
If you think all the neckro's was cheating i am so sorry.
As for all the albs are cheatings bug abusing bla bla bla
dont be so fecking stupid.
as for time of RR, game is 24/7
so we can have a RR any time,
lets think back to mid tactic of getting relics in the first place,
oh yes was when si came out and everyone was trying to get it registered, and when they did they was loking at the new lands,
This is not aimed at all mids as i know most are not like the whinging fecking retards moaning on this thread.
Congratz to all albs that was involved in the RR well done.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I think some people need to take a leaf out of Archeon's book. Its not the end of the world for you Middies. As for Albs abusing the LoS issues, well DUH! Can you honestly say that if the tables were reveresed you would not be doing the same? Mythic say it isn't a bug and Chanters have been using a similar (but NOT the same) type of tactic for ages. It gets fixed at the end of the month so please, for the love of all that is holy, SHUT UP ALREADY!!


Well.. I havnt read all this through, so I might say something that's already been said.

And I won't say a word about necros (hmm.. I just did)

I've seen in multiple posts that we shouldnt complain about the 5am raid cause the RR started 12h earlier and that we didnt put up a big defence.

Do you want to know why we didn't put up a big defence?

We're quite tired (at least I am, and I'm only lvl 45 and dont RvR that much, so I figure there are thoose who were more tired than me) of your CS farming sessions. So when you came this time many people, Including me thought;
"Bah.. another CS farming session, I wont be arsed getting out there getting killed once again."

Of course we knew you could take the relics if we didnt defend, but I actually hoped you would take em. Cause if you take em, we could:

1. Start RR'ing again, which is one of the most fun things in the game.
2. Make you understand how getting CS farmed feels
3. ...ehm... going on tourist trips to albland... :)

So...thanks for getting the relics, and make love with them as much as possible be for we get them back (just had to say that :))

/Haruh Smells


Originally posted by Trinilim
funny how you blame us for cheating, yet you yourself have the bugged pet, allowing you to have 3 uninterruptable healers and 4 second insta life tap.

And stop calling it bug abusing, it's not, mythic openly stated IT IS NOT A BUG, it is WORKING AS INTENDED.


Yeah Bonedancers are bugged. Good argument.

I think Necros probably are working as intended... in some cases.

It depends on interpretation of the statement I guess, as the shade should probably have initial LOS to target even if the pet doesn't have LOS when he attacks.
However, neither having LOS and using F8 to target a player through a wall or floor is not overpowered, it really should be a bug.

Using the fact that Hibs have a bugged pet against Mids as an argument is just ridiculous. We obviously don't use them do we?

We had dozens of Mids inside the relic tower that had no way of defending themselves because we were dead before the door was breached.

So you tell me, really. Is that working as intended?

If so, Mythic love Albion and (Hib if Chanters can do the same) there is no point playing the game.

I really don't think in this case it is WORKING AS INTENDED, however theres only Mythic can really answer it or not, so there's not much point in arguing about it.

Grats to Albion, Relics are meant to change to hands, it does indeed make the game more interesting, especially as we now have cause to be more offensive.


We exploit bugs. That's not fair. But, tbh, fu. You'd do it if you could :-o

And about the 5am thing, well, tbh, fu. Did hitler wait til "peak time" before he started dropping bombs?


LOL this post is sooo funny... When albs moaned about hib pets being too uber at keeps mythic didn't do shit. Now that albs got a similar class mythic finds it not fair in some way and decide they (finally) put in some LoS thingie.

And alllll those mids and hibs know LoS fix is coming but they still keep on moaning... Guys if yah really have screens or whatever about someone cheating then send em in instead of moaning like little kids on a forum.

And some general info albs have been almost entire day in Midgard. Just admit it you gave up and albs kept fighting... (as expected at some point).

Ow and one line some mids found funny to put down every time:

Albs 3 relic
Hibs 2 relic
Mids 1 relic

And pride and honour? LOL when was it ever pride and honour? When did anyone care about defeating an enemy with more nrs? Just look at topic, stealing (yeah right we took what was ours back and a little more), sad sad losers (jup sure we are truelly sorry you can't PL your alts that good anymore, or jeesh you really miss 20% damage...) to name some things...

And best thing is I wasn't there lol :) (they most of the times succeed when I'm not around ;))


Originally posted by Hatjitjai
oh - let me guess - a mid whining? what a shock

lol and what did the albs do after mids last rr f00l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


ah ha











5AM reminds meh last raid to excal, many were defended there, but even most brave defenders gotta sleep some :p then dont get mad about an alb RR which is more or less at the same time, you guyz started this, then we put some force in it :D

/cheer Albion :)


Originally posted by Eggy
We exploit bugs. That's not fair. But, tbh, fu. You'd do it if you could :-o

And about the 5am thing, well, tbh, fu. Did hitler wait til "peak time" before he started dropping bombs?

Well isnt that an interesting argument? hitler dropping bombs ... are you defending yourself with that?Or just bragging about your similitudes to that pesky little moustache man?
Seriously what you got in that head of yours to give an argument like that? a pea?

Anyways i would like to range myself to the thankfull side of mids and /bow to an entertaining rvr night .Relics are there so we take em and so we do.

Reminds me of Fremen during the Emperor of Dune , they had lost they traditions and knew little bout their real culture anymore water had become abundant and Fremen less srtong.Now mids will become as we were in the past :Offensive.

So thx to all who participated to the RR on alb side for making the game more interesting from now on :D See you on the battle field and LONG LIVE THE FIGHTERS !!!


Originally posted by Trinilim
And stop calling it bug abusing, it's not, mythic openly stated IT IS NOT A BUG, it is WORKING AS INTENDED.


- Necromancers now must be visible to their controlled creatures to perform "pet cast" spells. This fixes the exploit where Necromancers could park their pets in keep towers and wander around outside, and have their pets cast at the Necromancer's target.

you stupid ?


constructive post coming up :

numbers :
true, alb did have more numbers at the end of the raid, but thats not to say we didnt start out with more.

do you honestly believe that necros won us the relics? i play an inf and the amount of alb stealther action alone was damn impressive. granted that necros helped, but so did everyone else.

mids effort:
i was kinda dissapointed actually, i was really looking forward to another epic battle.

all in all, i enjoyed the evening, me and meh buddy snakester had many a good fight (win or loose) with the middie sb population (special loving goes to Panicstrikes for the effort :D)

and im looking forward to the middies attempt at getting them back.

this is what the game is all about folks, enjoy it! :D


Originally posted by Obscurd
5AM reminds meh last raid to excal, many were defended there, but even most brave defenders gotta sleep some :p then dont get mad about an alb RR which is more or less at the same time, you guyz started this, then we put some force in it :D

/cheer Albion :)

alb rr 5am
mid rr 9am


Originally posted by Khalen
LOL this post is sooo funny... When albs moaned about hib pets being too uber at keeps mythic didn't do shit. Now that albs got a similar class mythic finds it not fair in some way and decide they (finally) put in some LoS thingie.

And alllll those mids and hibs know LoS fix is coming but they still keep on moaning... Guys if yah really have screens or whatever about someone cheating then send em in instead of moaning like little kids on a forum.

Khalen, it is even worse actually. Mythic only fixed the LoS issue on Necro's. They claim that the coding on Enchanters is totally different, and cannot be changed. Enchanter pets will still not need LoS to cast unlike Necro pets with next patch.

Mids, you just got a bit owned.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Azeroth

- Necromancers now must be visible to their controlled creatures to perform "pet cast" spells. This fixes the exploit where Necromancers could park their pets in keep towers and wander around outside, and have their pets cast at the Necromancer's target.

you stupid ?

I think you just missed some irony.


Originally posted by optical-
alb rr 5am
mid rr 9am

check statistics if u like, 5am theres more people than 9am, btw which mean alb relic attemp is more "even" than last middie relic zerg, and thanks for supporting my point you smarty pants.



Look at all the "Intelligent" Midgardians posting their comments.

:great: You look really smart.

Face it Albion aren't the oddball realm with no hopes for RvR that it once was...
Hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of this type of action from now on.


Originally posted by Moodyard^_^
Ebay boi stfu o_O

1. I traded with yog for my old 50 bm, wheres his whine?
2. Stop jumping on the same humour band wagon, the only brightness I see from you shines outta your arse.


Originally posted by oldgit
If you think all the neckro's was cheating i am so sorry.
As for all the albs are cheatings bug abusing bla bla bla
dont be so fecking stupid.

So you weren't sorry?


Originally posted by Karlo
1. I traded with yog for my old 50 bm, wheres his whine?
2. Stop jumping on the same humour band wagon, the only brightness I see from you shines outta your arse.

if yog wasnt banned, and was posting dumbass leet-boi comments he would get flamed as well.


Bug-abusing is just wrong and sad. And that albion exploited the bug so shamelessly in such a big event involving hundreds of players is just pathetic. I'm sad to hear that my Excal realm-brethren has sunk so low. And even sadder to see the poor mids who cries out against this anti-social behaveour is met by idiotic replys like:" Whine more n00b! Someone got pwned!" is even sadder. Someone got beat up a lot in kindergarten....... Don't you realise when you use bugs this way in such big events you ruin the game for _hundreds_ of other players (a whole other realm worth).

The logic that "others abuse LOS bugs so why shouldn't I" just doesn't cut it. Two wrongs NEVER make a right. And its that kind of attitude that ruins the game for A LOT of players trying to play the game as intended or just playing with a non-bugged class.


Mids, we raped and killed our way thru your frontier for 10+ hours, and most of the work was NOT due to the FEW necros i saw all night, maybe we just had more GTAOE than normal, or maybe you just got outclassed :)

Bring it on mids, let me farm your arses some more.

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