bonedancing teh movie


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
MaditioN said:
wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn wajn and wajn

such a full [insta]description in [insta] your post [insta]


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
Bonedancers are op and a retarded class but they are not impossible to counter.
Running 2 casters vs 2x instant interrupt on 4 sec reuse which can perma interrupt those 2, is really stupid.

And please dont compare bainshee to bd. Bainshee dont have banelord, they CANT MOVE and interrupt people (which increases tank dmg output on him alot)

The biggest problem hibgroups have is that they dont interrupt the sms enough, it's not the bd.

It's not like your group instantly wins just because of 1 class, spend more time adapting less time whining. And dont run with a fking useless class as WARDEN!


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
very nice movie imo. not many bd's can interrupt 3 people all at once, really liked the speed in which you target things aswell, especially with the retarded targeting system we have now.I dont really care what people say with easymode and such its still very nice playing . Skill is skill .


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I must say i think u play that bd very nicely. Good vid that shows what the class is capable of, in the hands of the right player;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
noaim said:
But are all variables equal if you, lets say, get a good jump because you got better speed + sos? Or if you get ns on mainpac and the curer gets interrupted?

For all variables to be equal - quite obviously - everything has to be equal, ie. same movement speed, head on inc, same rr's and no/same ra's down etc - NS on pac would be due one of the advantages in a hib setup, and not a variable. Obviously, as stated before, all variables is never equal though. But mid has the edge before you account for variables.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
So mid has the edge before you account for variables, however, hib has the advantage when you do account for these? That way hibs should always win if they have more variables in their favour, given that both teams play equally good.

You guys have a lot more variables in your favour and should therefore win every fight, but with most RAs down it's reversed. So if you count your variables - variables that the mids can't even afford to spec - before every fight, you should be able to do the maths on whether the fight was determined by skill, class setup, or variables :p

Variables would also be computer specs, connection, since FPS and a good mouse can determine the outcome of lots of things..

Mids should always win given both groups are R1 and they play equally good each time, but the current situation is that your group (edlina) should always win because of the "variables". Another point would be that high RR means gaming experience and therefore a higher RR should play better than a lower RR if they are equally "good" irl ? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
maybe contending with it, but summin nf has done is make alot more grp setups more viable. Instead of the same fotm grp setup uld see again and again from all 3 realms. Now most set grps out have diffrent classes in groups and can all have the capability of beating each other without being too gimped. Ofc there is a certain conbination of classes from each realm that is the best, but its alot harder to see what that is as other classes can compete for spots better now as compared to the 4svg 3 healer 1 shaman era.

overall though mid is slightly better:p but it is statitically impossible to get perfect balance when each realm has diffrent tools.

agree that nf made more grpsetups work but still 1,62 or whatever it was maby 1,64 after savagenerf asd nerf la nerf etc the realms "opted" setups were atleast as balanced as they are 2day


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Target selection for Albs and Hibs is perhaps a tad more important than it is for Mids thats one thing I think that makes things like this argument occur.

If when we (as Hibs) fight Mids we can kill the BD pretty swiftly, we do far better. If he gets free and causes mayhem, then its that that makes it feel a lot more oped than it might be.

Anyway, really sad arguing over who's best players/realm in a video is like my dads car is better than your dads (I'm dad and mine sucks!). The guy moreorless infered he was doing it to provoke. ;)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
duact said:
agree that nf made more grpsetups work but still 1,62 or whatever it was maby 1,64 after savagenerf asd nerf la nerf etc the realms "opted" setups were atleast as balanced as they are 2day
ofc they were balanced if you played with savagegroup!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Maril said:
So mid has the edge before you account for variables, however, hib has the advantage when you do account for these? That way hibs should always win if they have more variables in their favour, given that both teams play equally good.

You guys have a lot more variables in your favour and should therefore win every fight, but with most RAs down it's reversed. So if you count your variables - variables that the mids can't even afford to spec - before every fight, you should be able to do the maths on whether the fight was determined by skill, class setup, or variables :p

Variables would also be computer specs, connection, since FPS and a good mouse can determine the outcome of lots of things..

Mids should always win given both groups are R1 and they play equally good each time, but the current situation is that your group (edlina) should always win because of the "variables". Another point would be that high RR means gaming experience and therefore a higher RR should play better than a lower RR if they are equally "good" irl ? :p

Well I don't think that rr is = skill, there's plenty of examples which prooves this point wrong.

But yes, we have the advantage with rr etc, and yes we should win most fights when we have ra's up - regardless of wether you have yours up or not. RR (ra's) is one variable we'll always have in our favour while we're higher rr, unless the ra's are down ofcourse, but yea that's definently a variable that in most fight is to our advantage. And yea, I think we should win by far most fights vs a decent pug, like at least 75% of fights or something, but we don't cos ppl don't play, and when we're a pug (you didn't fight our group yet, cos hasn't run since before classic) I don't think we should really, even though we still have the rr advantage.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
tihi, nice vid :D you play well which is all that matters imo, cant do much about classes and there is no reason to not play a BD when they are fun to play and also very potent in the hands of a good player.

BD is fked up but so are many other classes aswell imo, we cant do much about it other than adapt and try to find ways around it. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
all this talk about variables and shit is irritating :p its a game fgs :p not a disgussion abuout how the universe was formed.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
Theoreticly the BD can interrupt a couple of chars, but doesn't always work that way. Just root 3 people close to eachother and spam disease VF, there you got it! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
If you get the right players on the right chars and they find the best way to handle things like a BD or whatever, there will never be a problem. And a char that is OP will never be OP aslong you handle it the right way thats my way to se things.

Experience is better to have in you backpack then RR. You dont need the RR if you and the rest of the group do the right things RR is only a bonus.

If "you" are interupted you play wrong, dont get interupted as a support/caster and you play right (hardcore warning?)

Ofc there is other things that can fuck things up, for example the setup that the group have. Some types of setup doesent work so good against some setups that the enemy have due to abilitys, play style, range on spell etc etc BUT if you handle your cards right you can stil get them down.

Dont take this the wrong way this is only my way to see things :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Maril said:
Theoreticly the BD can interrupt a couple of chars, but doesn't always work that way. Just root 3 people close to eachother and spam disease VF, there you got it! :)

i can just feel teh funnay dripping off you! funny how point of view changes according to which realm you play. but i bet you have lots of good reasons for going mid, hib being easymode and all :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
Mid is more fun and needed a challenge VF, what else can I say :touch:

oh, NS is just soooo OP.. remedy :puke:


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Profion said:
If "you" are interupted you play wrong, dont get interupted as a support/caster and you play right (hardcore warning?)

heh, you never played anything else than mid or what? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
It´s BDs RR5 ability

RR5 Bonedancer: Bonedancer appearance is changed to skeletal form for 60 seconds to confuse enemy. When in skeletal form, the Bonedancer has a 75% chance of out-right resisting Nearsight and all Crowd Control spells. RUT: 600s

Damn wish my hero has something close to that useful, or the Bards RR5, compaired to this those both are just a laugh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Konah said:
any grp that runs with a bainshee has nothing to complain about bd's tbh.

haha, anyone saying that is as qlueless about the class as you could ever be tbh!

Bainshee is nice, but compaired to a BD rofl imo!

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