Cheating hibs (names and screenies included)



yes we hate albs, yes albs is v.bad players, yes albs is good at flamming when there zerg rush fails, yes we hate hatchet now can we end this topic ?


Originally posted by Demerzel
Newsflash: all powerplaying hibbs know the "falling to your death throug the floor cheat" its quite simple: pause the game and press: upp upp down down left rigth lefth rigth B A "start" (also gives you 30 extra lives)

*sig* n00b albs :rolleyes:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


What id like to hear, what i really hope to hear, is just that the major guilds in hibernia say something like:

"Well, yes, its bugabusing, our guild doesnt do it and we will make sure that members of our guild wont do it or wont do it again."

Is that so hard, Celtic Fist? Or are you really a bunch of cheaters (I hope not)?



Originally posted by infozwerg
What id like to hear, what i really hope to hear, is just that the major guilds in hibernia say something like:

"Well, yes, its bugabusing, our guild doesnt do it and we will make sure that members of our guild wont do it or wont do it again."

Is that so hard, Celtic Fist? Or are you really a bunch of cheaters (I hope not)?


oh pleaaase

what i really hope to hear, is just that the major guilds (may it be albion, hib or mid) all say that.

Yes, i have seen albs, hibs, even mids use that bug. If u accuse the hibs, you might well accuse everybody!!

EDIT : this is not a flame towards albs or mids. But my point is : now everybody is accusing hib and all of a sudden it's like they do that all the time and no alb or hib would even think about cheating. Sure, there may be a couple of bad apples among the hibs, but they are present with the albs and mids too, even in bigger guilds (NOT, i repeat NOT accusing anybody now!!)



All cheaters, no named no forgotten, should have a warning from GOA and if they're taken in bugabuse again, they should be banned.
I know it's frustrating to fall through floors, etc. but that's not the issue here.
Stop cheating or get banned I say. And that goes for all cheaters from all realms.

Cheating is for NOBRAINS, so let all abusers be named and flamed here in the future.


Just one question

How do you prove that they are cheating with this floor bug?

Why don't we just ban anyone who falls through the floor? Make it like a HUGE hunt, we can burn people at the stake and stuff too...very medieval of us and quite in touch with Camelot principles :)

I am totally against people using this bug for cheating but I think you are not really thinking this through with regards to the outcome. This is an issue Mythic & GOA have to resolve, we can decide whether we

a: all use it, and get assassins in there to freely decapitate and punish people who abuse the bug.
b: Hope that people won't use it and rely on good moral character (doubt very much this will happen)
c: If they fall through the floor, ban them and then send FBI around the house to take away their crap hardware because they probably hackers too.

In the end though, only Mythic can fix this.


Re: Just one question

Originally posted by Nol
How do you prove that they are cheating with this floor bug?

If they fall though the floor into the wall they are the victim of a bug.

If tehy then use that falling to their advantage tehy are taking advantage of that bug and are commiting bug abuse.

This is not a difficult concept.

I doubt GOA will do anything (although there were short bans for earlier realm gate bug abusers) but even so making use of bugs to your advantage is defined in the ToS as bug abuse.

So if they are in the wall and shooting arrows then they are clearly bug abusers and in breach of ToS.

Yaruar Drengr



so is someone from GOA going to go sit in the wall and wait?


Log files--

They don't need to,

if you use rightnow and put enough info into the post such as date, time and perhaps even loc and offcourse the names of the so called bug abuser. Goa can go thru the log files for that specific day and find it.
Remember every action you do with your character is logged on the servers.
But I rather doubt that GoA will do such as thing, as it actually requires them to do some work.


and the log is going to say...

Nolerdraic shoots Grommit for 0 (+1) points of damage...
Nolerdraic shoots Grommit for 1 (+2) points of damage...
Nolerdraic crit hits for 7 points of damage...

I don't see how that is going to make a difference, even if it records co-ordinates, I doubt it records Z axis - which will be height - so whether the abuser is standing on the wall or in it, it won't make a difference in the logs.

Tank Init

yeah lets ban all the cheaters we dont need them

if ya cant play a game with out cheating dont fucking play the game at all


So how do you prove the person didnt actually stand on the wall, tehn started casting, shooting or whatever and THEN fell thru the wall and casted/shot the spell/arrow?

Yup, your right, you cant.

Edit: Im not saying everyone does this, im just saying that it COULD happen to someone and then to ban that person would be VERY wrong.


the point is

The point is, you cannot prove that someone is exploiting this bug, so this will turn into a bloody witch hunt.

I could easily duplicate those screenshots of Mallus' and cause absolute turmoil, get a few innocent people band.


Originally posted by Niljindil
So how do you prove the person didnt actually stand on the wall, tehn started casting, shooting or whatever and THEN fell thru the wall and casted/shot the spell/arrow?

Yup, your right, you cant.

Happened like 10 times that night..

Maybe this is fixed in a later patch? Anyone knows?


Bug abuse?

Is the firing through walls abusing a bug, or is it compensating for another bug?

There is a very poor LoS bug in this game where u can see all of your target, but the engine insists that the target isn't in view. This means that u have to stand in full view to get your shot, which sort of defeats the object of archers defending keeps. They should be able to stand on walls with very little of themselves presenting a target but this isn't so. Therefore they fire from inside the wall. This is done by all realms! I've lost count of the amount of times i've been shot by archers, or hit by melee when trying to take down the inner door.

Whilever both bugs exist this will continue to happen.

It also seems that whatever tactics Hibernia uses to defend it's realm we are accused of 'lameness'. We don't defend - we are lame. Use local mobs to defend keeps too - we are lame. Call a truce with another realm - we are lame.

BTW has anyone tried PBAOE on the people in the wall, from outside?


Re: Bug abuse?

Originally posted by cjkace

It also seems that whatever tactics Hibernia uses to defend it's realm we are accused of 'lameness'. We don't defend - we are lame. Use local mobs to defend keeps too - we are lame. Call a truce with another realm - we are lame.

hehe why dont we skip rvr and let mobs fighting guards while every1 sits in the wall... wait lets all call truce with the other realm that way there will be no fighting at all :rolleyes: ;) :p



That's not the point I was trying to make.

I think even the most discerning Alb will admit that the balance of power has swung very much in their favour at the moment. Some of your classes have an awesome amount of power, that reduces me to a rug (I'm thinking of having Welcome sewn into my cloak) in 2 hits/blasts. If it stayed the same all the time then the game would end up very boring for Albion, with it owning the entire game, thereby reducing the fun for everyone.

As for truces, these happen all the time, on varying scales. I've met Tilde in combat once, outside Lamfhota and he helped me kill a torc that conned purple to me, by taunting it while I hit. We then dueled for a while (hit him once in 30 attempts I think) before he left.

Another occasion was after a defense of Crau. I went to suicide at the Alb wall which was swarming with Mids. I sat down halfway up the hill waiting for the express train home. Up charged a purple Mid called Sonya, missed me with first attack even tho I was sitting, whereupon I decided to make it a little more difficult, so ran around a bit. Next thing I know, the poor Mid who had charged me expecting an easy kill was being smacked by an Alb. I attacked Sonya, got some nice RPs and then expected to get killed by the Alb, but he bowed and vanished.

The Alb's name?


:) :) :)


umbalance has nothing to do with cheating. if you support exploit to compensate for unbalance and declare it hibernian policy i delete NOW and leave in disgust.

i ll play q3. or urban terror2. or whatever. get out of my sight!


Originally posted by Finster
umbalance has nothing to do with cheating. if you support exploit to compensate for unbalance and declare it hibernian policy i delete NOW and leave in disgust.

i ll play q3. or urban terror2. or whatever. get out of my sight!

Hmmz nobody said it is Hibernian policy, it happened. Hesitate with deleting your account, till it happens a 2nd time. Then you can be sure some cheat, not just make conclusions without real evidence ( nooo this thread is long enough don't start again will ya :D ). Hibs/Mids would loose a worthy/hated enemy.

Had to say this even if I dislike your addiction to dramatism in your posts ;)

Originally posted by Finster

damn i m drunk. i shouldn t post.

Right. Go to bed. ;)



Hehe cjkace I remember that well. I don't normally kill lower cons in RvR unless they the only ones i can kill in the middle of an army. I usually try duel greys naked and with a staff. Have yet to finish a nekkid grey duel without some archer punk plugging some arrows into my bare saracen ass :(

Anyway, more along the lines of the topic, I think everything that should have been said about this has been said and I will assume that this is no longer going to be part of the game :clap: :clap: :clap:

Have fun and see you all in emain sometime (if I ain't playing my hibbie alts :D )


lol... dont kill people when u fall "victim of lag" and ends up in a wall.
So, in a keep raid where you are supposed to defend your keep, and you fall victim to a GAME FLAW, you are supposed to what? sit down? go make coffee?

dont u ever learn? if u fall down avoid going to that spot and u wont fall down.
Ehm, okay, so if I fall through keep walls (ANYWHERE ON THEM), I should avoid walls, hmm, you should be a strategist.

its obvious u do this with intent, otherwise the amount of people wouldnt go down there at the same time and continue to go back there several times.
At keep raids many people rush to the walls at the same time, and move at the walls at the same time, if the zeeeergs attack at that moment the lag will make many slow computers affect the game in a negative way, dropping the clients through...

People that can't see that this is a game flaw and can't be reproduced are just pigheaded.

So, el diablo.. go back to :sleeping:

Mythic will (hopefully) fix this flaw, rather sooner than later, if hurt when dropping through lord tower, the fall takes 99%, which will kill you (if you were hurt before).

And once again:
I was not at this keep raid in question, so don't go flame me personally :)


well ok, after what I've read, and it is alot - people is forgetting one thing.
Those who fall down are not the ones being accused!
Those who fall through walls etc, and stay there to kill people - use the bug for their own benefit - are those being accused.
Just my point of view - and ya I know some of the post are tricky and shit, but really - alot of the post I've seen people are responding like they're being blamed for falling through walls & stuff.
And I know some wrote it that way, but just forget it and stick to what the thread was originally about.
and yeah, there is one victim sitting there resting, but you might as well sit resting on the inside of the keep ? ;)


Originally posted by Finster in the "Right Now" Poll thread
how about:

i m tired about broken features of the game, but i m sick and

I rarely read these boards as I do not have the patience to read the pathetic drivel that the Zerg spout on every thread, but i feel that I must comment on this cheating aqusation that they don't seem to be able to drop.

I wasn't aware of this bug, but it appears that the Tinmen are just as guilty of using it and other cheats.

Accusing the entire realm for the actions of a very small minority is just pathetic. Grow up and learn to accept that there are ppl in every walk of life that will bend the rules at every opportunity and there will be just as many of them in Alb or Mid as there is in Hib. It's just a game so don't let it eat u up as it obviously is.


Re: Re: sheezuz

Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
want some lameness - it's 4:10 AM and albs are invading.

want some more lameness ? the hibs are there defending :) the game is 24 hrs doesnt stop just because you goto bed . [/B][/QUOTE]

So the whole point of having European Servers is what?

To pay for the privilige of extremely late patches and bug fixes, and nothing whatever to do with being able to RvR at sensible hours (and I have just got in from work and haven't even been able to play yet :( ).

So the conclusion is inevitable. Stuff the European Servers, and hello to the American ones. RvR hours seem to be identical by the look of it.

Oh and as for the content of this thread, as far as I can see there is a huge amount of the pot calling the kettle black here. Make sure your own house is clean before you start criticising your neighbours.

PS added: Hmm, may look as if I approve of "balanced cheating" if taken the wrong way. I don't like cheats, any cheats should be removed from any game. Simply because cheating makes a game totally what it is not intended to be. Every Realm on every server has cheats, or those that would like to cheat to give them an unfair advantage. It is a sad fact and we will probably never be able to get rid of them all. At least we (Mythic/GOA) should try.

PPS Before I got a Videologic Kyro II card, I fell through a wall somewhere in RvR (a while back now and I can't remember where/when). Had a real bad effect with so many players there, I could move maybe one frame in quite a few seconds. The movements I was trying to put in were accumulating thogh, and I was ending up by moving all over the place, with no direction control. I had to stand still for quite along time for things to catch up, and before I was able to find out where I really was. I also had the other graphic bug at the same time, and 2 or 3 directions all i could see was panes and triangles of colour. I could not seem to move in the direction of those triangles, which may admittedly have been the lag, and had to very carefully rotate my view on the spot, to find a way of getting out, which took simply ages. I can see how this could happen to others too. Eventually I did get out, and had to relog straight away to clear the graphics up. Thank goodness the Kyro card put an end to that sort of experience for me.


Originally posted by Mirandalia

So, in a keep raid where you are supposed to defend your keep, and you fall victim to a GAME FLAW, you are supposed to what? sit down? go make coffee?

No get the **** out of the wall and try killing us without using a bug!


i think it was quite obvious that quite a few (not all of u guys :) ) of the hibbies were exploiting the bug ... when the albs broke thru (before reinforcements came) i was on the stairs leading to the lord and got nuked a couple of times by a mage hiding in the wall ... he didnt exploit it too well tho /face /stick 3 hits and he died ... it's not nice to cheat ;)

just admit that a couple of your realm mates abused a bug in the game and cheated and stop defending them :) lots of ppl here have themselves walked/jumped out of the wall back onto their own side ... and even if those guys somehow couldnt do that there is /stuck u know? :rolleyes: the server saves your char regularly so you would have loaded back safely in the keep ... i dont see a reason for them to continue to stay in the wall



Cheating is not restricted to one realm.
Falling through the wall is not cheating.
Firing at people once inside the wall is bug abuse and constitutes cheating.
People who cheat should be reported.

It's as simple as that.
I don't care what realm the person is from, if I see someone in my realm cheating I'll report them.
It doesn't matter how much "influence" the cheater has on the final outcome of the battle, it's still cheating.

Now it's a simple question, are you trying to defend cheating or are you against cheating?


Nol if you type /loc you get three numbers X,Y,Z, so if coordinates are logged, height is also there

Niljindil the simple solution is to see if the player fires twice, then you know they shot from inside the wall


Originally posted by Finster
i m not accusing CF of doing general exploitation. but i expect their GM to do as i would do in my guild. get the culprits in a chatgroup and

1. tell them either they re fired or
2. they please never do this again by kick threat.

all i ask here is an honest: 'sorry we will not do it again', but somehow there is a wild west mentality here as GOA has not yet banned ppl for exploiting. please preserve some shreds of honour!

Actually, i had my account terminated for bug abusing (falsely i might add, although not willing to start an argument about that here) and i expect the same to happen to anyone else.

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