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Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Perhaps I have seemed strangely quiet on this subject to some after a flurry of messaging and updates and info on the night of the GOA news announcement.

I had a family emergency occur which took me 140 miles away from home and a 13 hour round trip on top of a few other interesting components to the day, including nearly getting killed on a motorway. Didn't realise that until some time afterwards. One of those days :D

Hirn has had problems for a time now, although some of the signs are a bit subtle. Some observations made by some guys in our alliance have been somewhat proven. Also, there is a certain synchronicity in the timing of the GOA news post due to conversations I had earlier that day with players and, ironically, She Who Must Be Adored when I mentioned game stuff to her. For the record, she does not play WAR and never will. But at least she tolerates my geekiness. Go her. Erm, stay her. Uh ... moving on...

The Hirn server move is painful, not least for myself. I have invested a *lot* of time in the people that we play alongside and I cherish our community. I also will not be able to retain my rather stupid and loved (by me) name. I'll take it on the chin... I guess :flame:

Our alliance officially votes on which destination tonight (Friday) although there have been prior discussions with other guilds and alliances also, some of which happened so late at night that even many in our alliance weren't up to date on and because of a rather extraordinary day I wasn't able to update people on.

I know some of Hirn players are pissed off. I know some that migrated to Hirn recently are pissed off. I believe this is not something that is done just to piss you off. Even if that is an inevitable part of the result. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe GOA are being completely altruistic in their move to get us off there to a more populace server - its less headache for them. I believe there will be benefits to doing this now, rather than later. Just don't ask me to itemize that list at this time of night :D

Even on a different server we are still the people we were before. Even with different names we are the people we were before. We are still the same community.

The people that make Karak-Hirn a great place to be will still be around to make the destination server a great place to be... if they choose to be. And yes, I know there will be some losses on the way, it is inevitable.

If you are tired of the game that is Warhammer, then I recommend you spend your recreational time and money on something you enjoy more. If you are only cheesed because of the server thing then I urge you to rethink. Please don't allow a gripe to grow into something that loses us *you*.

We. Are. The. Community.

All of us. No matter where we are or what we are called.

I go bed now.

Very, very tired :)

P.S. Lets see what I make of this post myself in the cold light of later today :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
yep, already noticing it on karak hirn. been queued for T3 scenarios all fucking day (11 hours or so) and not ONE single scenario popped up. the day before the announcement i had scenarios popping near instantly after queueing.

thanks a fucking lot GOA, youre incredibly retarded timing is making me fail the live event because no TT scenarios start..

They pop frequently in T4 still, but i know thats not much use to you...


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Have to say I gave up on Hirn ages ago. Logging in constantly being the only person in a zone was no fun. Yeah loads of action in Tier 4 but sod all in any other Tier.

If Azgul is anything like K8P I'd rather be there. Personally I hope they keep the transfer going for a while at least. Although I understand your worries if the community is as strong as you all state then not many will take up the offer. For those like me whose Guild pratically fell apart and rerolled elsewhere it will make no difference.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2005
what i do find laughable, is the talk of "community"

really, i keep meeting people who have fled from K8P due to the cock ends on their driving people away with their exclusive attitude*

K8P was offered as an exit rather than a target in a recent move, why the hell are they now a target ?

someone at GOA plays on there i take it ?

* this sort of shit

That's some strong language you use for someone who has never played on the actual server (?)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
yep, already noticing it on karak hirn. been queued for T3 scenarios all fucking day (11 hours or so) and not ONE single scenario popped up. the day before the announcement i had scenarios popping near instantly after queueing.

thanks a fucking lot GOA, youre incredibly retarded timing is making me fail the live event because no TT scenarios start..

Don't worry - you can retrospectively complete events on the new server without it being an issue.



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
<Insert Rousing Speech Here>

You raise some valid points. We are indeed the community, and a damned good one, and it's a crying shame that GOA have apparently seen fit to demonstrate this level of disregard for those communities by busting them up and making them start again, rather than attempting to solve the perceived issue by, I dunno, releasing the 10 day trial and seeing where that gets us.

I'll probably end up moving, but losing the odd name is the least of my concerns. From the look of my alliance boards and guild boards I might be doing so alone, as the consensus seems to be go play DAoC US. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in my predicament, though. This situation has already divided the alliance and even the guild I'm in, and I've been gaming with some of these people for years.

To be brutally honest though, the key beef I have with this whole sorry affair is the way it's been managed; not a sniff of a warning, and the totally ludicrous way they've set up origin and destination servers.

I'm waiting to see the tip appear on the loading screens in game;

Tip: The average WAR player had to move servers 3.4 times during the first year of release.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
If your transfering and all alone and your not a div or a whinger feel free to apply to our guild we'd happily welcome a few ex hirn people. Home - The Rigante


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
yep, already noticing it on karak hirn. been queued for T3 scenarios all fucking day (11 hours or so) and not ONE single scenario popped up. the day before the announcement i had scenarios popping near instantly after queueing.

thanks a fucking lot GOA, youre incredibly retarded timing is making me fail the live event because no TT scenarios start..

Tbh I've not had a T3 scenario after 11pm in the past two weeks...

T4 was active and the community was nice, but the lower tiers were suffering.

Could have been just the pre-patch blues but we'll never know.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
Having been deeply dissapointed with the whole thing, I can of course see the benefits of moving now.

However having been part of what I can only describe as a very bizzare yet wonderfully satisfying. I have to say my spirits have been lifted.

Our send off to Hirn!!1

The Best Community In the World Says Goodbye To the Best Server Ever! - Warhammer Forums

more pics!!!

Our Last Day on Hirn

Great screens...I'm going to miss Hirn.
But if we're lucky, most of its population will end up on the same server...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Great screens...I'm going to miss Hirn.
But if we're lucky, most of its population will end up on the same server...

My only real fear is that the Norn Server will be full before the Hirn community transfers leaving half of it stranded and forced to debunk elsewhere.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Our alliance makes its decision tonight - probably Norn but we'll see.

Hoping everyone comes with us but there are some who are very angry still.


English WAR Community Manager
May 12, 2008
My only real fear is that the Norn Server will be full before the Hirn community transfers leaving half of it stranded and forced to debunk elsewhere.

No need to worry about this Mongoose; the transfers will remain open until we close the hopefully empty servers. I can't confirm when this take place, but it's in the near future, possibly next week.



Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
My only real fear is that the Norn Server will be full before the Hirn community transfers leaving half of it stranded and forced to debunk elsewhere.


Arse, hadn't thought about that. But it's a valid point


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
No need to worry about this Mongoose; the transfers will remain open until we close the hopefully empty servers. I can't confirm when this take place, but it's in the near future, possibly next week.


Thank you for this information Magnus.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
No need to worry about this Mongoose; the transfers will remain open until we close the hopefully empty servers. I can't confirm when this take place, but it's in the near future, possibly next week.


What about people who paid for a CE to get in early and make sure they got character names they had been using in multiple MMOs before WAR and were very attached to them, who lost a bunch of those names in the first forced move, and are now faced with the prospect of losing even MORE of them? Can't you understand how gutted players who actually care about their characters will feel? More to the point, why the bloody hell was Hirn suddenly hammered out of the blue like this with no warning whatsoever? Why is the community being split up and shunted around against their will AGAIN when we'd just about found our feet and turned into a real community after the first forced move? What are we supposed be, a bunch of nomads wandering from server to server at GOA's whim?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
No need to worry about this Mongoose; the transfers will remain open until we close the hopefully empty servers. I can't confirm when this take place, but it's in the near future, possibly next week.


What happens to peoples characters who can't move in time (eg they are on holiday) or those whose subscription has ended and decide to resub after the server has closed?


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
...there are some who are very angry still.

Yeah, and I'm one of them. I've already lost 3 prized character names in the first forced move, including one I'd had since the day the Closed Beta server went live which I was absolutely gutted about being forced to lose, and I'm not prepared to put up with it any more. I'm not paying my hard-earned money to have my spread of characters incrementally turned by GOA into 'Generic Chosen 47', 'ThisWasTheOnlyNameLeft', etc.

There was no reason whatsoever to do this to Hirn - the only population problem we had was the one GOA themselves caused by giving huge bonuses to Order and not Destruction. It's a stupid decision that's been epically badly handled.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Goa in, picking the worst solution and then even managing to screw that up shocker!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
What happens to peoples characters who can't move in time (eg they are on holiday) or those whose subscription has ended and decide to resub after the server has closed?

We have quite a few players who are away at uni, on active service, or just have other real life commitments preventing them from playing at this moment. When they come back they will find themselves serverless and guildless.....


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
I am really and truly so dissapointed that you actually took the trouble to come on to this thread and then to say nothing about why it was handled like it was. I don't know if you have been told to say nothing but I expected more than that.

For the rest;
The majority of the CLA Alliance are almost certainly going to move to Norn, although some are going to Azgal or K8P. We are trying to persuade destro to go there (azgal) too so that we keep a balance. We don't want order or destro to dominate else the game is spoilt. Hopefully if anyone has not made up their mind yet they will go there too - the more the better from Hirn in the same place.

Flim-edit: clarified to say Norn as per post below.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
What about people who paid for a CE to get in early and make sure they got character names they had been using in multiple MMOs before WAR and were very attached to them, who lost a bunch of those names in the first forced move, and are now faced with the prospect of losing even MORE of them? Can't you understand how gutted players who actually care about their characters will feel? More to the point, why the bloody hell was Hirn suddenly hammered out of the blue like this with no warning whatsoever? Why is the community being split up and shunted around against their will AGAIN when we'd just about found our feet and turned into a real community after the first forced move? What are we supposed be, a bunch of nomads wandering from server to server at GOA's whim?

Yeah, I have that problem...I lost three character names in the process.
Two of those three are Tier 3 chars...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
If you lost the names moving last time, doesn`t this give you a chance to get them back on a different server?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I am really and truly so dissapointed that you actually took the trouble to come on to this thread and then to say nothing about why it was handled like it was. I don't know if you have been told to say nothing but I expected more than that.

For the rest;
The majority of the CLA Alliance are almost certainly going to move to Norn, although some are going to Azgal or K8P. We are trying to persuade destro to go there (azgal) too so that we keep a balance. We don't want order or destro to dominate else the game is spoilt. Hopefully if anyone has not made up their mind yet they will go there too - the more the better from Hirn in the same place.

Flim-edit: clarified to say Norn as per post below.

dude, be VERY careful on who you ask to join order, they are outnumbering us quite easily atm,


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
Ah well, my namesake, Tetley, had to change name :-(
Never mind, that is the least of my worries in all this debacle.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
No need to worry about this Mongoose; the transfers will remain open until we close the hopefully empty servers. I can't confirm when this take place, but it's in the near future, possibly next week.

so what do you do to those ppl that dont WANT to move?

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