Kerram Darktyde
- Thread starter
- #121
Originally posted by Kurfew
Ok started reading this long post..then got bored and
skipped to here
Bd the new Necro in my opinion. We always need some class
to whine about, till they get nerfedthen on to the next class
cant speak for high lv Bd's as not faced one with my necro.
but been playing with them in the Bg's with my Friar, agreed
i got owned at the start, but now i use a different tactic which
results in dead Bd..
when moving to engage i hit attack then target the healer pet
as i run past it. automatically hit the pet (which then starts to heal its self) switched to Bd,who has usally life tapped me twice.
2 or at most 3 strikes later Bd deadwith no heal from pet as its delayed healing itself, and i hit the Bd for 190+ damage per strike
this tactic has worked 5 of the 6 times i have faced a solo Bd.
So in the case of the Friar Bd can be beaten fairly easy,
Deni Moore Friar in Thid
Kurfew Necrofilliak 49.9 Necro
Grats , for an alb you are a smart one
/bow you used your brain which most of the whiners here dont seem to be able to do..
and as for the one key comment how does that differ from the PBAEers of ALL realms...
Necros were not nerfed they were fixed (its called an exploit by Mythic).. all the necros that used the Eploit should be happy thier accounts were not banned...