Change Lurikeen's name back please!



Dont goa have anything better to do. Like translating the patch?

There are so many names out there that are so much worse. And to thoose that dont see the difference between a lurikeen and a dwarf, go check your eyes.


lol this is lame, he's had the name for AGES and now they change it? thats really lame, change it back. kthxbye.


Lurikeen is a very nice gal, a funny person and a very nice player...but his choosing of names isnt very good, i have never seen anyone being banned or get the name changed by using the generate name thing, and if you cant figure out a name which isnt out of the CoC then i guess you should use that generator.
But changing the name as late as this is kinda lame though, Lurikeen is quite an old char (slow lvl'ing ;) )

But i really hated targetting him amongst the fighting mid/hib crowd, /facing and nuking...then after several minutes after going closer because im thinking im to far away, i finally figure out its Lurikeen...the warrior.

If they had changed the name before Lurikeen became that old or made a name out of her self, it would have been alright.

Wasnt me who mailed goa though, havent been THAT annoying yet


So lame.

Gifv our Lurikeen back! And really, lvl 50 players still trying to target him in grp vs grp situations? One word - incompetence.

Many skalds have run to me trying to kill me when i pop with me bow somewhere. Lets change my name to Not Dangerous. ;)



Change the players name early fine, but not when there L50 - Jesus have some respect !!!

Got my vote.


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
But i really hated targetting him amongst the fighting mid/hib crowd, /facing and nuking...then after several minutes after going closer because im thinking im to far away, i finally figure out its Lurikeen...the warrior.

aye it's exactly this beeing the prob. all casters selecting a player in a mob of ppl fighting with this lag engine are not quite sure if they target a friend or foe, after clicking some times and getting stuff like azal, blejsarus, roo in the lower right corner you suddenly target a lurikeen and you start ae mezzing him, but the ae mezz isn't getting casted as it's a damn friend, you loose several valuable seconds dooing that.

i repeadiatly told lurikeen at lower levels that he should change his name, i left groups he joined, didn't invite him, and he didn't get resses. i try to avoid him in RvR as well as i'm really against it cause he's doing mid more harm than good. he's a nice chap i know that but he should have changed his name ages ago.

and btw i wasn't the first who reported him, i reported him after some other ppl did and it didn't get changed. really it's a bad move of GoA not spotting this the first instant so ppl wouldn't become 2 accustumed to his name, but glad that they finally have done

if you search for any lurikeen on all the US servers you wont find any, so seems mythic is doing the same thing, sorry lurikeen you had it comming, and you should have known that this would happen sooner or later, i don't know why you didn't just apply for a name change via rightnow right away. But don't expect to get it back, this is a good day for midgaard, were an insta mezz might actually land as you don't target a realm mate. hurray /cheer


very lame of them.

Start a petition to get the name back.


Well GOA don't go trawling through the character database to weed out names, they rely on us, the playing community, to report those which we find offensive or inappropriate. What seems like harmless fun to your or me, may well cause someone else to complain, and GOA have a responsibility to act when things are reported to them and they do so. This is why someone can get to level 50 and then have their name changed after all that time.

Shame for Lurikeen, but then everyone has the opportunity to choose a name in the first place which doesn't contravene the CoC. Don't grumble if you fail to do this and it gets changed at a later stage.

Oh - and while we're on the subject of names, you wise asses out there running around with strange characters in your second names, please change them to regular characters because these odd ones really screw with the chronicles reports.


carrot head

well I never had a problem with lurikeen cos its fairly obviouse that he isnt


I do have a big problem with all the dicks who cll them selves

saraen saraceen etc etc

and i have reported every one of them and will continue 2 do so

j000 d000d

Silly name and silly to name yourself like that......

I couldn't care less.


It seems ...

As of yesterday morning, per there were 41 characters named after Races, most named after there own realm race which I can not see causing a problem.

If GOA have decided that naming a character after a race from another realm is wrong, they should change all not just target one person (and they should have decided some months ago).


Originally posted by old.Teador
Silly name and silly to name yourself like that......

I couldn't care less.

Maybe so, but if it takes them almost a year to discover the "name abuse" then maybe they should look over their routine instead of fucking up someone who's been playing since the start and made a name for himself ... oh no I had a traumatic experience with hot tea a few years ago and seeing Teador makes me remember that and gets me extremely upset and feeling bad so now I have to report him to GOA for a silly name ... :puke:


Originally posted by Stinko

The Rules of Conduct says nothing about naming a character after a class or race in the game.

Uhm, they do... Here's what it says:
Names of characters and guilds

Although character names chosen to fit in with the age and kingdom in which they are to develop are welcome, players are free to give their characters whatever names and nicknames they wish, as long as they respect the following rules. Please note that these rules also apply to guild names.

- No names of towns, regions or characters in the game. However, guild names may, if necessary, make reference to such places or characters.
- All these bans also apply to combinations, homonyms and alternative spellings of such names as are refused by the present charter.

Nevertheless, imo it was a silly move of making someone change his name after so much time. NERF GOA!


Anyone notice its only Savage Conclave who are whining about this?


Originally posted by Kedela
Anyone notice its only Savage Conclave who are whining about this?

Bet they're the ones who reported him to GOA ...


Like guild vaults we can now have a communal guild RightNow login? Cool!


old.Ozird Rinfut

Originally posted by Kedela
Anyone notice its only Savage Conclave who are whining about this?

Thers people in this thread thats not SC who reported him to, please do yer research a lill better before naming and shaming :)


Originally posted by carrot head
well I never had a problem with lurikeen cos its fairly obviouse that he isnt


I do have a big problem with all the dicks who cll them selves

saraen saraceen etc etc

and i have reported every one of them and will continue 2 do so

Whats the difference?


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
But i really hated targetting him amongst the fighting mid/hib crowd, /facing and nuking...then after several minutes after going closer because im thinking im to far away, i finally figure out its Lurikeen...the warrior.

Yeah must be really easy to miss the delve text when you click on him ...


its a shame yea but lucky your not playing uo :) i met someone called 'Odin Childkiller' once it was like the first day he got the game.. like 3 weeks later i saw him again and hed got lots better had quite alot of cash/fame equip whatever then 2 days later saw someone who said he was odin and osi had deleted his character so he lost everything he'd accomplished yea it was a stupid name but still.. bit harsh and it's goas decision really a shame and itd be nice if they change lury's name back but probably have to just deal with it :(


Originally posted by bloody

i try to avoid him in RvR as well as i'm really against it cause he's doing mid more harm than good.

and btw i wasn't the first who reported him, i reported him after some other ppl did and it didn't get changed. really it's a bad move of GoA not spotting this the first instant so ppl wouldn't become 2 accustumed to his name, but glad that they finally have done

Good, now I know whom to avoid in the future as well ... got one word for the likes of you blood, starts with a b and ends with iatch ...


Can just say it was sucky by you bloody to report him, i have always liked you, but now i think you suck big time.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Lanfaer

Maybe so, but if it takes them almost a year to discover the "name abuse" then maybe they should look over their routine instead of fucking up someone who's been playing since the start and made a name for himself ... oh no I had a traumatic experience with hot tea a few years ago and seeing Teador makes me remember that and gets me extremely upset and feeling bad so now I have to report him to GOA for a silly name ... :puke:

It's his own fault tbh. Shouldn't have chosen a name like that. It's stupid anyway. Just as stupid as names like "Warrior" or "Zerker" or "Luribomb". Why can't people just choose a more normal name? :puke:



/em slaps teador

another sad story about someone being zerged by namepolice.
as a former victim you have my deepest sympaty

the CoC bla bla is there but being namechanged at level 50 is very very hard.

i can tell you that after a month or 2 the pain will be a bit less.

you can however apply for a different name at goa and they are willing to change it too


Glad goa are cleaning out some names ... sorry they didnt start with something offensive insted of just off topic or stupid.


Originally posted by bloody
nothing against lurikeen invader, but i've told him since day one 2 change his name, now they finally did it, great stuff the days of targeting and not beeing able 2 attack are over. or clicking a luri and letting him slip as you think it's lurikeen invader. great stuff for RvR YAY gogo GOA

Originally posted by Glyph
But i really hated targetting him amongst the fighting mid/hib crowd, /facing and nuking...then after several minutes after going closer because im thinking im to far away, i finally figure out its Lurikeen...the warrior.

You gotta be kidding. I can't honestly imagine that someone can be this blind to make this mistake??? First of all, since Lurikeen is a realm mate she can't be targeted by using the F8 button. So I assume you target people manually with your cursor. Well, everyone knows that when you target someone like this, you automatically get the concideration message on screen. Apart from that, since you target manually, ever noticed that ennemies don't have a guild tag (<xxx>) below their names? And if this still wouldn't be enough: how many actual lurikeens with large shields have you seen lately? I can hardly imagine someone would actually miss all of the things I just quoted and still would try to nuke her???

Sounds kinda childish to report her if you ask me...:rolleyes:


His name was changed because peoepl complained and reported it to GOA, GOA were simply following their own rules of changing names if they get [enough] complaints and deemed it an illegal name, so instead of blaming goa for changing the name, why not look to your own community who reported it in the first place?



Guys, there is no real point in discussing this,
If you have a name or a guild name which is against the CoC, it doesn't matter if we change it 2 hours after the creation, or 1 week, or 6 months. As we always said, we work mainly on reports, if we get reports, and find that the names reported are indeed against the CoC, then we take actions...

If you decide to pick a so-called "cool name", the kind of name that is against the CoC, you decide to try your luck and agree that sooner or later, you'll have it changed.

There is no real "if”,”but" or "not fair". It's just how it is...

While I can understand that having a name change after so long can be quite frustrating, I’m sure that the good old lil’ Lurikeen will not only find a new name (we asked for list of name one month ago) but also contact his friends and keep them posted about it and cause havoc in RvR, without confusing his own realm mates :)

Also, if you want to report names you think are not fitting the CoC, don’t be afraid to do so, no matter what you read on the boards. I can’t assure you that something will be done in the instant for everything you send, but we keep track of all the reports we receive and take actions when needed.

ps: just another reminder about "weird" characters in lastnames. We started it cool with little warning in the news, but it seems that more and more players are using them now, so we'll start taking more "serious" actions about them. If you want to keep your account clean, I'd advise changing your lastname.

signing off...


Hmmmm, what if Mythic decides to make some new npc's with the name Fafnir/Kemor/Derric etc, will our names have to be changed then?????


Well Kemor, ever thought of making a database with all kinds of names/characters that aren't allowed, and adding it to the one that verifies whether the name you want is available upon character creation? Cuz face it, how many people have actually read the CoC before creating a character? I know I didn't...
And since we're being so strict: the CoC says something about names referring to existent characters aren't allowed, didn't see anything about race names?

BTW: please don't encourage people to report silly stuff like this, got enough pH00L$ as it is atm.

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