Castable stun

Do You think Castable stun on dmg classes is ok?

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Tulkos said:
Personally i dont think any caster should have access to stun its not really a problem for my merc but for my sorc its bye bye unless purge is up.

well personally, from my own experience..

if you let someone liek a hib caster get a stun in on you, as a sorc specificly you just suck majorly..

and thats precisely what you do most of the time. you dont use your range advantage at all.. I dont see you beeing able to compete with that purge3&moc3... to many times you deserve to die so bad to stealthers or other ppl you mean,, but ofc sorcs have alot of IWIN buttons :p

come again about stun..:m00:


Loyal Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Stallion said:
well personally, from my own experience..

if you let someone liek a hib caster get a stun in on you, as a sorc specificly you just suck majorly..

and thats precisely what you do most of the time. you dont use your range advantage at all.. I dont see you beeing able to compete with that purge3&moc3... to many times you deserve to die so bad to stealthers or other ppl you mean,, but ofc sorcs have alot of IWIN buttons :p

come again about stun..:m00:

Punkrock any1 ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Stallion said:
if you let someone liek a hib caster get a stun in on you, as a sorc specificly you just suck majorly..

That's like saying "if you let someone cast a spell on you, you suck". This is obviously a completey ridiculous statement to make, especially considering the interrupt and re-casting code built into the game.

I'm sure even you get spell cast on you from time to time...if alb casters had baseline stun, you'd get stunned just the same as anyone else.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
eggy said:
That's like saying "if you let someone cast a spell on you, you suck". This is obviously a completey ridiculous statement to make, especially considering the interrupt and re-casting code built into the game.

I'm sure even you get spell cast on you from time to time...if alb casters had baseline stun, you'd get stunned just the same as anyone else.

except he doesn't have range advantage in any way. btw, i had a spell cast on me before. its called zone of unmana, and unfortunately for you, doesn't expose stealthers. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
except he doesn't have range advantage in any way. btw, i had a spell cast on me before. its called zone of unmana, and unfortunately for you, doesn't expose stealthers. :(

I know, I must get used to my new quickbars!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Ckiller said:
8 out of 10 fights when i get stunned im dead thats just the way it is(this is in fg rvr)
This is becouse of the assist, you would be dead without the stunn aswell..
The stunn only works for stopping you to kite the tank assist. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
My class gets no purge, so Stun = Dead
I have less range and no way out of stun!


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Celestino said:
#1 no pd when clerics were nerfed; hard to keep a ra in mind that is designed years later
#2 even with NF; PD 5 gives 28% melee damage reduction (tho casters get 10% extra from buffs) for 34 realmpoints; chain gives 27% melee damage reduction for 0 realmpoints;
#3 30 of those 34 realmpoints can be spent on BoF, +40% melee damage reduction, or any other RA a cleric has access to
#4 The problem with smite clerics was a 30 sec reuse pb:ae instamezz on a specnuker in chainarmor that if all failed could still use insta or castheals on himself while having at least lowlvl buffs (few bbs around that time)
#5 The cleric nerf was the best thing that could happen to albion as all those uber smiters respecced so they could actually be of use to grps

but I agree, comparing apples and oranges is fun as long the orange you talk about is actually a pear

Would have to agree with you, the Smite Cleric was an aboration in its original form. Much like WL's and Banshee's are now. How long before they get changed? Hope its not too long.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2004
Stallion said:
if you let someone liek a hib caster get a stun in on you, as a sorc specificly you just suck majorly..

so Staj when you are playing your sorc on classic server and you get hib caster stunned (and you will do) "you just suck majorly" too?

or mb trying to take cougars mantle as resident flamebaiter and get your kicks from winding people up with idiotic comments?

or ? -_-;


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
except he doesn't have range advantage in any way. btw, i had a spell cast on me before. its called zone of unmana, and unfortunately for you, doesn't expose stealthers. :(

insta interrupt from 1500 range is not bad though

anyway stun is annoying in some situations but I rate having a 2.5s 179 delve lifetap higher than stun


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Garbannoch said:
insta interrupt from 1500 range is not bad though

anyway stun is annoying in some situations but I rate having a 2.5s 179 delve lifetap higher than stun

insta interrupt firstly wont do shit if I dont have cb charge up :p

and secondly dps debuff has been hotfixed =P


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
NO class in the game should have an ability that REQUIRES you to have a timered active RA to survive it (or else be a light tank specced high det).

Remove the baseline stun, put it into the least useful spec line so that casters have to spec for it - i play a hib caster a bit at the moment and even i recognise if properly used its obscenely powerful.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Stallion said:
insta interrupt firstly wont do shit if I dont have cb charge up :p

and secondly dps debuff has been hotfixed =P

since when :eek7: can swear i got interrupted by a chanter 2 days ago or so
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