
Originally posted by m4rk
How many of the RPs have you made youself? :)

Ohh someone actually asks, ive made 700k+ myself.

And katt, the leet boi comments coming from you is rather rich aint it?


Sorry to ask a relevant question, but what is this about CS's.

Still don't RvR in the big leagues much yet ( BG's too much fun ) so please forgive the noob-style question.

As for the Necro exploit, it was all over the U.S. servers when SI first came out over there, and a lot of relics changed hands before patch 1.60. Some raid success's were put down purely to Necro involvement. It had to find it's way over to the Euro servers eventually. If there is a bug then someone, somewhere will exploit it. I think it is safe to assume that if the mids had the same exploit available to them then there would be individuals from that realm who would abuse it too. Some of the more "honour" orientated Mids may feel agrieved by this, just as some of the "honour" orientated Albs wouldn't use such tactics if they were a necro.

The fact is that there will always be people who will exploit these type of bugs, but to dismiss an entire realm of players as cheats is a bit far fetched. Ask yourself (honestly) if you were on a relic raid and playing as honourably as you could and your realm-mate next to you was exploiting a bug (feature) to aid your assault. Would you log out in disgust and report him to GOA, or would you carry on regardless?

In short, gratz to the Albs, relics were getting a bit stale anyways.
Unlucky mids, sorry that there may have been some bug exploitation going on. But life goes on. Patch 1.60 will iron out this bug and i am pretty sure the relics won't stay in Albion for long. :)

P.S. Yes. Mythic have been trying to fix the Chanter Pet LOS bug for ages, but apparently they can't get the code right. The Necro bug presents far more of a game imbalance and works in a totally different way (apparently) and so they have amended it. I don't play a chanter myself because anymore because i think they are a bit too easy... but I never mind grouping with one. :-D

P.P.S. Karlo, 700k+ RP's... wow, you are one patient grey-ganker. ( sorry, couldn't resist :D )


Don't complain about the time of our attack, we started attacking Midgard keeps from 4pm, you have 13 hours to arrange a defense at your relic keep before we stormed it. The flux of albs in Midgard frontier was constant during that 13 hours, so you all knew we were coming.

Onto the necro thingy: your realm mates would do it if you could be a necro i'm sure your realm has taken our relics by using unfair tactics several times.


how many necros were actualy at the relic keep?
your making out that it was necros that made is possible for Albs to take the relics, thats just an excuse for losing the relics imo. you got lazy with realm defence its as simple as that. and alb will do the same again once we get fed up of farming crom CS keeps.
as for necros, everyone says they cheat and should be nerfed, do u even know how many bugs that class suffer from that GIMP them in RvR. and most of these arent fixed in 1.60.
as for the relic raid started when we attack relic keeps thats just bullshit. a relic raid starts when the first Alb/mid/hib ports into whatever realm is gettig attacked.


It is true that you albs would in all probability have taken the relics even without your cheating necros, since you had far superior numbers. Thats not the point tho and i can even say grats on taking the relics - what i and many with me feel wronged about is the necros - we didnt get a fair fight (no matter that we would have lost it anyway). It wasnt as fun as it could have been, rather it left a bitter aftertaste.

And yes, obviously we didnt start up our defences in time - shame un us. I know i didnt react in time myself.

Hope 1.60 is here soon tho... And see you around 6am someday soon after that hehe ;)


Originally posted by acei

Onto the necro thingy: your realm mates would do it if you could be a necro i'm sure your realm has taken our relics by using unfair tactics several times.

I'm an albion playing on prydwen and I still think necro LOS abuse sucks. All bug abuse suck, no matter what realm does it. What does which realm you play on matter anyway? Its just the result of a semi random choice made in the basis on which realm-setting you thought seemed most fun to play.

Why do people continue to make excuses for bug-abusing? "You would have done it too if you had the chance!", "Some other classes have bug they abuse too!". Stupid, stupid... Just because some people rob banks does it make it OK for everyone to do so? Its highly anti-social behavour to use faults in the game against other players and ruin their fun.



you say that necros dont do that much of a diffrence? when we had a cs in renaris and albs attacked necros killed 4-5 fg mids in the middle of the keep... and we cant do shit..
enough said


Originally posted by illu

And what kind of time is 5am UK time to pull a relic raid - ??
Not very sportsmanlike at all.

Oli - ILLU

primetime in australia, what, why you all lookin at me like it? :p

Not that I agree with raids of this time ;)


Originally posted by darksbane1
as for necros, everyone says they cheat and should be nerfed, do u even know how many bugs that class suffer from that GIMP them in RvR. and most of these arent fixed in 1.60.

What gimps are those? And do they give the player the right to balance it up by abusing a bug so blatently?

BD's have a class specific RA that is bugged, buffs that are bugged so they don't ae and it takes an absolutely age to get ready to leave after creation/buffing. No excuse to cheat.


Bah Im on night shift, what relics we get or get back?


Albs took the 3 str relics off of the mids.

And at the thread starter...calm down a bit, it's only a game. ;)


well I think its ok to take the relics any time.. its a war u dont stop at nights and its not the ppl playing the necrofils.. ops necros falt that Goa have made them über.. why not using the so called buggs.. maybe USA shall use donkeys instead of tanks and in Irak to make it more of a sport ;-)

The only negativ thing I can say about the albs is that I remember when we took the relics at 9 and it got flamed here on BW


Killing time would be boring if no one flamed on bw tbh.


Albions answer to Bugg abuse

ah ha









And u mids.... P.W.N.E.D




Eragrims journal | Memories of a hunter | note from the "battle of strentgh"

As we stood inside the keep protected by the massive walls of stone we started to drop dead, one by one we fell. We did not know or understand if this was a sign of Hel or if our gods had abandoned us...

As we took contact with the albions we soon understood that they werent able to communicate and discuss. All they said was comments like the ones stated above.

I asked myself: Is that the one and only way to defend yourself in a situation like this if you posses only stupidity?

And I soon realized that I couldnt be more correct.


Originally posted by Gorbash
constructive post coming up :

mids effort:
i was kinda dissapointed actually, i was really looking forward to another epic battle.

all in all, i enjoyed the evening, me and meh buddy snakester had many a good fight (win or loose) with the middie sb population (special loving goes to Panicstrikes for the effort :D)

and im looking forward to the middies attempt at getting them back.

this is what the game is all about folks, enjoy it! :D

Well what do expect if you raid at 5 am. Most normal people are asleep, or just waking up to go to work. You know WORK ! where you go and do a job and get paid for it. Or are you one of the spotty Student factions that seem to play in Albion ? That live off others like a leech. You want epic battles then raid us at peek time you oxygen thief.


for all mids who think albs will do a 'little more dmg' with the relics
ask Miniwhack what i did to her while being 376/195encumberd in front of an enemie keep
will upload screenie later
PS.she won because i had to give up
cba to wait another hour for ur patrol to kill me


Albs will never succeed in a primetime relic raid, face it, they s00k :p


Gratz Albion, nice job :)

To the mids thats whine about early morning raids... plz stop you are making a fool out of your self, this is a 24/7 game, and we have done morning raids allso...

anyway gratz again, cant wait for the fights to get them back :)


Originally posted by mastade
Albs will never succeed in a primetime relic raid, face it, they s00k :p

The raid started in primetime fool, took us 12 hours to get all the required keeps, by that time it was 5am. Maybe us Albs should have thought hold it lets wait till 12pm, then take the Relic just to keep the Mids happy. . PRICK!



Ok - I've calmed down now :)

I think that everything that had to be said has been said. For people that haven't fought against necros, you don't seem to realise that you can stand anywhere in a keep and you WILL be killed. You can hide in any corner, any level, behind a wall, in areas where ppl can't see you, but you get hit constantly, till you die.

I really don't mind dying - I've died thousands of times from being nuked, being hacked down by skillful warriors and assassins, and it always feels "fair". It's just that the other night, we wanted to put up a good fight in the relic keep, and obviously keep the relics, and yes the alb assassins were doing a great job giving us grief, but our SB's were also fighting back well.....(lorek, xara et al)

I do believe we would have lost the relics anyway, but I just feel we would have lasted definitely longer, if we weren't being hit for 100+ every 2-3 secs. It's basically like an incredible DoT that is incurable that interrupts spell casting, so for my healer - you are rendered useless. So it just felt "unfair".

And the 5am thing doesn't bother me that much now thinking about it, yes it's a 24/7 game - so there we are.

Anyway, back to playing, and you can't blame me for my little moan, it's the first one I've had in a year :)

See you on the Battlefield

Oli - ILLU

illu - lvl 50 healer excal
illusb - lvl 50 sb excal


Albs gratz?

Originally posted by arrakeen
Gratz Albion, nice job :)

To the mids thats whine about early morning raids... plz stop you are making a fool out of your self, this is a 24/7 game, and we have done morning raids allso...

anyway gratz again, cant wait for the fights to get them back :)

When the raid succed becouse of bug abuse i cant say gratz to the albs. I saw alot of MIDs die from this and i fecking hate this gratz shit to the albs.

I will gratz the albs when they make a relic raid without "mofo" abuse using necros.

PS. Pretty fun to read albs posts when they cant be true to them self, when they know that alot of necros did abuse this bugg.


Originally posted by Olgark
Well what do expect if you raid at 5 am. Most normal people are asleep, or just waking up to go to work. You know WORK ! where you go and do a job and get paid for it. Or are you one of the spotty Student factions that seem to play in Albion ? That live off others like a leech. You want epic battles then raid us at peek time you oxygen thief.

If you read this topic carefully you will notice the raid started at about 7pm, tough shit if you twats couldnt defend your own keeps.

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