM). After all, you'd have to be a bit of a cock to think anyone gives a shit what games you've finished and on what level.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I swear Aada is American. People in Europe are surely not stupid enough to complete certain challenges in games only for the sake of a meaningless score next to their name :)

He sees those achevments as good because he pays £8 a month to get them ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
I take back anything i said about COD 4, the SP was awesome once you get past the omg another arab street bit.

As for achievments, while i got PC COD4 i do like them when im playing a 360 game. Its nothing to do with epeen its about your own personal gaming history. Being able to look back and think ye i managed to do that. If you dont strive to do well at a game you may as well take the easiest route and play on easy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I agree with aada here though. I never bother to do anything but the main story in my ps2 games, however I'll usually complete the extra stuff in my xbox 360 games for the achievements. I've got no idea why I do it. I've got nobody to compare mine with. It's just... addicting.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
They should rename the Achievements to GamerPenis (TM). After all, you'd have to be a bit of a cock to think anyone gives a shit what games you've finished and on what level.

It's not about what anyone else thinks its about you and what you have accomplished with the games you have played.

They give games alot of replay value how many PC/PS3 owners who played COD4 on Normal/hardened have bothered to go back and do it again on veteran? not many i think.

360 owners have a reason to go back and do it if they wish.

Soze i do not need to pay £8 a month to get the achievements get the facts ;/


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Are you telling me you're going to bother spending HOURS to collect all the flags they've randomly distributed about the massive environment of Assassin's Creed for 20-40 Gamer points?

You're f***ing kidding me. No one in their right mind would do that.

Some achievements might be nice.. but most are anal wastes of time. I play games for the story, the gameplay and the fun. The only reason I would bother to go for achievements is if they were fun.

Personally, I think Gamerpoints have created a massive problem for games as it now means, rather than work in fun replay value, they can just randomly distribute some flags completely divorced from plotline and gameplay, or insist that you shoot 100 bad guys in the left leg. They can do this because you are rewarded for your additional several hours of work with 40GP. YAY! Its exploiting folk with underlying tendencies for OCD or the old schoolyard mentality of "I've got lots of sweetsies!!!11".

The only reason they add replay value to the game if you can be arsed is because you MUST PLAY THE GAME OVER AND OVER TO GET THEM.
Higher difficulties are there for people who want a bigger challenge. I don't play on easy because that would be frigging boring. I never used to play on easy before I got 40-magical-ruddy-GP added next to my name for playing on hard, so its not a surprise I still don't.

Some games are fine and their achievements are fun and satisfying, and I'm fine with that and can understand why people go for them - they are fun and satisfying and have a point.
I can understand getting an award for completing a game on extreme difficulty.. why that has to equal 40GP is beyond me. Different games have very different achievements - some are known to be easier than others, but all GPs go to the same faggy pile, so having a large GS means nothing and the entire thing is undermined.

What I can't accept is devs who think they can get away with distributing a gazillion collectable items and offer the tantalizing award of 25GP and expect people to think that's a fantastic idea that adds replay value.

Yes, I don't have to bother - and I never do - but the fact that its there in the first place is just insulting.
Argument summary for those who cba to read all that: The majority of achievements are so very very lame and devs should work harder - or not bother and focus on the game.


Sorry for that. Bad day :(

I have added spoiler tags to mask the majority of my rant.


They give games alot of replay value how many PC/PS3 owners who played COD4 on Normal/hardened have bothered to go back and do it again on veteran? not many i think.

360 owners have a reason to go back and do it if they wish.

I just don't understand why or how "40GP" makes it seem more worthwhile..

I think everyone would have a reason to go back if the game was good?? :S
If its not good or only average and you won't really enjoy it.. why bother?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Are you telling me you're going to bother spending HOURS to collect all the flags they've randomly distributed about the massive environment of Assassin's Creed for 20-40 Gamer points?

You're f***ing kidding me. No one in their right mind would do that.

Some achievements might be nice.. but most are anal wastes of time. I play games for the story, the gameplay and the fun. The only reason I would bother to go for achievements is if they were fun.

Personally, I think Gamerpoints have created a massive problem for games as it now means, rather than work in fun replay value, they can just randomly distribute some flags completely divorced from plotline and gameplay, or insist that you shoot 100 bad guys in the left leg. They can do this because you are rewarded for your additional several hours of work with 40GP. YAY! Its exploiting folk with underlying tendencies for OCD or the old schoolyard mentality of "I've got lots of sweetsies!!!11".

The only reason they add replay value to the game if you can be arsed is because you MUST PLAY THE GAME OVER AND OVER TO GET THEM.
Higher difficulties are there for people who want a bigger challenge. I don't play on easy because that would be frigging boring. I never used to play on easy before I got 40-magical-ruddy-GP added next to my name for playing on hard, so its not a surprise I still don't.

Some games are fine and their achievements are fun and satisfying, and I'm fine with that and can understand why people go for them - they are fun and satisfying and have a point.
I can understand getting an award for completing a game on extreme difficulty.. why that has to equal 40GP is beyond me. Different games have very different achievements - some are known to be easier than others, but all GPs go to the same faggy pile, so having a large GS means nothing and the entire thing is undermined.

What I can't accept is devs who think they can get away with distributing a gazillion collectable items and offer the tantalizing award of 25GP and expect people to think that's a fantastic idea that adds replay value.

Yes, I don't have to bother - and I never do - but the fact that its there in the first place is just insulting.
Argument summary for those who cba to read all that: The majority of achievements are so very very lame and devs should work harder - or not bother and focus on the game.


Sorry for that. Bad day :(

I have added spoiler tags to mask the majority of my rant.



I just don't understand why or how "40GP" makes it seem more worthwhile..

I think everyone would have a reason to go back if the game was good?? :S
If its not good or only average and you won't really enjoy it.. why bother?

I wish i could tell you the answer the gamerscore thing gets a little addictive after a while.

Yes i am going to collect as many flags as poss in AC have 96 atm in The Kingdom other 4 are going to be annoying :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You are missing the point, the majority of gamers collected everything and did everything they could in a game anyway. Casual gamers don't, and that won't change with achievements. All it does is give your proper gamer a record card.

And your AC example is awful, the reward for collecting the flags is extra content, I'd rather go collect them all for extra content than gamer points. The same reason I am going through everything I can in pro evo -not for the points, but to unlock all the teams.

Don't get me wrong, the achievement system is a good thing, but it is not the thing that makes you want a game more on the 360. I guess I just don't have OCD.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Don't get me wrong, the achievement system is a good thing, but it is not the thing that makes you want a game more on the 360. I guess I just don't have OCD.


Apologies for my rant. Each to his own and if you enjoy it then go for it :) Goodluck with those last four flags ;)

I just wish some devs made more of an effort..

Would prefer if it they had fewer achievements, took away GP and just stuck with fun/worthwhile/satisfying awards to go on your profile.. (along with extra content).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
loool :D

really though... so much bitching, it's a fair example, if i had a ps3 and cod4 on that, i wouldn't bother finishing it on veteran.. not worth the hassle over hard hardened mode, but on the 360 there's always incentive to try the challenge of the hardest mode, it's hardly a fanboi example, i couldn't care which console i had or which was best.. the gamerscore is pretty damn cool, it actually feels worthwhile to collect various things and does add a ton of replay value, it's also pretty awesome to be able to look back and see what you did on games...

cheeeell oout


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
loool :D

really though... so much bitching, it's a fair example, if i had a ps3 and cod4 on that, i wouldn't bother finishing it on veteran.. not worth the hassle over hard hardened mode, but on the 360 there's always incentive to try the challenge of the hardest mode, it's hardly a fanboi example, i couldn't care which console i had or which was best.. the gamerscore is pretty damn cool, it actually feels worthwhile to collect various things and does add a ton of replay value, it's also pretty awesome to be able to look back and see what you did on games...

cheeeell oout

wow someone actually understands my point about Achievements.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Your 'point' is basically that the gamerscore is something worth worrying about. To most of us it's just as bad as the people on myspace who add as many friends as possible just to have lots of them.

It's a pointless number that a certain type of person actually cares about, usually for all the wrong reasons.

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