Why, oh why did I do prestige mode. Gah.
Clown Part of the furniture Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 4,292 Jan 28, 2008 #151 Why, oh why did I do prestige mode. Gah.
Ch3tan I aer teh win!! Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 27,318 Jan 28, 2008 #152 What happens? edit:// Oh right. So you have to do all the challenges and collect all the guns again? Just for a different medal? LOL
What happens? edit:// Oh right. So you have to do all the challenges and collect all the guns again? Just for a different medal? LOL
Aada Part of the furniture Joined Mar 12, 2004 Messages 6,716 Jan 28, 2008 Thread starter #153 Ch3tan said: What happens? edit:// Oh right. So you have to do all the challenges and collect all the guns again? Just for a different medal? LOL Click to expand... Thing is though if your someone who plays the game all the time Prestige is something to keep you gunning imo.
Ch3tan said: What happens? edit:// Oh right. So you have to do all the challenges and collect all the guns again? Just for a different medal? LOL Click to expand... Thing is though if your someone who plays the game all the time Prestige is something to keep you gunning imo.