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Throd/Gray/Guys don't let this guy wind you up. He's clearly a little kid who posted this thread looking for a fight

Lol and besides, in ALL his threads he's lookin for a fight.. :rolleyes:



Hey meet my friend! Chill the f*** out lol :p


Lol Throd matey, we're playin you guys on Tuesday :D

You better be on your Toes coz im gonna kill y'all :D!!


Originally posted by Da_TOAST

3) Judging by your comments i'd say you are the one who is Thick, FAT, confused and pissed off because North America has power and is money while Europe is much less civilized, more FARMERS, alotta old buildings (probably cant afford to build new ones) AND FUCKING COLD (well mose european countries). I know, ive been to england, ireland and switzerland. Fucking pussy european coutries need to combine forces and form the EURO just to compete with the US and Canadian expansion. Buddy, get a life and figure out what you are talking about and who it is you are talking to before you make an ass of yourself, as you did in this case.

Ahhhh, *his* age and maturity are revealed! North America may believe it has power, but how long will it last once its own mineral wealth has been exhausted? Already President Bush is seeking to exploit the oil resources of Alaska, previously rendered off-limits by international treaties. Rome existed for over 1000 years. England had the most powerful and widespread empire that history had ever seen. North America? Don't make me laugh. You guys will be history in about 30 years, mark my words. What is the American legacy exactly? Let me know if you find out. In the words of a famous american indian (dispossed of his home by your forebearers) :

"Only after the last tree has been cut down.
Only after the last river has been poisoned.
Only after the last fish has been caught.
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."

- Cree Indian Prophecy

Europe much less civilised? How do you define civilised? Democracy was founded in Europe (Greece in case you didn't know), and may I remind you that the two languages you speak, English and French, are European in origin! In fact, differences between US English and UK English only exist because at the time of the American Revolution it was seen as necessary to help define a separate cultural identity, and minor changes were made to the spoken and written languages.

What is your problem with farmers? Don't you like vegetables? Do you believe that people eat computers? Or do you think that food comes from the nearest Pizza Hut? And what's wrong with old buildings? To my mind they offer a glimpse into a sometimes glorious past, and are often a tribute to the ingenuity of people who operated without the aid of computers, cranes, and safety helmets.

I want to continue this argument, and find out just how intelligent you really are, after all, I am thick. I also live in a *COLD* country which retains some of the best engineering skill in the world, was home to many inventions used the world over, and birthplace of some of history's finest minds. I've not been to Canada yet, I am assured it is a lovely country, so I'm not necessarily racist, but I have been right around this world (where have you been so far) and seen a lot of what this world has to offer.

If you think you have the mental capacity to continue this thread, please post a constructive response. I won't hold my breath.


An excellent reply tom if I may say so, eloquently put :)

I might have added the uss constitution but then I'm interested in such things :)


I'm not sure what constitution Canada has, so I didn't put that in. At least our constitution doesn't let us run around with guns. But it does provide us with the underpinnings of the best system of democracy yet devised by any nation, at any time, anywhere.


Lol we played LotR again today, and they put up a fuckin fight (strange..) we won tho 14-6 feckin hard

near the end i had to leave coz i fuckin lagged out :/


They're very young kids you know, I respect them hugely for giving it a go. :)
This game shouldnt just be about who won, but about whether you enjoed the game i reckon :)


Yeah i believe so, what i do is do a Read Up on the Clan (Check their Webpage and stuff) to see how old they are (Obviously the older you are the more knowegable you are on Tactics and stuff) and their Youngest is 9 i believe.

They are from Norwich i think, and they just changed their name to DFA (Death From ABove)

Altho yeah a Game is meant to be fun, thats the good thing about CS... sometimes lol


Oh ffs, the Clan we was meant to be playin tomorrow (C56) have decided to give up, so the Team that was playing them is now playing you guys instead :(

So that means i wont be playin i think :(

GONNA TRY and see if i can do it tho. heh


Wow, I leave my home for a day and I find all you people flaming each other when I get back...


Now, now, altogether for a group hug. Even the American guy. Just mind his head, it's a bit big, and quite hard.

No, not that head... I doubt he has one.

Ok, now everyone repeat after me.

"Camping is not a sin. Rushing is not a sin. Shooting people - is not a sin. America, well... even God makes mistakes..."


Barrysworld Guides

Three words come to mind..
easy to understand, simple to comply with.

dollysh33p: LOL nice one :D


"Camping is not a sin. Rushing is not a sin. Shooting people - is not a sin. America, well... even God makes mistakes..."

Dollysh33p shall be now known as:

The Reverend Dollysh33p


Originally posted by tomjeffs

If you think you have the mental capacity to continue this thread, please post a constructive response. I won't hold my breath.

I'm still waiting, you 'dumbass'.


Not seen him online at all lol since his last reply a few days ago..... lol


Lol throddy, ya beat us :(

Ah well next time when i play (I make sure i do) i'll give ya a bigger run for ya money :D

(BTW to all final score was 14-9 i believe to {KEA})


yep it was a good game , they caught us out in the first round with a very stationary tactic (ahem) , but we gave it back to em in the 2nd round :)
Shame about the silly acusations being thrown around by a certain person ... o well there u go :)

Moving Target



Yeah.. i believe there was some accusations... but i know too right about the Skill Level of the Certain person questioned.. lol


Ouch.... im currently in the process of gettin my head kicked in by my Cl over defending the "Person in Question" :D

He says im takin sides and on yours over his... ohh dear :D

Moving Target

Encourage the other clan members to mutiny, and to overthrow the captain (CL)!!


Well m8 you know me, and I think you know the person concerned, and theres no way any of us would cheat. To say so is just silly. We've played other matchs and been beaten , and we have the good grace to say well played, these people wouldnt even speak to us after the game had finished. It really was a bit sad.
Ive seen you play and you're a good representative of youre clan,
and frankly I thought we might loose today, but we didnt we won, so what it could have been the other way around. I dont know why some people have to be so silly.
You're not sticking up for the other side, just being straitforward.
Oh well ... :(


Yeah, he said stuff like, someone was behind a Crate and next min "The guy in question" come up and shot him without knowin he was there, and, he chucked 5 FB's up to the attic and you still managed to kill them, and in the 2nd round pistol round "The guy in question killed 3 in a row"

Its all Silly as ya say..... i know you guys dont cheat, but sometimes its hard getting it thru to people that a loss is a loss and you have to re-think your strategies for next time....

Now he's even sayin he doesnt want to be part of anymore Clan Matches........ Its..... ah best not just incase someone sends somethin about this


Sounds silly :/

/me fluffles KEA members and Super_Gray :)


OK then, for the record, this is the SECOND clan match we have ever played with hossies.
We were a bit suprised when the enemy tactic turned out to be hold the hossies in the end bit of the sewers, all 12 rounds or whatever. But never mind maybe thats how its played :)
End of the first game we'd done a few victorys, but the score was 12-8 (i think ) to them.
Well, with our turn as t's we had to return the complement, and put all the hossies in the attic above the garage. And stayed there. I had a score of 7-0 after the first two rounds with a deagle. I do recall them throwing fb's into the attic, but there was 3 or 4 of us in there, you're not going to blind everyone. I remember hiding behind a crate at the back and seeing fb's going in, but then just got up and shot them. I personally didnt consider this a particularly good way to play the game, but sauce for the goose and all that...
Anyway at 9-0 we came out and charged about, and lost that round, so returned to the attic for the last round, finished 10-1.
I remember 1 of our players getting 3 0r 4 from the roof, but other than that nothing unusual at all. I really think that guy needs to calm down :) As for not even speaking after the match, jesus is that how it is in CS? I do hope not ...
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