Children and F*CKING language.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
ye totally agree

feel dirty saying it but for once toht isn't completely trolling

it's a valid point

some, and i stress "SOME", parents are so hypocritical, cry about swearing infront of kids or whatever but happily smoke and or drink infront of thier kids, or make jokey sexist comments to thier missus or w/e which kids may take litrally

at the end of the day the more you shield kids from the world the harder it will be for them to intergrate when the times comes, it's up to you how you rise your children but you ahve fuck all right to tell other people what they can and can't do around your children, your parenting skills include avoiding situations where things like that may arise

ofc there's always exceptions but 95% of the time it's just peopel being holier than thou in front of thier chldren then they go and do the exact same thing in front of someone elses children


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, and to pictorially add to my analysis of that "I don't like what you're doing and you should therefore stop" mindset:


Nice find by Cyradix...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ofcourse due to point out that i'm not going out of my way, as Scouse said, to swear infront of kids. As stated by my comment on not braging nito their bedrooms :p

Kids in pubs should be banned anyway, since smoking is and kids are far more hazardous to your health; as seen by a recent thread of ballnibbling!

If i'm at someone elses home, their rules, i'll sit on the bookshelf and eat with my left hand while patting the little bastard on the head, but anywhere public is as the word states, public.

Not all parents are like it, but as also stated, i don't have a problem with parents/kids in general, just the select self-entitled ones.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
If someone asks if you wouldn't mind watching your language around their children I'd consider that a sensible request. And certainly something I would take on board.

I swear like a trooper, but around my child and when other kids are present I make an effort to keep it to a minimum. Kids don't need to be hearing it, and just because you're old enough and feel manly enough to use it whenever the hell you want, it's does not mean you should.

It's all about respect and Scouses response to his birds sisters request typifies what is wrong with our country. Far too many jacked up wannabe tools, who will go out of their way to annoy and offend just because they can.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
If someone asks if you wouldn't mind watching your language around their children I'd consider that a sensible request. And certainly something I would take on board.

I swear like a trooper, but around my child and when other kids are present I make an effort to keep it to a minimum. Kids don't need to be hearing it, and just because you're old enough and feel manly enough to use it whenever the hell you want, it's does not mean you should.

It's all about respect and Scouses response to his birds sisters request typifies what is wrong with our country. Far too many jacked up wannabe tools, who will go out of their way to annoy and offend just because they can.

Seems to be the way of the world these days.
Inconsiderate arse wipes everywhere you look...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's all about respect and Scouses response to his birds sisters request typifies what is wrong with our country. Far too many jacked up wannabe tools, who will go out of their way to annoy and offend just because they can.

/serioushat very seriously ON

It's nothing to do with respect and my bird's sister's request typifies what is wrong with our country and humans in general.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
/serioushat very seriously ON

It's nothing to do with respect and my bird's sister's request typifies what is wrong with our country.

Nothing wrong with her request at all. She clearly didn't think she was out drinking with a twat, when she made it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Inconsiderate arse wipes everywhere you look...

Agree with you completely there dysfunction.

The world is chock full of parents who don't seem to realise that other people may not want to live their bland sanitised lives or by their puritanical houlier-than-thou rulesets and are completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't live in that manner.

Strange how my kiddified mates don't share that "don't swear around my kids" mindset and seem to understand that their choice to have kids involved changes to their lifestyle - not everyone else, eh?

Their kids'll probably end up in call centres or on the dole rather than as research scientists or lawyers tho eh? Those types of parents must be arseholes after all...



I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Nothing wrong with her request at all. She clearly didn't think she was out drinking with a twat, when she made it.

seriously? if she's a good role model and has a hissy about some bad language then WHY THE FUCK IS SHE TAKING HER KIDS OUT DRINKING????

get a fucking baby sitter or go somewhere more appropriot, or stfu and accept your decisions.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
seriously? if she's a good role model and has a hissy about some bad language then WHY THE FUCK IS SHE TAKING HER KIDS OUT DRINKING????

get a fucking baby sitter or go somewhere more appropriot, or stfu and accept your decisions.

Did the pub serve food? They may have been tourists? Some people can go into a pub without having a drink.

Shit excuse Gohan. We can all throw hypothetical into the discussion, fact is if you were out with your Mother/Gran and you were in a pub and there was a group of lads telling everyone in ear shot about the bird that the 3 of them were tea bagging the night before. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy to sit there and let here listen to it.

Respect for others, it's all rather simple.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Nothing wrong with her request at all. She clearly didn't think she was out drinking with a twat, when she made it.

To be fair, she didn't make a request - she told me to stop what I was doing.

In a pub. An over-18's drinking hole.

Can I ask - do you not think the correct intellectual stance to take would be to understand that there are people in this world who don't think and act like you yourself do, and that the best course of action would be to understand that fact - rather than get pissed off when they don't act the way you want them to?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
To be honest I think a lot depends on the time of day and nature of the pub you're in. Like it or not there's a good many pubs that are keen to welcome family groups in during the day and if you're in such a pub it's not exactly unreasonable to expect that people with kids may turn up. When they do I don't think it's a major hardship or unreasonable to moderate your language if/when kids are nearby, it's no different to how most reasonable people would act in any other environment where family groups are welcome or likely to be in attendance. If on the other hand it's 9, 10, 11 o'clock at night and you're in a pub full of people getting pissed on a night out then you have much more of a point that you shouldn't be expected to alter your behaviour just to suit somewhere who's decided to drag their kids out. But then again I wouldn't expect there to be many occurences of kids being around at that time of night in most pubs.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You can be yourself where you like Scouse...sounds like you are anyway.

But it would be nice if you and others in this world were perhaps a bit mindful and considerate towards other people...

Then maybe we would all be a lot happier!

Also your pub story..what time of day was this? Lunch time? Do they encourage families to go there?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
To be fair, she didn't make a request - she told me to stop what I was doing.

In a pub. An over-18's drinking hole.

Can I ask - do you not think the correct intellectual stance to take would be to understand that there are people in this world who don't think and act like you yourself do, and that the best course of action would be to understand that fact - rather than get pissed off when they don't act the way you want them to?

I would get pissed off mate, I would politelly ask for them to try and keep it down to a minimum. If I was then greeted with a you can fuck off as well. There'd be a fight.

I know there is people that don't think like me that is fine. However that's also why we have a country becoming over run with scrots who, do what they want, when they want. Because they are not held accountable anymore by the law or by more importantly their own family. We are disjointed, very few give a shit about their neighbours let alone their neighbour hood. Simlpy because people are walking around with a selfish I can do it so I will attitude.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Did the pub serve food? They may have been tourists? Some people can go into a pub without having a drink.

You're bandying these things around like they've any bearing on the argument.

1) Did the pub serve food?

Yes. I said I was waiting for food. Am I only allowed to swear in a pub that makes me starve for my sin of being childless?

2) They may have been tourists?

And? Do tourists visit some sort of magical Britain where people never swear in the old typical English pub and are they so fragile that they have to be shielded from reality?

(They weren't).

3) Some people can go into a pub without having a drink.

True again. But so the fuck what? "I'm sorry sir, can you stop swearing please, my ears currently have no alcohol in them and therefore cannot protect my face from exploding upon hearing a random sequence of words that have been banned by the babeh jebus"

In fact, my first drink was a pint of OJ and lemonade 'cause I'd just done 30 miles on my bike. Am I now only allowed to swear when I drink??

What a crock of shit.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
You're bandying these things around like they've any bearing on the argument.

1) Did the pub serve food?

Yes. I said I was waiting for food. Am I only allowed to swear in a pub that makes me starve for my sin of being childless?

2) They may have been tourists?

And? Do tourists visit some sort of magical Britain where people never swear in the old typical English pub and are they so fragile that they have to be shielded from reality?

(They weren't).

3) Some people can go into a pub without having a drink.

True again. But so the fuck what? "I'm sorry sir, can you stop swearing please, my ears currently have no alcohol in them and therefore cannot protect my face from exploding upon hearing a random sequence of words that have been banned by the babeh jebus"

In fact, my first drink was a pint of OJ and lemonade 'cause I'd just done 30 miles on my bike. Am I now only allowed to swear when I drink??

What a crock of shit.

I think the point he was trying to make is that pubs aren't necessarily simply drinking holes for the over 18s. More and more of them also position themselves as decent places to eat and cater to a larger group than just people out for a drink. And in those sorts of pubs, where you're probably likely to encounter family groups including children during the day, you perhaps shouldn't have the same attitude/mentality about the language you'd use as you would in a pub that doesn't serve food and/or welcome family groups as part of it's clientele. Unless you think it's acceptable to go into a restaurant and sit at a table swearing to your heart's content?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
You're bandying these things around like they've any bearing on the argument.

1) Did the pub serve food?

Yes. I said I was waiting for food. Am I only allowed to swear in a pub that makes me starve for my sin of being childless?

2) They may have been tourists?

And? Do tourists visit some sort of magical Britain where people never swear in the old typical English pub and are they so fragile that they have to be shielded from reality?

(They weren't).

3) Some people can go into a pub without having a drink.

True again. But so the fuck what? "I'm sorry sir, can you stop swearing please, my ears currently have no alcohol in them and therefore cannot protect my face from exploding upon hearing a random sequence of words that have been banned by the babeh jebus"

In fact, my first drink was a pint of OJ and lemonade 'cause I'd just done 30 miles on my bike. Am I now only allowed to swear when I drink??

What a crock of shit.

It does have a bearing, you were going on as if it was a working mans pub and they shouldn't have been in there simply because they had kids.

It's fine I completely understand your point. I just don't understand why you would choose to go out of your way to cause offense.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I would get pissed off mate, I would politelly ask for them to try and keep it down to a minimum. If I was then greeted with a you can fuck off as well. There'd be a fight.

Really? You'd start a fight because someone won't aquiece to your demand that their langague conforms to standards you hold?

Anyone on the planet can tell me to fuck off and there won't be a fight. Maybe because I'm not such a puritanical twat that a a few words can rile my emotional state so much that I feel the need to get physical with the enforcement of my world view.

At 37 years old I've never had to swing my fist at anyone. Ever. Yet I don't shy away from confrontational situations...

Anyway. The next bit is comedy:

I know []bthere is people that don't think like me[/b] that is fine. However that's also why we have a country becoming over run with scrots who, do what they want, when they want.

So. There are people who don't think like you and that is why Britain is a shithole full of arseholes.

That's a nice full-on facist ideology you've got going there Cal :D

The reason you think Britain is a country becoming overrun with scrotes is that you have standards of behaviour that you think that everyone else should conform to - and if they don't then they're a scrote, or "inconsiderate".

God knows that you'll never seriously entertain the possibility that your desire to have everyone conform to your standards of behaviour is the reason you see the world in this way...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If you want consideration, try giving some. A crying kid in public is not considerate towards others who don't want to hear that. They might have even chosen a life without kids JUST because of that.

The day i see some mother with a baby carriage show some respect and consideration towards others, instead of the usual "i've got a kid, you respect me" bull, i'll be amazed for one, but i'd show them the consideration they show others.

As said, no one is out there cursing at kids, but if you are in public you can expect it to happen. Scouse said it best; you chose to change YOUR life, not everyone elses.

Not to mention, there's nothing twattish about cursing, or stupid jokes among friends. Parental superiority rearing it's head again.

Far too many jacked up wannabe tools, who will go out of their way to annoy and offend just because they can.

That's funny, considering how your squad acted on this thread. Lead by example eh?

Same goes for me as Scouse, people need to do a bit more then just have naughty language to get me in a fight. Never punched anyone in my life and there's been plenty of situations where probably majority would have. Again, example is a good way to lead, not ideology on a forum.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But it would be nice if you and others in this world were perhaps a bit mindful and considerate towards other people...

Then maybe we would all be a lot happier!
I think Scouse's point is that shouldn't people who want others to be mindful and considerate be mindful and consider that other people don't actually want to live that way, i.e. live by their own rules?

Irony or something?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
At 37 years old I've never had to swing my fist at anyone. Ever. Yet I don't shy away from confrontational situations...

It seems to me you like and seek out confrontational situations...

Or did you just tell that women with kids to fuck off in front of your friends to prove to them that you can say and do whatever you like anywhere you like?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Toh get over the fact that people have children. A child that cries offends you? You really need to sort yourself out!

@ Scouse yes I would, if I was out with my family and someone was deliberately offensive towards me, after I made a polite request. There is no need at all to be offensive.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think the point he was trying to make is that pubs aren't necessarily simply drinking holes for the over 18s. More and more of them also position themselves as decent places to eat and cater to a larger group than just people out for a drink. And in those sorts of pubs, where you're probably likely to encounter family groups including children during the day, you perhaps shouldn't have the same attitude/mentality about the language you'd use as you would in a pub that doesn't serve food and/or welcome family groups as part of it's clientele. Unless you think it's acceptable to go into a restaurant and sit at a table swearing to your heart's content?

I disagree. I don't think it has a bearing. Like I said in the answer you quoted - why do I have to be in a pub that doesn't serve food to swear?

If you have kids, then this:

The onus is on the parents to provide an environment which they want their kids to grow up in. They are responsible for their own choices - and if they've chosen to take their kids into the pub (or out of the front door for that matter) then they've accepted that risk.

There's no point getting pissy about it when the world doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to - all you achieve is an increase in the number of pissy people on earth.

There are choices you can make to minimise the chances of bad language being used - like going to one of those dire family pubs for example. The shite ones, that are full of kids that people like me would never go in to, right?

You rolled the child-dice after all - so you can put up with the consequences of your actions. Don't expect everyone else to.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@ Scouse yes I would, if I was out with my family and someone was deliberately offensive towards me, after I made a polite request. There is no need at all to be offensive.

But there's a need for physical violence?

You're a tit Cal. And a hypocrite.

Stick to family pubs, so you don't get offended when people who live differently to you act in the way that they want to live their lives, so you don't start getting all punchy over a nothing argument - like a chav...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think Scouse's point is that shouldn't people who want others to be mindful and considerate be mindful and consider that other people don't actually want to live that way, i.e. live by their own rules?


Winner :D


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I think Scouse's point is that shouldn't people who want others to be mindful and considerate be mindful and consider that other people don't actually want to live that way, i.e. live by their own rules?

Irony or something?


If he was talking about another adult being offended in the same instance I would completely agree with him. But he's talking about kids.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Toh get over the fact that people have children. A child that cries offends you? You really need to sort yourself out!

What the hell kind of answer is that?

There' nothing to get over and i said "to some". I can stand a kid crying, but doesn't make it any less intrusive and annoying. I'll say it again clearly; i don't have anything against children, or parents in general.

It's forcing YOUR lifestyle/choice on others, just as much as asking someone to not curse is. Or just as much as someone deliberately cursing to your kids is. It's a hypocritical standpoint that you jsut seem to be unable to grasp, not surprising as you have kids.

But as said, you'll start a fight when someone tells you to piss off with your demands, and you consider it ok to come in and insult others, while preaching how twats are running about insulting everyone.

Hypocrisy is pretty much your ballpark.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
But there's a need for physical violence?

You're a tit Cal. And a hypocrite.

Stick to family pubs, so you don't get offended when people who live differently to you act in the way that they want to live their lives, so you don't start getting all punchy over a nothing argument - like a chav...

I'm a tit for expecting people to have a bit of respect around children? Your attitude is exactly that of a chav, cause offense, then push for a confrontation by demeaning the person in front of you. The difference is I won't take shit from anyone that like that regardless of their background.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think Scouse's point is that shouldn't people who want others to be mindful and considerate be mindful and consider that other people don't actually want to live that way, i.e. live by their own rules?

Irony or something?


I get what he is saying....Fuck'em all etc...
If Everyone was like that the world would not be very pleasant is all I'm saying.
It's not difficult once in a while to be a little courteous to others...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm a tit for expecting people to have a bit of respect around children?

No, Scouse said you're a tit and a hypocrite for starting a fight over it if someone doesn't bow to your demands.

That and the way you act in general(read; an offensive prick 90% of the time), makes you the problem, not Scouse.

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