Change Lurikeen's name back please!



Originally posted by old.Flamin

I'm going to report your name, because i guess: Tzikas = Sickass. That offends me. :rolleyes:

If it does, feel free to go ahead and report it. I got about 20 other names that I have used in various RPGs through the times that I could easily adapt on my char. Oh, and since my name isn't exactly in violation of the CoC, I guess you're screwed anyways :eek:


Originally posted by Glyph_mid

Its really nice you relate this to our guild, blame Canada while your at it, everyone seems to do that.
As it looks, its only VERY few people

yes blame Canada its their fault
give him his name back, it hurts no1


I cannot believe that gets changed before all the other more offensive and crude names out there :(


Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega
- No names of towns, regions or characters in the game. However, guild names may, if necessary, make reference to such places or characters.
- All these bans also apply to combinations, homonyms and alternative spellings of such names as are refused by the present charter.

It´s real long shot then. Lurikeen is a race, not a character in game. Guess it´s also against CoC to name my character "Jarl Stinko" or even "MileGate". Even tho it´s kinda lame, it´s not against CoC.

Either way I wonder why GOA even bother to do something about this. Patching should be prio. 1


Hmm this is kinda lame ..
And why report him after what 11 month ??
If u had something against the name why didn't you guys that report him reported him month ago..
And why is it most Sc that complain???, personal or what??
I dont know this guy at all dont think i ever have talked with him so i dont say this bcoz he is a mate or so...

Well logging on and hmm what to do rvr no w8 think i will do a /who xx try 2 find name that i dont like and can report to Goa and make em change em..

Can only say one thing lame..

Sorry to see that u have to change ur name "LURIKEEN"..
Even if i dont know you :)..


tips 1:

read CoC and eula

tips 2:

check your mail?


And btw . Lurikean take that as a name dont know any stuff in this game with that name :)..


reason i reported lurikeen and not all the other offencive named players is that lurikeen is a very active player, and it pisses me off each time i find our group dead because the healer ae mezzed lurikeen instead of the enemy. the other ppl with offencive names are prolly mostly low lvls that i don't bumb into and therefore i have no direct problem with that. lurikeen however is worsening the RvR experience, and he should have had the brains to change it after beeing prompted several times.


About SC being with goa on this one there just might be a very logical reason to this:

We try to teach our members to respect the CoC, hence we don't let ppl into our guild with a name we don't think can pass the CoC.
If you think we are wrong to teach our members to to respect the CoC, then you are free to flame us.

I found myself force to ask for a name change when I found out that there was more then one way to read Makhunt.


Yeah Bloody must be very hard for the healer 2 see the diff between a lurikeen and a dwarf ..
And when he cast the mess it says . You cant do this on a member of your realm, or something like that not after the cast time it comes insta when he push his quickbar target a new and cast again.... If you dont see the diff between a dwarf and a lurikeen well what can i say...


Originally posted by Makwaerk

We try to teach our members to respect the CoC, hence we don't let ppl into our guild with a name we don't think can pass the CoC.

Tzikas hmm i wounder what that mean..
No offence Tzikas have nothing against you :), i just found it pretty lame to report names bcoz you have problem with it..


Now where should you draw the line on name policies? It's pretty obvious that purely offensive names shouldn't be allowed. Should names be allowed that might lessen your combat efficiency, even if for but a second (there are at least a few people testifying that it does)? In my opinion no, and this is the line that Mythic/Goa seems to go on. Is it hard for you to accept that, although you have accepted to the CoC? Then quit this game and go play CS or Quake, you can name yourself whatever you like there. Lurikeen has already accepted this so why can't you others?

Let me just state that I've got nothing at all against Lurikeen as a person (and I never reported him), he knows this himself. I'm pretty sure that I was the first that warned him that trouble might arise from his name, but he himself chose to gamble and keep leveling with the same name.


IMO and my experience they won't change names when they really should. I don't like the idea of them changing names to suit themselves.

If we need a name change and we are talking about level 50 players then all the circumstances should be taken into consideration IMO.

name changes that suit them only isn't good enough for me.


Originally posted by Rudor
Yeah Bloody must be very hard for the healer 2 see the diff between a lurikeen and a dwarf ..
And when he cast the mess it says . You cant do this on a member of your realm, or something like that not after the cast time it comes insta when he push his quickbar target a new and cast again.... If you dont see the diff between a dwarf and a lurikeen well what can i say...

not in 8v8 situations but in zerg situations were you target someone in the the huge group of ppl all massed together

dorf females and luris are not that much different, well luri casters but a luri champ with a shield is not that much different, anyways you click into the fray and hit a random target, in those situations your delve window is overloaded with info such as bla bla casts a spell etc. and you'd be a gimp to have that window cover everything as it's not that important, and in lag situations like that with your hole system lagging you'll loose around 3-6 seconds doing that, which is plenty enough of seconds, and it's frustrating as hell. well ofc this doesn't happen like everytime, only a few encounters were it's actually an issue, but better that there be no issues than few issues. Can't really see why you are against that, especially with a name that's so obviusly specifically created to cause confusion, it's a prank yes. but as this is a Realm vs Realm game you shouldn't try to gimp your realm. also NO dwarf with respect for himself would name their children lurikeen anyway


Originally posted by bloody

i repeadiatly told lurikeen at lower levels that he should change his name, i left groups he joined, didn't invite him, and he didn't get resses.
he didn't got resses because you didn't liked his name?
i mean if you want to ignore someone because you don't like his name that's your problem but don't ress someone because you don't like his name is low.i mean you report lurikeen for the sake of the realm but you don't ress ppl if you don't like their name?nice to see that we have ppl helping their realmmates.
and if you got killed because someone tried to AoE mezz lurikeen or something like that group with people who know how to play the game.i mean evzen in big zergs with giant lag you have to be pretty stupid to make a mistake like that.and i think we have 2 such fights a month or something so don't really get your point.
allways tought you were a descent guy bloody but now..
ah well,i don't see you very often anyway because you are most of the time zerging emain like the other mids who care for their realm.:rolleyes:
p.s.:i do aggree that the name lurikeen is against the CoC and that he had it comming although it's way to late imo.i just wanted to reply because i had a problem with what bloody wrote


Originally posted by kalgarn

he didn't got resses because you didn't liked his name?
i mean if you want to ignore someone because you don't like his name that's your problem but don't ress someone because you don't like his name is low.i mean you report lurikeen for the sake of the realm but you don't ress ppl if you don't like their name?nice to see that we have ppl helping their realmmates.
and if you got killed because someone tried to AoE mezz lurikeen or something like that group with people who know how to play the game.i mean evzen in big zergs with giant lag you have to be pretty stupid to make a mistake like that.and i think we have 2 such fights a month or something so don't really get your point.
allways tought you were a descent guy bloody but now..
ah well,i don't see you very often anyway because you are most of the time zerging emain like the other mids who care for their realm.:rolleyes:
p.s.:i do aggree that the name lurikeen is against the CoC and that he had it comming although it's way to late imo.i just wanted to reply because i had a problem with what bloody wrote

oki thx for liking me :p

well first of all i am not a healer and not the person who refussed to ress him, i'd prolly have done it, i more threatened with group stuff than really doing it cause i wanted him 2 change his name

the times i've heard complaints from friendly healers have usually been in relic situations not emain zergs.

you don't see me ingame because i'm hella busy with my end of term project. i'm not an emain mid, when i got to hib i usually run around in FG's in briefine/Gorge go grab ailinne or something.
else i'm usually the odins guy, i've just not been ingame enough to RvR the last 2 months, so that's why you not see me there.

just wanted to make it clear that i'm not a Zerg mid. I AM NOT

also those targeting problems, is mostly stuff i'm relaying from other anon peeps. i don't mind getting my ass flamed to hell, so i come forth. as i play a melee char it's really not a big problem for me. but it's still silly to have someone named that when they could have any other name, had he been called lurikeeen or something i wouldn't have whined about it either as it's not the same thing as were you look is your lower right status bar.

and about caring for the realm, i'm always in the keep retakes, i'm always carying a ram etc. so noo i do care more than the horde of zergblades. you ust havn't seen me cause i'm not online


Originally posted by Rudor

Tzikas hmm i wounder what that mean..
No offence Tzikas have nothing against you :), i just found it pretty lame to report names bcoz you have problem with it..

My guess is you have absolutely -NO- idea what Tzikas means, wether or not it is a RL name, or anything about it, so why don't you do a little research before you jump to conclusions? :)

Example A
Example B
Example C

Now, that are just three random links about various persons and/or places whom has the name Tzikas iRL. What am I trying to prove? Nothing really, except the possibility that
a) My name could mean something in Greek?
b) My name could be my RL first- / lastname?
c) My name could be the name of my favourite hotel?
d) My name could just be a combination of random letters?

So, next time, do a little research before you jump to conclusions, and I won't have to spend about 2 mins on BW "defending" my choice of a nickname.

Oh, and in regards to the "lame to report because we have a problem with it" ... here's a newsflash for you, the name in question was illegal :eek:


Well i guess im wrong about that then sorry for that ..
But for me Tzikas sure look like sickas..

but i find it very lame 2 report him anyway ..
and the reason bloody keep spin on is just lol..

Plz can all norse stealther stop use hooded cloak it take my time to target u and somethimes run after u b4 i target you as u look like infis or scout.. kk thx i bye


Originally posted by Rudor
but i find it very lame 2 report him anyway ..
and the reason bloody keep spin on is just lol..

i do realize that it not a situation that happens often. and you as a zerker rudor would never really run into it. you gotta agree though that someone rolling a name like lurikeen invader was fully aware that all enemy luris had that over their head in patch 1.35 and 1.38 so he's done it intentionally, for fun maybe, but it's still llame. changing it this late sucks, we can all agree to that. but really it should NEVER have been there


I also play a lvl 50 rm sometimes, but i have never target old lurikeen and try 2 start to nuke him... And even if it would have happen its like smile, kk new target and start 2 nuke again. Cant find any reason to report a name of a situation that happen 1 time in hmm lets say 1 month.

But done is done he wont get his name back ..

But think of this u role a char up as bloody think of a person that have a deadly virus in his blood and all the time he see u that remind him of his illnes, u think he will report u for that?? no he have to live with it..

Im done on this thread now.. done is done we cant change it but i still find it lame 2 report him for a reason you just gave us bloddy..

Thx bye...


Originally posted by Rudor
want = wont

why not just edit your old post instead of correcting spelling after on other posts? Blatant post count whoring there, fortunately I don't do such things.


fair enough rudor

i find it llame that someone deliberatly makes a name to fuck with his own realm. and after prompting him to change his name(in a friendly tone, several times) and getting nothing but llame answers and insults(this was back at low lvls, were his name wasn't really attached to him yet) have given me a grudge against someone beeing such an ass, and therefore it pleases me to see him suffer.
after he's treated me like an ass. it's Revenge and although revenge might be silly there's nothing like revenge.

names that just randomly seems disturb someone is one thing
but deliberetly choosing a name to work against the realm(although minor) is a no go for me, and yes he knew it was against the realm as me and others have msg'ed him early on about it and he also clicked yes to the eula and coc, so no mercy here.

call me an evul fuck if you like.
I justify it by getting back at someone that's nagged me a lot.


never tho of that :)..
bha now this is my last post ^^..


So it was personal after all..
Respect 0 for you bloody...


Yah, I guess it was person from all the what, 20 or so people?, who agreed with Bloody and expressed their own concerns about having "Lurikeen" as a name when it was discussed on irc. Ofc, those people are prolly hiding in their corners, too afraid to come out and speak their opinions on this forum in fear of all you n0rty flamers out there :m00:


Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr

Yes, it was all roleplayers and not an individual that reported him.


Regarding the name...
He should have seen it coming.
I agree it is bad handling changing it after this long, they should have changed it right away or not at all, but he should have seen it coming.
You log onto Camlann with your level 10 char, expect to be ganked by purps and don't whine when it happens.
Name your char against the wording in the CoC, expect it to be changed and don't whine when it happens.

Right on! I can't see how anyone can whine about this when it's so obvious that his name would get changed sooner or later.


Give him his name back....

First time I saw him was in DF and i panicked for a few seconds before I realised that the dwarf was 'one of ours'....

Give it him back just so that more people make fools out of themselves like me :D

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