Bonedancers are sickening...


Kerram Darktyde

Originally posted by Kurfew
Ok started reading this long post..then got bored and
skipped to here

Bd the new Necro in my opinion. We always need some class
to whine about, till they get nerfed :( then on to the next class

cant speak for high lv Bd's as not faced one with my necro.

but been playing with them in the Bg's with my Friar, agreed
i got owned at the start, but now i use a different tactic which
results in dead Bd..

when moving to engage i hit attack then target the healer pet
as i run past it. automatically hit the pet (which then starts to heal its self) switched to Bd,who has usally life tapped me twice.
2 or at most 3 strikes later Bd dead :) with no heal from pet as its delayed healing itself, and i hit the Bd for 190+ damage per strike
this tactic has worked 5 of the 6 times i have faced a solo Bd.

So in the case of the Friar Bd can be beaten fairly easy,

Deni Moore Friar in Thid
Kurfew Necrofilliak 49.9 Necro

Grats , for an alb you are a smart one :)
/bow you used your brain which most of the whiners here dont seem to be able to do..

and as for the one key comment how does that differ from the PBAEers of ALL realms...

Necros were not nerfed they were fixed (its called an exploit by Mythic).. all the necros that used the Eploit should be happy thier accounts were not banned...


Originally posted by Nightchill
your posts are far too reasonable to belong here eben. begone!


I probably will be!

Seeking new guild.


Originally posted by Nightchill
join GoP :)

I'm looking for:

RvR with guildies - with an attempt to make best grps possible but not refuse someone because, for example, group wants to wait for 1 hour to get a sorc for the perfect grp;

PvE - Sidi raids and the like with no scam loot rules

Fun - no power trips from ppl

Available crafters


Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde
Grats , for an alb you are a smart one :)
/bow you used your brain which most of the whiners here dont seem to be able to do..

and as for the one key comment how does that differ from the PBAEers of ALL realms...

Necros were not nerfed they were fixed (its called an exploit by Mythic).. all the necros that used the Eploit should be happy thier accounts were not banned...

Quite right - I'm a pbae'r and a 1 button abuser :)

Similarly BD's are not a problem for me to kill - its not like the life drain is gonna 1 shot me and a caster who trys to melee a pbae'r is gonna eat dirt quicktime not to mention the pbae mangling his pets and preventing them healing him even if they could keep up with the pbae damage output (which they cant).

Finally, there is an oft forgotten reason why you only see supp bonedancers that nobody has mentioned - the other two specs are bugged to hell - pets that wander off or start fighting each other can only win in rvr if the other side is too busy laughing to fight :)


the only things worth mentioning in the dark line is the very nice body debuff when combined with supp spec. Or the AE DoT,the only AE that a BD has, except the focus snare (which is soo crap its unbeliable).

while supp spec gives you:

healer pet: only good pet the BD has.

buffer pet: Only good solo because it likes to break mezzes

focus snare: not gonna bother with this 1.

hp buff: ok buff, until the pet gets attacked

ab buff: i hate this spell, i really do....uses alot of mana and only last 10 mins, and no1 notices it

insta: only dmg spell in this line, does about 300 dmg. (ohhh scary) i admit, the fact that its a insta lifedrain makes you survive a bit. Can increase dmg by using body debuffs


Rein/Nonn I suggest you get to 50 and actually play the class in RvR before you start defending it so vehemently :p

Insta Cast (no need for moc, amnesia doesnt work, no interrupt in combat ... ) + Lifetap (instant 200+ heals every 4 seconds) + 300dmg (to your enemy while you are running along after them with an end regen buff so they cant escape because OBV your nuking breaks their speed) + 4second recast (dont forget you can nuke and dot at the same time as using this because its INSTA...) + 2 pets that heal you, themselves oh and dont forget to heal the tank pet that does styles... !!


all i am saying is that all these call for nerfs will make the BD soo useless its unbelivable.

the healer pets are bugged to hell and back, the DOT is pitaful when comparied to the shaman base line 1, and the baseline nuke takes up loads of mana.

the only half good spell the BD has is the insta, and the dmg + life it gives back is nothing comparied to a dark SM.

if they nerf the insta to a 10 sec timer, mythric would have to give the BD a extra spell to make the class fun to play and useful to a team. Or boost another spell.


Reinnon, what do you think about necros? If you think BDs is correct now, then you should vote beside some boost for necros. They got (their well deserved) nerf - LoS - but now, they are useless sh!t.

So if my cow died, than your cow should have died too. :D


Originally posted by hangianix
Reinnon, what do you think about necros? If you think BDs is correct now, then you should vote beside some boost for necros. They got (their well deserved) nerf - LoS - but now, they are useless sh!t.

So if my cow died, than your cow should have died too. :D

Erm nope... put a necro in rvr team af debuff=BANG overcapped hits ^^

A friar was hitting 700s non crit with necro debuffs...


I still seeing more BDs out there than necro tho. :)


Hey mids if you get pissed off with zerging in emain just create 2 fgs of bds to match the zerg:D


the only half good spell the BD has is the insta, and the dmg + life it gives back is nothing comparied to a dark SM.

The difference here is that once someone breaks on the dark SM he is interrupted and can't do anything for at least 4 seconds, by the time his interrupt round is over so is the timer for the insta lifetap. Its really sad that there is a class now in this game where all you have to do is run around and spam your lifetap to eventually kill your enemy since they can't kill you back because of the healing pets.

Oh, and Kurfew, try interrupting all the healer pets they have by level 50 :)

Its truly pathetic that this class was introduced, I cannot beat them one on one unless I get the drop on them (i.e. I'm conventiently behind them) I'll need to be a full bolting rage to kill them, but unfortuntely because I'm grouped, my second bolt will almost always be blocked or miss. So my first bolt hit and my second didn't, the BD uses /face and runs at me, insta lifetaps and gets back a few hits. By the time I have fired up my nuke his pets have already healed him considerably. The nuke doesn't even go off because the lifetap interrupted me, so I try to quickast the nuke, it goes off, but as it does, the BD has already got off his second instalifetap AND started nuking me with his baseline nuke.

Even if I use MoC, which costs 24 REALM SKILL POINTS in total, I still can't kill him because my nukes don't do enough damage in enough time to compensate for the lifetaps and pet heal spam. AE them you say? Yeah, AE does what, 250-300 dmg on the centre target and takes 4 seconds to cast? He can cast an insta lifetap for every AE I get off.

My heart really does bleed for bonedancers when they have to use that awful, awful conventional baseline nuke like many casters have to use, gosh, it use up so much power!

I can also testify that the problem isn't inherrently with my wizard. I have a level 17 Cab in BG0 who repeatedly gets pwned by BD's, he's body spec so I use AE disease, then set my pet on his healer pet (ruby sim so it nukes him) and get a lifetap in on the BD. All he has to do is use /face and insta lifetap me for an interrupt. Then the same follows as with my wizard.

I've also tried killing them with my infil, but he's only level 16, and tbh, I'm not that good at using a melee class since I've played casters for a year and a half.

Anyway that's my two cents.


I think the main problem with BDs is, that they can run around, nuke at will (every 4 sec) and interrupt every other caster except for QC and MoC. So you can't run and you can't kill them at range, one on one.

So, probably a solution could be, to make the Supp Spec LD a spell with 2 sec cast time, but uninterruptable by damage. It would be like an innate QC for the lifedrain. Reduce the recast delay from 4 to 3 seconds.

But what does this change?

Well, first of all, the BD has to STOP, to cast it, which prevents the well known BD tactic of just running around/following an opponent and nuking every 4 seconds. Opponents could escape by just running away.

Secondly, the BD could cast the lifetap effectively every 5 seconds, 2 second cast time + 3 seconds recast delay. To compensate his damage loss of 1/5, the LD should even be made a little more powerful. But in this 5 seconds between the lifedrains, other casters can cast spells on the BD.

Thirdly, the BDs will probably behave more like pet classes and less like berserkers, going straight into the battle and attacking anything that passes their way. They would probably start to use their pets to interrupt other casters while staying away from the front line themselves.

To sum it up, I don't think the damage output of BDs should be reduced ("nerfed") in any way, just the way they output their damage should be changed, so that at least running away from them is possible.

Just my 2c



I think your idea is interesting Berfidel. I agree that nerfing the lifedrain to 10 second recast would gimp bonedamncers too much probably, but your suggestion seems a bit more sensible. I would be tempted to make their LD interruptable.

I also think that the healing pets should have to cast conventional heals - i.e. they have to be stationary and can be interrupted.

The problem at the moment is that once you get into melee with a bonedancer, he can still win comfortably. You try and nuke but he can interrupt using his lifetap, he can still win comfortably. You try and stealth him, his pets heal and /face + insta lifetaps you, he can still win comfortably.

I don't have a problem with a class being good solo, but it's irritating when BDs can win 1vs1s so easily.

One last question, why go for the commander, I can't see what it achieves? Wouldn't it be better to take the actual BD down as quickly as possible?


i can live with that change on BDs. doesn't really nerf em.


BD don't really need instent LD, Cabbys, sorcerers and SM seem to do fine without them and they don't have 3 extra pets to help them. Couldn't the LD be on a 2.5-3 cast time?


u would have to increase the dmg of the LD if u do that.


Lets see, cabbies have nearsight and a very power ae dot, spiritmasters have pbaoe and a castable ae mezz, sorcerers can choose yellow con pets, 1850 range mezz and higher damage nukes.

Bonedancers can have lifetap and 1 level 41 pet, and 2 level 37 pets, any other spec isnt viable enough to use.

Give bonedancer pbaoe, or the same mezz line and range as a sorcerer + an at least decent specline nuke and sure the lifetap can go.


Originally posted by mid-sinister
Lets see, cabbies have nearsight and a very power ae dot, spiritmasters have pbaoe and a castable ae mezz, sorcerers can choose yellow con pets, 1850 range mezz and higher damage nukes.

Bonedancers can have lifetap and 1 level 41 pet, and 2 level 37 pets, any other spec isnt viable enough to use.

Give bonedancer pbaoe, or the same mezz line and range as a sorcerer + an at least decent specline nuke and sure the lifetap can go.

OMG you want stealth and plate armor on bd's too? :p


omg.. seems like albs are crying again... nerf nerf nerf nerf.. lol.

albs have got all the luuve in the latest patchs... i would like to say nerf sorcerer for their Mezz range. nerf minstrels stealth, ae mezz and 9 sec stun, climb wall and their dd upgrade. NERF FRIARS.. hit like a polearm armsman,buffs, healing,self haste buff. self end regen.etc. NERF IT ! lol... nerf thergists pets range and you cant either mezz em or root em.. NERF IT NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF... yeah NERF IT!!!......oh btw NERF IT!... NERF.!...... well NERF IT!... omg nerf it ffs... ffs :puke:ALBION get a grip.. and stop whine FUCKWITS!... just cuz mids getting luuve for once.. albs start whine...!!! :mgwhore2::knight::mgwhore:


I don't know one other class that is invincible. Bonedancers are unless you're feeling lucky and brought friends.

I couldn't even kill a green kobold (level 15. I was 19) with critical shot.
The skeleton heals him, and he heals himself. At least sorcerer's die. Friar's armor is weak and if you see a minstrel stealthed I'm gonna begin to wonder.

Kerram Darktyde

BDs are not invincible.. anyone with half a brain can take them out..
it is RvR you idiots not 1 vs 1 else I want everything nerfed to the level where a healer can win (as in kill) anything else one on one

Get a grip and use tactics

if you a Armsman and a Merc vs a warrior and a Healer and you only went for the warrior and obviously lost.. you guys seem to be the type that would whine and ask for the Healer or warrior or both to be nerfed coz they Owned you..

Use tactics, a healer cant kill a Infil one on one
but the Infil can kill or at worse not die to a healer one on one..

If i see a sorc do i go fight the pet??? no i use tactics and somehow stop pet (mezz/stun) and beat on the sorc.. IE use TACTICS..

BDs have power bars you know.. they do run out... they are not immune to stun, mezz or snare. thier pets are low conn and the healers are flakey.

yes one vs one they are tough one of the best in duels but someone has to be.. heck get a bard to beat anything (other than another bard :) ) in a duel ( i suppose they might be able to take a druid maybe) but do you hear bards say they want everything else nerfed so they can solo/duel anything and have a chance of winning..??

Grow up, play the game , stop whining and trolling!!!


Originally posted by Edaudric
I don't know one other class that is invincible. Bonedancers are unless you're feeling lucky and brought friends.

I couldn't even kill a green kobold (level 15. I was 19) with critical shot.
The skeleton heals him, and he heals himself. At least sorcerer's die. Friar's armor is weak and if you see a minstrel stealthed I'm gonna begin to wonder.

so... hmmm... you attacked a level 15 Bonedancer, and his healer pet healed him? I'd report him for bug abuse if I were you... Healer pets are level 18...


Eh? That healer pet (fossil something) was gray, meaning it was probably level 14.


Ah Kerram, so the l337 taktic is to zerg the bonedancer then? Though so.


Originally posted by Kerram Darktyde
BDs are not invincible.. anyone with half a brain can take them out..
it is RvR you idiots not 1 vs 1 else I want everything nerfed to the level where a healer can win (as in kill) anything else one on one

Get a grip and use tactics

if you a Armsman and a Merc vs a warrior and a Healer and you only went for the warrior and obviously lost.. you guys seem to be the type that would whine and ask for the Healer or warrior or both to be nerfed coz they Owned you..

Use tactics, a healer cant kill a Infil one on one
but the Infil can kill or at worse not die to a healer one on one..

If i see a sorc do i go fight the pet??? no i use tactics and somehow stop pet (mezz/stun) and beat on the sorc.. IE use TACTICS..

BDs have power bars you know.. they do run out... they are not immune to stun, mezz or snare. thier pets are low conn and the healers are flakey.

yes one vs one they are tough one of the best in duels but someone has to be.. heck get a bard to beat anything (other than another bard :) ) in a duel ( i suppose they might be able to take a druid maybe) but do you hear bards say they want everything else nerfed so they can solo/duel anything and have a chance of winning..??

Grow up, play the game , stop whining and trolling!!!

Did I forget to mention another Bonedancer, this one level 19, killed 3-4 of our people trying to swarm him?
And thinks don't own me. They kill me.

Also, if you go for the bonedancer, it's healer and warrior will die. The Healer wont die if the Warrior does. People know that.

I forgot to add that Bonedancers is an overpowered class. Your comparison to it with a bard is just stupid.
It's not all other classes overpowered towards the Bard. It's the Bard's that's weak.

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