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Originally posted by tomjeffs

The German scientists didn't really have an option. They were considered 'spoils of war' by the allies, which is why the USSR was able to take some of them back.

America, neutral! That's the most ignorant statement I've seen you write! Do you expect us all to forget what happened in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs? What about Vietnam? Defending helpless civilians - or trying to stop Communism in it's tracks? There were countless violations of the Geneva Convention in the Vietnam war, yet has any American soldier or General been indicted? For that matter, do you think it ever possible that a US citizen would be tried for war crimes? Don't make us laugh.

America can't help 'savouring' what it needs to survive. It is the only remaining superpower on this planet, the most powerful nation around, and it uses this strength, its incredible manufacturing capacity, to push other nations around. You say that it is neutral, then you say that it is generally neutral, capping it off by stating that it 'leans toward sides'? Can you make your mind up on that one?

From the replies you have given us, and the anger you have vented (even though I have restrained myself from insulting you), I get the impression that you are about 14-16 years old, permanently sat in front of your computer playing games, and downloading porn.

I doubt you have the mental capacity to even research your answers to my statements here, before you embarass yourself can I suggest you take some time to think about what it is you want to say.

Play it safe - refrain from insults till the big boy gets beat. I should research my shit? talk about hypocracy, Mr i think phillips invented the CD. Sure, you probably know more than me about politics. considering you're twice my age (im not giving u credit on determing my age, seeing as my birth date is clearly stated in my info) one would expect you to know just a little more than me about history (math is my major).

Considering you crawl around these forums almost 24/7 like a freak with your photograph for all to see, a porn addicted gamer would more accurately describe your lifestyle. The nasty skin structure of your face must be a result of thousands of hours infront of a computer monitor. Be careful while look at em porno pages, ejaculant can destroy a perfectly good keyboard if it gets inside (logic suggests).


Originally posted by Da_TOAST

LMAO first, its quite obvious that USA DID send the first man on the moon, not the USSR. If Europe is such a great continent, why do Germans move to the united states to work for NASA, then!? America doesnt savour any country. It's like the police, its neutral. Well, generally neutral. It does tend to lean towards sides.

Never said they didn't send a man to the moon first you fucking retard who can't comprehend English.

Moved....hijacked more like :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Da_TOAST

You claim phillips was the company that 'invented' the CD-ROM. Erm, NO. The CD-ROM was introduced as a new form of storage and, just like the DVD, phillips along with other companies were the first to invest in this new technology.

I think if you check hard enough, you will find that it was Phillips who first invented, than developed, and finally patented the CD format. They also hold the patents for all the data storage methods currently in use. If this is not true, than can you tell us who 'introduced' it?

Originally posted by Da_TOAST
Maybe germany didnt start WW1, but the war DEFINITELY originated in europe, not here in the land of freedom. That brings back good memories. The Canadians were notorious for being the best fighters in WW1! The damn brits sent our pple in the front line of fire to take all the heat, and we overwhelmingly kicked ass. Ever heard of Vimy Ridge? What about the Canadian who figured out how to neutralize mustard gas? or the canadian who invented penicillin?

Land of freedom....hmmm........ask an African American if his Father, or Grandfather felt 'free'. Better still, trace his ancestry back to slavery, and then consider 'Land of the Free'.

The British command at the time sent not only Canadian soldiers over the front lines, but did manage to send nearly 3.2 million soldiers of the British Empire to their deaths. I think you might have been watching a bit too much Brad Pitt if you think that US/Canadian soldiers (or should I say subjects) were any braver than the young lads that Britain sent.

And since when did Alexander Fleming become Canadian? Considering he was born in Scotland, and grew up in England, I think he will be turning in his grave at that statement.

Originally posted by Da_TOAST
Also, who in the right mind wouldnt want US to invade IRAQ. You think hitler the 2nd should be able to roam free and build all the nukes he wants so that he can test them out on his own people? Society needs order. order needs rules. rules need police to enforce them. The US is the police of the world whether you like it or not!

Hitler the second? Who told you that? What business does the US have interfering with the affairs of a country thousands of miles away? For that matter, if human rights are so important, than why not attack Russia, for the crimes committed in Chechnya? The US likes to imagine itself as the world's police force, but the reality is somewhat different.


Originally posted by Da_TOAST

Play it safe - refrain from insults till the big boy gets beat. I should research my shit? talk about hypocracy, Mr i think phillips invented the CD. Sure, you probably know more than me about politics. considering you're twice my age


Considering you crawl around these forums almost 24/7 like a freak with your photograph for all to see, a porn addicted gamer would more accurately describe your lifestyle.

That says it all, you must have been about -2 years old when the CD was invented (1983 I think). How totally stupid of me not to realise that, how could I have been so silly? Of course you would make wild assumptions based on guesswork, doh! How could I have been so blind!

Ahhh, the lamer's retreat, the last post, with nothing else of relevance to say, he resorts to - what? Gracefully backing down? Accepting his losses and leaving? No, he demonstrates his intelligence by offering lame insults, trying to say that my avatar of Davros is somehow a picture of me. Do you think that insults me? You'll have to do better than that.


Well done Da_TOAST you easily got first place in the fucktard awards....everyone, a round of applause for Da_TOAST the



So your saying avatars represent our true appereance? Tom looks like whatever the fuck is in his picture, I am an ensemble of A-team characters and *shudder* david hasselhoff, and you, you are a piece of toast?


I R Vegitto, Fearless Fighter for the Universe, from Animeee :p


I havent read this thread all the way through, but I did reach the point where its sais europe is less civilized...

I agree 2 that...europe suffered ww2 about 50 years ago...and it has alot of ppl with ntionality issues...check out france...

and about what u guys have 2 say about israel and palestein...
unless u guys live here u are far from knowing whats going on here, and takin sides will be idiotic..


Originally posted by Super_Gray
I R Vegitto, Fearless Fighter for the Universe, from Animeee :p

From Dragon Ball Z, numpty. :p


Originally posted by Ozric-Tenta
I havent read this thread all the way through, but I did reach the point where its sais europe is less civilized...

I agree 2 that...europe suffered ww2 about 50 years ago...and it has alot of ppl with ntionality issues...check out france...

and about what u guys have 2 say about israel and palestein...
unless u guys live here u are far from knowing whats going on here, and takin sides will be idiotic..

Depends which part of Europe it is that you are talking of. I could just as easily include Mexico and the Carribean in North America, as a counter-claim.

Please do tell us about your country, I for one am very interested. I only know some of the historical facts, and my opinion, so your contribution should be very interesting.


I've had enough of just reading this now, so here is my list of "reasons why Da_Toast should stfu already"
Originally posted by Da_TOAST
AMD, Sony and P4 are american companies, although they have manufacturing plants in Japan (again, cheap labour).
  • Not P4 muppet, Intel.
  • Sony isn't fucking american you pleb. -> "Sony Corporation of America, based in New York City, is the U.S. subsidiary of Sony Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo."
  • Japan != Taiwan (etc.) Since they're one of the worlds economic powers you saying labour there is cheap makes me laugh.
Originally posted by Da_TOAST
You claim phillips was the company that 'invented' the CD-ROM. Erm, NO. The CD-ROM was introduced as a new form of storage and, just like the DVD, phillips along with other companies were the first to invest in this new technology.
Wrong, Read the first sentance of (for those that cba to click it says "In the early 80's when Philips first invented the CD ROM it opened a new chapter in digital storage devices.")

I would go on, but there so many holes/mistakes its laughable. So, Da_Toast, do us all a favour & shut up.


You know we all knew he was an idiot when he started on his "cs lessons" posts.


lol thx for the support guys, if it wasn't for free speech I'd say ban this fucker


oooo can i have CS lessons from the mighty toast man?

i've always wanted to know how hostages follow toast when he speaks such shit.

instead of "ok lets go" its "sod off am i following you"


Originally posted by Da_TOAST
Id go for a Sony CD-Player over a Phillips one Any day - who in the right mind wouldnt?!

You might have a Sony badged CDROM, but there is a very strong possiblility that the drive mechanism is actually designed and made by Phillips. Seeing as they manufacture most drive mechanisms these days.



Its imposible 2 live here normaly...
for example in our indapandance day, a time where every1 goes 2 party in the streets, all of the events next 2 my area of living were included a preformance of a couple of freinds of mine...
i couldnt go 2 a party next 2 the dead sea cuz of this situation.

basiclly whats going on here is a shame, no1 likes this shiat, and believe it or not....most of the ppl i know pitty the plestinias...after all they are leaded and brainwashed by psychopaths....
so ofcourse we force with them. why do i need 2 see everyday in the news that 10 kids my ages got blown up trying 2 get a pizza...

its not the solution? then what the fuck does the usa do in afganistan? we have no pride? what we dont get killed after offering arafat a land over the camp david talks?, we gave guns, we give food we give electricity, jobs, water - that we have non of anyway...
so fuck them, they wanna blow up kids? theyll get it so deep and hard unless theyll know 2 stand up for themselfs and kick their psyho leaders like arafat and nasrala who are just plain terrorist that should be killed...

we survived all the attaks of arab nation at once, we will survive some pitty ass terrorists who think they can mess with us.

now that jenin shiat? after the so called "amssacure" (spell-fuck it) did every1 notice how theres hardly any terrorist acts in israel latley? sum it up, that killin that took place there was pure terrorist killing...

its so easy 2 blame israeli for anything, but no1 looks at what we did for the palistinians...and they fuck us in the ass anyway...

about the ww2 thingy, well year u are right, some countries werent involved...but most countreis over europe still have an "old fashion" way of thinkin...its not necceraly mean somthing bad but when it comes 2 nationality it sux huge cocks....


Originally posted by Ozric-Tenta
its not the solution? then what the fuck does the usa do in afganistan? we have no pride? what we dont get killed after offering arafat a land over the camp david talks?, we gave guns, we give food we give electricity, jobs, water - that we have non of anyway...
so fuck them, they wanna blow up kids? theyll get it so deep and hard unless theyll know 2 stand up for themselfs and kick their psyho leaders like arafat and nasrala who are just plain terrorist that should be killed...

we survived all the attaks of arab nation at once, we will survive some pitty ass terrorists who think they can mess with us.

now that jenin shiat? after the so called "amssacure" (spell-fuck it) did every1 notice how theres hardly any terrorist acts in israel latley? sum it up, that killin that took place there was pure terrorist killing...

its so easy 2 blame israeli for anything, but no1 looks at what we did for the palistinians...and they fuck us in the ass anyway...

I can understand your anger, to some degree. In the UK we suffered from terrorist attacks (although not suicide attacks) regularly, although not as much as you guys. 7 miles from my home the centre of Manchester was destroyed by a terrorist bomb.

What I'm trying to say is that ultimately, military action is unproductive, and will not provide a solution. I wouldn't get too confident about Israel's security. The only reason, the only reason you are still surviving as a country is because of the support of the USA. Were that support to disappear, Israel would too.

I don't want Israel to vanish, it's the only country with a stable democracy in the region, but you have to be realistic and recognise the amount of vitriol stacked against you. I hope you don't suffer any more terrorist attacks.


Oooh yay, another thread degenerates into a pointless kiddie spamfest :/
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