Cleric Spec AFbuff = free Perma Avoid Pain 2



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use reactive af procs and quit the whining


Originally posted by infozwerg
and now for something completely different:

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use reactive af procs and quit the whining

is it confirmed by testing that those buffs actually stack ontop of the AFcap like clerics enhanced AFbuff do? If it do, everyone should carry that procc. :)

how does the charge work? (as in, does it stack) if it do stack, the charge would perhaps be a better choice since one can put ablatives on armor instead then.


Originally posted by Solid
yes I know mattshanes, but come on a wizard not wanted? they are the only pbape class in Alb, how could an ice wizard not be wanted? and Matter cabs? stacking AE DoT's? really? thats surprising.

Sadly true, any alb group will now take an extra tank over all alb casters except maybe a sorc.


latest discussions on IGN seem to indicate AF buff charges dont go over cap, but tbh i have not seen any real proof.

What I do know is the only AF buffs that are class specific in the game that go over cap is Cleric spec, Paladin chant and the caster buffs (I think)


So cleric spec AF buff gives around 10% damage reduction - big deal - youve known that since day 1.

Originally posted by Solid
latest discussions on IGN seem to indicate AF buff charges dont go over cap, but tbh i have not seen any real proof.
Items with AF charges act as spec-line AF buffs and therefore stack with baseline AF buffs. Test it yourself and see. In Mid/Hib these will therefore take you over the standard 'cap'.

What I do know is the only AF buffs that are class specific in the game that go over cap is Cleric spec, Paladin chant and the caster buffs (I think)
Paladins self AF chant does not stack, paladins group AF chant does not stack, casters self AF buff does not stack - nothing to whine about here no matter how hard you try.


Originally posted by scarffs
Edited a mean reply...hadnt read whole post :)
Nicely put Shike, I only wish there woulndt be that obvious flaws that allow people to create their fotm ganksquads who truly fuck up the game for casual rvr guys like myself.

hmm, the flaw lies in the human nature tbh :) Most people want to win (since thats when they have most fun, its a game after all) and do quite alot to achieve that. Some cheat their ass off, some form ganksquads, some reroll to something they think they might have more fun with and some dont give a shit. In the end, its you as a player that decide to 100% and not Mythic. Mythic only provide us with tools that potentially can generate some fun for us. Sometimes they remove some of the tools, sometimes they add new tools or change the existing ones. Easy come and easy goes. Sad but true.


Originally posted by Draylor

Paladins self AF chant does not stack, paladins group AF chant does not stack, casters self AF buff does not stack - nothing to whine about here no matter how hard you try.

Not talking bout stacking Dray, I understand there are circumstances where the Cleric Spec AF buff doesnt stack, but its not universal.

Paladins chant will take their AF above the standard cap from MP Plate armour at RR5 yes? Yussef always talking about his 800+ AF on his paladin, thats well above the natural base AF cap for Plate at RR5. And its not a whine, its a statement.

Casters cap their base AF from MP cloth armour, and their AF/Absorb shield works to raise their AF beyond the cap from their armour yes? Friars and Valewalkers are the only other classes I can think of that get some form of an armour enhancing buff in their spec line and I will be honest in that I dont know precisely how it works. Hunters SPEC AF buff does NOT go over the base armour cap for studded, that much I do know.


Pala's selfbuff is a Base? AF buff
Caster AF buff is a Base AF buff (cloth only has half of the AF normal armor has)
Cleric's buff is a Spec AF buff
Paladin AF chant works as a Spec AF buff

and none of these Spec AF buffs stack

if you want to buff spec AF with cleric you always have to turn off AF chant


Teador does that mean a caster in MP AF51 cloth armour WITHOUT his shield buff will benefit from say a baselien cleric/friar AF buff?

I was under the impression wearing equal level MP armour caps your natural AF and only "spec" AF buffs will then take the AF higher? I didnt realise that the situation for Cloth armour is different (never played a cloth caster before :D) (When I say spec, i dont necessarily mean a buff the player needs to spec to recieve, just to mean its a diff kind to the baseline AF buffs that the healing classes recieve)


Oh and if icy capped at 543 before the patch please explain how various zerks hit people for 1200-1300 main hand before the patch...

my cap was 708 with a 99% double bladed (16.2-4.2) and 67 axe-laxe

as for the 1200-1300 : large crits

and :

Let me tell you the highest possible damage a post 1.62 zerker can do using Icy Brilliance is not.. 700 damage, its not even 600 damage.

Wanna know what it is ?

543 Damage cap with Icy Brilliance.. Thats with 70 Axe, 70 Left Axe. Using a 4.2 Spd Double Bladed Axe (MP) with only 35 Quickness and Duelist Reflexs 5

use reactive af procs and quit the whining

use charges and sod the procs, vnboards tests showed charges to have noticeable damage decrease, whereas procs where just a waste of armour where ablative had been better


Originally posted by Solid
Teador does that mean a caster in MP AF51 cloth armour WITHOUT his shield buff will benefit from say a baselien cleric/friar AF buff?

I was under the impression wearing equal level MP armour caps your natural AF and only "spec" AF buffs will then take the AF higher? I didnt realise that the situation for Cloth armour is different (never played a cloth caster before :D) (When I say spec, i dont necessarily mean a buff the player needs to spec to recieve, just to mean its a diff kind to the baseline AF buffs that the healing classes recieve)

Level 51 Cloth armor is AF51

basically you miss out on about 300 AF compared to other armor,

that's why you get a 250 value AF buff as a caster, which doesn't stack with a baseline AF buff

and it's not better to use a base AF buff instead of the AF selfbuff, because the selfbuff does a LOT more.

so WITHOUT his shield buff, you benefit from a friar/cleric buff, but it's useless to do that as the selfbuff is much much better


Originally posted by Solid
you see Albs cry Mid is overpowered cos SELECT RvR groups run with 3 - THREE!!!! FGS - Healers in a group and a few savages.

What the hell about the rest of the classes. Mid has ELEVEN classes in total, and you complain about THREE of them, how the fuck is an entire realm considered overpowered cos hardcore RvR groups run with 3 healers and fotm Savage crew?

Thanes suck since forever
Skalds suck since forever
Hunters suck since forever
Shadowblades suck since 1.62
Shamans suck
Zerks suck since 1.62

Yet apparently "OMG Mid rox, they need a nerf, they wtfwpwn everything"

Even tho we have no I WIN Unique RA's and the closest to an IWIN button is the healer Insta AE Mez.

And Shike, perhaps consider not everyone is a fotm realm hopping uber leet tosspot like yourself and actually would like THEIR class that they have played since RELEASE fixed/brought up to par with the rest of the working classes in the game.

Right on Brother Solid, one of the finest posts I've seen so far. Contains all the relevant information and imo, 100% factually correct.





Originally posted by Solid
so 3 classes perform well means all those with the other 8 classes just suffer cos we got 3 uber fotm chars?

Kinda shafts people like me who hate exping, dont play enuff to even want to consider PLing up a fotm savage or BD.

I have 2 lev 50 chars, neither of them considered competitive in RvR anymore.

Sorry but just cos the majority of the population feels its ok to roll 3 fotm classes and call the realm fixed, dont mean it really IS fixed, balanced and competitive all round.

We have the worst hybrid tanks (Skald and Thane) in the game, the worst 2ndry seer (Shaman on 1.0x spec points), since 1.62 the worst assasin( Inf >> NS >> SB), the worst archer (Yes ARCHER specced hunters still worse off than their counterparts), the worst light tank (Zerk is now 3rd in the pile after LA guttage due to Def penalty on Vendo and lack of flurry).

Oh and to top it off we have the worst buffbot, and yes buffbots count, they are an integral part of this game now whether you like it or not.

So all those people who play these underpowered woefully inadequate classes dont have a right to say anything cos:

"omg wtfpwn we got savages, BD's and Healers, omg wtfpwnpwnpwn jajaja ololol m8!"

Solid actually makes sense

if you think away Healer, BD and savage (shaman ain't bad btw) Midgard should need a fix.

Like give them clerics, reavers and necro's....


Originally posted by Derric
There is no spoon.

why do you always come out with the most brilliant comments in every thread :(

that's my job!


poor solid :(

most people don't even understand the point he's making and whine anyway :/


Solid has a point that people should really look at the whole realm rather than individual classes.

Derric, I have lots of spoons here if you need :p


I agree with solid 100% and its something ive been trying to say for a long time..

but nm... i`ll stop before i whine you all to death ;p


Originally posted by klavrynd
my cap was 708 with a 99% double bladed (16.2-4.2) and 67 axe-laxe

as for the 1200-1300 : large crits
Yes large crits, but the way Emma was painting it they were impossible. As you and Litmus have proven, they clearly weren't impossible. And TBH I do think 708 cap was a bit high for a one-handed weapon.


I have 980af with my self buff and chant, that AF is modified by my armour absorb resulting in a higher value. With more crafted armour I would have 988af. Perhaps with MOTA I could bypass this visible cap, but at ze moment I cannot without Soldiers Barricade.

When I tested SB, I had 976af, it gave me 1313af.


Originally posted by Danyan



Hmm name rings a bell somewhere. Maybe I have had that one once but... nah... cant remember.


so Yussef does your self buff work like friar/cleric baseline buff then? ie doesnt go over the natural armour cap? and only the chant takes you over the natural cap of plate?


I think this celerity is something a strange lonely lvl20 cast on me one day in vendo caverns. Havent seen it since...


Originally posted by Yussef

When I tested SB, I had 976af, it gave me 1313af.


that's fecked up :/

other realms can only barely scrape over 700af with AF charges...


This thread is about Infi's buffed with spec AF buff by Clerics.

You cant judge a buff by one class that happens to use it, same as you cant judge the Druid 20% Haste conc buff just by Nightshades.

Simple "fix" would be just to add a range to it same as the other Mids End Regan buff, add the same 1500 range to the Druid Haste and Cleric Spec AF buff there for elimintating the "problem" and it would also allow you to move on to ur next infi whine thread.



Does Soldiers Barricade stack with Bunker of Faith? And does Bunker of Faith Stack with Avoid Pain?



You lot make me laugh, you complain mid is underpowered but tbh it isn’t. I have 2 lvl 50's 1 hybrid tank and 1 full fire wizard. To put it bluntly mid aren’t underpowered if anything they are overpowered.

My 50 fire wizard has been 1 shotted more than once since 1.62 by mid casters! I have max resists and MP player crafted armour but still got hit for 990 on bolt! OK so that once may of been luck but it has happened more than once so don’t use the mid is gimped thing here. I play my fire wizard allot, have trouble getting good groups, but even when I am in good groups I see hits of 200 -200, 300 -300 and don’t see anything higher than about 350 on a hit unless I either get a good crit or I am attacking some n00b with no resists at all, which mid wise is rare. My bolts are the only thing worth using now as they generally hit (thanx mythic) but again only since 1.62. You know the main selling point I use to get in groups? "I have VP up and ready, any room?" Even then I have seen VP hit for 300 -300 and in one case my bolt hit for more on 1 guy than my VP did! Mid get insta everything and I die in 3 shots so tbh don’t tell me mid is gimped!

My 50 tank has been 3 shotted by a mid caster and again has max resists, I was being hit for 550 a hit so again I don’t think mid casters are gimped.

If you want to whine then fine but mid is meant to be the melee realm so I want to know why in every fight I have consistently been hit for 4 to 5 hundred where my full fire wizard (primary nuker in Alb) hits for 300 if I am lucky. Mid casters get much more in the way of utility than albs do, to get everything mid gets in 2 casters would take 3 or 4 in alb, and no one would want that many cloth casters in a group.

I agree alb has plate and AF buffs, but you shouldn’t gimp Infs, for example, just because they are uber when buffed. Not every inf in alb has buff bots!

What annoys me is that Mythic have decided that because more players play on Alb they should make Mid and Hib more powerful because they have less players. It seems to me that if you want a stupid idea there it is. They should be making Mid and Hib look more attractive to players rather than increase all the skills and putting 20 million skills on 11 classes instead of the 15 like Alb (or what ever the exact figure is)

All the whine threads about BD’s, Plate tanks, AF buffs are pointless. Things will never change and tbh all I can say is role on World of Warcraft!!!!



Originally posted by jochen
Does Soldiers Barricade stack with Bunker of Faith?

It does AFAIK. SB increases AF where BOF increases Absorb

And does Bunker of Faith Stack with Avoid Pain?

Not too sure about this one, but I don't think so.

The way BOF works as an extra absorb (like AP does) and those 2 normally don't stack. It's even so that BOF doesn't work on friars because they got a self absorb-buff (15%)

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