Bye :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
arnt u that tit mate of zugis than chain adds on everything and spams rude when peeps add on him?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Bracken said:
Many people have very vocal and different opinions to me (not surprisingly :) ). But if someone makes a reasonable pm or point to me I'll respond in kind. Muyls pm (Muyl being someone I've disagreed with a number of times in the past) was perfectly reasonable and didn't warrant that response.

I never actually got to see the response so can't really comment on how reasonable or not it may of been.

Admitting they screwed up shouldn't be neccessary. GoA buckled under whine from Albs and nothing more in an attempt to try to keep their subscription rates as high as possible. To the point they made a complete U-turn to what they had a few days earlier said was acceptable practice. I can assure you the conversation at the GoA headquarters wasn't "was it against the spirit of the game" but how can we appease the biggest complainers in an attempt to save profit margins. They got banned because enough people whined, and for no other reason. If enough people whined about you adding on them and you got a ban for it, would you turn round and say yes I was wrong, despite GoA saying adding is ok previously? This is no different.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
^^ who needs statements from GOA when we have such a fooking genious mind reader in da house.

ever considered you dont have a clue?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Golena said:
If enough people whined about you adding on them and you got a ban for it, would you turn round and say yes I was wrong, despite GoA saying adding is ok previously? This is no different.

I'd not be surprised if plenty of people have whined to GOA about me adding on them ;) If it suddenly turned out that adding was no longer acceptable from the company that actually runs the server then I'd take it on the chin. Saying that GOA simply buckled under whine doesn't wash - it's an easy thing to sling as it's something they can't disprove. I can fully see why they came to that conclusion (but then I'm bias, as are you) - although I don't agree with banning over it. An official statement of policy for future reference would have been enough.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Luz said:
Ehh so anyone can get banned for anything and just refer to "the spirit of the game" then?

Do GOA grasp how a simple rule-set works?

Officer : "Hello there you are going to jail for 5 days for breaking the spirit of our country!"
Person : "What!?"
Officer : "Just come with me now"
Person : "What, tell me what I did exactly?"
Officer : "You sold your car too cheap."
Person : "How is that illegal!?"
Officer : "It cannot be easily defined - just come with me now" <handcuffs person>

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Luz again. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
censi said:
you are not sorry to see it end like this. You have made more fuss about it than anyone. you are the epitome of a clueless idiot. for the last year there has been absolutely no point for either hibernia or midgard to take relics from albion. And to be honest there is very little relic activity (or one hell of a lot less). This is so great for the spirit of the game knowning that the ultimate end game is pointless because ANYTHING you achieve will be insta reverted the next night. Another reason why players are leaving left right and centre.

When Mastard came back to hib he was like shocked at the lack of the end game, and made huge sieges every night in primetime.. It really got people out playing again and was great fun. The only problem was whatever was achieve got reverted the next night by CM. AFter 2 weeks of that we gave up. Same for mid more or less.

So gratz on your moral victory in the name of the "spirit of the game". What you can see from this post is the majority (even albs) think this is complete horse shit... and it will just cause more people to /quit.

once again gratz to you mully defender of the realm. you fucking lemon :)
something happend when you moved mid! now days i just look for youre posts :) :worthy: and i agree 100% whit you on this.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Requiel said:
Right. I am going to make one post and one post only on this topic. I will not reply to PMs regarding this and I will not enter into a discussion via RightNow except with the accounts concerned. Also I will not disclose logs or discuss details of what sanctions may or may not have been applied to various accounts.

Spirit of the game is a very subjective term which is why it isn't down to any one person's point of view. The English team discussed the incident and we all came to the same conclusion. This is not about any one GMs personal feelings or ideals, it came from a discussion about whether this sort of behaviour should be considered acceptable or not. Downgrading the keep isn't against the spirit of the game neither is refusing to defend it. What was the sticking point for us was the combination of intent and action. The intention was clearly to sabotage their realm and the efforts of those who had taken the relic.

I'm not going to get drawn into a debate as to whether or not 'AC raids' are a good thing or not - on a personal level I don't think they are, however from a professional level they are an entirely legitimate part of the game. Players have several means ingame and elsewhere to make their feelings known and make their stand on either side of that argument. You have the right to attend or not to attend a raid or a defence to attack an enemy or to leave him be. These are things that are personal choices and have little effect outside of a very small sphere of influence. No guild or alliance however has the right to undermine the efforts of their realm though. If you don't agree with the way the relic was taken then that is fine and you are fully entitled to your opinion, if your guild happens to be paying the bounty points for the keep with the relic in it then by all means hand the keep off to a guild that doesn't share your views on defending the relic, you do not have the right however to unilaterally sabotage its defence. The relic does not belong to you or your guild, it belongs to your realm. Acting against the interests of your realm in a material manner is very clearly against the spirit of the game, a line has been crossed hence action has to be taken.

Regarding the application of the spirit of the game clause in other situations. I've seen people compare this to the 'adding' issue. The same rules apply. You are not obliged to attack an enemy or defend a friend. You are not however allowed to actively assist an enemy against your own realm. By design the game gives you very few ways in which it's possible to do this, marking friendly stealthers for an enemy is pretty much as far as it goes under normal circumstances. The issue of releasing keeps for iRvR is a grey area which we look into on a case by case basis (and yes, people have got into trouble for that in the past when it was clear that they were crossrealming), however that does not have the same impact that offering a relic on a plate to the enemy does.

Ultimately the game is about 3 realms fighting. If people keep that in mind, they are unlikely to find themselves in trouble.
Another post by requiel I'd wish I could give negative rep for. :( :( :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Banning people for a game mechanism is fucking stupid ... I know other guilds have done the same but not gotten Banned tbh Goa are digging their own grave imo. 20-30 ac raiders whine and you jump like a fucking monkeys.
Youre statement are clear, dont play the game how you enjoy it,(and thats leagel ofc.since nowere in CoC saids u cant have a keep on lvl 1) /stick some nonworking nowlife shitbrainer and pve evrything.You might say its not the spirit of the game bla bla bla but thats all to the person behind the computer i can rewel for you that zerging and Ac raiding arent the spirit of the game either imo.So what ya gona do next Ban people for not attacking evrything whit a Red name ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
Another post by requiel I'd wish I could give negative rep for. :( :( :(


this "spirit of the game" bullshit is the thing killing daoc. its about time to revise it, adapt the game to allow the different playstyles to play a part in daoc without interfering with eachother - but ofcourse, goa will just ban people, say they don't want to get drawn into an argument they know they will lose, and even mention themself they disagree with AC raids.

what you should do is work together with this community and put pressure on mythic to think twice about how they are developing (read: destroying) the game currently - not, like you're doing right now, enforce a policy you know is wrong and avoiding any discussion about it.

but whatever, good job on worsening the shit reputation you already had. daoc deserves better! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
lol should be the fuckinkg wankers who take relics at night who should get banned :(


Dec 22, 2003
Well I got to page 3 and stopped reading.
While I sympathise with the people who have to suffer the perma-insta-AC raids, and even think the course of action Asha and Sollers took was quite funny and probably a good idea. You also have to consider things from the spanish perspective.
From their pov, middle of the night is their primetime. I can see quite easily how it must look like their hard work and effort is then being wasted and messed up because someone downgraded a keep.
Look at the situation from the other way around. If TT and BF had organised a primetime raid, got a relic and popped it in a spanish keep (whether or not this would ever happen is irrelevant), only to wake up the next day to discover that the spanish people released their keep and it was retaken in the middle of the night. I am 100% certain there would be a furious flame thread criticisim whichever guild did it.
<shrug> I cant say I agree with GOA, but at the same time, imo you should be less infuriated about it considering how the situation would be if positions between the FH community and the spanish community were reversed.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Tilda said:
You also have to consider things from the spanish perspective.
From their pov, middle of the night is their primetime.

Wth? Spain is just under France, Tilda!



Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
GOA is good.. Goood..

It takes a while for people to understand it. After a few hour sleep they are sober again, you will see.. :p
What will these players do when their RR11 chars are deleted with GOA and they has to start over? Kill theirselves im sure.. :p

Ps. Once again these after 9pm posts of my. Ignore me... xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Tilda said:
Well I got to page 3 and stopped reading.
While I sympathise with the people who have to suffer the perma-insta-AC raids, and even think the course of action Asha and Sollers took was quite funny and probably a good idea. You also have to consider things from the spanish perspective.
From their pov, middle of the night is their primetime. I can see quite easily how it must look like their hard work and effort is then being wasted and messed up because someone downgraded a keep.
Look at the situation from the other way around. If TT and BF had organised a primetime raid, got a relic and popped it in a spanish keep (whether or not this would ever happen is irrelevant), only to wake up the next day to discover that the spanish people released their keep and it was retaken in the middle of the night. I am 100% certain there would be a furious flame thread criticisim whichever guild did it.
<shrug> I cant say I agree with GOA, but at the same time, imo you should be less infuriated about it considering how the situation would be if positions between the FH community and the spanish community were reversed.

yep, spot on


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Requiel said:
The intention was clearly to sabotage their realm and the efforts of those who had taken the relic.

I heard they are on vacation now, resting after the huge effort. :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I've actually worked it out and it does make perfect sense.
Why we didn't realise it sooner is beyond me, GoA have actually taken the perfect action everyone has just been too stupid to see it.

If you ban enough albs eventually the population levels of the 3 realms will balance out and the hibbies will have a chance again! Looks like the albs still have too many people online, maybe wearing plate armour should be against the spirit of the game as well? Inconnu really have no place in medieval Europe either, lets get rid of them while we are at it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
sorry lad.

I do think GOA did right.

you are maybe sincere in a sense that you thought that you were acting right.

goa did what i expected them to do, and I might have quit if they didn't react by saying 'this is a no-go'.

Sad to see it end like this.

and you a rr11 wizard running in rvr with a di bot close to a twr and leeching and adding on everything with two legs and a pair of tits isnt against the spirt of the game? its a absolute disgrace that sollers got banned. if anything its wankers like you who should get banned.
thank god i play on the american severs and dont have to put up with wankers like you or goa for that matter.


Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
Golena said:
I've actually worked it out and it does make perfect sense.
Why we didn't realise it sooner is beyond me, GoA have actually taken the perfect action everyone has just been too stupid to see it.

If you ban enough albs eventually the population levels of the 3 realms will balance out and the hibbies will have a chance again! Looks like the albs still have too many people online, maybe wearing plate armour should be against the spirit of the game as well? Inconnu really have no place in medieval Europe either, lets get rid of them while we are at it!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Alan said:
Maybe you should be playing CS if you want an 8v8 (or similar) style game.

After playing on the USA servers for a few weeks its clear this whole 8v8, "dont add" is a euro/uk thing only. Im really enjoying just jumping on in and thwacking the red names.

Noone ever considered you as anything but a useless zergling though so there is no real surprise there.


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
so alan is trying to compare CS to daoc?if he is then he should buy a clue

If this aint what u ment and i misunderstood i appologize


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Mm tilda im spanish and i dont play at 4-6 am :/ i play at the same hours as ppl consider prime time even earlier :/


Dec 22, 2003
Dre@d said:
Mm tilda im spanish and i dont play at 4-6 am :/ i play at the same hours as ppl consider prime time even earlier :/
Thats fine, and will be the first person to admit that my post is very generalist. It naturally dosn't apply to all spanish daoc players. However my perception is that the main issue seems to be parts of the english community vs parts of the spanish community.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Do u really think is spanish comunnity who lead( or who most participate) on those ac raids? I dont play albion but i know that its not like that, CM ( as a example ) have nearly more non-spanish players than spanish ones :/


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Tilda said:
Thats fine, and will be the first person to admit that my post is very generalist. It naturally dosn't apply to all spanish daoc players. However my perception is that the main issue seems to be parts of the english community vs parts of the spanish community.
ye that great apart from i know a few member of CM are dutch ..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
erh.. spanish primetime is same as UK or am I wrong, maybe its one hour more - but last time I looked Spain wasnt halfway around the globe !??


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Golena said:
I've actually worked it out and it does make perfect sense.
Why we didn't realise it sooner is beyond me, GoA have actually taken the perfect action everyone has just been too stupid to see it.

If you ban enough albs eventually the population levels of the 3 realms will balance out and the hibbies will have a chance again! Looks like the albs still have too many people online, maybe wearing plate armour should be against the spirit of the game as well? Inconnu really have no place in medieval Europe either, lets get rid of them while we are at it!

lols, have a rep cookie xD


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
anyway, all this talk is rather pointless, the damage has been done and people have moved to better places, i do feel sorry for the ones that are left but i think its hilarious that you get people like pip coming on here asking for people to come back. tough shit lads you did the damage now reap your rewards (a dead server)

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